Published Every Saturday Morning at Luke's-lai^., off Manners-street, Wellington, New Zealand. SUBSCRIPTION (TN ADVANCE), 13s PER ANNUM. ' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1906.
AN OPEN LETTER TO THAT Holy, Howling, Humbug (Christened and Crowned by a Maudlin Mob "The NefeleH ear ted, the True-Hearted, the Lteii-Hearted ") Judkins.
Judkins : Your name's a painful joke : your "mission" __ farce ; and your face a libel oto. God's creatures, said to have been made m His own image. You are no self-sacrificing, soul-saving saint, but a sanctimonious, shekel-snaring snob. God never made a man so good as you gammon to be. The hagiology contains no such holy hypocrite as thou.* Were it possible that such a snide snufllebuster as you could snoak into "the community of saints," the "whole army of apgstles and martyrs would cast off their halos, unstring, their harps, and preen their wings for a flight to— well, a place where, as Bobbie Burns sang : Damned devils howl and yell, Chained to a stake. • •-.'" •- That, mouthing, moon-struck, madman Metters, who crowned you with a ti-tree scrub and cardboard coronet, and twined a long blue ribbon: round your recreant neck arid contemptible carcase, as though you' were a sort of pragmatical, puritanical prize pig, must have been "poking borak" at you. .What a gay, giddy,gamesome goat you must have looked at the "soiree" of the Sandringham^ Total Abstinence Society's picnic' last Saturday, masquerading : 'before a 'squad of sour-stomached old squaws (of both sexes) m a card-board and ti-tree crown, and a blue ribbon wound round your noble, leonine bust and "Little Mary." It really must have, been, worth a penny m the slot— in the plate I- mean— to see you capering about m such a godly guise on the platform . m the holy harlequinade of that pious pantomime. > The performances of the pineapple-rum-swigging Stiggins at the Brick Lane Branch pt the/ Church of England Temperance Society, or. those 61 the oleaginous' Cfaadband at Mrs Snagsby's tea-party, or: even those of the unctuous Pecksniff - at' Mrs Todger's boarding-house, near the Monument, become staid, solemn, and seemly by comparison with the maudlin mouthirigs of Metters and your own maniacal masqueradings. You are both either mad or mercenary—perhaps a bit of botji. . As regards yourself, you are more R. than P. ; there*' is moire coin-chasing cant than Christian charity m your charlatan composition. People who, m ordinary life, "live on the game," as you seem to do, under the guise of religion, usually wind up m this world either m a lunatic asylum or m a criminal gaol. Not having the gift of prophecy, I cannot confidently foretell where you will' wind up m this world ; as regards the other world, however,, I have a shrewd* suspicion that you will find! your ultimate abiding and proper place inwell, perhaps,- it is wiser to leave the word unsaid.
What I want <to come a* and expose and denounce is your recent cowardly attack op Sir Samuel Gillott concerning that man's financial transactions with that wicked female whoremonger, "Madame Brussels,"- which I ex* posed m the last issues ofMelbourne and Sydney "Truth. " The Melbourne issues of Friday, November 30th, and Saturday, December Ist, contained my Open Letter to Sir Samuel Gillott, concerning his "mohcy-l&nding dealings with this "Brussels" bawd, during .the past 30 years. That letr ter dealt at length with Sir Samuel Gillott's profits from prostitution. * m the shape of usury. It made public for the first time, faqts which the powerful plutocratic daily press had refused to publish at all : and, which you, pusillanimous pietist, and canting cowardly "Christian champion" that you are, had not the courage to proclaim from your puritanical pulpit and puriat platform, until "Truth" tackled the task and made it easy and safe for you to follow suit: "Truth" was full fifty-eight hours ahead of you, although you have the gory 'gall to come forward and claim the credit of the public exposure and denunciation of Gillott's gold-garnering games with "Madame Brussels," alias Hodgson, alias -Pohl. "Truth" gave the full details of the whole dir-ty business from the official records, including dates of the several mortgages on the Lonsdale-street-lupinair, thD amount of interest stipulated for and paid ; together with a plan of the bawdy "Brussels" property. This nroperty was known by everybody, not morally and physically blind and deaf and dumb, except Sir Samuel Gillott. to be the most infamous "swell Society" brothel 'under the holy sign of the Southern Cross.
