Beethoven worked at every bar of hi;.-* music until it was charge*.! ’.vuu picclsely the meaning he '.*> pUL into it and noidiing mere, lie lorn. a story—out oi in.-. own lm>, the ino ot a friend, a play of Goethe or . v :.nai.o--pcaro —ami ho laboured, eternally and improving, until at hi-t (. very jnna.-o expressed just, tho emm'ioa-* no mm-ml felt. The evolution oi ars theme,., }.: revealed in mo sraAch-ocoks, Aua/.-, no./ passionately and patiently ho worked at this, There is the art ol 1 led ho'.vn ue set truth oi oxpre-nou idon o evervt lung, continuing; tho rod: begun by -V/owart. On bis deal h-hed lie read the works oi Xlaiulol. ‘‘There,” bo said, "there is truth.*
Kxcopling >'Valid f think Carlyle Gm Tjur-t <Tte:-;t.;«b’e of Ids! mdans (said Lord Acton, ilo lived on the thought of Germany when it was not at its best. betweei J-J order and KTidor. belore tho ago of rli wipline and science. . . But bo had historic, grave---which is a rare quality romo sympathy '.rill; thongs that arc not evident, and a vague, fluctuating nofiou of Ibo work of impersonal forces. '( aero i.; a flash of .'/.cuius in c: k'.ast ami I’resent” am! in “The Fro neb Levolui ton. 1 though it is wretched history. Anri he invented Oliver Cromwell. That is the positive result of him, that and his personal influence over many consnionihie minds—a stimulating, not a gidding, influence ; as when Stanley asked what he ought to do, and Carlyle answered. “Do your best!”
The German Kmpross, says an EngJish journal, has been an invalid tor several months. During her slay at Berlin she. has been accompanied by her married sisters, who have given her thoir consolation and help. It was intended that she should remove to the Marble Palaco at Potsdam, but later arrangements would seem to indicate that in May she will go to Wiesbaden for a course of the waters.
"When King Edward smokes a cigar the bands are religiously torn into four pieces every time. Tho reason is that onco. at Maricnhad, it came to tlio car of tlio King that a band from round one of tlio Itoyal cigars, which was stamped with the Koyal arms, had been sold by an indiscreet waiter for livo guineas. The man who bought it attached the band to a similarly-made cigar, and went round showing tho cigar to his friends, saying it had been given to him by tho King.
This anoedoto. related of Disraeli by Millais, is told by Mr Sichol in his now book about Disraeli:—“When Disraeli stood (though then suffering, he refused to sit) for his portrait, bis ‘dear Apelles’ noticed bis gaze riveted on an engraving of tho artist’s lino portrait, of Mr Gladstone. ‘Would you caro to liavo it?’ bo inquired : 'I was rather shy of offering it to yon." ‘I should he delighted to have it,’ was tho reply. ‘Don’t imagine that I have over disliked Mr Gladstone; on tho contrary, ray only difficulty with him has been that I could never understand him.’ ”
What is tho market value of an Edgar Allah Poo autograph? a witter in tlio “St. James’s Budget” wonders. The signature had a iiighish price before tho position of the unfortunate genius had become so well established in popular favour as has since happened. A correspondent wrote to Horace Greeley forty odd years ago;—“ln your extensive correspondence you have undoubtedly several 'autographs of the late distinguished American poet. Edgar Allan Poe. If so. null you please favour mo witli one?” It was pretty cool, hut the recipient was not perturbed by the cheeky nature of the loiter. Ho replied ns follows:—“1 happen to have in my possession but one autograph of tho late American poet. Edgar A. Poe. It consists of an lOU, with my name on the back of it. It cost mo "just oOdol. You can have it for half-price.” There is no record of a deal having followed.
When Sir Edwin Arnold said he had composed “The Light of Asia’’ “in the brief intervals of days without leisure.’’ he hardly did justice to the curious feat ho really performed in reeling off all that blank verse ex tempore. The poom was actually improvised when Sir Edwin, after a hard day’s journalistic work, rested on the sofa evening by evening and dictated to Ids wife. Tins was his second wife, an American lady, granddaughter of Dr Channing. i • * •
One of the most primitive cricket matches that ever took place was’ played on a village common, the umpire on the occasion being a jolly', good-natured old man, blissfully ‘ignorant of the laws of cricket. In addition to his official post as umpire, he was the village caterer for every public entertainment, and consequently supplied luncheon at all the matches. „ It was evident that his thoughts in the field wore about equally divided between the responsibilities of his two duties, for he frequently permitted the bowler to bowl as many as ten halls in an over, giving as his excuse—“lf Mr —— doan’t have a bit o’ exercise he woan’t relish my steak piol”
The “Strand Magazine’’ for April contains a feature of the most striking interest to all classes of readers, being the opening chapters of “The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt.” The recollections of the greatest actress of our time give the full story of her stage career, in which her opinions of English actors and of the theatrical life of this country will he found especially entertaining. Moreover, Madame Bernhardt has. of course, met nearly all tho celebrated people of tho day, from royalty downwards, and her reminiscences will he full of amusing anecdotes of persons well known in tho social world. The articles will ho illustrated by many portraits and other pictures never before published.
