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Notes for Women.
KATRINE will personally attend all social functions of interest, for which cards may be forwarded to the New Zealand Times” office. Accounts of weddings, dances, and social events generally, .sent in for insertion, must bo proxiorly authenticated. Ka-
trine will be pleased to give correspondents the benefit of her advice on matters connected with the household, toilet, cookery, dress, and fashion etiquette, etc. On these and all other fiiibjects of interest to women correspondence is cordially invited.
with motifs of Irish lace and the skirt being pleated. Her large white hat was swathed with tulle, and finished with several long cream ostrich pinnies. The only bridesmaid was Miss Alice Gibson, of Patea, who wore an Empire frock of pink chiffon taffeta, with closely swathed sleeves and gnimpo of embroidered Brussels laco and a largo black hat lined with white and trimmod with black and white wings. Mr Fcony was best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Cecil Watson, Dr Gore-Gillon giving his daughter away. The after reception was held at the residence of the bride's father and stepmother. The latter wore a green crystalline costume with tunic of darker green taffeta ornamented with cream guipure, and a black “Merry Widow” hat trimmed I.lth raspberry shaded ribbon and green roses. Mrs C. W. Adams, of the Hutt (aunt of the bride), had a handsome brown costume; Mrs Barnes, of Christchurch, also an aunt of tho bride, wore black silk, the bodice relieved with cream laco and a black ha’t trimmed with black and white roulettes from which drooped long ostrich plumes. Mrs J. Spicer (the bride's cousin), wore grey shantung, trimmed with white laco * and silver buttons, and, a black hat trimmed with a largo pink rose. The bride’s going away dress was composed of lawn and blue tweed, with saxe blue facings and buttons, and a hat to match garlanded with pink rosebuds. A quiet wedding was celebrated at the Presbyterian, 3lasterton, yesterday afternoon, when Mr George Alexander Dawson was married to 31iss Harriet Brown, eldest daughter of Mr Peter Brown, of Wellington. The ceremony was performed by the liov. A. T. Thompson
Miss Vera Fulton is expected to return from her Australian trip on Monday.
Mr and Mrs Worsley are passengers by the Moeraki to-day, on route to England.
A morning tea was given yesterday by Mrs It. 31. Simpson at her residence, Wellington terrace.
Mr and Mrs George Guthrie (nee Miss Muriel Henderson), have returned from their wedding tour and are settled in their home at Karori.
Mr John Chappie and the Misses Chappie (3), are back from their English. tour, having reached Wellington by the Mamma on Wednesday.
Sirs F. V. Waters and Mrs. Davis gave a large farewell tea at 3lrs Davis s residence, Karori, on Wednesday afternoon, in honour of 3'liss Da,sent, who is leaving for England shortly to continue her art studies. The guests included many representatives of old Karori identities, and of tho congregation of St. 3lary’s Church, of which the chief guest’s father, tho late Rev. Mr Dasent, was formerly incumbent.
A small tea was given by Mrs Quick at her homo yesterday afternoon, for Mrs Bland Holt. The affair took place in the drawing-room, which was prettily decorated with flower's. Amongst those present wero Mrs Hindlay, Mrs Kempthorne, Mrs Stanton Harcourt, Mrs M. Myers, Mrs M. Boss, and others. Mrs Quick wore a !)andsome gown of black taffetas elaborately embroidered and file corsage finished with white lace. Mrs Bland . Holt, with whom came Miss Coppin, was gowned in a dark fawn cloth costume trimmed with brown velvet, and added a blue forget-me-not wreathed hat.
Mrs James Houston and Miss Blackett were joint hostesses at a charming tea held at Kelburno kiosk yesterday afternoon. The function was devised by these ladies to afford them an opportunity of saying good-bye to their many friends, ero jirocceding .on a European tour. Upon the first stage of this they embark to-day, sailing by the Mocraki for Sydney, thence joining R.AI.S. Oroya for Ndples—their intention being to spend two months in Italy. The seaward eld© of the kiosk was set aside for the guests, and the small tables were daintily decorated with sweet peas. Mrs Houston wore a gown of grey ninon over glace, and a black hat. Miss Blackett, had a smart black Sergo coat and skirt and black hat with crown of violets. Mr Houston, who accompanies the ladies on tour, received the guests with Mrs Houston. Among those present were Professor and Mrs Maurice Richmond, Sirs Newman, Misses Mary and Elmily Richmond, Mrs Hursthouse, Miss R. Hursthouse, Mrs Tudor Atkinson, Mr and Mrs Herston Frank land, Mr and Mrs William Atkinson, Mr and Mrs Collie, and Mr Arnold Atkinson. The masculine element contributed greatly to the success of the gathering. MASTERTON NOTES. Miss Kirkwood, of Stratford,, is the guest of Mrs J. Carpenter. Mrs Bennett, of Danuevirke, is on a visit to her mother, Mrs Schroeder. Mrs and Miss S. Winzenberg returned home from Napier last Monday. Mias Olliver, of Lyttelton, is at present in Mastorton staying with her sister, Mrs F. Whitton. ■ -Mrs F. Dupre, and Miss Eileen Dupre returned home on Monday, after a delightful holiday trip to Timaru. Mrs Finney, wife of the proprietor of the “Nelson Mail) 1 ’ is at present in Masterton staying with her parents, Mr and Mrs Hathaway. The engagement is announced of Miss Vida O’Connell, fourth daughter of Mr M. O. O'Connell, of