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bronchitis cure THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR GOUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OP ARY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain sc Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is moeS* comforting* in allaying irritation in tho throet and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where “Coughs” have been properly treated with this medicine. Nt> house should bo without it, ae. taken at the beginning, & dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. iTirtn AIJtS I remember that every disease has its commencement, B" WSa IH, EL Ur wvlMLarßo : and consumption is no exception to this rude. BRONCHITIS. A Sydney Stock and Share Broker ex 1 presses Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. It proved a Most Effective Remedy for a severe attack of Bronchitis. Mr W. O. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l lately hivd a severe attack of Bronchitis, and. acting on the advice of a friend, obtained a supply of your Bronchitis Cure. I am pleased to inform you it has proved a most effective remedy, causing me to feel grateful to you for furnishing such a valuable medicine to the public. May you meet with the success you so well deserve. I place this communication at your service* and remain. Dear Sir. Youro faithfully* HENRY FRENCH. Stock and Share Broker. 93, Pitt street, Sydney, ASTHMA. A Five Years’ Case. At times very bad indeed. Quickly and Completely Cured by H Game's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—For five or six years I vas troubled with asthma, at times very bad indeed. I was very ill just after Christmas, so sent to the local chemist for a bottle of your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. I took the first dose on going to bed. and was not troubled that night. I finished the medicine, anc have not had a touch of the asthma since, I tell everyone about it. M. MURRAY. Vost-mistress. Pampooiah, Manning Eiver, N.P.W. HAY ASTHMA. A Severe Attack Relieved In Ten Minutes by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. The effect was wonderful. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—About throe weeks ago. while in the vicinity of musty chaff, I gradually felt a difficulty to breathe. My nose began ‘to run, and to all appearance I was developing a severe attack of Bronchitis or Asthma. At. last I could stand it no longer. I then tried your Bronchitis Cure, and its effect was wonderful. In less than ten minutes 1 was all right again. Such a result, and so quick, a-atounded me. This is no exaggeration, I am pleased to say.—Tours truly, 8. H. MAYO, Meredith, Victoria. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A Svdney Resident Suffered for Over Sixty Years. So bad he dared not stir. Relieved in a few minutes by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. Would give £SO fpr the same benefit rather than suffer. Mr W. G.s Hearne. Dear Friend.—Chronic Bronchitis I had from birth, and I am now 66 years old. Borne time back 1 contracted Asthma, and lor months I was so bad that any remedy that had previously relieved smothering Was of no use to me. 1 was so bad that x dared not stir, and spent the worst night a ever had. When in a conversation. Mr March, J.P., of Balmain, Sydney, kindly told me that a friend of his was using your bronchitis Cure, and that it was good. So my sister bought me a bottle of it, and in a few minutes after taking tho first dose I could breathe a little. The next day I was better, and kept getting better every day. To-day I am better than 1 have been for the last seven years. I took the medicine as directed, six bottles, and it cost, me less than £l. I would give £SO for the same benefit rather than suffer as I did. PJeaee make what use of this letter you think fit; If by so doing it would only cause one to get rid of this fearful complaint.—Yours faithfully, WILLIAM CANHAM, 108, Curtis road, Balmain, Sydney. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Its Efficacy In Chest Complaints Testified to by a Grateful Victorian. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have much pleasure in adding my testimony in praise of your invaluable Bronchitis Cure, l have used it for the last three or four years, and its efficacy I have fully proved in common colds, Severn colds, croupy coughs, and other similar cheat complaints. I have given it to infants a few weeks old, young children and adults of all ages, and have never known it to fail In. relieving at once, and rapidly effecting a cure with a few'doses. I have recommended it to many of my friends, and they have fully proved its wonderful curative properties. I feel very grateful to you for a chest medicine so valuable, and cheap eiipugh to be available to any one. Trusting its present popularity and sales will be doubled, I am. yours very gratefully. EDWARD JONES, Mount Bruno, Mokoan, via GUenrowan, Victoria. BRONCHITIS. An English Lady so 111 that the Doctor held out no hope. a Was given Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure, and it effected a Complete Recovery, Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—Not long sinjMs, I had occasion to visit the Old Country, and before leaving Melbourne purchased a bottle of Hearne’a Bronchitis Cure, which i took with me. When 1 arrived in Leeds, T found that, my niece, Mias 0. