PHASES OP THE MOON. (Calculated for Now Zealand Moan Tirau.) JANUARY.
Sun rise.- 1 . 4.,'in a.mi.; sail, < .77 p.m. Mmn )i:o-s. !),:;!) a.m.; Bids, 10.41 p.lull i-h willoi, S.'Pi a.m.: 0.8 p.m. vi:i). Tl 1 ESI) AY. JANUARY 10. Mima. s.f. ( a.m.), 77 tons, Shaw, from P-itca. Aon-ro, s.». (7.4.1 a.m.). 49 ions, Tinnoy. from I’alca. Nambuccii. h.s. Cl.-lft a.m.), Vli, tons, Norili, In tin' Jllruln-im. Upawa. s.s. (0 a.m.l, 70 tons, UnKJoru, floor Pi.fnrus Simmlllotomaliana. s.s. (0.70 a.m.). BG4 tons. Clmsp, from I.yUnltmi. I’wsem .150 saloon, 57 slaarasa. Wawrfnv, s.s. (7.-0 u.m.j, 77 tons, Graham, front ’ Nelson . Tarawcni. h.h. <7.35 a.m.), 1268 tons, Roils, from* A uokland, Upborne nml Napier. Ibis.stMitf-ns—Saloon : Miss Mucken"i(‘ Mi v '’iluiik‘s> Th-irnprfon and Morpedb, AlrWs Finlvv, Wilson, Cults, Morpeth, I'inlavi-ion, Thorn p-oii, Smithson, Gilkuid(j),, Abbott, itendeircm. ilnghos, Hunt: « atf-mge. Mercedes. «.h. a.m.;. 292> toms. MeGi'ignr. from Wostporl-. Slonnbinl, s.h. (UMS a.m.), 137 tons, Mclntvn*, from Wanganui. Ruap'hit, s.s. {.MO p.m.}, 770.) tons, May.a-w. from Napier. Tasman, s.s (TOO p.m.). 87 ion*. Grant, from I'uponga. Patevim, s.s. (11.20 p.m.), 3.50 tons, Nordstrom. from Nelson and Tipton. Passengers Saloon; Misses Giblen, felTrcys, Cohen. Flowellyn. JclTries. Shollon, Thompson, (loddunl, Cresswell, O'Noii, O’Shea, .Mclntosh. Vavasour, f r*Cullaghan, Nnme Similes, Williams, Avery, Mcsdamu.s Walker, Arthur ami child. Uart, Gregory, Sealer and boy, Dumie. Vavasour, Lucas. Hall, Wasluey and child, llogg, llurschberg ami boy. Holmes. Millington. Niciioils and child. 'Messrs Fagot, Thompson, Adams (2). Laudalo, Jackson, Kt noon ter, Thomas. Milnov', Dolamore, Miller, Douglas. .Ford, Swinev. Hart. Gregory. Jacobi. Cove, Green holds, Holmes, Crump, Kennedy, Kenner, Boycna, i'M’.vards, Dunks, Nicholls, Dirinie, Bull. Warsfcnoy, Holton, Franklyu, Adame, Hurschborg. Hilton, Wilson, Reynolds, Grilhllis, Holmes (2), Hickey, Prince. Mosman, Sim, Millington. Carter; 10 steerage. Queen of the South, s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 121 tons, Harvey, from Foxtou. SAT LTD. TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. Hornby Castle, ship (12.30 p.m.), 1435 tons. Bright, for Condon. Niwaru, a.s. (1.35 p.m.), 4170 tone, Hollis. for London, Helen Denny, barque (2 p.m.), 695 tons, Holm, for Kaipara. Penguin, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 517 tons, for picion and Nelson. Passengers—Saloon: For Picton—Misses 8011, Johnston. Aiesdnmos Johnston, Nordstrum, Messrs Thompson, McGowan, Hill, Bird, Fraser, Nordstrum. For Nelson Miss Grant, ' Most!aniea Jansen. George, Wells, Davis, Messrs Skilton, Dunbar, Grant, Bowron, Goorgo, Wells, Davis, King and Bnnmdir. Taraworn, s.s. (1.35 p.m.), 1268 tons. Rolls, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. Passengers Saloon: For Lyttelton—Misses Gillies, ITvdo, Stuart, Millington, Alesdames M.illor, Alay, Messrs Gillcnder, Easton, Gilbert, May, Kuncie, Hemery, Smithson. For Dunedin—Misses Edwin, Campbell, Finch. Mcsdamos Afartin and child, Grant, Palmer, Watson, Gibb