Tauhernikau Saturday, and Mon%&y- .'-.'■ Armamento was not started at Opaki. The Feiiding. roan horse, Maidi.'won a double" at the -K-iwitea. They have" backed St. Killian t\\rice and he has taken out twice. ... .Sherlock Holmes seems to be get-, ting back to his best form. Merrie Rose was backed > Very ■ spiritedly; "on both. ; daysat'Mastel'ton. Seaman must "He" m a class* aboyij ■iffie owiiftary:- hacks over distances, up to a mile. " •' " ; ' ; The owneii of Seaman was present at the Mas'tertoa meeting to. sec his horse win. ' ' , _ -. . Stepping . Stone, by Stepniak-Se^-OiUJnj is now trained; by J.JLowe at Trentham. •' '■■■■ s • i 1 t \ Kaiuku was a hob order for the. Final ■ ■ Handicap at Masterton,,- but there it ended/ • ... ....^ •■.-• Mi- P. Hartshorne's /casl>o!J,' Snip, was given a run at Kiwitqa, | arid scored injthe Maiden ..".rate. : .x". . A ; f\ill-'br6'ther.tD Poseidon will, he offereil- at . the. Randwick sales.; 'next week! He will bring. some. '^ '_..; . ■ ■;., Captain Shannon hai been sold by F. .MciGrath,/ and Itho .Cap'tainjii.Webb ■horse:, is how ...owned- by ■,■&■.. . A. ;;Con-i -.nollyr •.•'. ■ h\, ',-..- .""•/ ' . .-;, .'.i; •. : Realm is engaged m the Sydirey Cup, 1 two rtiiles; . to be run- on Mon^ ; day, .The."c x j jumper has ,7-l'Q !. to carry. ... . ; . ■..,,..„• .."' ■'. .-.. ' ".^\'-; . ■'• . Yo« can look to Handsome Rbse.ito Win again on the flat as his form on the., second day' at Horowheni|ia" was too bad to be true. , . - : - '••" ■ ■■[ ;i '■]. ;■; Blue Spec's win m the Place-Han-, dicap at Iflic y.^iC. -meeting was ; 'the . first achieved sinos . he won Mel- ; bourne dupan, ll)os; ' > -'/-.<■ -^ ■■■'■'-:■:'..■'■ Masterton form -was. iunnyy'vNiqtptha won the, ''b-ig^, .race pji ; .the second day; at DannevfrKe)''.yet^ne; tailed to get a ■ place-in a hack race at Masterton. . There were a lot 6f dead 'utis .'.in the Das-h ..Handicap at Opaki. v som6. of. them, yrere resurrectei;) thb,follpwih.e; nighty but then only one could win.,"- -,' . '•-- '. : .• ' ;'. . "-.. The stable double, Stronghold and Chryseis, has ijeen'- backed for a lot of money for the double at 'the Riccarton meeting, cpmmehcing on Mohda'y next. j That s good jud^e, Jim Bull,: who usually does not keep a horse unless he is some good, took Makino to' the Kiwite'a meetirip: and won the ,Welteif ■ttaiidicap; 'J, v .- ;: ..;"'.:, ■'. ' j^-'.,.^. • ißeresina/ -iw'iflner., pt the •(Ja-klefgh Plat©'' was reoently offered for.,. sale' Aft ■-.i ! sptß»%-. but 'tho^.hMr-^^ers asked.'KOiP , jguwieas^ : the maire/Was pass^d.,ih. \ ;i ..>. ,'^.iv! . : ,. ' ,.. "'• -' ,'.,.'• ' S<|rap Iron Jack' his owner^ B; Searle, and jockey, J ., McOuire, weie disqualined for twelvfe months for inj consistent running at the Southland •meeting last week. , ; Dan O'Brien left for Sydney last week by, the Warridnoo; .1 may; be Wrong, but I 'have an idea that he 'wi/ll : be a "bu,yKC at ; some of the year■iiri'g-" SJiles at Ralidwick. •■' . •Platypus showed a great turn ;of sjiißed for >.&. bit ' during the.runnihg of the March Hariddcap., and when Bob Knox puts, the pficcfes.iln; it js any odds fihat he #ill. take put, ; i Realm's' starting pri(»; in tHe ; Australian ; Cup .was 9 to Xi. and,: -not:* s as was .cabled : previously. -.Punters Who received. S's from the bopk-^ makers are entitled to another ppu*hd^ A private letter .-by. the owner of Mahutonga states that ' Met G-rath is, very pleased, with .the condition of the "chestnut's , leg; ..and: he is to be put into ; commissi^; Jpnce..- ./o. s" yk'---. -■'■' : '-' ■ '■::■ '•". ,"\ '-\k': :j-. In the; Autumn Steeple ,qu the. Jast da^of ;tke;-y.Rid; meetitoß;yp^tO-date came to grief ; over- >dne -. of th^fencesifTbis was the korse's first mTstake ; op. ■the; pfbher v side.;. A ■•;■>,';• ; - v : - Secretary^Wihyte; ■ of, the.^¥R.<*.,; had the' misf ortune 1 '■*break-''. a ■ peme m h ; is' : 'Wrist last week,- but •:- the .-in-' jury wias. noj; ?6f ;'a'very' serioUs mar' ture, and he Was able to take .command as uSuaL -."■•" -■•■■•■-.