The most extraordinary plant ever discovered was found by Hr Suverkrop, of Philadelphia, in South, America. It takes a drink whenever it feels thirsty by lotting down a tnbo into the water 'he tnbo when not in use being coiled nn n-n top of the plant. I “Among the pi-eh-da.”- says the discoverer. “I noted .... tn e lower end of whieh was in the ■ to a depth of about four inches.’’ ■ at once went over to examine his ■• i- e’-y. His surprise may be imagin- ; -hen lie touched the plant to seo tin’s . o 1 ""’ stem gradually contract itself, 1 roll Itself up in a spiral-h’ke roll of cane. By subsequent, observation he found that when tho plant was in want of water, this, tnbo would gradually unwind till it dipped into the water. Mr Suverkrop found many of these plants, all directly over the water, or over where tho water had been." In the latter case he says it was almost pitiful to see how this tube would work its way over tho ground in search of tho water that was not.
Among the Russian students expelled from Prussia was a yonng man named Mandelstamm. of whom tho “Vorwarts” publishes the following startling story:
On one occasion recently Mandelstamm [ iii company v. uh s.jvni-i prison- | ( :•. in was >wmj/ irauspcried to j In- d«'->uiiat ion, v/m.-u u->j com- ; p!a:acd mat them rations were being by nmiuicmen. One of mo ; prisoner,-. who mane tne co mplanit io ; U:c oliicex' lae.imgv waft orncreU u> be * t. Inc onuer, lurnntg to- tno prOrni-j ers, uskeu, ’Mias anyone any i complaint to maker" ' A secouu began to inaUe a complaint, atid was , met by ;l bullet. "Any/ more eomphnuisM asuml the officer. believing he; nad now cowed ins gang. wlamiel- I svamm stopped iorwarU- ‘'Yes/’ he j .sain, "I have a complaint.” Mandel- j snaroirrs singular coinage had such an 1 c/lect on the c-ncer that bo refused to have him shoe. In one of ins speeches as GovernorGeneral of the Gcminon'.vc.'ih'h, the Mar- | cnis ol .Lhilit h;',<n.\ ihen Karl of Hope- | Louu, humorously referred to the time} when the (-mbarassing duty was thrust ; upon him of seeing that the dre-ses of ; the ballot girls at i ho .Alhambra del not ; err in brevity. .Kvidcully i:o does not ; aiitnepid'O holding tlio otlco ol Lord I C.'liar- 1 berirkn again. In a loiter io one ■ oi his old Melbourne friends, ho re- 1 marks:—•! have given up all polH lea! j and soedal positions, and intend to lake the re a, of my life easily at my house with my wife and Lunily. lam than alul to say that I am in belter health than I have boon for many years. Perhaps some lino day I may lake a run out to Australia. I cannot, and never shall, forget the Commonwealth and its people.”
The Japanese can win distinction at the do'k cf the counting bouse as readily as in a sea light. One who obtained a situation willi an English Arm on trial was asked a few days after his appoint merit hy the cashier to write to a customer who had owed some money to the house tor a long time, and who scorned to have no intention of paying. ‘‘Write briefly ami politely,” said the cashier, ‘‘hut lot him understand distinctly that we expect him to pay the money without further delay.” Ibo letter was written, and on the following day camo a cheque for the amount duo. The surprised cashier asked the new clerk to show him a copy of the letter which bad been so effectual. It rah thus:—"Dear Sir, —If you do not .send us at once the money you owe us, wo shall bo obliged take steps which will cause you the utmost astonishment.— Respectfully yours, The form seems to combine Oriental subtlety and Western point.
Tho combination of a small Kansas town ship with a übiquitous press and democratic inquisitiveness sounds appalling. So it is, unless, like Ab. Harvey, of Shannon (Kau.), you know just how to take it. Ab., it appears, is an old widower, and recently had the audacity to take a young girl to tho local theatre on Saturday night. Ho knew what the results must be. but ho was prepared for thorn, and the next issue of the Shannon “Times” contained the following proclamation from him:—“Because I took a young girl to tho theatre last night, for heaven’s sake don’t imagine I am in lovo with her, or going to marry her. I took her because I had two tickets, because she was crazy to go, and because none of the young men invited her. I let one of tho young men sit with her, and another took her home. Another one might have taken Her to tho theatre door for all I cared. I don’t caro so mtlch for young girls. Needn’t worry about my wanting to marry one- 1 wouldn’t if I could. They, make me pretty weary—particularly the real pretty ones.”