I repeat that, for the first time, these facts were made public and properly stigmatised m the columns of Melbourne "Truth" on Friday last., the 30th of November. By Saturday afternoon the citizens of Melbourne and suburbs, as well as the residents of the provinces— practically the whole population of Victoria—through the medium of "Truth," were put m posdession of the whole disgusting and degrading story of Sir Samuel Gillott's money-mongering with this s-tale strumpet, "Madame Brussels." In the same way the city and country residents of New South Wales were made acquainted, through the same medium, with the same facts on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last. Before you could muster up courage to open your blatant jaws tb bellow lilc3 some bull-calk or squeal like a pig-sty porker who has. lost grip of the maternal teat, at} least one hundred thousand citizens of the Commonwealth knew tha/t your last "Pleasant Sunday Afternoon" disclosures were, m the way or news, so much belated blather— which, by the way, seems to be the "piece de re« sistance" purveyed by you at all your Christian Love Feasts. Yet you have the chilled-steel cheek to claim thc credit'of exposing "Soapy Sam" Gilioti. and of compelling his retirement from office. Go to, thou wanton Wowser ; . out of thine own mendacious mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked waster. Your tergiversating tongue has played you a dirty trick over t^is bad, black, bestial, bawdy business. You are reported m the press as having spoken, m the course of your Temperance Hall tirade last Sunday afternoon, against the guilty Gillott, as follows :—
. But until a few weeks ago the public at large did .not know- that fhere was another reason, why that charge should be made. Thsn I heard rumors,<and searched records, and the records showed that the man who sat m the Chief Secretary's chair was registered as the mortgagee of a property which is one of the most notorious houses m Melbourne, and had heen for some 20 years. (" Shamo.") I feel great sadness at the fact. The information has been available for some time, and a fortnight ago I decided to speak of it last Sunday, but was absent on a short holiday. Ido not glory m any such disclosure. I have put it oil as long as possible, and it is only because girls are going to ruin every day, . and facilities for vice exist m Melbourne as exist m no other large cities m Australasia, when a strong administrative hand would put it down, that I speak. It no, good purpose would be served by it, I would hold my peace ; but it is so necessary m the publiO interest that this vice should be put down with a strong hand, that I speak.
A nice confession for a saint to make to be sure. I don't hesitate >to denounce, the above statement as an unmitigated lie, and to say that you got your information from Friday or Saturday's Melbourne "Truth," and that the facts, figures, and dates which you read. from your type-writ-ten statement were copied from one of those papers. If this assumption is not correct, you are placed between . the horns ,of a damning dilemma. Choose your horn.
Here is the dilemma, with which your brazen-faced admissions confront you. You are either a prevaricating, plagiarist, a k .i n 'd of canting Christian cuckoo, who builds no nest of its own, but sefeks to lay its eggs m another bird's nest ; or you are a contemptible coward, who has not the courage to do the Master's work until the lions m the path of public probity -and private purity have been first bearded, and beaten back. You say, : m effect, that until a few weeks ago the public did not know of Gillott's -immoral moiney-anongerimg with "Madame Brussels." That may be. so far as the honest, hard-work-ins;, clean-handed, and pure-minded members of the community are concerned ; but, as regards a great many others, your assertion of ignorance of the facts disclosed m my Open Letter to Sir Samuel G-illot, published m Melbourne last Pridav. is a monstrous mendacity. Now, mark, how a plain tale shall, put. you down. The Gillot-"Brussels" dealings are recorded m the public achives, where they were < first registered m 1877, just 30 years ago, and not 20. years, as you erroneously state. Had you searched the records, as you declare you did, you would have known this. So far from the pecuniary partnership between marvellously moral Melbourne's- ex-Lord Mayor being virtually unknown, they were known to the Law Court officials, to nearly every lawyer and lawyer's clerk m Melbourne ; they were known to many Members of Parliament, to the editor^ and proprietors of the newspapers; to you as well as to a great and greedy galaxy of Bible-banging, pulpit-punching, penny-pinching, pelfpursuing, "tray^bif'-trapping, pharisacial parasites like yourself, for many months and years past. What you falsely call. recent rumors of a few weeks' life, have been matters of common conversation m commercial, political, parsonical, legal, and "So-
ciety" circles for many years past. Any nian pretending to any knowledge of the facts who denies this, as you virtually do, m your belated ■Temperance Hall '^exposure," is either a fool of a. fraud.