- , What a ver/ bad judge, j,-j. ; . north; is calliog, some of. our^ VTpmttneis" bookmakers. They are no more- der j serving of that title" than he is,: bpcause'j tkey simply- won't 'bet-f'to-morrow is Sunday. ' ■;■.■-'*■■ The owners of .Tilson and Varia-' tioh eaph zave . their horses good: chances 'of ao^miag Ijayania - -m Hurdles,- but • the "heaids" -thought otherwise, and went for- a "plunge" 1 on McPJierson's mare, who had been: singularly . neglected by punters forj previous few ■meeting^'i ':••■-- ;;. - ;- '"^h'e Hti'tt ; mentor,;. 1 Vji: p'avies/ has been very consistent lately, and hl.s ; charges haye v been occupying very; prominent positions at the finish' of their races. Not a little *of the sue-: cess of this stable is due to the fact that -they have first call on the ser- ; vices''of one of the most astute lit-, .tie men connected with the game, George, Price. ; An Auckland' punter writes to complain that he- had a bet with a -bookmaker, and before the advertised time of starting the race he asked pe'rmissidn to change the bet, which was refused him. He speaks m very disparaging terms of the bookmaker, and asks for my opinion on the matter. In the strict letter of the law the bookmaker can refuse to change a Wager as it takes two to make \ a bet and two to cry it off, but I do not rememeber a similar case where a "Tommy" refused to* accommodate a client. • However, the punter has his remedy, which is to bet on the "nod" m future, anq then he will have the bookmaker under his thumb and will get every civility from him, as the "Tommies" only talk Mr when they have the punter's money, not when they ihave got it to get, which is very 'often, ■-..■--.-• -. -
Feilding Cup on Monday. Riflemaid has now won three Cups. There will be twelve meetings In New Zealand 6ft Monday next. Mataari is coming back to form, and might score during the holidays. C. -Jenkins, G. Price and A. Oliver are all riding very consistently just now. , . ;'■ ■ J. Hathaway purchased Oryx at the Opaki meeting and got his money back first pop. Wailethe carried a lot of money m the .Telegraph Handicap at Masterton but failed to run into a place. There is a general impression m Wellington that Royal Blue will win the Easter Handicap at ■Tauhernikau. A' Hawera correspondent advices me that Climax will cop at Feildiitg, or/ at worst, keep the opposition ver.y ; busy. ;•'■■ ■ ■ ''■'. ' ' Mr S. Gibbdns, who was formerly a prominent figure m racing circles m, arid around Marten died 'last w€ek. , ". ' ..:' . '. , " . A special train will leave the Manawatu station at .6.10 a.m.' on Mpiir day.' and run right through to Feiiding. - . Paddy -McLaUghlin's immolation was a very strong- order for the big race at WaipaWa, Mt Pantaloon , settied het.ha-Sh. :. v ' . • ;..' ■ The success' of Merrie Rose atvOpa- j ■ ki -will ~serve -to draw attention; to E»gjish Rose -at ;;Ricc.aEton, • on Monday or Tu^day,;.. c ,.. r .. : _ _;' > Te Aria, with Q, '"Hirst in' the saddle^ jwas,;friade .^a 15; 4?6n fairorite m the.- Ladies- Bracelet a'i- Masterton and hie won easily. * Somebody m town krieiw all about Gaelic oh; -Friday last, and they put a poultice ; On/him: ' One bookmaker lost £400 over the race. Maluita iniade 1 ataeri'&s; fdr his defeat the first day by romping home m the Telegraph Handicap. His owner supported* hi'ni well on- both days. Coxswain riiade his fijfsf appearince on the . West/ Coast ;aFthe"Westßprt meeting Jast jSatUrday, when he ran second to; Sylyerie m the Railway Handicap..-. ', : ; -' " ; -" ■In Att^QOd's stables at Feiiding there is a more .than useful pr-ad called Prixie, -who is going to win, a , race when needed , and that may be . a.t Feildmg. .;• . ■..! -.-.... ' • Oryx and Te Kainui meet on the : .same terms ; at : TaUherhi'kau as they did on the second, day ; at, Masterton •when tlvo.race was productive of such) a good ftnishi ' ' . The Challenge-S takes will be run oh •■ Tuesday*.' '' Great interest centres on the 'raoel ! as the>two champions, «-.Achille,s and Tsolt,' are |: expected to oppose eachyother. ' ' St. ,Kiiliiin's iv /lprm ; .pn the. second • di-y at ( Mas4?ertpn was -'ill' marked oon-' ' trast to\tha,t; e^hibitejP by him on . the opeiiin^>;;day . ■ ' . The same thing hiappened at xiannevirke. ; perhaps his ■ owner .