THIS BAT. Sun rises, 4.53 a.m.; nets, 6.19 p.m. .Moim rises- 12.45 a.m.; sots, 9.9 a.m. Ui;:li wuler, 9.31 a.m.; U. 59 p.m. ARRIVED. Ti:l-.'SDAY, OCTOBER 21. ’V ilOo, s.s. (0.15 u.m.), 407 tons. . . ■■: i-. ißitu i- i)'.tuu. .■ i ! sliillillNl, s.s. (2 a.m.), 217 tons, Dr.vell, from Wanganui. MAUAUU-A, n.H. ((1.45, 2593 tons, Vint, from Lyttelton. I.'uscu^vi-s —Sa-:s--u: Misses Nbibet. Wells, Whale, ■- iiiiT.iti. Nurea Dun, Auid, Gaynor (2), .'e->daine-> Dodgshun. Hobman, Anderson rad infant, Qhivers, Kean and child, : '.pry and child, Gaunoes and 2 children. Smith. Curtis and child. liuddo, Ediuou-t-donc. Jones, b aid ho! in, Iteneor, liutciiinyi, iluai'j.ii, Ale-srs Dodgsihti'ii. Young, .’loljiivni, _ NorUicrot't, Anderson, King. Aiiitb, Wylie. Latimer. Gurtiu, Holder, ■difll. Eraser, Hyatt, Furze. bkiuuor, ~ 'holl. Champucy, Stridiiolm, Cookson, ; shorts. Ilexandor, Wcott. O'Connell. \S t;;g!iis. Jones. ShelUm, Galling. Whitton. Kenuedy, Cable, Scoop, Goer, Bennett. Spr.V, Jennings, Rudd. Michel, Hatchings, Loss. Duncan. f tentin'. Tui-ner. lacnd, Scales, Freedlauder. Cooper, DudHeld, Dahl, Gardiner, McCullough, Dr Belt. Witty, M.H.. liiiddo. M.P. NIKAU. ».s. (7 a.m.). 243 tons. Flay, Horn Nelson and Motueka. VVESTBAUA. s.s. (9.25 a.m.). 2831 lens. Hates, from Auckland. and Napier. UJiIITANGI, b.s. (12.40 p.m.), 323 tons. Burns, from Chatham islands via Lvttelton. K.VIKAKI, (2.15 p.m.), 458 tone. Hcott. from Lyttelton. KAPL-NI. S.S. (3-5 p.m.), 275 tons, Mclntosh, from Pa tea. MAPOURIKA. s.s. (11.53 p.m.), 1203 lone, Cumoron, from Nelson and Picton. i’a-.sengors— Saloon ; Misses Dunn, Edsor, Potter, Ingram, Higgs, Millar, Beirut'. Herd lut'd. McCloakoy. Morrison, Liesaijuiii (2). Higgins,, DTlahorty. Cooper, Mesdames Dipson and child, Jacobsen. Ltjwcombc, Weybonme. Burbekln. Laoi-y. Stunner, Miller, Beirne. Bennett, Liiwamon, Griffiths, C'orry- Bowman. Fitzpatrick. Coir, Cameron. Olarko. Jjeviu (2). Sowman, Hon. C. K. Mills. Dr Walker. Dr Ewart, Captain Thoms. Messrs Edsor. "Walton, Cade, Hyson, Campbell, Findlay. Hydo, 3’riteliard, Sfaaon. Creed. Hr Harms, Hills, Hope, Choy. Stevens, Batten. Miller. Dinkham, Torrents, Ilallimaa, Bcirno C!i Skinner, Lissauian. Griffiths. Parker, "Watson ■ 12). Donald, Edwards, Price, March. Tilly, Humphries. Jiuxke, Levin (2). Colo,-Hay (2), Formal!; 15 eteea'ago. SAILED. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 21. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2 a.m.). 120 tons. “Wilkinson, for Blenheim. NGAHERE, s.s. (5.45 a.m.), 1100 tone. Hiluer, for Groymouth. AWAHOU. s.s. (IXO p.m,), 407 tone, Rodger, for Greymouth. TAINUI, s.s. (2 p.m.), 128 tons, Jensen, for Waitara. Vv'AlMATiv, e.s. (1.30 p.m.), 5610 tone. Mend, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. NIKAU, e.s, (5.15 p.m.), 243 tons. Hoy, for N elson and Motueka. WAKATU. s.s. (G p.m.). 