PHASES OF THE 11003. SEPTEMBER. d. n. u First Quarter 4 3 21 a.m. Full Moon 10 11 53 p.m. hast Quarter 17 10 5 p.m. New Moon 26 2 29 a.m. Sun rises, 5.56 a.m.; sets, 5,39 p.m. Moon rises, 10.14 p.m.; sets, 8.21 a.m. High water, 7.10 a.m.; 7.43 p.m.
ARRIVED. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. MARAROA, s.s. (G. 30 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers — Saloon: Misses Bloxam, Abcrnethy, Erapson, Jennings, McLean, Poole, Ward, McDonald, Andrews, Day, Bright, Mcsdamos Spragg, (Jicphane and child, McDonald, OUvecrona, Parry, Low and 2 children, Branson, Messrs McKenzie, Nicholas, Spragg, Luke, Day, Snowden, Gufsky, Wood, Carl, Fountain, Isitt, Browning, King, Cooper, Paterson, Evans, Wilder, Potts. Venning, Wallich, Fryer, Harvey, Hamilton, Bloxham, Harvey, G. L. Stead, Rev. Blamircs, Coira, Murray, Blackitt, Buddie, Lovett, Badger, Johnson, Rhodes, Troup, Arcus, Sedgley, Wood, Matthews, Paterson; GO steerage. KAHU, s.s. (G. 50 a.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, from Napier, via coast. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (4.20 p.m.), Manley, from Boston and Picton. MANAROA, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 122 tons. Hart, from Havelock.
PENGUIN, e.s: (10.40 p.m.), 824 tons. Naylor, from Kelson and Picton. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Richmond, Marchbanks, McKie, Ward, Beauchamp (2), Peter, Stark, McKenzie (2), Horne, Finlayson, Ramvell, Shelly and child, Mesdames McFarlaue, Jack, Cousins, Simpson, Francis, Ritchie and 3 children, Cliaytor, Adams, Sowman, Trolove, Captain Kenny, Messrs BJackmoro, Neale, Hatch, Bates, Wallace, Green, Wilson, King, Kershaw, Marks, Gardiner, Whelan, Muncaster, Falconer, Dames, Kenny, Wilson, Beauchamp, Boshor, Downey, Barnett, Ross, Melville, Watts, Grove, Bird, Hobday, Ballin, Morpeth, De Silva, Boyce, Cra.croft, Braidwood, Mudsen, France, Mead, Chaytor, Loe, Gaulter, WcCalluin, Grey, Guy, Rabone, Bishell, Meehan, McArtney, Shaw, Trolove, 8011, Parsons, Stone, Maitland, Meek, Redwood; 8 steerage. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. OSWESTRY GRANGE, s.s. (12.55 a.m.), 6591 tons. Hoot, from Manchester and Liverpool, via Capetown, Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland. Passengers for Wellington—First Saloon: From Liverpool—Mrs Murdoch, Mr Murdoch. From Capetown—Mesdames Gal wood and infant, Williams and infant, Messrs A. C. Jennings, H. Jennings, A. E. Williams. Third-class: From Liverpool—-Misses SI. G. Barnett, A. Ashworth, G. Ivegart, A. Kelsall, Gilmore (2), C. Armstrong, Milne (2), M. Riddell, H. Dick, Stevenson (2) Miller (3), A. Moore, A. Bolton, Dunipaco (2). Church, Mesdames M. Milne, Ewen, G. Church. Miller, L. Bolton, Dick, A. Murdoch, Eaivstborn. strong, Dunipace, Master A. '-'Bmcr, JIS J. S. MacSnir P. Gilmore IS. Gilmore, W. Milne, J. Milne, A. C. Bag ley J. Stevenson, W. J. Milne, T. Milne, Jas. Wilkie, J. W. Ewen, A. Bolton, J. Metcalf, J. Dick, J. McMahon, t A rm c 'tron cr , A. !McLeanP. L* * A. Dunipace" W. Scott, Wm Harwood A Gumming, J- Graham, W. G. Dennett, Chas. Hunter H°bert Dunipace, E. O. Hill. ' V -A ; „j e e p. RawsM OFAw!l. k r s . (1.5 am). U° 1! " 1 ' Eol[ ' ford, from Blenheim. WAIHI, (1-25 am), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim o wtfporA Ms, w. Gifford. Mesdames Highet and Masters Henrys (2), Hell, Andrew (2 , Messrs Smith, Hvjirys, Wilson 801 l Mpore, Dunnlop, Hoskins, Gow, 8 steei ago. . CANOPUS, 6.6. (6 a.m.), 1350 tons, Lobb, from Westport. TAINUI, e.s. (8.5 a.m.), 128 tons, Jensen, from Waitara.
