ANNUAL PRIZE LIST 75th YEAR OF COLLEGE CELEBRATED. LIST OF SUCCESSFUL PUPILS. Fraught with (Treat success in the various scholastic (departments, the seventy-fifth year- of St. Mary’s College closets. It has been a very happy one, both for thp able teachers, the Sisters of Mercy, and for the students. Good health, that greatest- of all temporal gifts, has been almost universally enioyed. The moral tone of the college has retained its usual high standard 1 . To Father Spillane, the professor of Christian doctrine, is due the gratitude of teachers and pupils. In the university, civil service 'and musical examinations great achievements have been made. Many of tho pupils excel in the art of dressmaking. Physical culture classes have been duly conducted by Mr J. Duffy. The prize winners arc as under THE PRIZE-LIST SFUiCIAL PRIZES. Good conduct, senior boarders, Gold medal, gift of Mr Denton, Kate Barry; next in merit, Colette Redwood and Marjory Benge. Good conduct, senior day pupils, gold medal, gift of Rev. P. J. Smyfche, Flora Smith; next in merit, Sadie Harding, Peggy Reed. Special prize for good conduct, gold medal, gift of “A Friend/’ Isabel Thompson. Christian doctrine, gold medal, gift of Rev. J. Spillane, Eileen Barry. Church history, Scripture, gold .medal, gift of Mrs Margaret O’Connor, Agnes O'Shea; second prize, Patricia O’Connor; third prize, Margaret Fouhey. English composition, gold medal, gift of His Grace Archbishop Redwood, Ellen Price; second prize, Kate Barry. Fine arts, gold medal, gift of Lady Ward, Colette Redwood. Dux of school, gold medal, gift of Mr J. Dealy, Bernadette Gibbs; commercial work, gold medal, gifts of Mrs Robinson, Eileen Mitchell. Elocution (English and French), gold gift of Mrs Robinson, Eileen Mitchell. Elocution (England and' Franch), gold medal, gift of Mr*'Rose, "The Mechtildp Memorial,” Patricia Connor. Elocution (English and French), gold medal, Sadie Harding Mathematics, gold medial, Gift of Mr D.’Burke, Ita O’Shea. Physical culture, gold medal, senior boarders, Lily Vincent. . Physical culture, silver medal, junior boarders, Molly Duffy. Physical culture, silver modal, senior day pupils, gift of Mr E. Kane, Sadie Harding. Form V.—English grammar and composition, Edna wi Ikon son; French, Edna VTlkcnsoii; natural ecience; Mildred Sim; hotanv, Eileen Barry; penmanship. Mildred Sim • English history, Eileenßarry. Form IV A.—Composition, Peggy Reed; English. Patricia Connor; penmanship, Sadie Harding; history and civics, Patricia Connor; mathematics, Agnes O'Shea; literature, Margaret Fouhey; botany, Margaret Fouhey; Latin, Flora' Smith; French. Patricia Connor; diligence, Joyce Young and Sadie Harding; highest marks, Peggy Reed. Form IV. B.—Composition, Madge McMahon; English. Eileen McLelland;. elocution, F;ileen McLellancl: oral French, ‘ Agnes O’Shea j history, Norma O’Donnell; arithmetic. Nancy Sloan©; algebra and geometry, Flora Smith; literature, Eileen McLelland: botany, Madge McMahon; French, Madge McMahon; diligence, Patricia Leydon; highest marks, Jfjnra Smith. ..Form*-111. A. —English, Phyllis Scan ion: composition. Peggy Lander; elocution, Betty 4 ucowo; penmanship Gladys Edwards; history, Peggy La,ndfir and Bernadette Scanlon; arithmetic, Gladys EdwarasV algebra, Phyllis Scanlon; geometry, Bernadette, Scanlon ; literature. Nata T'urlong; bo.tany,. Molly Rutter; Latin,' Nat a Furlnnp; French, Molly Rutter nnd Gladys Edwards; oral Franch. Iris Hawthorne; highest marks, Phyllis bennion. . .. Form lIL B.—Eookkecping, first grade, Lily Vincent and Kate Barry, equal merit; bookkeeping, second grade, Mar jorio Benge; third grade, Eileen Noble;, shorthand, first grndu. Joyce _Young; shorthand, second grade. Iris Hawthorne; shorthand, third grade, r.°, r X’weey; typewritings first grad*. Inly Vincent; typewriting, second grad*. Minnie IChonri; typewriting, third grad*. Eileen Noble and Peggy Lauder; English ftnd composition, Ima Scholium; litemture, Elsie McLeod; French. Marjorie Benge; diligence, Norma Vallance. - Class VT.—Highest marks, ELb*< Brownlie; Christian Doctrine, Alberta Fitzgerald and Ruth Brennan, equal in' merit; . reading and recitation, Fay Brownlie and Eileen O'Connor, equal in . Daphne- McAlister and Eileen Pierce, equal in merit; writing * Killick and Betty Lowery, equal in merit; composition, Ethel Brownlie ... d Georgina O’Connor, equal in merit; nriCi?l e “ c » P©SBY Killick; geography, Marie McCarthy; history and civics, , Zona Bright and Dorothy Dealy, equal in marit; drawing, Ethel Brownlie; science, Eileen Pierce and Betty Son ter, equal In morit - English, Alberta, Fitzgerald : mapping, Peggy Killick; French,., Marie McCarthy : diligence, Noeline Platt; V"0raotncal drewing Peggy Killick and Eileen Fierro, equal in merit. • Class V. -p- Highest marks, Marjorie JJ Lonnor; Christian doctrine. Marjorie O Connor; reading. Joan Wright; recitation. Marjorie O'Connor; dictation and spelling, Mary Ferris; writing, Manu Parata; arithmetic. Marjorie Noble Ist, Mario Stevens 2nd; geography, Nellie Hwrge; history and civics, Marjorie O Connor; drawing, Manu Parata; science. Joan Wright; dressmaking. Marjorio O’Connor; tewing, Joan Wright; English. Marjorie O’Connor: mapping, Manti Parata and Marjorie Noble (equal in merit 1 *; FTeneh, Mary Ferris; diligence, Margaret Casey; general improvement, Marie Steohens.