^^U- now aonslider the adyisability,of '6'alling Mm Secundus. . MatyellQu.s' i>he arguments that take place " bverii/lro! riterits; Or. otherwise of a handicap. jiet;\; Tfihje; "bookmakers argue one tyay iinjl ifchS pivnters another. The' fprmeplik'es the man who conceals' r the 1 winji^r; "knd the latter the' Mk% #ho lets f! thei' favorites flop up. V"* ■•'■■■■ :> ._ ,;,. .•'•,:'.'.■■.,."■ ; ■ '. ' ■", The CharAp'ioix' 'Stake's recently Won by DividMd, is rentjaLfkable for the number, of ! ; Vhp£ses wiho' have been placed jn. ft. cigti three' ; or fdiir occasions. 1^ Oar¥ine Was- twice first and ' t>hce- third','- and,. s^Ve^ others have Perhaps t^enipst unlucky competitor waS- : ,Volunteef, who ran three 1 times m fMr' fears;, ' but never '. got any ■ closet.- ■ ■ ! ' ; ;/ ■■-■.;'■';■"'.; The Masterton Club; were favored With fine" %satEer. -anil a" good attendance,; at .their autumn meeting. The; sum 'of £12/764: was put through the .machine^ Tne, hew 'secretary, Mr A. Hathaway. 'carried out, his miultiferious duties m a thorough, manner, and not 'a, little ; credit is due to him ' for the success of ;• t\\e: meeting. He oertainiy created ; a very favorable impression Upon everyone, and it is t» be hpjwd that he will, have many . ipore such .jnfsetinga. ; . .." r , Noctuifor-nj!- remains a mystery, to .all iihoee connected with him . That he gave a wonderful, trial prior to the Windsor ."debacle" admits of no doubt. Yes, w« will be glad to. welcome Hewitt, as,. these little side, issues of : a.^r'abihg iea^oti hel^tomakeit very attractive. ; ..vLucieh Lyn'e,., theAmerican rider, who was over here a ' |ew • seasons -buck, will probably .fix up with ,^ord Ca'rriaryon onarriyal' at the "end ,bf^ the -'ppesent. : jrnpnth* ;i JLyne is a gOpd hqisemah . ahd a. nice lad, so should '4bttoi<n plenty of pat-; ronage;— London . Posei3on , cot a severe hiding with . the . whip sin. the Champion 'Race. ' Both' Wis trainer, EarnshaW, >and jockey.; ;Cliiyton, h^d -always, asseverar: j ted that the: colt never- really galr loped until the; Whip was applied l to; him, but. he*made- little answer. to it last Saturday, >and, indeed, wa.s right spun outV\yhen, ; pivddend ohaMenged. It is iqiiestionable.; v indeed,; it such ' a severe ordeal ■> will not be too mUch for the great' son- of Positauoj ptd--it" will be interesting to note how he shapes when next he is fair-' ' Lyifequeezed.'^Mel'bourne "Truth." '■; : The ■following- cullfed from th« L<>ni d;ojn ' *Stanidaiid;, • " yill ' be of interest tp^ :; coionials :~pne 'pf the mpft ihteres"fiftg riiinov' features, of tho ' coining : rdtirig se.asp.n will : be. to see the i CSloirial. 'jockey Hewitt . renefw.. } afc-,. !' miaintanoe : wi-th Noctuiform. . Mr James Bublianan ,has engaged H«w.itu , ioi 1907, aiid inasmuch as the lattet [ was on the New bred horse ■ ; when he Won several of his races, it caoinot but tend to good. Many | horses possess peculiar ,tem'perai«entsv j - jittd are very' sagacious' m knowing riders and pthbrs. Tljey ate said to have as gpdd memories as elephants for. individuals. There are innusner-, al>le ihJStaiiees," .the nibst. notable^ Of wfoch was, perhaps, Diamoiid Jubilee. Whether .it ,!be- thp, • sense of Vlsittn, touch or 'smell lian never been conclusively ascertained, tout I should be iricHned to think that hearing was the most impot'tant factor. A horse possesses the latter faculty to a marked degree. They have, since time nnanemofable, been wonderful sentinels, even if on occasions they have given secrets away by giving answering neiefos to an enemy. The ■ sense' of hearing was 'very strongly developed m Pretty Pfilly. When m heir box ; with doors closed, the mare knew the sound of Mrs GilpU's foot- . steps,' even when that lady was a hundred yards away. Of course, ex- • pectation of a visit— and su.ear— may i have.acoentuated thr anticiption. 4 but ' | as tlie visits were nof made |at exact times, it was somewhat reImarkable..