Besides, you and the rest of the parsonical push knew, and have probably known for a long time; of the existence of this "Brussels" bawdy house during the last thirty or forty years. But the measure of your courage as a Christian champion of public and private purity is shown by, your absolute silence 'and that of the whole glorified '• gang of Wowsers. This "Brussels" bagnio for many a long year has been the principal place for purposes of prostitution for politicians and other prominent public men, including not a: few fashionable pillars of "Society" of the tough Toorak type, Here have been ruined, body and soul, scores of.ivyromen and girls , here have : the fathers ; and husbands, brothers of good women and innocent children, been .robbed and ruined; here, too, have parsonical denouncers of impurity among the people degraded their nature: and disgraced their holy calling hy frequenting this seraglio of- sin m disguise ; land heve, also, have been perpetrated some of the most hideous outrages, cruel crimes, and rascally robberiesever perpetrated m a community boasting: of its Christian- piety, and of its police precautions lor the promotion . and preservation off public morality. ■ ■•• .-, . ' ' : * " * '■■--* ' * Now Judkins, you fcaow as well as I -know, that all this: "Brussels" bawdy business has been ii matter of | infamous notoriety to tens of thousjands throughout 'Australia during the I last quarter of- a. Century. It has been known to.Hhe police",, who have never prosecuted^.' this "Brussels" for breaches of the ;ia\v m beeping "a disorderly house" or; for 1 . any of the outrages . and robberies, committed there, except wlieh prosecution was absolutely unavoidable.'. ''..'lt is said that the police have m the paist been m the pay of "MadameV'and that at critical junctures sorne'of the police were regularly .'subsidised _ by her to, keep watch over her. ''business," and ward oft pto'secutib-hs',-' or render them abortive by terrifying probableprosecutors, menacing- witnesses, or "whispering" them away.; and ev*n, as it has been .alleged; manufacturing false evidence- themselves -in defence of "Madame,!' who paid th-_.*n to thus, per jure-'. themselves". Muoh, if not all of this was known to you and the whole mob ..of moralityrmad mollahs, to who-tt^ you are. now playing the part of a modern Mahomet cavorting about in.a. a : cardboard crown. Yet neither you nor they did or said anything, other than. to pose on the platform as purists, and mouth forth dubious denunciations' of things m general but of nobody .m. particular. When a small mob -of drunken members of Parliamant, "swollen with lust and wine," having stolen the Mace from its place m. the Legislative Assembly,, sallied forth from Parliament House one; midnight over 20 years ago,. and .-.'.with the Mace borne before them ,-', matched m procession to "Madame- Brussels" bagnio m Lonsdale-3treet, were they prevented or prosecuted by the police ? Devil a bit.
When it became known 'that these Legislative - v larrikins 'had 'left the xVtace m pawn .(thau old-time emblem bf the despotic domination of Kings over Commons still' tolerated by a deluded and demented Democracy m Australia) as the price of ''lashings" of lush and lust obtained "on tick," did you and your conscientious clerical cobbers denounce these lawless, libidinous legislators ? Devil a bit. Did the tyrannical theological triumvirate of Collins-street— -that .bunch of Bibical Boanerges, alter the "bunce," parsons Sevan,-- Marshall and Carey, of the Weswowserlejrah, Scotchbyterian and Baptistical persuasions — did any of this trio of salaried saints— who helped to hunt down a true Servant of God and of the People, like Dr. Strong— did they or any one of them raise their voice iii pulpit or On platform to denounce the disgraceful doings and pornic pranks of the paid Parliamentary representatives of the people on that memorable morning m "Madame Brussels' " brothel ? Devil a bit. Why ? Because some, of them were pillars of Toorak Society, and pillars and chief corner-stones of '. the '.. churches of Carey, Marshall, Bevan and Co. No fear of these bosses of those boodling bethels denouncing "Madame Brussels" and heir clients, 1 "Madame's-' establishment was much .^oo popular "with the ' 'Saints of Society, " and the frequenters of it, much too fashionable to be exposed and denounced. Besides, the whole question resolved itself into one bf hard cash. If these Servants of God did their duty , and denounced "Madame Brussels" and her "joint," Madanae might turn round and expose some. of the most wealthy andaprominenti'of the Puritans of the Gollinsrfetreet congregations, who would blame these holy hirelings for thus /exposing them /and withdraw from membership, and withhold their, substantial subsidies —a thing not to be dreamt of for a sintrle moment ! Hence the silence of the Saints.- ■
You virtually admit that 'you knew all about this. long-ago, although you say that the public at large did not know about it until. a few weeks ago.