and chibl, ATossra Ritchie,’ Crown and Watson. Aorere, s.a. (5.30 p.m.), 45 tons, Tinnoy, for Paten, Waiwcra, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 6237 tons, Lowdc.n, for Loudon. Warcrley, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 77 tons, Graham, for Nelson and West Coast. Rotomahnna, s.s. (7.55 p.m.), 864 tons, Chrlsp, for Lyttelton. Passengers Saloon: Misses Ford. Hughes, Morrow (2), Just, Clover, McMorran, Morgan, Blair, Ward, Clayton, Cook, Watson, Gioling, Parker, Mesdames Woodroffo, Parker, Cassidy, Fisher, Richards and son, Stunners, Doeg, Hawkins, Glover, Brunton, Hampton, G’Alalley, Sheppard, Wotten, Millington, Gunn, Hicks, Arnold, Aliekle and child. Greenwood and child, Hon Baldey, Captain Willis, Drs AHcklo, 8011, Revs Clover, WooJloxall, Harris, Dudley, Dawson, Metson, Messrs Bruce, Alpers, Woodroffe, Crawford, Teschomaker, Vile, Bruntciu, Gore*, Fisher, Cassidy, Richards, Stunners, Doeg, Hawkins, Glover, Mark, Thomas, Greenwood, Wotten, Luke, Hyde, Nathan, Pollock, Harris, Clarkson, Hutton. McAlenatnen, Turner, Atkinson Albert, Ellison, Hughes, Livingston, Gazzard, Buchanan, Lough, Dili's, Douglas, Souter, Boazer, Watkinson, Bellringer, Clattertou, Pratt. Kirby, Aloxwell, Grahaui. Alastors Parker, Hannah. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wakutn, Lyttelton, via coast, to-day Rokunoa, Westport, today 'Kapiti, Paten, to-day Mnnaroa, Havelock and Sounds, to-day Pateona, Nelson, Picton, to-day Wainui, West Coast, to-day Kamoua, Newcnetlo. to-day Huia, Motuoka, to-day Mararoa, Lyttelton, to-day Waikare, Sydney, to-day RoLoiti, Onehuuga, to-day Charles Edward. Wanganui, Thursday Victoria, Dunedin, Thursday Corinna, Southern ports, Thursday Eotomahann, Lyttelton, Thursday Rotokino. Westport, Thursday Taiori, Westport, Thursday Mokoia, Sydney Auckland Friday Pharsaliu, Noxv York, Lvttelton, Friday Takapuna. Onehunga, Friday Mooruki, Melbourne, via South. Saturday
Mapourika, West Coast, Saturday PROJECTE' i-S. Kotuku, New Plymouth, to-day Kaplti, Westport, to-day Mana, Patca, to-day, 5 p.m. Haia, Wanganui, to-day, 3 p.m. Stormbird, Wanganui, to-day, 7 p.m. Kahu, Napier, East Coast, to-day, 4 p.m. Manaroa, Motueka, to-day, 3 p.m. Queen of tho South, Foxton, to-day, 4 p.m. Mararoa, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.43 p.m. Haupiri, West Const, to-day, noon Pateona, Nelson, to-day, 3 p.m. Rotoiti, Onohunga, to-day, 5 p.m, Xaikoura, Wanganui, to-day Tasman, Motueka, to-day, 4 p.m, Waikaro, Dunedin. Thursday Victoria, Auckland, Sidney, Thursday Nambucca, Blenheim, Thursday Opawa, Blenheim, Thursday Charles Edward, West Coast, Thuxeady
Aorerot Patea, Thursday Rotomahana, Lyttelton, Thursday Wakatu, Lyttelton, via coast, Thurs-
day Corinna, Nelson, Now Plymouth, Thursday Penguin, Picton, Nelson, Thursday Kiripaka, Waitara, Friday Tonic, Lyttelton, Friday Mokoia, Melbourne, via South, Friday Wainui, West Const, Saturday Mooraki, Sydney, Saturday Mercedes, Hongkong, Saturday
BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, Saturday. Sailed—Rakaia, for Auckland, Wellington and Bluff.