Class IV.-Highest marks. Jessica Harris; Christian doctrine, Vera Purcell, Frank Dwver (equal in merit); dictation and spelling’. Vera Purcell; arithmetic, Jessica Harris.; English, Veronica Mann; reading. Frank Dwyer; drawing, Dolly writing. Dolly Jonos, next in merit Monica Murphy; composition, Wanda Fulham? recitation. Vera Purcell; history. Moira Dorizne: geography, Fielda Croft; French. Moira Dorizno; cenefal improvement. Margery Chirasido; needlework. Lena Mohsfn.
Class 111., Division I.—Christian doctrine. Ruth Crombie: highest marks, Agnes Emerson* physical culture (day Pat Souter; diligence, Ngari© Bright; singing*. Norn. Burke and Tris T.owe (equal in merits ©rithmet l '*. Ruth Cronibio Ist. Olga English, Ol'-a Bnrdeb»s: composition. Betty D'Hnrty Ist, Hammond • *•©©- oraphy.' Ague'? Betty D'Harty (eaual in merit), Helen Fey 2nd; r*rnre otudv, Helen Ttcmmond: drawing. Helen Woddy Ist. Molly Duffv 2nd;' Sheila Pat Bouter (equal in meriD- Helen Fnv ; French -fading. Olga Bnrdebe*. Tris Xxiwe .(carnal in merit)* 'histo.yy, .Wi.Uio Ancell; French'. w.ntß Crombie. Joan Rvnn, nnd Asmes Emerson (ooiial in merit! • needlework He I '*-! STV'Ding Sr-rjtpT, Claa« TTT. Division TT.—Orktia-' dooIrine, Kitty Cr>nnox* and Flnnaren; highest mnrks, • FitzgersM; Tvnthlocn Bro-inn'-'nn: nrithmfdo, Kitty English, Beattk* MoCol 1 -nnd Flnnago^:, Shciln opcllinG. Eh/*' Tk/rKitt-r Connor r-d Kathleen Brosnclmn; nature study, Molly ■‘'rA’* nnrl Nora f’or T,A T; writing. Flp’o 'Mann* -eritp.tion. Ro-ttie * r ~Cnll r—l Ei.leer Gilb. vendin'*. Rtep'mnift gan: French. Siovhnuio and llcftftio McC'ill; Fr?ndh reeding. Stoph— o TU n M-r.-n. r-’* r—d?. 7Ht o*n 1 e-’ C-VH? I - o-d RnP-r, thi-lj p-f*. Dornthy a:::! Frarccrcp'
Moleta; needle work, Isabel Thc;npson Iris Hawthorne, Marjorie Benge. Singing, gold medal, gift of Mn, Alacarthy-Reid, Ima Scholium; L.T.C.L. and advanced grade, Zoo Millar; intermediate grade nnd school singing, Polly Carroll; pianoforte playing, gold medal, gift.of Mr Maxwell, JEllcn Price; diplozna division, gift of Mr Brookes, Zoe Millar; higher local division, Polly Carroll; advanced grade, Winifred Secombe; intermediate grade, Royal Academy, Molly Rutter; senior Trinity, Zena Bright; intermediate Trinity, Phyllis # Haydon; lower division, Daphne McAlister; preparatory, Nora Burke; primary, Ehnice Murray; first steps. Elsie Mann. Theory of Music. —Harmony, higher division, Mildred Sim; harmony, lower division, Dorothy Dealy; rudiments, Ima. Scholium. In the theoretical examinations of the Associated Board ten candidates passed the qualifying paper for the licentiate ex- | amination. In the Trinity College &even I passed for the art of teaching paper. One candidate secured her licentiate diploma, and three won A.T.C.L. diplomas, two with honours. In the senior Trinity College division one secured the gold medal. _ ' The Sisters of Mercy wish to thank the following donors of prizes;—His Grace Archbishop Redwood, Rev. Fathers Sinythe and Spillane. Lady Ward, Mesdames Rose, Macarthy-Reid, Margaret O’Connor, Robinson, Messrs Brookes, Dealy, Kane, Maxwell, D. Burke, Denton, “A. Friend/' The following pupils obtained thei? proficiency certificates Ethel Brownlie, Fay Brownlie, Ruth Brennan, 2»e n © Bright, Dorotliy Dealy, Molly Day, Alberta Fitz§erald. Dorothy Goodman. Phyllis Fitzon, Peggy Killock, Betty Lowery, Daphne McAlister, Marie McCarthy, Francesca Moleta, Jessie McLaughlin, Lola Oreprinc, Georgina O'Connor, Eileen Pierce, Noeline Platt, Betty Souter, Winnie Thornton. