' High water, 6.45 a.m.; 7.20 p.m. Moon rises, 6.55 a.m.; sets, 9.87 p.m. i smi rises, 4.36 a.m.; sets, 6.31 p.m.
ARRIVED. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. NGAHJ3RJ3, s.s. (1.30 a-.m.), 1090 tons, Dillner, from Gisborne. (King’s wharf.) WAIRAU, sa (1.35 a.m.), 143 tons, Deiley. from Blenheim. (No. 11, north, Queen's wharf.) WATITNE, s.s. (7 a.m.), 4136 tons, W. Cameron, from Lyttelton. (Ferry %-liarf.) KAITOA, s.s. (8.35 a.m.), 319 tons, Henry, from Nelson. (No. 10, Queen’s wharf.) KOIROMXKO, s.s. (10.15 arm.), 2179 tons, J. Rtunkine, from Westport. (No. 4, Queen’s wharf.) K A RAM IT, s-j 3. (12.35 p.m.), 931 tons, Xicholls, from Lyttelton. (Taranaki St KAITUNA, ) s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 2042 toms, W. Martin, from Adelaide, Hobart and New Plymouth. (No. 1, south. Queen’s wharf.) ‘-RAMA. s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 224 toms, E. Cartner, from Dunedin, Timaru and Lyttel tan. (No. 3. Queen’s wharf.) KENNEDY, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 226 tons, A. M. Stuart, from Foxton. (Glasgow wharf.l KAPITI, s.s. (11.4 V pm.), 242 tons, Sawyers, from Wanganui. (No. 5, Queen’s wharf.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 3. .WAKATU, s.s. (12.10 a.m.), 157 tons, D. Robertson, from Lyttelton and Kaikoura. (No. 7, Queen’s wharf.) SAILEO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. MAPOURIKA, s-s. (12.20 p.m.), 1203 Sewell, for Picton. HAWERA, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), 174 tons, RUB/SBDDON. dredge (5 p.m.), G. A. Simpeon, for Westport. POLSHANNQiN, sa (5.10 p.m.), 6131 tons, lane, for Lyttelton, and Dunedin. KAITOA. s-s. <6.35 P-m.), 319 tens, Henry, for Nelson. , WAHINE. s.s. (7.50 p-m.), 4436 tons, W. Cameron, for Lyttelton. KOMATA, s.s. (9.45 p m.), 1994 tons, J. Bold for Westport. WAIRAU, s.s. (11.55 p.m.), 143 tone, W. Deiley, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Mararoa, Lyttelton, to-day Nikau, Nelson, to-day Mapouxika, Picton, to-day Kapuni, Patea, to-day Essex, Napier, to-day Wootton, Lyttelton,. Friday Bavera, Patea, Friday Ripple, Gisborne, Friday Wahine, Lyttelton, Friday Kaitoa, Nedeon, Friday Kakapo, Greymouth, Friday Kamo, Greymouth, Friday Wairau, Blenheim, Friday Waverley, Patea, Friday Waimea, -Wangajdui. Saturday Putiki, Gdoborne, via coast, Saturday Calm, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Sat. nr day " Waimana, Gisborne, Sunday - PROJECTED DEPARTURE*. Raima, New Plymouth, to-day Ngahere, Greymouth, to-day Nikau, Nelson, to-day, 5,p.m. Karamu,. New; Plymouth, Westport Mararoa, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Wakatu, Kaakoura. Lyttelton, to-day, 4 p.m. Manuka, Sydney, to-day. 11 a,m. Koromiko, Westport. Friday .Wahine; i Lyttelton, Friday Mapomrika, Picton, Nelson, Friday . Kaitoa, Nelson, Friday Piako, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Friday Wairau, Blenheim. Friday Kapuni, Patea, Friday Kapiti. Wanganui, Friday Waverley, Patea, Fridav Waimea, Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, • Saturday Ripple, Akitio, Napier, Gisborne, Saturday _ TELEGRAPHED “MOVEMENTS. SYDNEY; Wednesday Makura (M a.m.), from Auckland. Maheno (4 p.m.), for Auckland. AUCKLAND, Wednesday Matakana (12.5 p.m.), from Liverpool; Wingatui (5 p.m'.), from Napier. ONEHUNGA, Wednesday Rarawa (8.30 a.m.), from New Plymouth; Kini <9.15 a.m.), from Picton. PATEA, Wednesday Kapuni (10.30 a.m.). and Waverley (10.35 a.m-), from Wellington. WANGANUI, Wednesday—Kapiti (9.40 a.m.), for Wellington. FOXTON, Wednesday—Kennedy (10.35 a.m.), for Wellington. NAPIER, Tuesday—Ripple (7.10 p.m.), from Gisborne. Wednesday—Koranui (7 a.m.), and Putiki (9 a.m.), from Gisborne. Putiki (7 p.m.), for Blackhead. PICTON, Wednesday—Cortona (6 a.m.), from Netean; AEapourrika (5.40 p.m-), from Wellington. Cortona (11 a.m.), forNew Plymouth. NELSON, Wednesday—Nikau (7 a.m.), from Wellington. Nikau (7 p.m.), for Wellington. ■ WESTPORT, Wednesday Alexander (11,15 a.m.), for Greymouth. KAIKOURA, Wednesday Wakatu (10.55 a.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON, Wednesday—Calm (6.15 a.m.), from Timaru; Katoa (6.25 a.m.), from Napier; Mararoa (10.20 a.m.), from Wellington t Port Hacking (10.35 a.m.), from Wellington; Wootton (1.40 p.m,), from Wellington. • Katoa (3.45 p.m.), for Dunedin; Calm (7 p.m.), for Picton; Mararoa (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. TIMARU. Wednesday—Kanna (6.