CDtES OF KIBNEY DISEASE Prom Mr. Thbnas H. Boach, 2i Margar«t-sfcMot, Eaaore, Sydney, N.8.W., 19th March, 1906. ' v About seven years ago my little daog^tfir, jacw toa years of age, coiiiirfi«ied searleb tovcr m a very severe form. ' She recovered fc«tt the fever, bat h»r oonstitutioa was left rory weak, and some years later she began to sufi»r fpom Blight's difleaw ef the kidnoys isd dropsy. Her appetite at first became very caprieitUs, thun. her body and' head began to swell and her face became pallid. .W« were alarmed by her ceaditiaa, especially when the doctor, after a thorough examination, ptonaunoed fcer to be saffioriag from Bright'a Oisoase m a bad form. She was taken to the hospital, wfeera her disease' was pronounced by the doctor to be quite incurable, and that they cotdd de nothing for her. Her urine, by analysis, showed much albumen. We tried, every possible means: of allocating hoc cafEesngß without result. It was an awful aad anxious time for as to sco her dying and to be able to do nothing fee help her. As a last resource we decided to give her Warner's jfafr Gore, having .heard snch good r«porfc& of . the effioacy of that metikane. Wie result pnwed. the reports to be correct, for after she had tak&a one bottle we w*ro delighted to ' find the medicine was doißg her good. We persevered with the medieme, and she continued to grow better and stronger. Every week.ab.owed great mprovemaat. Bepeated tests proved that the quantity of albumen m her trrine was decreasing. We continued to give ha WazsoE*s Safe Cnre until ail trace of albumen and sedineAt haohdiaappeand, ttd aft signs <rf dropsy had left her. She has bow fatly regained h«t health and strength, Kod looks iHore robust than any member of Hrn famity." . From MiasM. Cornish, Storekeeper, BM Hiffh-stteet, Bew«g^ Vie.,. 24th August, 1936. " For many yoare past I had been gufferang from kidney cesiplaant. The pain ia my bade aad sides was so intense at times liat I could not Jay dowa, aad.alaep was out of the ■nadaem, whilst food was revolting to me. I also saffered from severe chronic headaches, iw,,ru£ two or three fenes each week. Doctors' medicinosdid rao no goad, so I started t»try (he cfieoi of Werner's Safe Cnre. Soab after coEftmenoing to tako this medicine I obtKßod tdsef, and gradually began to naeod, uiata all psaviad toft me and I' could eat ■aid ate*? without distress. Lan mm ia-fi»e bdt ef heaH*. 1 * ftsara Miss Blizabeth Newbery, Bangot, S. A., 3rd August, 1906. . "3k hope that ethers mayboßefit by my experience, I wish to testify to. what W-ar-*m?a Safe Core has done for me m sajring my life. In October, 1903, 1 was taken ill na& Aroof*/ wh^st awary I ram home. £653 not take much notice of it at first, but soon toocata a> ifl t*u*l had to be r«9a<nnd t© hospital. For ten weeks two doctors attended -to me, a»a Rttest had to confess that they could do nothing for ma, wad that the bsab Bwt- 1 oosfi do w»b to go homo to my pwearte: Timif fully egepected that I shduM die, waAJ.iSk>fxv&, ttte same. I dcc&ed^fofcsaae. Before ltoaving a )«iai6tor advised me t©*ry W^ra«^B^€J«ro,s»san«AataKk»eafl»,tohiß knowledge, had beta cured by tkvtsßa&k*so. Star seven inestiK, aiimt anmng at homo, my Bfe Was hanging by a fe&Med, soa* tfwryene tfew^fct tixat L&#ttn. He.' Often I had sack dSnotllty m breathing tiiat a xe^had <*> be p«B«a threach-^btamia the roof and I had to be raised by that, wiJea*, -vrtfisfe ioMmg <m, I coal A got jsj- Weath. Ai o»« pariad of my illneas I measured foc)^-fonr(44)iEflkee JCTOBdaw^ramt. I tfeea pr«cured * bottle ©f Warner's Safe Cure, so£ iadiag that it iid Ma « fitU. ge«d, loomfaaud to tftko it, taking also. Warner's Safo RBs. Altogether, I t««k ttneteen liettles-of the ■ma'ktTWJ (with fefao pills) , and, marvellous U> bsVj f«»o« than I have been stnm(K a«d have enjoyed better health than over before. JWaracr's fe.fe CWc -ondoufetodly saved wylife^fter the Aeatorg saidthatrlwas incunole." ifam Mr. J. W. Jaetoen, Storekeeper, 87 Mairman^treet, Bt. Hilda, Tic. , 2§th Jwroary , . ? •' 13SS. -■•■■.•• ■ ■ . . ' ' • .. ■ • '"Fer*»nml»««f yeaEfllsafierei-frcnkiiseafleof the WA&eys, which gradually uaflorvned 3tiv health. As the disease advanced I became wenker. I lost all appetite and figfgneoosA extreme wakefnlaeOT ami serveuaaess. 1 had a sinkiiig feekag which increated day tar day, onflfctiag me for oenass «f any kind. When at the werst I comBBdoed to teko *r%acoM's Safe Ocas*. I ntpi&y recovered, and was seen once again ia the (enjoymeat of !a«dkh and swemgfch." ' A treatis* containiag »a»y siimlar le*t«fl and an explanation why Warner's saf e . Cure t&ritim gHHa* a»* li™ dJeeases, and the eSeqts of those iiseases, Bach as Kheumatism, Ck>«t M^^rdtria, liusdtago, Sciatica, Sh«i ©-Borders, Aneraia, Indigestion, Biliousness, XvaaAtee, Qwwi, Bfeooe and Bladder Trembles, will be sent pest free by H. H. Warner laßdCo. Ltd., Australasian Braaeh, Melbourne. II I'JiYtJISI AN EXTRAORDINARY FREE 1 11 4 ®! OFFER FROM THE OXFORD ijiW >-«U| A LADY'S 0B GENT'S PDRP I WxxQrml solid silybb watoh rivEc. [ N^^^2sii^' Id order to introduce our Catalogue into every uome and to advartlst 4 *- our firm.-we have decided to absolutely give away 1808 of pur Famous Solid SilvfifWatehdsdJftdy'sordlettt's). Onr business m Mail Orders. Wewaat your orders, and we want OTnnronetorecoivo "onr CftUlosue and our Grand Ifree Wateb Offer. Send postal note for 5s far on^n? onr M«°Hal Trial Order Parcels of Jewellery ihaWa cv Oenfß), containing six useful a»d SSrtiJoniiWfl ArtleloH of Jewellery. Brooches, Pendants, Greenstone Olnmns, Tie Pins.liinks.ete., and X% sencl "of. t" h tl.^VprceJ the above liberal 0//.u-. Satisfaction fluanmtaed, or money retnriioil. The Oxford Bazaar, 59-61 Oxford-street. Sydney, N.S.W.
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NZ Truth, Issue 90, 9 March 1907, Page 7
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941Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 90, 9 March 1907, Page 7
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