PATEBNA, s.s. (8.25 a.m.), 1212 tons, Eenaut, from Lyttelton. Passengers : baloon—Misses Murphy, Toswill, Hill, Evans, Hayes, Mills, Henderson, Wilson, Anderson, Haymanson, Seccombo, Mesdames Gordon, Wardell and child, Ewing, Gillespie, Cain, Bingham, Dr Pomare, Messrs Jennings, Wilkin, Hamilton, Mallard, Hughes. Jorgensen, Lewis, Barratt, Farmery, Walslebent, Kitto. Wagstaff, Ewing, Pukiheka, Lindsay, Bingham, Thornton; 20 steerage.
STORM BIRD. s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 217 tons. Mclntyre from V\ anganui. JIUIA, s.*=. (11.5 am), 127 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui MANA e.s. (12.25 p.m.), 131 tone, Corby, from Patea. PUTJKI, s.s. (12.55 p.ra.), 109 tons Dewhurst from Wanganui WATKARE, s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 3071 tons, Bornech, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers; Saloon Misses King, McLean, Gow, McKinnon, Livingstone, Blenaerhassett, Kcrmode, Gourlay, Gellatiy Earl Steins, Minifie, Mesdamos Roberts. Evans, Geodger, Jones Empgon Bradley, Adkins, Glynn, Williams, Johnston. Smith, Saunders, Messrs Gow, Evans Mitchell, Goodger, Fielder, Henderson, Norris (2), Simpson, Wood, Williams, Evan, Dow, Aireil, Jones, Galeech, Empsou ‘(2), Giles, Healy, Kirker, Girdleston, Dalrymple, Cartwright, Townsend, Reid, Goo, Evans, Blenncrhassett, Robb, McCallum, Chapman, Brown. Oxley, Marriner. Johnston. Stephen. Herdman, Murrav. Whittaker, Hoskins, Houll, Peck. Royds, Gillett, Mulvey, Wlckstoad, Sullivan, Thompson. Wilkinson Pope, Johnston, C. Saundcie, AORERE, s.s. (2.55 p.m.), 77 tons. Fisk, from Patea. ROSAMOND, s.s. (7.45 p.m.), 721 tons, Edwin, from Greymouth. SAILED. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. MOANA s.s. (7.45 a.m.). 3915 tons, Hutchings’ for Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and ’Sydney.