SUVA, Tuesday. Arrived—Whangapo, from Newcastle, MELBOURNE, Tuesday. Sailed—Mouowni, for the Bluff. AUCKLAND, Tuesday. Sailed—Alma, barque, for Malden Island.
Sailed—Mokoia, for East Coast and South. Passengers—Misses Martin, Fleming, Blundell, Davis, Tracey, Hamburg and maid, Watkins. Diinnott, Gardiner. Walpole, Moore, Winklefeldt, Spence, McCarthy, Steele. Casey (2), Alison, Gerber, Owen (2), Southberry (2), Hill. Stubbs, Joyce, Spodding (3), Williams, Benton, Tolhipp, Kirk (2). Phillips. Bnico, Mesdames Alliloy, Kilman, Hall, Peebles and 3 children, Stagpolo, Sieolo, Chap, man, Broughton and child. Kenny. Clark, Stovonson* Keudordine, Sykes* lUddoll,
Srmtbberry. Poole, Long. Mcliius and 2 ohiMrcn, Reynolds, Smith, Wilson, Ocnl hs, Wnl[)ole, AniumL-on and 3 children, {i fee -on. Phillips, Saii;«bury, Brindley, Kir!:. Gilmoiir, Mnokroli, Afensrs Wilson, Gen Mes. Walpole. Harrison, Man, Herrick, Riddell, M'ditu-?, Menzi, Nowham, Lin .on. Green, AfackiMl, Kirk, AfcLean,
rnn-io, Brindley, Phillips. Stevenson, (hi Ga:->ey, Harrison, Crisp, Munt,
lilviiji-. I)e Hiloni-. Fraser, Svkes, Riddell, Joyce, Slurgess. Lysnar, Neale, Afabon I2<. King, 'rolhofl. Skinner, Amumleon. SoPon, Hanna, Finlay, Row, 11 end. Brandon, Fordliarn, Hcscott, 'l'liompson, Clark, De Lalour, Robinson, Gardiner (2., Peebles Smith. Tucker. Polkinghorne, (’lark, Nelman, Stagpoole, Tanlrairl. Poole, (dardin-r, Moore. Pike, Mason, Mcf I ninmn;*. Evans. (‘ollin*, Clarkson. Sfcilc. Walpole, Keogh, Collins, Canon, Mac Murray, Dr Clay; 40 slceragr^
ONEHirXGA. Tuesday. Sailed Ra rn \va. for New PI vmoul h. Passengers—Saloon : Alisses Barley. AtcNab, L/>renson. Peters (2;, Tnckwcl), Boldly, Nesbil, Mills, AldiJongull, Mcsdarnes }\e)sh, Skeol, Hig-olow. Finney, Messrs r\ bison, liindsay, Halliwrll, Finnerty, \\ fl.sJi, Bigelow, Kane, Cooper, Neale, Whitehead, Tonks, Darby, Gillespie, ytevenson. Hume. Bartlett, Ayes, Low, Sheet, Rov Sneyd, Pul lev, Mnuro. Shaldriek, Kelley, Rae, Kidd, M.H.R.; 20
w CAPE AfAKIA. Tuesday, Manuka, (7.20 a.Tn.). passed west. NEW PLYMOUTH, Tuesday. Arrived— Roloili (7.15 a.m.). from One* bnnga; Takiujimis, from Nelson.
.•mukhl -Rotoiti (10.10 a.m.), for Wellington; Talviipniiii (10 p.m.), for Oneiiunga (connected).
PATEA, Tuesday. Sailed—Kapiti (noon), for Wellington f . .. FONTON, Tucbdav. Sailor}—Queen of the South (12.15 p.m.), for Wellington.