A rather humorous incident occurred at Osaka tho other day after the receipt of the news of a Japanese coup. A torchlight, procession was immediately organised, one of tho leading actors of Japan being the life and soul of the public rejoicings. When the • fun was all over tliis gentleman discovered that a pickpocket had robbed him of a gold watch which ho had received as a present from the Czar when he performed before the Russian court. The fact that this souvenir should have been taken while lie was celebrating a Russian defeat was in itself rather comical, for in tho existing circumstances the recipient had been almost nervous to let anyone know he uad got this mark of the goodwill towards him of the enemy his nation was fighting. He took no stops to recover his property, but three days later a carefully packed parcel was left by a messenger at his hofel. It contained 1 the lost watch and a note to say that the thief found he could do nothing with such “loot,” so ho returned it to the owner.
There is now a. floating menagerie voyaging from Melbourne to London. It contains some thousands of Australian birds and animals. A rare species of “wallaby,” or dwarf kangaroo, is going to tho Hon. Walter Rothschild, the most enthusiastic of amateur animal collectors. A family of emus is bound for the Zoological Gardens, Leipsic. Mr James Cooper, the owner of tho menagerie, makes an annual excursion of tills sort from Australia to England, but his present cargo is tho biggest ho has over taken. It embraces kangaroos, emus, wallabies, black swans, white cockatoos, all sorts of parrots and pigeons, ducks, finches, cassowaries, opossums and magpies.
Herr Rednitzer and his wife were travelling on the Kasohau Oedenberg railway, in Hungary when a youngtman entered the carriage at a small station and took up his seat opposite Frau Rednitzer. He stared at the lady so hard that her husband changed places with his wife. Thereupon the stranger threw himself upon the lady, crying, “I mast take vengeance on you; you havo played mo false.” and began to throttle her. Herr Rednitzer tried to recue his wife, but the other threw him oft. drew a knife, and stabbed wildly around him. It was not till three ofEcials-arrived that the man was secured.
The minister of the Anglo-American Church in Vienna, the Rev. Thomas Davidson, has been requested by an English lady living there to exorcise her departed husband’s spirit. The lady, who has been some years a widow, was recently asked by an Austrian gentleman to marry him. At the moment, however, that she murmured “Yes,” the angry and-threatening face of her late husband appeared before her. , Tho same apparition has come to dash tho cup of happiness from her lips since then every time that any signs of tenderness are exchanged between tho pair. Mr Davidson who is a well-known member of the Folklore Society, hopes to relievo the unfortunate woman of her delusion by the force of suggestion. Colonel Otter, who commanded the Canadian Infantry, contingent in South Africa, has been thrown from his horse, and is suffering from concussion of the brain. It is doubtful whether ho will recover. Tho horse was the same that he rode at Paardobcrg. Colonel Otter was expected to bo the first Canadian commander-of the militia.
Amongst the varied industries that are corned on m Leeds is mat cf pulling •he hair oat of rabbA bkins, and making k into the fcU that is used in the mruiufucvuro of ordinary bowler hats. The better the hat the more rabbit fur it emnains. The bluer the hair the mem suitable L it for tins purpose. One local Arm has no fewer than IcO.OOO skiiA now in stuck. These will ISr.A be dried, and rho pulied out by n staff of girls. This fluffy stuff will th'-n he treated by a patei\i process which makes it into the .sort cf felt with which iho wearer ol a bonder bat is bimniar. Dogs and ferrets are kept by vho firm to keep flown the rats, who seem rather partial to rabbit skins. Writing on mushal matters in ‘‘The Court Circular and Court News,” Air Henry R. Bird, tho popular accompanist tells an interesting experience. One of my Royal summonses (ho say.g) was a very swift affair indeed. Queen Alexandra is a very thorough musician, and dlcn summon..-> artists at unexpected moments. Once Miss Ada. Crossicy was Mimnioned to sing before their Majesties, and was only notified at halfpen U-n in 1 lie morning that she would he required at half-past four in tho afternoon. Directly she received tho ‘command” sho wil ed to my house for my services. A.s luck would have it, I was at the fimo absent at a friend’s house. In tho-midfile of rny visit a cab drove up to the door, and my wife appeared with the news that I must instantly prepare myself for an appearance at Cue Palace. My experience is that the greater the artist to bo accompanied the less the anxiety of tho accompanist. Such an artist has a settled treatment of every
song, and to fajl in with it is but an easy task for the artistic nianist.”