157 tons, Willis, for Kaikouna and Lyttelton. WESTRALLY, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 2584 tons. Bates, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MARAROA. b.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons. Vint, for Lyttelton. Passengers—Saloon : Misses Philp, Joyce, Dick, Richmond, ilesdnmes Ward, .Murison, Heard, Bathurst, Nicholas, Col. Hoard, Lieut. Coahell, Lieut. Sharpe. Messrs Ward. Murison, Whitson. Cable. Hume, Hunt, Burry, Watson, Cameron, Bignoll, Amory, Bell. Stewart. Maloney; 15 steerage. HAWJJIiA, «.a. (8.5 p.m.), 174 tanu, Jackson, for Patoa. ARAPAWA s.s. (S.lO p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, for Wanganui. KOMATA, B.s. (8.50 p.m.), 1994 tons. Holmes, for Westport. HIMITANGX. s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 323 tons. Burns, for Tiznam. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wairnu, Blenheim, to-day Defender, Lyttelton, to-day Arabura. Greymouth via ports, to-day Kapiti. Lyttelton, to-day Corinna, southern ports, to-day Manuka, Sydney, to-day Kniapoi, Limestone Island, Napier, today Aorore, Patea. to-day Waimea, Wanganui, to-day 1! pgiilue, Napier, to-day Blenheim, Blenheim, to-day Huia, "Wanganui, to-day iUvcrina, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Thursday Hawera, Paten, Thursday Arapawa. Wanganui, Thursday Queen of the South, Poston, Thursday Poherua, Greymouth, Thursday Nikau. Nelson. Motueka. Thursday Mapourika. Nelson. Picton, Thursday Kiiinmi. Patea, Friday Maunganui, M.elbourno via south, Friday , _. , Monowai. Auckland via porta. Friday Ngaliere. Greymouth. Friday , Canopus, Westport, Friday Komatn, Westport, Friday PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kaiapoi. New Plymouth, Greymouth, today, 5 p.m. Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, to-day, 12.45 i>.m. Sfcormbird, Wanganui, to-day, 5 p.m. Upa-wa, lilenheixo, to-day, 5 p.m. Taviian, Westport. Uroymoutla, to-day, 5 p.m. Hippie- Napier, Gisborne, to-day, 5 p.m. "Waimea, Nelson, \\ est Oo'ust, to-day, 5 p.m. Huixu Havolock and Sounds, to-day. 8 p.m. Corinna, Nelson. Nov Plymouth, to-day. 6 \}AU. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-day, 8 p.m. •Were. Patea, to-day, 5 p.m. Kiipuni, Patea. to-day, 5 p.m. HitMihoim, Blenheim, to-day. 5 p.m. iJotVuder, GieymouUi, Hokitika, Thursday .Manuka, Melbourne via south, Thursday Ouoi-n of the South. Foxtou, Thursday r.vgulus, Noltiou. West Coast, Thuralay WestiKirt Thursday Nikau. Nelson, Motueka. Thursday Viuirau, lllonhoim, Thursday Piiivora. Patea. Thursday Kapiti, Lyttelton, Thursday Arapawa. Wanganui, Thursday Northern, Lyttelton. Dunedin, ThuraMonmr&i. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Friday Maunganui, Sydney. Friday KiijuitnJra, Lyttelton. Friday TELEGRAPHED MOVEMENTS. LONDON. Monday—Kumara, fromWel- ‘ iKDMANTLE, Tuesday—Medina, from ‘■‘mBLBOXJBNB. Monday—Mnritai, from i.uudon.
