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WEST COAST OCMMTHKICATXON. Tho Minister of Hallways has declined the proposal for a one day’s service to Weliingion from Greyraouth. VCr Guinness wired as follows: “My constituents are very anxious to know 'the result of my efforts to run trains Ifrom Greymouth to Christchurch and vice versa, so that Wellington - and Coaab passengers from and to the Coast can do th© journey in twentyfour hours. I understood the only dif,faculty was to get Mr Cassidy to alter 'the days of departure of the coaches. 'This Air Cassidy has agreed to do, and A know of no reason why tho request ;should not be granted.—A. H. Guinlnossl” The Minister’s reply was as follows: “In reply to your telegram, H is not. proposed to do anything in •connection with tho train services relferred to until the extension to Oasa as taken over by tho Hallway Departjmeirfc, which will bo in about five or six months. Inquiry also goes to show “that there is no general desire for any -alteration at the present time, as it is pointed out that there is not one out of twenty who go by that rout© who go 'beyond Christchurch, and they arc fquite satisfied to allow tho .train ari raugements to exist a&?at present. As Goon as the now section is taken over, then the matter will be arranged to ■enable the train to arrive in time to icatch the boot for those who require 'rto-jgo further. —J- A. Millar. r

TTTFT TN h'l.U KNCE OF A HOSPITAL. This Hon. G. Fowids, speaking on (Friday at the opening of the new outpatients’ department and the now ■ operating theatre in connection with :tho Xhrnedin Hospital, said: (( In visitling the various inßtibntions of the, Do- ! nrmion, especially tho larger ones, X Shave- often been struck by tho fact that • each institution presents, or is to be identified with, some special outstanding feature ; and 1 the Dunedin Hospital is no emcoptien to the rule. For example, the Wellington Hospital da noted for the excellence of its adnrinristro±ion;'Anofcland, for its modem Tnrikim'gs and wealth of dinical material; Ohrisfcchtrroh is famed for its up-to-date laundry arrangements, and, to an assemhhigß like • this, I need baldly say that the IhmecHn Hospital is noted for its medical school.: But I wouMi ads how many- of tho public, otetdide Otago, who read or hear of the Dunedin Hospital, realise tho ■ momentous part that this institution j plays in the hospital economy of tho country? As a hospital, not only for the treatment of the sick, but fortrain- ! ing ,'in their work the future medical !meit ,of the Dominion —and, ,'be it | noted, the training of the future ad-

;.hcspatail mnst always ho m tho forei most rank, and, in fact, as time goes I on, it mnst; com© to be regarded as the ; mstatntkm to .which hospital authoi rities of the Dominion, whether medi--1 csti or lay, must look for guidance as ; to tie initiation of new forms of treat- ! mensfe, tea to ofßcioncy of administration, j as to tho training of nurses, add as to i its methods in. facing tho many intrii cate problems oonnootod with , institu- | tdonal management. - No one, thore- ! foie, can gainsay that from the view- )■ point‘of the whole Dominion this hosjpltal is tho most important, inasmuch | as what is taught, in this school, and I the way it is taught, mnst hayo a f ar- ! reaching effect on the people of thesd ' islands.” BoaxmrA. > “The traffic, generally speaking, for tho whole district, is well up to last year, but there has been a diversion of the fishermen from Rotorua to Taupe, ; on account erf the extraordinary fishing to bo obtained in that locality/ 1 remarked the Prime Minister to an. -Auckland “Herald'' interviewer. ‘‘l think it is safe to say that there has been a decided increase in New Zealand visitors, but on the other hand there is a considerable loss in the Australian traffic, owing to the coal strike in New South Wales. 1 am fully prepared to find that we will have something like 1000 less people from Australia. this year than last year. But present indications are now that l ‘the coal strike is practically at an end, there will bo a fairly large rush of Australians to Now Zealand, which will extend the season well into the .winter.” Dealing with Rotorua’s revenue Sr Joseph Ward said the direct* revenue through the Department in Rotorua for the eleven months ended February 28th, 1910, shows an increase over tho same period for last year of £1660. “I fully anticipate,” said he, “that the close of tho month, which also closes tho year, will show an increase of over £3OO, whereas the expenditure will bo less than the previous year. During tho year many desirable improvements have been carried out in the town, tho asphalting of streets to minimise the dust nuisance has been extended, and as wo have- funds in hand this work will bo pushed on much more extensively .in the future,” On tho trout difficulty Sir’ Joseph Ward said: “Tho only remedy at present apparent is to make arrangements to stop tho months of all streams running into tho lake, and destroy all fish found in a bad or weakly condition going up the stream to spawn, and to not and destroy a very largo number that, owing to their weakly condition, will not attempt to enter tho streams, allowing only tho very best fish to go up tho streams. I bolievo that half a million or more of ■ tho fish could bo destroyed in this .way'to very material advantage. Tho question is one of funds; it will cost probably £250 to do effective work, is of no use to do anything

