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Tho Wellington Benevolent Institution has received £1 Is from Mr William Evans, of Petone, towards tho funds of the institution.

Yesterday was the one hundred and thirtieth American “Day of Independence.” Tho national flag was flown from the' American Consulate to mark the occasion.

The Finance Committee of the Dunedin CSty Council has recommended the Oouncilto grant £IOO a year for five years towards establishing a public art gallery in Dunedin. At a special meeting of the Miramar Borough CJpuncil, held at noon yesterday, the special order made on May SOfch last in reference to the deviation of Signal Station road was confirmed. Two prisoners—Bernt Larsen and Henry Robert Hall Ctewin. who have pleaded guilty to charges of fraudulently converting moneys to their own use—will be brought before hia Honor the Chief Justice for sentence this morning.

The Eastern Extension Company’s cable steamer Recorder returned to port yesterday, after an unsuccessful attempt to complete repairs to the Neison-Syd-ney submarine cable. Heavy weather necessitated work being abandoned till finer conditions prevail. A private cablegram received in,Wellington from Durban yesterday says:— South African merchants are greatly pleased with the prospects of a direct service from New Zealand, and are anxiously waiting news of the projected departure of the first steamer.

Henry Deacon Kaynor, secretory <o tho Canterbury District Grand Lodge of Druids, was committed for trial at Christchurch yesterday on several charges of embezzling moneys, the property of' the U.A.0.D., amounting in all to £-195. Tho accused was brought back from Australia on aw extradition warrant.

The Moeraki, which arrived from Sydney yesterday afternoon, brought, a number of stud sheep; comprising a ram from Mr E. C. Colliding, Sydney, for Mr G. H. Scales; two Shropshire rams and four Shropshire owes for Messrs B. Soth-Smilh and K. Harry, of Ximaru, and a Shropshire ram for Messrs Field and Boyds, Christchurch, from Mr James Johns, Sydney. For the position of electrical engineer at Dunedin (says n Press Association telegram) twenty-four applications have reeu received. Tho salary is £7OO per annum. Tho names have been sent to a committee to select tho eight most eligible. Applications have come from t'woden. Scotland, England, Canada, the Commonwealth (seven), and Now Zealand (eight).. Four of tuo applicants are Dunedin men.

At Napier yesterday, George White charged with misappropriating funds or tho Stnrr-Bowkett Building Society, was further remanded for a week, the investigation into the society’s affairs nob being completed. AVhito has been adjudged a bankrupt on the creditors’ petition. - Hie'statement shows liabilities £13,947, and assets 112,6:10. nui-teourod creditors £2759, secured £11,091. The estimated value of securities is £12,261. Sitting in civil jurisdiction at tho Magistrate’s Court yu lerclay afternoon. Dr A. McArthur, S.M., had before him tho case Thomas Jamieson v. Gcorgo W. Hancox. This wa,9 a claim, tor £l2 in respect of sixteen prize fowls which it was alleged were killed by defendant’s dogs in November last. Tho main question at issue was tho value of tho fowls, plaintiff' claiming 15s _ per head. MrLcvvey appeared lor plaintiff, and Mr Bunny for defendant. Judgment was reserved.

The Wellington coach-workers’ dispute has been referred to tho Court of Arbitration fbr jfttlomcnt, no , industrial agreement in conformity with the recommendations of tho Board of Conciliation having been/filed. This matter will probably bo heard by tho Court at its next sitting. At 10 o’clock this morning tho Arbitral,ion Court will sib to take evidence in the workers’ compensation case of .Robinson v. the Union Steam Ship Company. The evidence taken will bo that of Dr Ewart.

Tho Bcv. Dr Kennedy, who is to lecture at the Town Halil (Concei t Chamber) this evening, hmi a reputation in Hawke’s Bay ns a lecturer on scientific subjects, which ho ban the happy knack of dealing with in popular form. On this occasion he takes as his subject “ Tho houso fly and cither common insects as seen through the microscope," in wlticlt a series of photo-micrographs will illustrate the subject matter. The looturo is the second of tho free public series given under tluii auspices of tho City Council.