ARAKURA, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), 1526 tons, Lambert for Picton, Nelson, Westport, and Greymouth. ENNERDALE, s.s. (2 p.m.), 1139 tons, Cox, for Kaipara. HAWKE'S BAY, s.s. (2.40 p.m), 4583 tons, McQueen, for Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. WHANGAPE, s.s. (5.55 p.ra.), 2931 tons, Chrisp, for Suva. MARAROA, s.s. (11.15 pm), 2598 tons. Manning, for Lyttelton ROTOITI, s.s. (9.30 p.m.). 1159 tons. Akhveli, for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onelumga. Passengers: Saloon —For Nelson—Misses Kelling, Scully, Parsonage, Barker (2), Mackworth, Flynn, Derrick, Mcsdamos Derrick. Ilackworth, Derrick, Bingham, Oliver, Corlett, Larsen, Manoy and child, Messrs Hackworth, Watson, Phelps, Manoy, Oliver. Bingham, Heaton, R. Smith, Brown, Cathie. Masters Ilackworth, Jennings. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kamona, Westport, to-day Defcmder, Karamea, to-day Kaitangata, Westport, to-day Oreti, Wanganui, Tuesday Flora, southern ports. Tuesday Mararoa, Lyttelton, Tuesday Monowai, Auckland, via ports, Tuesday Penguin, Nelson, Picton, Tuesday Wavcricy, Motueka, Tuesday Arahura", West Coast, Wednesday Takapuna, Ondhunga, Now Plymouth, Wednesday Tongaxiro, Ly'Jtelton, Wednesday Maitai, Sydney, Wednesday Hauroto, Suva, Auckland, Thursday Victoria, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Thursday Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via south, Friday Mokoia. Sydney, Auckland, Friday
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Pateena Lyttelton, to-day, 8 p.m. Penguin, Picton, Nelson, to-day, 12.45 p.m. Waitomata, Timaru, to-day Encounter, Nelson, to-day Canopus, Westport* to-day Waikarc, Auckland, via ports, to-day, 4 p.m. Tainui, Waitara, to-day Mana, Patoa, to-day, 5 p.m. Huia, Wanganui, to-day, 3 p.m. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day, midnight Stormbircl, Wanganui, to-day Putiki, Wanganui, to-day, 4 p.m. Kahu, Napier, via coast to-day Blenheim, Blenheim, to-day, midnight . Manaroa, Motucka, to-day, 4 p.m. Aorore, Patea, to-day, 4 p.m. Waihi, Blenheim, to-day, 10 p.m. Wakatu, Lyttelton, via coast, to-day, 4 p.m. Queen of the South, Poston, to-day, 4 p.m. Waverley, Nc.'lson, Motuelca, Tuesday Rosamond, Greymouth, Tuesday Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Tuesday Mararoa, Lyttelton, Tuesday Poherua, Greymouth, Tuesday Kaitangata, Greymouth, Tuesday Kamona, Westport, Tuesday Flora, Westport, Greymouth, Tuesday Mapourika, Wdst Coast, Tuesday lonic, Lyttelton, Tuesday Oswestry Grange, Lyttelton, Wednesday Takapuna, New Plymouth, Onehunga, Wednesday Victoria. Auckland, Sydney, Thursday Maitai, Melbourne, yia south, Thursday, ' XJlimaroa, Sydney, Friday TELEGRAPHED MOVEMENTS. LONDON, Friday—Ruapehu, from Wellington; Matatua, from Auckland, Opart, for Auckland and Wellington. SYDNEY, Saturday—Maitai (3 p.m.), for Wellington. NEWCASTLE, Saturday—Brisbane, for Lyttelton. MELBOURNE, Saturday Moeraki, from Bluff. AUCKLAND, Saturday—Monowai, for southern ports. Passengers for Wellington—Misses Swift, Foley (2), Granby (2), Mason, Mesdames Foley, Robinson, Swift, Messrs Swift, Robinson, Mason, "Chambers, Houghton; AVhakarua (11.10 a.m.), for Napier; Indralema (1 p.m.), for Wellington. Sunday—Mokoia (1,40 p.m.), from Sydney; Silver Cloud, barquentine, from Newcastle. Invortay, for south. Aldebaran, barque, for Sydney. THAMES, Sunday—Joseph Craig, barquo, for Sydney.