EAST CAPE. Tuesday Herald (» a.m,), passed north.
NAPIER, Tuesday. Arrived—Tnhino (9.20 a.m.), from Wely.ton.
8-iiicd—Tornoana (8 p.m.), and Talune, lor Gisborne.
PICTON. Tuesday. A i rived—Penguin, from Wellington. Sailed—Penguin (midnight), for Nel
NELSON, Tuesday. Arrived—Alapourika (9.15 a.m.), from M eUingtan.
♦Sailed—Alapourika. for West Coast. 4 MOTUEKA, Tuesday. Arrived—Huia (11 a.m.), from Welling-
■Sailed—Huia (10 p.m.), for Wellington, WESTPORT, Tuesday. Arrived—ivoonya. (3.35 p.m.), from Wellington.
GREYMOUTH. Tuesday, mailed—Pctono (11.50 p.m. yesterday), for •Sydney.
LYTTELTON, Tuesday. Arrived—Afararoa (8.21) a.m.) and Toroa (1J.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Mararoa (G. 25 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers—Alisses Foster. Boyd (2), Cullen, Izard Evans, Wicks, Kohn, Caro (2), Alackay, Midgley, Mesdames Kirkpatrick, Lister, Patterson, Strong, Op.e, Whitcombe, Foster. Johnson. Aladagan, Messrs Humphries, Ruelberg Caverhill, Kirkpntrick. Lister. Patterson, Opie, .Strong, Grigsby, Corrigan, Johnson. Hope, M ebbor. Hayley, Rosewarne, Boase. Dawson, W icks, Roberts. Harvey, Alidgley, Jackson, Jacob. Whitcombe, Lewis. Bennett, Evans, Edwards, Le Grove. Aladagan, Buchanan. PORT CHALMERS. Tuesday. Sailed—Alaori (3 p.m.), for Lvttelton. BLUFF, Tuesday.
Arrived—AFoorakl (6 a.m.). from Melbourne and Hobart. Passengers for Wellington—Misses Mason. Farnsworth Afosdarnes Kimpler. Weldon. Franc© and 2 children, McPherson. Keller, Barnes, Farnsworth, Messrs Bulden, McNaught, Belchor, Govett, Pullin, Perrin. .Solomon, Rankin. AlcNoil, AfcPherson. Walker Latham, Phillips and son. PhiHins. Haas, Barnes, Milne, Farnsworth, Henderson, AXaster Mason; 31 steerage. Arrived—Andrea, Norwoigian barque, from Liverpool.
Sailed—Moeraki (5.30 p.m.), for Dunedin.
The ship Hornby Castle was towed to sea by the tug Duoo yesterday afternoon. The Rotoiti, from Onehunga and New Plymouth, has 5000 packages of butter and cheese to tranship to-day to the Ruapehu for London.
The Now Zonlancl Shipping Company's steamer Ruapehu arrived in the stream at 3.46 p.m. yesterday, from Napier, to complete her cargo for Home. She berthed later at the Glasgow Wharf, The Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Waiwora, which sailed for London yesterday evening, shipped the following cargo at Wellington:—lß99 carcase-s mutton, 1083 carcases lamb, 635 haimches mutton, 101 bags shoulders mutton, 9 bags legs mutton, 2591 bales wool and skins, 359 boxes butter. Tlie Admiralty collier Mercedes arrived the stream at 9.30 a.m. yesterday from Westport, where she shipped 4050 tons of coal. About 2500 tons of coal will bo loaded at Wellington, and the Mercedes will probably sail on Saturday for Hongkong, The Wainui, from Greymouth, sailed from Westport yesterday afternoon for Nelson. She is to sail for Wellington from Nelson at 11 -o’clock this morning, and is due about 10 o’clock to-night. The local agents for the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company have received cable advice that the steamer Kumara, which mailed from Wellington on November 26th for London, arrived at her destination on Sunday last. As the ’Ruapehu has been fixed to sail for London on Tuesday next, two days in. advance of schedule time. The Corinna, which is to bring butter from New Plymouth for tho Ruapehu, null sail from Wellington to-morrow for Nelson and Now Plymouth. The Corinna will leave the last-named port for Wellington, with 14,000 boxes of butter, on Saturday, and will tranship her cargo to the Ruapehu on Monday.