I believe this "Virtual admission and statement of yours .both to be downright deliberate lies. Had you previously been m possession of the facts contained m the type-written statement read out by you at the Temperance Hall, you would have made them public long ago, The real reason of your belated and bogus denunciation of Sir Samuel Gillot is not that you heard" rumors, and searched the records, as you assert, but that "Truth" had already laid bare the ulcer. Then you tried to get credit by exhibiting the sore at Sunday side shows. You never searched the records until you saw or heard of 'the Open Letter m "Truth"- on Friday and Saturday last ; and you know that I knowthat you know that I know those who know that you know as well as they know, that you are a prevaricating perfidious plagiarist, who took your type-written information from last Friday or Saturday's Melbourne "Truth," and then presented it to a curious crowd of prurient pietists and pornic Puritans as freshly drawn un from the well of truth, pure, and undefiled. Judkins, thou art a jump-
jim-crow jackal, a Lazarus that refuses to acknowledge the crumbs that he picks up as they fall from the table of "Truth." Hast thou never heard or read of the awful fate of Ananias ? He is said by some to have been struck dead by Peter for prevaricating about contributions to the collection plate ; fey others, for not "shelling-out" suAcientJy— -always a sin m the eyes of shekelsnaring saints, meriting death and damnation.
You, Judkins, are the very hypostasis, the hyperbolical exemplificatiion of a holy hypocrite and howling humbug ; the veritable basis and exaggerated expression of a bible-banging bounder, who is seeking popularity and pelf by stealthily poaching on parsonical preserves. You, the "noblehearted, the true-hearted, the lionhearted" Judkins! A lot of nobility, veracity, and ieonine courage about you, who. while posing as the courageous champion of Christ, make the following callous confession of your own cowardice :—
The information had been available for some time, anjl a fortnight ago I decided to speak of it last Sunday, but was absent on a short holiday. Ido not glory m such a disclosure. I have put it off as long as possible, and it is only because girls are going to ruin every day, and facilities for vice exist m Melbourne as exist m no other city m Australasia, when a strong administrative hand would put. it down, that- 1 speak.
/Now, mark thc real meaning; ol this monstrous medley of multiplied mendacities. If it means anything it means this : That you, Judkins, the noble and true, and the lion-hearted protagonist of purity," knew of Gillott's usurious gambles with "Madame Brussels" for some time. You inferentialiy admit, m another part of your ! 'exposure," that you knew it had been going* on for full twenty/ years. But to, make it. appear that you had not been the contemptible coward that your own admission, ' if true, would prove you to have been, you fro on to talk about rumors and searching the records. This is only so much dust deliberately raised for the .purpose of blinding tbe dupes of the lion-hearted champion to his' dastardly dereliction of ditty.