Te Kainui changed hands at the Masterton meeting:.
Full Rate and Montigo is the favorite double for Feilding.
Kai .Err in is stated to have improved out of all knowledge.
Shrapnel is now being trained by Tommy Williams, at Ellerslie.
The Doncaster Handicap is to be tun . to-day. Collarit may . win.
TTie winning double at Ohinemuri paid £404: 2s on the totalisator.
Old Blazer is entered for the Welter events at the Manawatu meeting.
Jos. Prosser left for Riccarton on Monday night with Achilles and Marguerite.
Dividend is the sixth horse to have won the Champion Stakes on two occasions.
/ .Mahoe won the prinoipal event at the Warrengate races, and Dalky won the Hurdles.
Kuroki, who met with an accident some time ago,,, will shortly be put into work again.
: C.J.O. Great Easter comes up for decision on Monday, the Great Auumn on Tuesday.
Tenakoe was racing at Flemington during the progress of the Autumn meeting, but showed, no form.
. lOhoorka is evidently nearly himself again, as he has been nomina/tcd freely at forthcoming meetings. ■■
"Hikuai, who recently passed into J. Qhaafe's. i*iands» /wo,h - tjie Final Handicap at the Thames; meeting. ■
The . Wanganui-ovirned ►Irish "Rifle, . . a r half-br other to Shrapnel, W6h a double' at the Warrengate meeting.
Anemone, who won the- Maiden race at Warrehgate, is owne^by a steward of the . Wanganui Club.
Pierre won the Steeplechase at the ( Thames meeting. . I wonder; how many, races this old (battler ices won now.
Charley Jenkins' left for- Riccarton on Tuesday -night to rid^ Achilles and Marguerite m their final gallops,
. . The old jumper, Kanaka,- bobbed ; , up serenely at . bhinemuri the ,Q|iher:;d;ia,y, where ■','■ the black gelding "won . bpth junnpihg eveiits
The sairie old balderdash, about jockey's rings is .-being, renewed, again.*,;lt is an- .annuai vi affair/ and it dies out. .mrickiyV -•■■'•.;. -V-
White Star should be hatd to beat* on. Monday, at Patea, • It's, up to his owner "Ike" Hardley to have a turn from forturie ? Sf wheel. ; ■'„,',: Prophfecy; Who 'won the , r 'Guineas at Kalgoorlie, was taken tp the other side by Jack Rae some twelve months ago* or more* "■■ ;■' "'
Captain Shannon, carrying T.I, maa mile race .on the' last day of , the V.R.C; • Autumn meeting, was well backed, but ran very poorly.
-. The 'Canterbury .'horses"; 1 Seal, Rock and Field Gun 1 -;- are. :' libminated for the Chaimpion' Hack : Pkte at ";the: Awapurti • meeting neit • m<inth / . ' ' ' ;
Ellis has been' handicapped folr.'Hhe Dphcaster Handicap and Sydney Cub; but the Hotchkiss ; colt is also engaged m the St. Leger, ami may be; re^ served to oppose Poseidon. ' . - v
First class nommations/haW been received 'by the . P^lanerstOn Club. The position hoW r A ests ■^rith' Mir Jl E. Henrys, arid it Is not tP6 ' : inii<Jli to Say that that official .tfill, not' be found wanting. ■' '"■■•>-■.*•• < •_ ■■•■...