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe attack of Bronchitis, in fact, she was so bod that the family doctor held out no hope for her recovery. She was then given Kearne’e Bronchitis Cuve, according to the direction on the label, and I am very pleased to say that it effected a complete cure. E. J. MATTHEWS, O/o Allan and Go., Collins st.. Melbourne, consumptTsn. Patient Recovering. Mr W. 0. Hearne. Dear Sir,—We pur chased some time ago 12 bottlee of you/ Bronchitis Cure, and can unhesitatingly say that it ha* given great relief from the intolerable throat irritation that my daughter experienced. Previous to using the Bronchitis Cure she would have two or throe attacks nightly, but now she can sleep through the night, and on wakening simply clears her throat from phlegm. She had a ‘slight attack of Consumption, but seems to be recovering, though of course slowly.—Yours gratefully, G. MAOKIE, Kaimata. Taranaki, New Zealand. / BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Two Severe Cases Cured by v One Bottle of Hoame’B Bronchitis Cure. Hr W. G. Hearne. Dear oir,—Kindly forward without delay another small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. The bottle I had from you has cured two of my children, but I* do not feel safe without it In tho house, 1 have also recommended it to my friends. .1 lost a fine little girl, throe years of age, from Influenza and BronchoPneumonia. I really believe if I had had your medicine my child would not have died, for the other two, a boy five years old. and a baby eight months old, wore suffering exactly in the same way, and it acted like magic on them; in fact, a small bottleful cured both of them; so trusting yon will forward it without, delay.—l am, youiw, moat gratefully, (Mrs' E. D. WARD, Cassilis, via Swift’s Creek, Gippsland. Vlo.j NINE MONTHS’ SUFFERING. Relieved by one dose of Hoarne’o Bronchitis Cure, and Cured v by two bottieu. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir.—l wish to add my testimony to tho wonderful effect o( your Bronchitis Cure. 1 Buffered foi nine mouths,, and the cough was so distressingly bad at nights I was obliged to gel up and sit by the fire. I had medical advice, and tried other remedies, without avail. I tried yours, and never had a fit of coughing after taking tho first doee. and though 7 have had but two bottles, I feel X am a different man, and the cough has vanished. Yon may depend upon my making known the efficacy of yoiir wonder ful remedy to anyone 1 see afflicted.-* Yours faithfully. JAMES ASTBURY. Dergholm, Victoria- ■■ ASTHMA 25 YEARS, immediately relieved by Heame’a Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. Q. Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have been a martyr to Asthma for about 29 years, and have tried almost all knows; remedies for the complaint, and have 1 boon under “the treatment of leading Physicians throughout tho Australian States. 1 determined to try no more, but let nature take its course. Two years ago I was asked to try your Asthma Cure, buf; laughed at the idea, However, by the persuasion of a ‘ very old friend,, three weeks ago I commenced the first bottU of your treatment. Almost immediately J found that I had made a mistake by not taking it before. 1 am now about half* way through tho second bottle, and bo much do I feel relieved that I take thtr opportunity of sending this testimonial along for you to make whatever use you may think fit. I Intend continuing youf treatment, and I trust than, before I have finished the third bottle I shall be able to write to you that 1 am perfectly oured, i am pleased to say the effect has been .wonderful.—Tours very gratefully. PHIL HANN, • 33, Camden st.. Balaclava. Victoria, ASTHMA. A Sufferer 73 Years of Age'Cured by w Hoarne's Bronchitis Cure. Mr Hearne, Chemist. Sir,—l am thankful to cay that the medl cine you sent for Asthma has had a won* derful effect. I have not taken all the Bronchitis Cure, os I did not need Jti therefore I send you my hearty good, for your future success. I myself will, for the benefit ol others, malm If known to all I know. I am 73 years ofWe. —Yours truly, JOHN BEAT, ■ ■ Alliance street, Climes, Victoria. HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURB—Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Large Size, ds. 6d. Sold by Chemists d.nd Medicine Vendors,'and by the Proprietor, w. &. HEARNE. "CHEMIST, 6EEWK6, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. * New Zealand' branch Office i— No. 11, First Fkor, HUME’S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STBBET, WELLINGTON.