There are at present on view in MoGregor Wright and Co.’s studio tho clover pon and ink originals of Mr J. Blomfield’s “Prominent Pone ke People,” being a selection of sketches that have appeared from time to time in the “Preo Dance.” The series includes commercial men, parliamentarians, clerics, and local “characters,” in each case tho prominent physical characteristics being laughably depicted. Tho collection includes one of tho finest pen portraits pf the late Premier ever drawn.

Tho Inspector-General of Schools and the Inspector of Native Schools had a long conference with.iihe Hawke’s Bay Education Board on , Tuesday relative to the control of mixed native and European schools. It was agreed (says tho “ Hawke’s Bay Herald ”) that school districts in which natives predominate in the population should be under tho control of tho department, while those having a majority of Europeans ought to be administered by tho Board. In tho case of native districts becoming ‘extensively “ Europeanised,” the Board was of opinion that control should bo transferred to it front; tho department.

During the past few: days prospecting for antimony ore lias boon earned out at Edgecombe Point, Endeavour Inlet, by a party of minors under thp direction of Mr McNamara (says tho “Picton Press”). The intention is to lake out a parcel of twonty-fivo, tons which is to be forwarded to Sydney for smelting., The market for antimony, which, for many years was too low for the mineral to be workable in such an out-of-the-way part of the world as Queen Charlotte Sound, has of late shown a tendency to harden up. This development is said to ba in consequence of the great demand consequent upon the ■ tremendous amount of stool required for tho rebuilding of Ban Francisco. v

Hie practice of permitting cattle and horses to wander in sU'cebs of the city is 'becoming frequent, and tho City Council has determined to check it. Inspector Doyle succeeded yesterday in getting a large number of owners fined for this offence at the Police Court. Ho said that during the last year the Council had secured 259 convictions, and yet this did not prevent the wandering of cattle. He pointed out that when cattle were allowed to wander over tram-lines the matter was particularly serious. On the Island Bay route inotormcn complained that they sometimes narrowly missed colliding with stray cows or horses. Only last week a, horse was killed. Inspector Doyle also opened a campaign yesterday against ■storekeepers in the imbit of sweeping rubbish out of their shops on - to the footpaths and into the , gutters. He summoned a butcher, alleging that ho had been guilty of this offence.. Tho accused proved his innocence to the satisfaction of l lio Bench.

The first turbine engine for Welling, ton arrived from New, York by the Indralema to the order of the New Zealand Electrical Syndicate, Ltd., of Harris street. The engine, which was conveyed from the wharf to the -works yesterday afternoon, jit a Curtis turbine (from the General Electric Company’s works at Schenectady, N.Y.), of 500 kilowatts (or about 1 50 home-power), giving 1400 per minute, as compared with 375 and 343 revolutions respectively of the reciprocating engine® at tho municipal and the Syndicate’s power-houses. The.turbine is to replace a 275 kilowatt engine, which ia being put out of commission,; As a full load is required at this time of the year, it is not proposed to install the turbine engine at present, hut as seen as tho heaw winter demand for lighting goes off—probably in Surtemhor— the work ofcrectiiig theenjne on its permanent bed will bo proc.oded with under the direction of tho engines (Mr Roy). Tho turbine and oondensor, weicchintz eighteen tone, camo to hand in on* package. ~

At Totara Flat last week (says tho “ West Co ant Times ”). Messrs Mark Sprot and Co. offered by auction the Midland Ilaihvay Hotel at that place with 15 acres 25 perches of land, the Public Hall cottage, (dairies, and outhouses. Tho property was knocked down to Mr William Young, of iotaia Flat, for £l-100, and tho clock at valuation.

Messrs Gualter, Dykes and Company, auctioneers, submitted for sale at public .auction last evening tho block of Miramar land known as tho golf terrace ■block. There was a fair attendance ol iim public. Six sections were so.d to Mr David Milligan, Wellington, and throe to Mr A. C. Elliot, of Wellington. Thu remaining sections are in tho hands of the auctioneers for private tale.