Masterton, to Mr P. J. Ryan, of Napier. The complimentary garden party to the Hon. A. W. Hogg which was to have taken place this afternoon (Thursday) in the Masterton Park, has unavoidably been postponed for a fortnight, owing to the unfavourable state of the weather. The banquet tendered to him by the citizens will take place to-night (Thursday), as arranged. On Wednesday evening a very pleasant progressive euchre party was given by Sirs Hammond, at her residence, Cole street, as a conclusion to tho proceedings in connection with her daughters’ weddings. About fifty young people were present, and a most enjoyable time was spent. The first prizes were won by Miss E. Carpenter, a pretty jewel casket, and Mr Walsh, , a handsome shaving mug. Of course the usual booby prizes were in evidence, and created a lot of fun. The winners of these rather uncoveted honours woro Mr G.' Smith and Miss Dalzill. Musical items were rendered by the Misnes Bowen {, M. McKenzie, AV. Jones, V. Edwards, and Air Walsh. Recitations were given by Miss Rita Hooper and Mr R. Carpenter. A very dainty. supper was provided for the guests in the largo marque© erected for tho occasion. WEDDINGS Tho wedding of Miss Doiis GoreGillon, only daughter of Dr Gore-, Gillon, of Princes street, Auckland, with Air Harley George, was quietly celebrated at St. Paul's Church, Auckland, on the 3rd inst. The bride wore a smart coat and skirt of cream ■shantung, the Directoire coat outlined
SOAIE OF THE DRESSES. i t3lc A. and P. Association held their annual show, and were favoured with perfect weather. There were visitors from all parts, including Auckland, Christchurch, and AVellington. Among tho many outside gentlemen visitors wore Hon. Air Buddo, Messrs I'ield and Seddon, Al.P.’s, Air R. McNab, Judge Rawson, Alajor Burunson, and Major Diddle. On the inside lawns many beautiful gowns woro to be seen. Amongst them I noticed Airs Gardener (Mayoress) white Indian muslin, beautifully made and-trimmed with Indian embroidery and insertion, and a black Leghorn hat trimmed with large bunches of vio.ets and roses; Airs Winchester, beautiful white embroidered robe and burnt straw hat trimmed witii cream roses and brown ribbon velvet; Airs Matier, white embroidered dress and burnt £traw hat trimmed with blue silk; Airs F. Roe had a rich embroidered Indian muslin dress, and a cream hat trimmed with silk and roses; Airs Jack Hewitt wore a lovely white box frock and very large hat covered with large red and cream roses; Airs Wilson, dainty . blue delaine gown and cream hat with autumn leaves; Airs Shearsby, brown silk taffeta and brown hat swathed, with brown silk and cream roses; Mrs Joyce (Auckland), white embroidered robe and burnt straw hat with large crimson roses; Mrs. T. Hudson, lovely box frock of white embroidered muslin and smart straw hat with lace frill underneath and cream roses and net on top; Airs Alarriott, brown chiffon taffeta, and straw hat with crimson and cream roses, and beautiful pink chiffon fall: Airs Sydney Hall, a lovely frock of striped silk with Paris trimmings, and a. pink hat; Airs Fifczherbert, pretty pink floral muslin, and dainty hat to match; Airs Hector McDonald, smart Eton coat and skirt, and cream hat; Airs Roddio AlcDonald, black merveilleux and cream bat with large black feather; Airs J. Prouse, soft grey tweed coat and skirt, and black hat; Airs J. Alclntyre, pretty embroidered frock, black hat with large feather; Airs Alfrey (Palmerston), white muslin and black hat; Airs Hankins, white -ock and straw hat covered with sweet peas; Mrs Higgins (Feilding), pretty green floral muslin, and large brown hat ; Mrs F. Rhodes, pretty floral muslin, and largo green hat; Mrs AVallace woro white; Mrs Craig, white gown and black hat with large black feather; Airs T. Sevan (Alanakau), smart tailor-made costume of heliotrope check, and lovely black hat; Airs Thorne, cream voile; Airs D. Alathieson, beautiful cream silk taffeta, and smart cream hat with pink roses and blue forget-me-not; Airs McKenzie, white embroidered robe, large black hat; Airs Clark, handsome pink flora] silk muslin with strappings of green silk, pretty pink hat trimmed with roses; Airs Goldsmith, black • ilk dress, black Kat, relieved with white; Airs Robertson, cream serge frock, green hat; Airs Grant, smart Eton coat and skirt, and straw hat trimmed with black ribbon velvet; Airs •Heavy, grey gown and' cream hat; Airs S. AlcKeuzie wore white; Airs Bomen, white frock and black hat: Alias Sutherland, very dainty gown or AVedgewood bordered voile, trimmed ’■vrfitll Paris lace and insertion, and hat en suite. Also present were Aliss Dot Stuckey, pretty blue dress; Aliss Devonshire, pink silk; Aliss Craig, white; Aliss Hitchings, white Norfolk coat and skirt, and white hat, with folds of blue silk; Aliss Connie Hitchings, white frock, and large straw hat covered with roses; Aliss Gwynne, pretty cream gown, cream hat; Airs Rawson (Otaki). Airs Stephens (Otaki), and many others.
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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 6741, 12 February 1909, Page 2
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1,739Notes for Women. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 6741, 12 February 1909, Page 2
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Notes for Women. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 6741, 12 February 1909, Page 2
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