DIGEST WHAT ; - YOU EAT. MAKE YOUR STOMACH STRONG AND HEALTHY. A POSITIVE CURE FOR V '. ■ INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA: ■ These' .Tabules are the only Safe, Reliable, Certain Remedy for all Stomach Troubles. The reason is, they are the only perfect Natural Remedy. They perform the digestive worn, of the stomach just as the stomach did when it was able to do it, and in exactly the same way. Their, principal component elements are identical with, those of the gastric juice and other digestive fluids of the stomach. They do the work of the Stomach in a natural way withbut causing any disturbance, and thus permit that organ to rest and recuperate, grow strong and well. That is what they do and that’s the way they do it. Anybody can understand it, and anybody suffering from Dyspepsia dr any Stomach Trouble can always get Safe, Certain and Natural Relief from DR. SHELDON’S DIGESTIVE TABULES MEREDITH, Victoria. TO THE SHELDON DRUG CO. i . * July 18th, 1905. N - Dear Sirs, — # . lam writing to let you know the result of six months’ trial of Dr. Sheldon’s Digestive TabuW. lam over 50 years of age, and have been a painter for the last 30 years, continually. Previous to taking your Tabules I could not eat a meal without a violent attack of diarrhoea and pains that bad that I thought the whole of my stomach was giving way. I could’not go to a place of worship, as my stomach was always convulsed and in pain with wind. It was that bad I had to hold my hands to my stomach to keep the noises down when in company I dreaded going to a fresh place, for I was always attacked with pains and vomiting. I could not look at food only when I was very hungry, and then only a very little was quite enough. Some people said I had liver complaint, others said I had heart disease, others that I was in a decline, and would soon die. I tried all the patent medicines, and spent pounds on wines, spirits and beer to relieve the terrible pains in my stomach, but all to no good. But being in Ararat last Christmas, I saw a very nice advertisement in the local paper about Dr. Sheldon’s Digestive Tabtilos, and that they were guaranteed to cur© ; so I got a box for 2/6, and I read carefully the little booklet, ;.nd I said I would give them a six months 1 " trial. Now, that six months is up, and I can say truthfully lam cured of my complaint completely, and enjoying the best of 1 health, and have gained flesh and energy. In fact, I have not a sign of ailment that men of my age usually have. I might state that I have not used two boxes of the Tabules, and I have not denied myself any food I fancied to eat. Ido not use spirits, but take about a pint of beer a day.jno water or coffee, but a little tea and cocoa. Hoping others will see your advertisements and give the Tabules a trial, and they will soon rejoice with n:e as a cured man or woman assure as the sun rises. I might state that I was afflicted with this complaint for twenty years without getting relief. But, thank God, • that is all passed, and here I am to-day, well and hearty, and can eat six meals a day with pleasure and safety', all through talcing just part of two boxes of these wonderful Dr. Sheldon’s Digestive Tabules, costing me the small sum of five shillings, whereas I have spent pounds for no cure, wasting my money and life's pleasures, for 1 was always a trouble to myself and friends. No wonder i was with such complaints. * * So Gentlemen, I remain, ever grateful, H. SHAVE. These Tabules are sold everywhere at 2s. 6d. for a tin containing 80 TSlblUleS. Buy a tin, eat a good square meal,, and then take the Tabules according to directions, and note the result. You will forget all about it if you are not careful, for there will be No Palm or disturbance, and the food will be Digested just as it used to be when your Stomach was Well and Strong 1 . Furthermore, your stomach will soon be restored again, if you keep on taking them, just as thousands upon thousands of other stomachs have been by the sole and exclusive use of DR. SHELBOF3 MfiISTTW If unable to procure locally, rail! be pasted on receipt of the price, 2/6, or six boxes for 13/6, by the SHELDON DRUG COMPANY, 15 O’CONNELL STREET, SYDNEY.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 6089, 22 December 1906, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 6089, 22 December 1906, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 6089, 22 December 1906, Page 13


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