The information had been available for some time ; t you knew that girls were going to ruin every day. Then why did you, the holy Hercules, delay m cleansing out this strumpet's Augean stables by denouncing it, and exnosing Sir Samuel Gillott's profitable, ?.ecuniary, and professional connection therewith ? For many month;; you have been merely, magging and mouthing against Sir Samuel .'Gillott ■as .an. hotel proprietor. But you never said a word about the more serious and urgent question of his dealings with the procuress and proprietress of the "Brussels" bro-. the^ although "the information had been available for some time." You had made up your mind a fortnight ae.o to make the exposure a week earlier than you did, "but was absent on p fc-ho-r.t holiday." Nero fiddling while Rome was burning was a seemly, saintly spectacle alongside that of Judkins, the Chief Christian Champion of the Commonwealth, "taking a short holiday" with information locked up m his manly breast, which, if divulged, might have saved at least some of the girls who he admits are "going to ruin every day." These girls were being morally and materially- murdered,- physically* antT spirit tually damned -m, Madame "Brussels den, financed-; by); Sir Samuel Gillott, K.C.M.g;, M.P;.^ Chief Secretory m the Cabinet, alderman, and ex-Lord Mayor of Melbourne, and Judkins goes a-junketing, and makes no sign. Judkins goes holiday-making, . leaving them to p-o down t-o death, the. devil, and damnation. Nothing said of done by Judkins to succour and save them till "Truth" tells the terrible tale with all its shocking and scandalous details. Then up jumps Judkins, the Jackal, to howl and gloat over the remnants of the carcase of the beast that already has been pulled down and dismembered.
It is generally on the putrescent remains of the lianas Least that jackals feed. Jackals like Judkins are only lion-hearted when the path has been pioneered and made safe lot them. They never go forth like Christians to face the dangers of the Valley of Legal Humiliation, and pf the Shadow of Social Death. Like the jack-* als that they are, ..they station themselves m security on the surrounding heights, while, the lion stalks and pulls down his prey, or Christian confronts and fights Apollyon, straddling "quite over the whole breadth of the way," and "throwing darts as thick as hail." When the lion has finished his repast the. jackals descend and devour the remains ; when Apollyon. speeds him away on dragon wings, wounded and .beaten, the jackal. Judkinses come down from their coigns of cowardly vantage to claim the credit of the victory. You, Judkins, are the Jackal here. The part you have played m "Truth's" exposure and denunciation of the "Brussels"-Grllott scandal is cowardly and contemptible. After "Truth" has stalked and pulled the quarry down, you, jackal-like,- rush forward to tease and torture the agonised . victim.
...I tell you, Judkins,. that the conduct of Sir Samuel Gillott, since "Truth's" exposure last Friday, has been dignified and decent compared with youirs, which, I repeat, has been cowardly and contemptible. Nothing became Sir Samuel's participation m public life so much as his decorous leaving of *it so promptly after "Truth's" disclosures. On the other hand, your intervention m this matter, after the eleventh hour ,. was indecent and infamous. Your attacks upon a fallen man over a matter upon which you had not the courage to attack him before he had fallen, were worthy of a red-Indian gloating over a scalped foe, and ought to subject you to the contempt and scorn of all sincere Christian§i and honest men and women.
Judkins, you are __ false prophet ; a perfidious plagiarist, and a perverse prevaricator. You are a reproach and a scandal to the very name of Christian, and if there be a God who watches the work of wasters and wowsers here below, He will assuredly appoint for the Judkinses of this world, a warm corner m the place where the fire is not quenched, and the worm dieth hot. Selah ! thou sly shufflebuster and savage sectary. Your day, like that of Dowie, ancl those two crook Yankee Christian
chin-waggets and coin-chasers, Torrey and Geil,. will soon be done. Already you are the played-out clown of tea-fights, muffin-worries, and bun-tus-sels.. You've been crowned with cardboard ; a night-pan would better become your brazen brow. Bedizened with yards of blue ribbon, like a bull at a show, you are a laughing stock for lunatics. Surely the end of such a fool cannot be far off. In the name of, all that is manly and nioral, honest and noble, decent and dignified, m the name of Christianity, and of our common humanity,, let us pray that the end "may come and come quickly. Amen, so be* it, and may the Lord grant that I may live to see it—the end of this gospel-grind-ino". gammoning ghoul, Judkins the Jackal— to whose poetical surname the Christian name of Jake, with a final s, would he an appropriate prefix. * . _> a Judkins, m the words of Thomas Carlyle, the great scourge of hypocrisy and humbug m every shape and form "Let us pray the Good and Great God to deliver us from all cant." JOHN NORTON. Sydney. Thursday, Dec. 6th, 1906.
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NZ Truth, Issue 80, 29 December 1906, Page 4
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3,838Truth JUDKINS THE JACKAL. NZ Truth, Issue 80, 29 December 1906, Page 4
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