unless it is done thoroughly, and this tho Government is prepared to do. - ’ NEWS NOTES The annual mooting of the New /calami Ant i-opi mu A;sn will bo he.a in the Y.M.C.A. jwii- to-morrow night. Arrangements have h'-oa marie for lace trams to run after the Navy league bab, ami lor a. binding stage opposite tlie Town Hall. Three quiniial sulmon vero caudal in the Oarnum harbour ia * I v. eel:, says a 10-al paper, with the mudS-J halt, wJrcii apparently tin- lU?i take_ nadi.y. i!lf; salmon are apparently skirting too coast; looking for a river to ascend. A party of twenty workers and sailor* v/enf- out t.o the cetnotery at Ivaron to attend tho graves of seamen lying ha* from homo. Some thirty graves put in order, and many plants, kincUy donated, wore planted.

At Auckland Charles W. Buttle, of Wellesley street, wus charged with soiling indecent postcards and exposing them-to public view- He v/.is lined da for selling tho cards and Ad for exposiug them, with JZ I costs in. each c*us-e.

At tiie meeting of the Eastbourne Borough Council on Saturday # xiignt a letter was read from the superintendent of electric linos stating, in reply to an inquiry from tiie town cierK, tiiat nrprovfments in the telephone communication with Wellington were being carried out, and that a direct circuit would be shortly .available.

Mr .W. R. Haseldcn, coroner, held an inquest at tUe hospital yesterday touching tho death of Charles Tennet Mitchmson. who died on Friday. It Will be •romombercU that deceased met v with a soidous ucident to his spine whilst living at X J oxemata on December sth lose, from which ho newer recovered, ihp wi~ deiLco of his bruthor and bred E-obcits. -vvho wore with him - when he made the dive, was taken. ills \\ oißhip found that deceased died , from , a dis-ocated spine, the injury being accidentally received while baiting, and also xrom kidney and bladder troubles caused by the injury. “Babies’ Sunday'’ was held yesterday afternoon at the Brooklyn Sunday School, m connection with tho inauguration of the cu-adie role. A public ceremony m connection, with tnia branch of school work is unique, and tho attendance ol parents vvitb their babies was large. Xbe oerv-c was conducted by Mr W., H«w e i■ has been in charge 01 the infant.whom since its inaugumticm a iovv monthb a»o. The Itev. J. A Chuk presented the ccrtill cates of membership to - the mothert, present, and gave a short address on tliL training of children. Tho North Canterbury correspondent of tho Christchurch “Press” states that katipo spiders have been pretty eiuou in evidence during the recent spoil ol hot weather, especially among cu y driftwood on tho sea coast. It is evident, however, that tho poisonous little creature is to be found inland as wou, oa on Tuesday some of the railway men at Chaney's found quite a numwr; m some old timber near the line. They secured several as well us eggs and young spiders. bmee the native birds, "which Kept these spiders very much In check, have disappeared, it may be necessary to find some other natural enemy to reduce their number.

Insurance agents are a byword tor enterprise and “push." The protessional talent in this direction came out recently at a New Plymouth hro inquiry before the coroner. “X believe you are the local representative _ the Guardian Insurance Company, said a detective to a witness. "Iso, sir, replied the witness, smilingly, "X am the uistnot agent otf the Guardian insurance, CommuiT." and then, with a twinkle in his eye, he continued “and that company m the strongest in the world, with a fund of .£(1,0011,000. X want this taken down, please/' to the clerk of the Court. X suoDOSe vou- are the strongest agent of interjected .the coroner with a smile.

With regard to a imggestton by a correspondent in the ''Lyttelton limes that Pro feasor Macmillan Brown, . at Christchurch, should, make a personal inspection of the prehistoric man s rocki which Mr Clement Wragge announces he has discovered at the Law of Islands, Professor Brown states that it is napoasiblo for him to undertake the work, lie is busy just now dealing vufch a ma of information ho has accumulated on ethnological subjects . during his recent visit to South America, and he has a graft deal of hand literary work before him. Ho cannot spare 'the three weeks which tho inspection of the rocks womd otV. He suggests that some resident of Auckland who m ln \”^ {f .^ O Sd miration, and who has studied it, Simula prepare a report on Mr Wragge 6 recen announoemont*

. Mr John Moffett, Invcffoorsni, torogh his Wellington agents, Messrs Young TAc/U loSged an wpcal against tlio decision oi Ohi ei Jndgol aimer i SWhaSIH nsr* Ci Tolhoi Rickus to tho Island of Horomanae. and that B thi IT j^lgmeS >J is l ogHnst the weight which will bo specified later. No amount S Purity for «»t s has, yet been fixed, hut an intimation on,tills pomtby the dJS Appellate Court, which sits in Wellington shortly.