SYD.NEY, Tuesday—Ulimaroa (1 p.m.), iioru iVellingtou. KWGAS'J.LL, Tuesday—Kaloa, from Auckland. SrVA. Tiuftluy—Opawa, from Bhifl. ALGKLAiM), 'Jucstiay—Dorset (6-5 a.tu.l. for it’eUingUin, Lytlciiou and Duurdiii; Talline (J 2.-40 p.m.), for Caen hofhdy Islamls. Monowai (4.15 p.m.) for -outhern porn,; Navua (10 p.m.), tor vVcllingum urd Aicslport. Manama (4.15 u.m.), Coin Vaneeuver via Honolulu and Suva, Passengers for New Zealand First saloon : Mr and Mrs L. Till leek. Mr aid Mis J. C. Hogg. Mr ami ilrs H. Harbutt, Mr B. U. Nurse, Mies G(lirdiuer. Mr Mark Davis, (Mbs K - Davis, Mr and Mrs F. Montgomery,.Mr F. Pra+t, Mr P. Burn Miss C. Cunningham. Mrs G. Luttroll. Mr F. Stewart. M r ami Mrs F. Logan, -Mr W. V. Worsnup, Mrs A. Carev. Mr and Mrs S. J. Sibley. Mr J- Scott. Mbses Robimoii (3), Mr and Mrs A. .N. Smsios and in taut. Second -ilnon; Mr E. M. Reid, Mr J. H. H*lL M>s K F/ Mbs Vi. Wilson, Mr Dahsc, Mr G. Shorratt. Mr E. Oldfield. Mi» M. korrv and 2 children Mr H. G. Horner, Mias F. Ware, Misses F. ami L. Peake, Mr J. Valentinetti, Mr D. Me-I-ennan, Mr J. Burn. Mr F. Henrje. Miss M. Ooidon Mr G. Hartleot, Mr C. Donliani. Miss Ida Vewell, Mire AT. O Donnell, Mr W- G. Croll. Miss F Chapman. Miss !\. Gampboll, -Mr W. A. Brown, Mr O. Bollinger. Mr and Mrs P. Craymer. .Miss A. Gordon. Mr H. Jukes, Mr and Jins A. limiter and child, Mr H. Matnon, Al l- O’Gortnan. Mr E. Startup, Mrs S. Bell. Mr ami Mrs G. BowVn and 2 child run, Air V. Finley, Mr T. ifeLonuiUi. j.l i J. Cham bars. Miss Start, Mrs Pillson and 2 chiidren. Mr and Mrs Bali Mr and Miss McDiarmid, Mr Jones, Mrs Bog?!., Mr H. Fox, Miss D. Hodge; 41 third class , ~ NJ>W HLYaFGHTH, Tu«f»duy—llawiwa (5.10 a.m.). from Onelmuga. Jiarawa (8.35 p.m.). for Onehunga. PATEA. Tuesday—Aorere (1 p.m.), from ■Wellington. „ W\ N G -VNX7I, Tuesday—Breeze (0.20 a,in.) and Huia (9.15 a.m.), from Wellingtons, Huia (13.45 p.m.), for •Mellmgton. i-'OXTuN, Tuesday— I Queen vt South (1.30 p.m.). from Wellington. TO KOMAR (f HAY. Tuesday— WhangaI|,. (3.20 P.m.). from Newcastle. NAPiER, Tuesday—MaH»i (10.90 «.m.), from Wellington. Kaiapoi <L4-> pan.) and Regains (5.30 p.m.). for WellingtonBLENHEIM. Tuesday—Blenheim (9.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Wairau (8 pan.) and Blenheim (8.35 p.m.). for \voilingtou. ~, „ WESTPORT. Monday—Kurow (11.20 p,m.) for vSydney. LYTTELTON. Tuesday—Wootton (1.30 a.m.), from Nwlia Bay; Ngatoro (0.10 a-.m.). from Greymouth; AV ah mo (G.ou a.m.), from M’ellinstou: Taviuni (6.n0,) and Corinna, (8.10 a.m.), i&tmi; llimoi-dalo (9.30 a.m.), irom Hum; Kia Ora (9.45 a.m.). from Dunedin; Petone (1.15 p.m.). from Greymouth; Dofonder (10.20 a.m.), from Hokitika; Cygnet (2.35 p.m.), from Alaroa. Wootton, for