It is stated that the low freights ruling between Now York and New Zealand are inducing the Standard Oil Company to make shipments of oil by steamer instead of by sailer.
The Union Company colliers Rotokino and Taieri. are to sail from Westport at noon to-day and midnight respectively for Wellington. The Takapnna, duo on Friday from Onchunga and Now Plymouth, will bring a considerable quantity of butter for transhipment to the Ruapehu, for London. _
The New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Kaikoura moved from the Queen’s Wharf to the Glasgow Wharf yesterday afternoon for Homeward loading. She is to sail for Wanganui roadstead this afternoon. The Shaw', Savill and Albion steamer Matatua will be brought in from the stream to the Glasgow Wharf to-mor-row to load for London.
It is rumoured (says the "Otago Daily Times”) that the Union Steam Ship Company is negotiating with tho Commonwealth line with a view to putting a stop to the cutting of freights between Calcutta and New Zealand. In order to come to an agreement, it is reported that the Union Company would bo willing to grant the Commonwealth line a special freight in transhipments between Australian and New Zealand ports, providing the Commonwealth steamers guarantee not to run direct from Eastern ports to this colony. This is said to be th§ reason why some largo contracts have recently been made for Calcutta bone meal, in order to secure (he 10s freight, as against tho XI freight formerly charged. Advico has been received that the flagship Eurvalus and the Australasian squadron will arrive at Wellington about February 21st, and will stay here about a week. THE NEW MAMART. Advice has been received by tho local agents for the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company that the new steamer Mamari, which sailed from Plymouth on December 17th for Wellington, via Capetown and Hobart, continued her voyage from Capetown on Sunday last. The Mamari is reported to be under command of Cap tain T. Moffntt, late of the Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Maori. The Mamari is constructed on similar linos to the new steamer Matatua now in port. Although both were launched at Belfast, the former
vessel was built bv Afcssrs AVorkman, Clark and Co. and Hie Matalua was launched bv Messrs Hariand and Wolff.
THE PHARSALIA, FRO At NEW A'ORK. 7’ho United States and Australasian Stearns))ip Company's chartered steamer Plmrsalia, from New York, is expected to arrive at Wellington on Friday from Lyttelton. The Plmrsalia is a, typical cargo carrier of 3982 tons gloss, and 2281 lons not icgKter, her urine pal dimensions being:—Luigtli, 339 feet; beam 46 feet; and depth of hold, 17 feet 8 inches. .She has poop, bridge, and forecastle flecks and is fitted with triple expansion engines the diameter of the cylinders respectively 25 inches, 40 inches, and 64 inches, with a piston stroke'of 45 indies. The Pharsalia was built in 1898 by -Messrs Russell and Co., of Port Glasgow, and is owned by Alcssrs Wrn. Thomson and Co., of St. John, New Brunswick, and flies tho Hag of tho Battle line. She comes consigned lo the New Zealand Shipping Co. The vessel sailed from Now York on October 23rd, and the passage, which was marked by ordinary weather, proved uneventful, tho vessel arriving off Otago Hoads on Friday December 30th and berthing at Dunedin the next morning. At Wellington she will discharge a quantity ot general American cargo, after which she goes on to Auckland to put out the remainder. Captain D. M. Foote, now on his first visit to New Zealand is in command o/ the Pharsalia. and is accompanied by Mrs Foote anil her little son. 'Phe following are tho deck officers:— Chief, Mr W. \V. Learv; second Mr J. Alonteilh; third. Air Hermansou. Air AlcOuinne«s is in charge of the engine room.
1). II. it. Xoir 'Moon ... ... G 5 47 a.m. Kir^t Quarter ... 11 7 41 a.m. Full Moon ... ... lil r, 44 p.m. Ln.sf; (li.llll'I'M* ... Ll’-i it DO a.m.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 5483, 11 January 1905, Page 4
Word Count
2,270SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 5483, 11 January 1905, Page 4
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