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Good conduct, boarders, Ellen Moleta; good conduct, day pupils, Noeline Croft; I physical culture, boarders, Mabel Wal- : Iter; physical culture, day pupils, Gretta Burd. Class 1., -Division I.—Christian Doctrine, Betty Cameron and Ellen Moleta* equal in merit; highest marks, Ellen Moleta; arithmetic, Verona McGovern and Ellen Moleta; French reading, Audry Xoung; French recitation. Betty. Cameron; French, Patsy Barker; English, Betty Cameron first, Audry Young next in merit* diligence, Noeline Croft: reading, Audry Young and Patsy Barker; | recitation, Audry Young; nature study, ! Jean Stevenson; composition. Ellen Mpj leta first, Peggy Woodward next in t merit; drawing. Noeline Croft; geof graphy, Peggy Woodward: writing, Verona McGovern and Betty Cameron,' equal I in merit: hand work, Pat Barker. ‘ Class 1.. Division ll.—Christian doctrine, Mabel Walker; highest marks, Jean Newton; diligence, Jeon Newton; French. Aeila Patterson and Jean Newton equal in merit; English. Aeila Patereon; arithmetic. Jean Newton and Bob Smith equal in merit; writing. Aeila Patterson; spelling, Aej}a Patterson; handwork. Mabel Walker; drawing, Florence Quinlivan and! Laurie Wood equal in merit; reading, Florence Quinlivna; coineositiori. Doreen O’Donovan; geography, ob Smith; recitation, Laurie Wood. 1 Claas II. —Christian doctrine, Gabriel Loftus; highest marks, Gabrieli Loftus; diligence, Mafnlda Moleta; arithmetic, Eteme Harding©; English, Colin Mcßae; composition. Clarice Mann; recitation, Gabriel Loftus; French 1 recitation, Gabriel Loftus; French reading* Mafalda Moleta; French, Mafalda Moleta and Clarice Mann equal in merit; geography, Gabriel ' Loftus; spoiling, Betty McKeowon; handwork. Esme Hardinge; mental arithmetic, Joy Meyers; .nature' Rfrudy, Gabriel Loftus; •writing,' Esme liar-dingo and Betty McKeowen equal in merit; drawing, Colin Mcßae; arithmetic, Betty McKeowon and Esme Hardinge equal in merit; handwork, Flo Darragh. Primer IV., Division I.—Christian doctrine, Mary Ryan; roading, Constance Tonersran: writing, Sielln Barnnc*, recitation. Stella Bonvio and Constance Loner"an Joyce Whitaker; handwork, Bessie Walker: spelling. Joyce Whitaker. Primer IV., Division ll.—Christian doctrine. Mary Ryanj arithmetic, Gretta Burd; recitation, Gretta Bind: spelling, Billv Brosnahnn; French. Gretta Burd; French .recitation. Mar*.Ryan and Mary Coanor '(equal in merit);;'reading, Mary Conror; writinr’. Mmy Connor. Primer XJT-- Division I.—Christian doctrine, Pat Crombic; spoiling. Pat Cromhio: Tending, Joan Emerson; writing, Naomi .Bright and Audrv Curran (equal); number work, Kura CoUman: French, Kura Coltmrn and Pat Crombie*. recitation. Joan Emerson; French, recitation, Phi Crotnbi* Premier I!.—Christian'doctrine. Honor Vincent; tables, T«s»uria Cameron; writ* ing, Bernndin© Oben; spalling/- Joan Obcn; - reading, Joan Oben; French, Honor Vincent: recitation, Honor Vincent; French recitation, Jean Obon.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12007, 9 December 1924, Page 9
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1,636ST MARY'S COLLEGE New Zealand Times, Volume LI, Issue 12007, 9 December 1924, Page 9
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