Tho last amateur sports gathering of the season, which is to bo held on the Basin Reserve, on next Saturday, promises to prove a fitting conclusion to a ecasoii. The worto.are M held in connection vnth tb.e bt. e Day celebration, and are under the joint aulpdees of the Wellington Club and Hibernian Society. By nvent competitors are advised that eatries have been extended to Tuesday, up to“oon. so as to allow for largo and fields. The decision of H. to make tho trip from Taranaki to Endeavour to lower the AustraWn record in the three-mile walk -should prove an attractive item. The. bn£<rf> war is exciting cmsrderablie interest Each succeeding year adds interest and enthusiasm to this event. Anitom interest will bo a bagpipe competition in costume. In tho days of professional athletics in Wellington enc*.events were always welcome. An exhibition on the ancient Irish war pipes will be mven tor tfio first time in New Zealand by Mr P. Barrv. An Irish 31^ . competition has been * arranged for, the music to, which wiU be supplied by one of the pipers. The annual meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Koto' Department Football Club was held on Saturday evening, when it was stated that the club had experienced the most successful season on record, doing remarkably well in all grades. live member's of the fifth-class team were nominated for tho representative match against Otago and all were chosen, hive teams were entered for tho grade chainpionships. and the club teams wore rnnnors-up in the Fourth-class Chammonship and Charity Cups, and in the Fifth-class A and B grades Cup Charanioriduca The election of officers reSK follows Mr Worhoys* vice-presidents, Messrs Mood, Means, Richardson, Mathcson, Shoarney. Delist,' and Nimmo; secretary and treaBtircr, Mr Bruce Mabin; management committee, Messrs Richardson, Evans Aickin; selection committees, fourth-class, Messrs Mubin, Evans, Richardson; fifth class, Mosers Aickin. Nicol, Bates; sixth-class, Messrs Aamodt, Scott, L. McGirr. it was decided to enter two fourth-class, three fifth-class, and two sixth-class teams, for the coming year. A letter was read stating that the senior club had promised five medals for competition during the coming season.

Particulars of the Technological examinations of tho City and Guilds of Londo/i institute, and and art examinations of the Board of Education, London, which will bo conducted by the Education Board about May. arid June next re specl iv e iy, ar e a< Ivor t i set I.

The P'orndlir-tion Commissioner, Mr P. Hally. w:li hear tho dispute between the U mansion Cocks and Waiters' union and the Wellington Licensed Victuallers' A.-k-ociution and other employers, to-day, commencing at 10 a.ra„ at the Commissioner's office, Te i' ro Post Office. A feature of the open air entertainment at Coromandel on Saturday wa.s t!ie Spanish dances and minuet gracefully danced bv ten members of Mrs J D. Foley's juvenile dancing assembly; also the solo dances of Misses Lea and Lily Fo!ev, wlio contributed a tarantella, raiioi’s hornpipe, and Irish, jig.. The little ones looked charming m the national dr e sm.- s .

Sergeant Rutledge and Constable McJxclvcy made another of tiieir Sunday visitations yesterday to premise© at No. 70, Cambridge terrace, it being suspected tiiat illicit dealing in liquor was going on there. The officers seized a considerable quantity of boor —as much as tricy could carry away in a sack. There was no excitement, and no arrests, but the occupier of the premises ‘will probably be summoned to attend the court in due course.

The Arbitration Court will commence its Wellington sitting at 10.30 to-day, at the Supreme Court buildings. Following cases have been set down for hearing : Enforcements: Inspector of Awards v. K. Hannah and Co. Applications to add parties: and joiners’ (country) award; oarpcaitars’ and joinois' (Wellington) award; tailors' award; award; building trades labourers' award. Compensation cases: Martin v. Union Steam Ship Company, Miller v. Carnie, Buddin v. the King, Public. Trustee v. Vyellingtou Harbour Ferries Company. Morions, for compensation: Public Trustee v.. Union Steam Ship Company. . The Hector Memorial Committee have sent out the following circular committee have obtained from the Government a subsidy of J2 l for «£1 up to TSOO. 1 The subscriptions already to hand amount to J£4js3 10s 6d, being £4& 9s 6d short of the ,i!500. It is desired, if possible, to obtain the whole =£boo from the Government, but to do so on tho present vote the above further sum of J£-t6 9s Gd must be collected before March 31st, 1910, when the vote -Ball lapse. Tho committee would be glad to receive any additional contributions subscribers may" like to make, and to receive new subscriptions. Tho committee wish to point out that every Jsl subscribed before March 31st, up to the sum of JioOO, produces a further subsidy from tho Government. The Lux Light Compimy wish it known that the Lux Incandescent Kerosene Gas Lamps give the Cheapest and Most Brilliant Light on Earth. See Oe Aro House, Bates and Lees', Warded Bx»i>s. , Leyden and Co., Caterer and Carey. L. Pearce and Co., R. ‘ Hannah and Petone Workshops (where Hux replaced tho latest devices in lighting). Honso Lamps 22s 6d. Lamps up to 2000 candlepower. . 35, 37. 39, Old Custombionee street (back of Opera Honse). Wellington,

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7076, 14 March 1910, Page 7

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CURRENT TOPICS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7076, 14 March 1910, Page 7

CURRENT TOPICS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7076, 14 March 1910, Page 7


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