The famous melodrama, ’“1110 Silver King,” has reached its majority, and is able to boast, on entering into its twenty first birthday, of having realised no less a sum than six millions sterling. It has been played thirty thousand times. During tho whole period of\ts stage existence it has been under the control of Mr Wilson Barrett. Tho jilay was the joint work of Henry Hermann and Henry Arthur Jones, and it is recorded that it took them fourteen months to write—that is to say, it lay upon the literary anvil during that period. Very few of the original cast have attained to fame on tho stage. Mr Willard, who distinguished himself in tho first cast, has since risen to great celebrity as an actor; Mr Herman, one of the joint authors, is dead; and the first lending lady and the chief comedian (James Barrett')"of tho original company have also passed over to tho majority.
A unique achievement by M. Touchet, the French astronomer, is mentioned in one of the scientific papers. Ho has sueccoeded in obtaining tho photograph of a terrestrial object by the light,of tho Dog Star, that is to say. by light which comes neither directly nor by reflection from tho sun. The rays which he succeeded in concentrating so that they photographed a small brooch, must have started from Sirius some time about February. 1804. Tlio imagination altogether fails to grasp what tho brilliance of the star must he when its rays have still sufficient power to take an ordinary photograph after traversing tho incredible distance represented by nine years and nine months reduced to seconds, and then multiplied by 187,500, in order to express it in miles.
Do you know why we dip a razor in warm water before we begin shaving, and do you know why some ignorant men say a razor is “tired?” asked the barber. Weil, this is all due to the fact that the razor is a saw, not a knife, and it works like a saw, not like a knite. Examined under a miscroscope its edge, that looks so smooth to the naked eyes, is seen to have innumerable and fine saw teeth. When those teeth get clogged with dirt all the honing and stropping in tho world will do no good —the razor is dull and nothing will sharpen it. Then is the time the ignorant say, it is “tired,” and step using it. hut tho wise know it is only clogged. The wise, though, don t suffer their razors to get clogged. They dip them in warm water betore they use them, and thus the teeth are kept clean. It is because a razor is a saw that lather is used on the beard. Tho lather doesn’t soften the beard, as so many people think; it stiffens it, so that it will present a firm and resisting surface to tho razor.
Having conducted a baby market in Philadelphia for years, a Mrs Ditsill states that prices of infants run from £1 to £IOO, tho latter amount being obtained for a plump, losy-cheeked boy without blemish. There was no demand, she said, far red-haired boys, but the Titian blonde little girls find a ready market. A cross-eyed baby, being regarded as unlucky, will not sell at all. In general, boys are easier to sell than girls. Moles are sometimes an advantage when it is desired to match a baby that has diod. Mrs Ditsill has made a fortune, and defends her trade on the ground that she finds good homes for children who might ho done away with if left to their mothers.
The old English game of bowls is coming into fashion again. Tho King is very fond of'the pastime, which he has frequently played at Taplow Court, Mr W. H. Grenfell’s seat, and at Trenthamhall the Staffordshire seat of the Duke of Sutherland. His Majesty has proved himself an excellent player, and is an enthusiast. At present there is no bowling green at Windsor Castle or at Buckingham Palace, but it is to be remembered that golf links and a cricket ground are quite recent additions to the Berkshire domain of the King.
Miss Alice Roosevelt, whose deeds and words occupy far more space in American papers than the English press devotes to the actions of Royalty, has been to Bennings race meeting, and has backed her choice there and relieved tho ring of some of its wealth. Unfortunately (says the Washington correspondent of' the “Daily Express’’) an enterprising photographer followed her about and secured a series of snapshots. Ono showed Miss Alice handing over her money to a bookmaker, and another showed her displaying her winnings to her companion, who hanpenod to be a member of Congress. Mr Roosevelt has succeeded through some friends in suppressing the pictures, and has sent his daughter to stay with fronds in New Vork until the race meeting Is over. The officials of the Dennings race meeting have decided to keen out photographers in future to pr ev ont the recurrence of such a scandal.
A history of “Impressionist Painting” is shortly to he published by Messrs George Nownes.- It dealt with the movement, from its origin, in the art of Turner and Constable down to the present day. Its latest phases are reflected in the painting of Monet, Whistler. Pissarro. Liohermann. Besnard and Claus. The hook has a hundred full-page illustrations of masterpieces, most of which have not' before been published. The writer of it is Air Wynford Dowhurst.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 5294, 4 June 1904, Page 16
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3,618HERE AND THERE. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 5294, 4 June 1904, Page 16
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