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton. Kanna (3.20 p.m.), for Dunedin. OAMARU, Wednesday Wanaka (7 a.m.), from Dunedin. Wanaka (6.30 p.m.), for Timaru. PORT CHALMERS, Wednesday—Cam adian Mariner (3:30 p.m.), from Timaru. Reinuera (5 p.m.), for Timaru. The Komata, which sailed' from Wellington last night for Westport, is due back here on Sunday. M W. M. Luke, shipping manager for Murray. Roberts and Co., arrived back at Wellington yesterday morning feoju. southThe Breeze is her animal overhaul at Lyttelton, which, will occupy about ten days. She was to he decked for cleaning and painting yesterday. The Karamu is to get away from Wellington today for Now '■ Plymouth and Westport, taWug cargo for those ports, The Richardson steamer Putiki, which is due at Wellington on Saturday from Oisbonje, via coast, is to leave hero on Tuesday for the East Coast with sleepers ex the Kaitangata. The Koromiko will leave Wellington to-morrow for Westport,' whore she will lead for Auckland. The Union Company advise that the Cortona, which is due at Wellington next week from New Plymouth with butter and cheese, will proceed from here to Picton to load produce for Onehunga.
The Kamo and Kakapo are’ now not expected to arrive at Wellington until to-morrow with coal from Greymouth The dredge Rubi tSeddon, haring' completed lier overhaul at Wellington, sailed' at 5.10 o’clock last evening tor Westport. The Government steamer Hinemoa is to 'go on the Wellington patent slip this morning.' She may remain on the cradle tor a couple of'days.' The vessels will subsequently prepare for- the round trip to the southern lighthouses. The Kaitoa is expected to arrive at Wellington about the 13th instant from Dunedin and Lyttelton. She wild leave Wellington about the 14th instant for Auckland. The Kanna is due at Wellington about Tuesday from Dunedin, Oamaru, Tiruaru. arid Lyttelton. She will leave hare on Wednesday next for New Plymouth, Westport, and Greymouth. , The Blackball Coal Ch.’s steamer Ngahere will get away from Wellington today for Greymouth. The Canterbury Company advise that the Calm, which is due at Wellington on Saturday morning from Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, and Picton, is to leave here on Saturdav for Wanganui. The Karamu, leaving Wellington today for New Plymouth and Westport, will receive cargo oulv till 11 o’clock this morning. The Union Company announce that the Kaitangata will now sail from Wellington to-day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. She will receive cargo for Dunedin up till 11 o’clock this morning. As certain repairs have to be effected to the Kaituna the vessel will not leave Wellington to-day for Lyttelton and Auckland as previously advertised. W. M. Bannatyne and Co. advise that the Waimea is now not expected at Wellington until Saturday morning from Wanganui. She will leave here on Saturday for Nelson. Westport, and Greymouth. The Piako is to leave Wellington tomorrow afternoon for Lyttelton and Dunedin. _ ~ The liner Essex 16 due at Wellington this evening from Napier to complete loading. She will sail on Tuesday or Wednesday for London and Liverpool via Panama. TO-DAY’S BERTHAGE. Queen's wharf—Manuka, No. 1, north; Kaituna, No. 1, south; Rama, No. 3; Koromiko, No. 4; Kapiti. No. 5; Waka.tu, No. 7. north; Blenheim, No. 8; Nikau. No. 10. „ Ferry wharf —Hinemoa, Mararoa. Railway wharf —Admiral, Coronation. Glasgow wharf—Essex, Kennedy, Wayerley, Kapuni. ’ King’s wharf—lnvercargill. Piako, Ngahere. Pipitoa wharf —John. Taranaki street -wharf —Karamu. Clyde quay wharf—Tutanekai. Miramar wharf—Kaikorai, Raupo. At the slip—Rosamond. Admiral. i In the stream —Zita, Moerail, Kittawa, Poherua, Rona, Amokura, Takapuna. WITHIN RANGE. The following vessels axe expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night: Awanui —Atholl, Maheno, Rona. Auckland—Wingatui, Matakana, Avail ura, Ngakuta, Canadian Conqueror. Wellington—Wahine. Mararoa, Magourika, Marama, Kaituna, Koromiko, Kait&ngata. 