RUSSELL, Saturday—Fondle Hill (5.10 p.m.), from Sydney, ONEHUNGA, Saturday—Rarawa (5.15 a.m.), from i\ew Plymouth. Sunday— Tatapuna (7.40 p.m.), from New Flymonth.; Rarawa (4 p.m.), for New Plymouth. MAN 0 KAU HEADS, Sunday—Earawa (5.25 p.m.), crossed bar outwards. NELSON. Saturday—'Wavorley (6.15 a.m.), and Kennedy (7.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Sunday—Arahura (7.30 a.m.), from Picton. Arahura - (10 a.m.), for Westport. WESTPORT, Saturday Kaitangata (12.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sunday— Ramona (10.45 a.m.), for Wellington. GEEYMOUTH, Sunday—Poherua (12 20 a.m,), for Wellington. LYTTELTON, Saturday—-Victoria (7.15 a.m.), and Ceric (7,30 a.m.), from Wellington; Kaiapoi (5.10 a.m.), from Newcastle. Hinemoa (6.30 a.m.), for southern' ports. Sunday—Hawke's Bar (7.15 a.m.), and Mararoa (11 a.m.), from Wellington. TIMARU, Sunday—Aparima (12 45 a.m.), for Bluff. - v PORT CHALMERS, Sunday—Jeanara (12.15 p.m.), from Lyttelton. DUNEDIN, Saturday—Maheno, from Lyttelton. Sunday—Victoria, from Lyttelton; Wairuna, from BluS. Maheno, for Bluff. Hobart, and Melbourne. BLUFF, Saturday—Wairuna, for Dunedin. Sunday—Tong&riro (10 a.m.), for Lyttelton. Captain G. H. Lacy, lato of the Nama, has transferred to the Wairuna, in place of Captain C. Angus, who brought the vessel to the Bluff from Newcastle. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tongariro is expected to arrive at Wellington next Wednesday or Thurs-
day from Lyttelton. She will leave boro for Napier and Auckland to complete Homeward loading.
It is reported that Captain R. Stewart, of tho Penguin, who has boon acting pilot at Nelson, will rojoin his vessel to-day. The Government steamer Hlnemoa left Lyttelton early on Saturday morning for the lighthouses at Godley Head, Akarca, and Dunedin, in continuation of her round trip to the southern lighthouses. Advice has been received that the schooner Clyde sailed from Greymouth on Saturday for Wellington* Captain 11. A. Rutter, late of the Waihora, will succeed to the command 'of the Aparirna, as Captain Stott has ’resigned from 1 ' the service. The steamer Taieri, which is discharging salt from Edithburg, is undergoing some repairs at Lyttelton. She is lo sail about Wednesday next for Greymouth.
The Blackball Company's hulk Blackwall, which is to do duty at this port as a coal hulk, will leave Lyttelton today at 11 a.m. in tow of the Lyttelton Harbour Board’s new tug Canterbury, for Wellington. The Ivoonya left Westport on Saturday night for the Bluff. Tho Whangape, which left Wellington ’on Saturday for Suva, will load sugar for either Auckland or Sydney, Mr E. R. Nicholas, late second officer of the Taieri, arrived at 'Wellington on Saturday from South, to await orders. Captain Mat. Irvine, well known in Now Zealand, arrived at Sydney recently in charge of a collier purchased in Eng[land by a Sydney firm. Among steamers brought out from Home to New Zealand by Captain Irvine were the Waipori, Kakapo, Komata, and the Storm. . According to the "Lyttelton Times,” tho Dulwich, from Puget Sound, will not come to Wellington, That journal Enys: "It is expected that* the Dulwich will finish putting out the Lj-ttelton portion. of the cargo of Oregon timber in time to leave there on Wednesday, when she is to sail for Auckland to finish discharging. Her further movements are not yet known." The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Companv's steamer Karamea sailed from London on tho 4th instant for Port Chalmers and Lyttelton respectively, having on 7x>ard 3300 tons of cargo for the former port, and 750 tons for the latter. She is duo at Port Chalmers about October 22nd.
Tho Corinna resumes her running from Dunedin to-day. She completed her overhaul at Port Chalmers on Saturday, and sails this afternoon for Nelson and New Plymouth, via way ports. A large cargo steamer with a red funnel with black top passed the Heads at 3.30 p.m., bound eastward. The vessel was not a Union. Company boat. MAORI AND PATEENA. Tho Union Company's turbine steamer Maori, which is being docked at Lyttelton, is expected to resume running in tho Lyttolton-Wellington ferry service on iThureday night. The Pateena will then ‘withdraw from the ferry service, and will probably go on tho patent slip at Wellington for a thorough overhaul.