Apologue's name ap^eai?S. am6jbg,the; entries for the A.J.C Platfe, tV be fun next Saturday. '-As the ' distance is three miles, the" New Zealander Will probably be missing when the b-arriSr is'^&b go. ';' *'■',"•. ■-..-. ;V'A- ' s? - ; "Piain Bill" Millen no longer traind; St.. Claimer and 'St Maria. Rumor says that before departing Sill took it Out of his bpsses' hide, but the truth of this assertion canr not 'he vouched for.
The black mare, Devonia, broke it for a Win at Masterton When she secured the Welter Handicap on the Second day. She does not win very often, yet she always has a good Weight on her back. . .
Up-to-date was m the lead , when he fell m the Autumn Steeple, at Flemihgtan. ! The St. Hippo' horse had gone fvbput two-thirds of : thc journey, but was not jumping m, his usual style ; at any stage of the race.
Truce passed through the city on Tuesday, en route to Chfistchurch, to. fulfil,^her engagement m the Great Autumn .Handicap. The Graftonmare W>ill have' the - seryice^ of A. Oliver, Who rode, her; tp victory m Wangantii.
The .pony,. Frederiok, who ran unsuccessfully at Mporefield^ three -Weeks ago ,, wqn ■■ the . Flying HandiGap at Haw&esbury. .last Saturday. The Spult'pohy, is' a rare good one, and is^sure. to gain f urtb;er ,;fame among the Cornstalks,, ,. >^hat gooil sport, Mr Jas. Bull, of HupLtervnie,.vWas in* his- element at ,War_reag;ate,. where - Mahoe won the Cup, andiafteL" -.the rad = c Mrs Bull Was presetitedr^itli ■••the Oup ;by the President * of V the , Club ; aiid the good .lady's better half made . a very good speech, but pressure pi space will not permit of its boing printed. , «
The l&igllsh horses, Rhubarb (by Per^imimoTi) and Curtain Lecture (by Ugly!, have made a favorable impression on the other side by winning several moderate handicaps. The horses were picked up cheaply by Messrs Watson and Guttman, of Perth, W.A., who intend to seek for further bargains m the Old Dart.
; It is almost certain tlvat the orders given to Clayton; the jockey of Poseidon, m the Champion Race brought about the defeat of the colt. And if waiting instead of forcing tactics had been pursued, he w<»uld probably have won easily. It was indeed setting Poseidon a terrible task to take on, m turn, two such proved stayers and thoroughly seasoned horses as Proceedor and Dividend, and it was no wonder he failed. His defeat, however, m no Way alters the fact that he is a phenomenally cood colt.— Melbourne "Truth."
Latest reports say that Isolt is an unlikely starter m the Easter Handicap.
Early m the week a very strong set was made for Munjeet and Seal Rock for the C.J.C. double.
A party who recently saw Mr G. M. CurrieV filly Wy Seaton DelavaM Miss Evelyn, iriforftis me tha^he/ never saw a better looking foal.
I hear that Munjeet is only just recovered from an attack of influenza,! and if the report be true, this speedy mare can be left out of calculations for the Great Autumn.-
Sid. Reid will be engaged with several mounts at the Tauherenikau meeting, and m his absence from Riccarton, Mr Bidwell's colt, Elevation, will have the services of A. Oliver. Should the San Francisco colt leave the barrier a Vail smartly he should be very hard ' to beat i<n the two-year-old event.
Abercorn" writes .—Poor old Aohilles has been the chopping block for handicappers for years. Some of the handicaps would disgrace a Chow. Munjeet beat Achilles at Feilding when m receipt of illbs, Munjeet beat Achilles at Manawatu, receivoiig 91bSj aoid Munjeet won .cleverly on both occasions. In the Ohristchurch drreat Easter Handicap, of seven furlongs, Achilles has the crusher of lOst 2lb, and Munjeet only 9SVSH), Surely there . must . something wrong. Does it hot seem like asking the owner of Achilles to stay away from the meetiaig. . About. 51bs. allowance would be ■ thing ,ovsr such a distajnce. He is not improvtog over short distances ; could. pnly get third at, Wanganui m a three-quarter mile tace. '
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NZ Truth, Issue 93, 30 March 1907, Page 2
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3,046NEWS AND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 93, 30 March 1907, Page 2
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