Another lunatic has eficapod from Porirua, leaving tho ilimitation at an early hour on Sunday morning (says tho “ Otaki Mail ”). He has been traced a» far an Plimmcrton, and it was ourmisod that ho would make towards Otaki. en route for Taihape. from which place lio Jiails. The man, who was only in night attiro when ho escaped, in about forty years of ago, Sit Gin, and haa a straggling beard. His Honor Mr Justice Cooper, sitting in Chambers yesterday morning, had boforo him an application h.y Mrs Katie King, as against her husband, Robert William King, hairdresser, of thin city, for tho custody of her children. Mr Tripp, who appeared for* tho wifo, explained to his Honor that it was an interim application, and that Mr 'Levi, for tho husband, appeared to con'.ont. Tho order wao made as prayed.

The system of declarations in connection wit.x liquor convoyed into a no.license district was installed in Auckland yesterday, Grey Lynn being now a district in whioh liquor may not be sold. Any resident of Grey Lynn district may convoy to bis homo a quart of wine or spirits, or a gallon of beer in any one day without being required ■to mako tho declaration; but in ease of any quantity exceeding this, the seller must bo notified by tho purchaser that tho liquor in intended to ho oonvoyou into a no-licenso area, and tho purchaser will bo required to leave his came and address.

Thoir Honors the Chief Justice and Justices Edxvards and Chapman yestor,iay continued tho hearing of argument in tho appeal caso of Lysnar v. Dunlop. Mr Hosking, who opened tho caso about 11 o’clock on Monday morning, continued his address nil through tho Tuesday sitting, and only brought it to a closo at 2.45 p.m. ycsteiday, when Dr Findlay, who is associated with him til supporting tho appeal, commenced. Tiiero is no possibility of dotcnnixnng when tho caso will bo brought to a conclusion, as Mr Skorrett and Dr Bnmforcl may have to address tho Court at length on behalf of tho respondents. Ur Findlay had not concluded his argument yesterday when tno Court adjourned for tho day. Tho Fiji Islands aro at present overrun with grasshoppers, much to tho chagrin of tho sugar-cane planters, and various ideas have been propounded by whioh to put down, or, at all events, to ■stem, tho incursions of tho pest. Tho latest experiment with a view to thinning tho numbeiß of tho pest rests with Messrs Carr and Doyle planters, at Lautoka, who aro forwarding one hundred turkeys from Sydney by the steamer Navua. Their intention is to permit tho birds to run tho plantations, and ascertain their value as a power for, in a measure, preventing tho wholesale destruction of tho sugar-cane. Should tho venture prove successful, further hatches of turkeys will bo introduced, and distributed about the Ba river, as well as in the Lautoka district.

Tho decision of the National Dairy Association (North Island) to appoint an oxporb or experts to watch the interests of the producers in London to undoubtedly a stop in the right direction (remarks the Taranaki “Daily News”). What is wanted (says the “ News ”) is a board of experts, or a Commission, independent altogether of the agents an Home, to watch tho- market, and inquire exhaustively into the whole question of disposal. This would bo the first step in tho desired direction of competent supervision. 00-operation in the colony—amongst producers, and between the producers and the Government—has brought the industry within the colony up to its present standard of efficiency. Lot that sj'stcm bo extended to its logical conclusion —to at least the Wholesale markets of Great Britain. The following is a copy of tho annual report to be submitted to a, meeting of shareholders of the Pnngapnnga Timber Company, Ltd., by the chairman, Hr F. T. Moore, of Johnsonville, on tho 11th inst.l have the honour to report that for tho period ending Juno 30th, 1900, the sum of £6724 3s od has been expended in developing tho company’s assets of 6000 acres of milling bush in tho Pukefapu block, at Tanraarunui. I am also pleased to inform you that tho erection of a mill, with a weekly capacity of 100,000 ft of timber, will be completed by Messrs Crabtree and Sons, of Wellington, within six months, and that tho steel tramway and bridges necessary to connect the bush with the Main Trunk railway will also he completed within the same time, which will allow of active operations commencing by January Ist, 1207.