CAPTAIN EDWARD STOTT RESIGNS Captain Edward Stott, of the Union Company's steamer Aparima, has resigned from the Company’s service. Captain Stott, who has just completed a round-the-world voyage with the Anarima, has been master of that vessel for some years, and prior to that had command of several of the "red funnel" boats. It is understood that he is joining a new shipping venture. Captain Stott, who is a native of Aberdeen, Bcotland, was born in 1863, and gained his master's certificate ©ighteeeu years ago. 1 He has earned a reputation of being. a skilful and careful navigator. f IN DBA L-EMA DUE TO-DAY. The Tyser liner Indralema, duo today from New York, via Australia, left. Auckland on Saturday midday for Wellington, where she is duo to-day. The vessel will berth at No, 6. Queen's wharf, and will discharge 2000 tons of cargo here. MAITAI LEAVES SYDNEY. The local office of the Union Company has been advised by cable that the Maitai left Sydney at 2 p.m. on Saturday for AVellington direct. The vesecl is bringing 34 saloon and 63 steerage passengers for New Zealand ports. The Maitai is due hero on A\ 7 edncsday afternoon. THE NAVUA MISHAP. The Union Company’s steamer N-avua, at present in dock at Port Chalmers, has not sustained serious damage through ner contact with a coral reef on her late Island trip. When the dock was pumped dry an examination showed that some plates were dented, but no fractures were disclosed, and a further examination from the inside will determine whether any plates will be renewed. One of the floor plates near the keel amidships on the starboard side was dented, and there were also three other dents at intervals further aft. None of the dents were bad, however, and there was little sign of damage to the layman beyond the dents referred to and the loss of some paint. It is understood that a Magisterial inquiry will bo ordered by the Marine Department, but nothing definite is announced. 1 OVERSEA VESSELS. STEAMERS. Indralema (due to-day), sailed from New York July 4th. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser.) Buceros (due about September 16fch) sailed from Buabury August 20th, via Auckland. (Millars’ Hardwoods Oo.) Rippingham Grange (due about September 16th;. sailed from Liverpool July 25tb. (P.-H.-S. Line}, Invcrtay (due about September 16th) sailed from New York Juno 2sta via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company) Whakarua (due about September ’ 21st). sailed from London July 15th, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser.) Dulwich (duo about September 22nd) sailed from Puget Sound July 30th wa Dunedin and Lyttelton. Breia lael (duo about September 24th) sailed from New York July let via Au* trail* and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) Tumkina (duo about September 24th) sailed from Plymouth August 9tb, via Cane’ town and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co.) Kia Ora {due about October sth). sailed from London August 10th. via Auckland. (Shaw-Savill.) Athenic (due about October 6th), sailed from Plymouth August 22ntL via Capetown and Hobart. (Shavr-Savill). Surrey (due about October 17th). sailed from Liverpool August 22nd. (F.-H.-S. Line.)
Clan Matheson (due about October 15th). sailed from New York July 25tb via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line). Niwarn (due about October 21st), sailed from London August 17th, via Australia, Auckland and Napier. (Tyner.) English Monarch (due about October SJrd), sailed from New York August 13tn. via Auckland. Paparoa (duo about October 24th), sailed from Plymouth September sth, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co.) Star of Scotland (due about October 26thb sailed from New Tone August 15th. via Australia and Auckland. (Tveer.) • Kasembe (due about October 28th), sailed from New York August 13th. via Melbourne. Sydney, and Auckland. (A. and J Line.) Orarl (due about November 2nd), sa’-Lfd from London September 4th. via Auckland. (N.Z.S, Co.) Glend»von (duo about November 15th). sailed from New York September 3rd, via Australia and Auckland. {N.Z.S. Oo.) SAILERS. Marjory Glen, barque (126 days out), ■ailed from Liverpool May 10th (Levin aud Oo.) Caraociolo, ship (78 days out), sailed from Marseilles June 27th. (Briscoe and Co.) Gladys, barque (37 days out), sailed from Liverpool August Bth. (Johnston and Oo.j
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New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6624, 14 September 1908, Page 9
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2,485SHIPPING NEWS New Zealand Times, Volume XXX, Issue 6624, 14 September 1908, Page 9
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