1 . Awarita—Faloona, Kanna, Kaiapoi, Waitemata, Katoa. Remuera. Ohathams—Suffolk. MANUKA, FOR SYDNEY. The Union. Company’s intercolonial passenger steamer Manuka, is to sail from Wellington at 11 o’clock this morn-, tog direct for Sydney. The following saloon passengers have booked Misses ■Wilson. (2), Be van, Mackay' (2), Shoalsmith (2), Gould, MoFarlane, FJett, Bailie, Yuylle, Flood, Mesdames Woodthorpe, Whitoombe, Crowly, Dale, Kirkwood. Newman, Maheny and infant, Dean, Sharpin, Bittues, and Bay, Bainton, ' McKenzie, Agar and 2 children. Stocks and 3 children, Walden and infant. Flood, Messrs Noble; Colvin, Seatotobe, Roberts, Frew, Francis, East, Tuthven. ; McDougall, Selby, Warbijftqn, Jones, Royle, Drury, Brough, .Whitcomb, Crowley, Dale, Batchelor, Wilcox,' Kirkwood, Newman, Bittues, Brunton, Lansey, Lewis, Clark, Paul, Maree, -Flood, Pears, Soott, Felton, Agar, Stocks, Archdeaoon Woodthorpo.. NIAGARA LEFT HONOLULU. Advice received l>y the Union Company states that The mail steamer Niagara, arrived at Honolulu on Saturday morning from Auckland and Suva, and sailed m the afternoon for Vancouver. She is due at the Canadian port on Saturday next. RHPARIAOTGEN! SHIPS. Information' disclosed by the Reparation Commission shows that the value of the ships handed over by Germany, under the Treaty of Versailles was -£42,250,000. The gross tonnage was made up as follows;—Passenger vessels, 611,327 tons; cargo steamers, 1,452.000 tons; sailing vessels, 80.140 tons; fishing vessels, 9749 tons. SUBMARINE .VOLCANO. It is announced in the “Gazette” that the master of the Navua has reported that while on a voyage fyom ..Fiji to (Tonga he passed close to the charted position of the active submarine volcano in latitude 20deg- 50 min- south, longitude 175 deg. 33mln. west. The light conditions being, perfect and sea calm 'he distinctly observed a small patch of discoloured . water which looked suspiciously like a shoal. He recommends masters to avoid this position .till further investigation is made. THE MATAKANA. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company report that their liner Matakana berthed at Auckland at 1.30 p.m. yesterday to discharge Liverpool cargo. The vessel is expected at Wellington nex,t Wednesday to put out part cargoWestmeath left panama. The New Zealand Shipping Company have received cable advice that the liner Westmeath arrived at Colon on October 28th from London on her way to Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. Tb.e vessel resumed her voyage from Panama on,. the same day. MATHA AT AUCKLAND. The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Mahia arrived at Aueklapd from Cardiff at mid-day on Monday- She berthed at the Queen’s wharf to discharge her cargo cf 5506 tons of Welsh coal for the New Zealand railways. She left Cardiff on September 4th, and experienced moderate winds and seas to "Colon, where eihe arrjved bn October Sth. Thq vessel bleared Balboa on October 9fch. Grossing the Pacific the weather was fine until about a ycok from Auckland when strong southwest gales, accompanied by heavy sees, were encountered aM com tinned until noam reaching port. After .diobharmtue MaWa jl IoM land produce at Auckland for England and complete leading at Southern ports. SUSSEX 'LEFT PANAMA. The Federal Lino have beep, notified by cable that the Sussex, en route from New York, left Panama on Ootober 19th for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. The vessel ib due at Auckland on the 18th inst. RUAPEHU LEFT PANAMA. Cable news has. been received by the Now Zeilapd Shipping Company that the liner Ruapehu arrived at Panama on October 39tb from Wellington, en route to Southampton, end London. WAIMATE AT COLON. The New Zealand Shipping Company have yeeeived cable advice that the Waimafe arrived at Colon oh October 28th from Liverpool, eh route to New Zealand ports.
i NOVEMBER. ! First Quarter 8 3.24 a.m. I Full Moon 1.9 a.m. i Last Quarter •x> 11.11 p.m. 1 New Moon 30 12.56 a.m.
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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11048, 3 November 1921, Page 2
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1,796SHIPPING NEWS New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11048, 3 November 1921, Page 2
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