Nelson; Corinna (4 p.m.), Tiiviuui (4.15 p.m.) and Kapiti (7 p.m-), for Wellington- Wahiiio (8.35 p.m.). for Wellington. Patsongers —Misses _ Low, Carter. Lo Cron, Mesdatncs Cook, Darner, Skoglund Loughnan. Moloy. Abbiss, Laird, Gothor Gray, -McDonald, Roberts, Moore. Dyer*. Clark Jones, Alorgan, Sparrow, Caldwell. McClelland. Burt, Baker, Riley, Sladea. Larner, Cook, Hutchinson. MoFarlane, Molvery, Low, Hollow, McConvilla. Hannan, Sir Charles Bowen, Hons. Slovens, Paul, Smith, Messrs Anderson. M.P., Russell. M.P., Forbes, M.P., Dr Riley. Lieut. McDonald, Lieut.Mnjor Connolly, Messrs Burt, Baker, aid, Lieut.-Mapor Cooolly. Burt, Baker. Shallcrasi. Cook, Larner. Stock. Mcharlane. E. C. Huio. Hiley, Eonaync, Collide. Pletohor, Hope. Anderson, Milne, McDonald, Larner, Russell, Bluet, Rett, Brown. Hirtchinson, Loughnan. Berry, Hayson, Dyer, Clark, Caldwell, Rudd (2), Guinness Cameron, Palmer, Moyle, Lomas, Hicks, Stopher, McClelland, Gilchrist, Collett, McKay, Kimbell, Beaford, McMillan. Aitkin, Morgan. McLean. Lo Cron, Sinclair. Allen. Ellis, Cassidy, Nlcoll. Dnfejite: SO steerage. DUNEDIN, Tuesday—Knramu (11.40 a.m.). from West Coast; Kaituna (4.10 n.m.l, from BluH. Inyercivrgill (6.30 p.m.). for Invercargill. Eiverina (3.30 p.m.), for Sydney via Auckland. Passengers — 'Misees Throp, I’oacock, Throp. Graig, Ross, Parker, Gallagher. Hill, Ferguson, Mesdames Craig, Parker, Mr Scheele, Lieut. Parker; 5 steerage. A Press Association message from Melbourne a hates that the Otranto's passengers include 115 in. the third class. The Himstangi returned to Wellington yesterday morning with a little over a thousand cases of nsh from the Chatham Islands. A report of the vessels Voya§& w'fis publish&A At , Pitt Island on tho IGth Instant the beaTy swell made surfboat work extremely difficult. and as one of the boats was leaTiiiir the harbour it became waterlogged and grounded. A horse team was close at hand, and after much difficulty the boat was got back on to the beach. With the exception of the engine being disabled no damage was done. The Himitangi brought back to Lyttelton 80 bales of wool and a large number of sheep and pigs. The vessel sailed last night for Tiraaru. from which port she is due back at Wellington on Saturday morning with a load of produce. _ The Himitangi la to make another trip to Ti innm and back.
D. H. 3t. First Quartor 7 1 10 p.m. !■ ull Mr.ou 15 :> 5>T p.iu. Last Quarter 23 10 23 a.m. Moon 30 1 i'J a.m-
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8558, 22 October 1913, Page 4
Word Count
1,555SHIPS AND SHIPPING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8558, 22 October 1913, Page 4
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