In the course of an interview in Melbourne, Mr J. 0. Williamson* whose remarks arc published in an article in the "Argue,” by Ruth Beale, said that the majority of applicants for the stage lacked the first qualification fKjcossary for stjvgo lifo, anu thn-fc was especially tho case with men. “The belief,” said the manager, ‘is evidently common that, given a few lessons in elocution, and a fancy for acting, anyone may become an actor. Tim qualities wo look for in cither sox are a good appearance, manner, and carriage, a pleasant voice, mound health, a quick brain to understand tho part played and its relation to the play as a whole, and a lovo of hard work, almost (imountidg to genius. Australians possess natural talents at least equal, if not superior, to English and Americans, but with a multitude of applicants there ore, only a few openings available for tho best of them. In reference to the great number of girls Who fail to obtain engagements in opera, I should like to say that the teachers of singing are largely to blame. Many encourage girls to spend years in training their voices, knowing wall, as they pocket their foes, that the girls havo no hope of seounn g an engagement, for some reason quite apart from their singing, and over which the girl has no control. Such obstacles are Insufficient nr,onta_l ..ability to understand what 3 required of them, lack of physical strength, Indifferent appearance, or some peculiarity not amounting to ft deformity which alone would denar them from Che stage. Appearance is of vital importance, and a girl’s talent must be remarkable to compensate for lack of beauty in face w figure."

Tho Governor has intimated that a party from Government House will attend the concert at tho Town Hall next Wednesday in aid of Mother Mary J. Aubelt’s Homes.

The Building Committee of the Y.M.C.A. has made an inspection, of tho site, in tipper Willis street (on which is to ho erected the association's building), with tho idea of completing the plans, prior to them being cent to Mei-br'-rne for approval by Mr liudge.

Mr T. Peddle, a veteran Caledonian now settled in the Colyton district, has sent* a donation of a guinea to the Scottish Lowlands Society, with hearty wishes for its success. Mr X’ocldio was ono of tho originators of tho now defunct Hawke's Day Caledonian Society, ami despite ids sixty-eight years is as enthusiastic as ever in ail Scot-tisn matters.

Tim Tttblic Service Co-operative Society will TTold an adjourned meeting in tho Chamber of Commerce this evening.

Tho 'Wellington Engineer Corps will hold their annual emoko concert at Tho Don, Lambton quay, this evening. Tho 'Wellington Ease and Carnation Club will hold a special meeting in tho Technical School building next Thursday. Tho Garrison Band will play at tho Damn Reserve to-night, if tho weather is lino.

Motors Macdonald. Wilton and Co. will sell idTlheir rooms, at 2 o’clock today, twelve largo oil paintings of iNew Zealand scenery, landscape, etc., by W. X-’etherTck. Tne pictures aro framed in faicst styles. A country drapery business in Canterbury is advertised for sale.

Tho Public Service Stores insert an advertisement relating to the price of factory butter. Mr Q. G. Schwartz, architect invites tenders for tho following works:—Erection of residence at Upper Jtntt, four semi-detached cottages at X’otonc and a pavilion for the Hum Bowling and Tennis Club at Lower Xintt.

Tho Palmerston branch of the Loan and Mercantile -Agency has for sale forty tone of seed potatoes imported from Australia.

Messrs Host nnd Erst, in an advertisement on our front page offer for solo a produce axxticneeriiig business iu *.'.'l:l terhury. Particulars of turnover, profit and price ore given.

Anong the’properties advertised fo, sale by Mr W. (L Hutchison aro fauns in tho Pnhiatua, Dannovirke and Taranaki districts. Mr Hutchison has also several dairy farms to lease. Overcoats of various styles and prices are advertised by Messrs Kirkcaldie nnd Stains. .

A livery stable at Feilding is for sale. The Economic advertises special lines to be offered at its sale to-day. Next week Mesaxs George Thomas and Co. take possession of a portion of tho recently erected fruit market in Allen and Blair streets. Consequently they will have available for Jetting purposes their present premises situated in Harris street, now fast becoming the locale of warehousemen and indent agents. Full particulaiu in regard to the building appear in our columns to-day. To-day at their auction rooms at noon, Messrs J. Bydxuno and Co. are selling seventy-one .cases of Quaker Oats. The goods may be inspected in "A” shed Queen’s Wharf. They are ex Manuka, transhipped ex Sonoma. It is notified by advertisement elsewhere in this issue that a fxu-ther shipment of • “the Sodden Memorial Number” of the “New Zealand Graphic” has now arrived, and may be obtained from all booksellers and news agents. The work is profusely illustrated. The biographical account of Mr Seddon’s career covers his life on the West Coast, and his public work as a legislator.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5943, 5 July 1906, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5943, 5 July 1906, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5943, 5 July 1906, Page 4


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