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Tho next meeting of tho Band Board will bo bold on tho Sth January. Tho Conciliation Board is to give its recommendation in tho bakers’ dispute at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Thu Harbour Board has granted a foreshore license to Albert Dawson for bathing machines on the beach at Worse! Bay. The summary of rangers’ reports, submitted to the Band Board yesterday. showed that the whole of tho forty-nine selectors had complied with tho requirements of their leases. Tlie Harbour Beard's new dredge for deepening the onlranco to tho harbour is now under construction in England by Messrs Lobnitz and Co., Limited. Tim Board has decided to call the dredge tho Whakarire, a Maori word moaning “ to make deej) water.” A peremptory demand was yesterday made by a country school committee for increased school accommodation. "Tho fact is that they want sufficient space for three sets of quadrilles,” observed tho acting-chairman. Tho fermentation test for detecting defective milk was introduced into New Zealand from Candda at the beginning of last season and Ims been successful so far as it has been used. The Dairy Department officers aro sanguine that it will bo as beneficial hero as it has been in Canada Tho Land Board has agreed to tho request, of tho Education Board that a section in tho Epuni hamlet bo set aside as a school site. It was resolved to recommend the Minister of Bands to sot aside for this purpose section 115 alter the present holder’s interest has been declared forfeited. Accompanied by Dr Makgiil, Health Officer at Auckland, Dr Mason paid another visit to Cambridge to supervise tho works at tho. Manugakawa Sanatorium. Over 300 applications for admission have boon received, and tho department contemplates still further enlarging tho Homo. 'The Wanganui Lawn Tennis Club has entered for the country section of tho “Shield” tournament. Tho entry was received late, but tho other country clubs willingly, consented to it being received. The first round for city clubs will . bo played on Saturday. Eight teams are to compote. Eleven polico jirobationcrs who had been undergoing a course of instruction under Sergeant Gordon, at tho Mount Cook training depot, were sworn ni as constables yesterday by Inspector Ellison. Throo of tho men will remain in Wellington. Tho others will bo drafted to different parts of tho colony. By way of assisting dairy factory managers who are otherwise inaccessible, tho Dairy Commissioner (Mr J. A. Kiiiselia), mt the beginning of last season, issued to all factories wall cards giving hints on spring choesemaking and on tho manipulation of tho fermentation curd test. Many managers utilised tho cards. Others, through carelessness, lost or destroyed them, and as a result wrote to tho Commissioner a few weeks later for precisely'the samo information as tho cards conveyed. It is intended to print a now edition of thou). At yesterday’s meeting of tho Land Board, Mr Hogg mentioned, for the information of the Board, that he had seen a very cheap and serviceable sheep bridge which had been erected by a private land-owner over tho Ruamahanga river. Tho bridgo had a span of 200 ft, and was made of tetara, supported on ropes. Tho floor of the bridgo was 16in in width,' and the top of the ’ battened sides was about five or six feet wide. Tho structure, which coat only 10a a foot, was capable of bearing a weight of thirty tons. Mr Hogg suggested that similar bridges might bo erected with advantage over such rivers as the Rangitikoi. Ho promised to furnish at a later date fuller particulars ot tho cost and character of tho structure.

It is hoped at an early date that tho Dairying Division of the Department of* Agriculture may have tho services of an analyst to carry out examinations of butter and cheese for the information and instruction of factory managers. In the meantime a number of analyses are being carried out by Mr B. 0. Aston, chemist to the Department of' Agriculture. Mr Aston recently analysed samples of butter from twenty different factories -in Tarar naki. As a' result ho found that the percentage of water ranged from 9.4 to 12.6. This is considered very satisfactory, as tending to bear, out tho opinion of experts in England that New Zealand butter is particularly valuable by reason of its low proportion of water and high percentage of fat. Fifteen samples from outside Taranaki gave an average of -T0.4 per cent, of water, tho lowest percentage being 8.6 and the highest 12.6.

There is a school of very live pro-’ gressives in Now Zealand who do not lose a single opportunity of urging industrial and commercial circles to keep abreast of the times, and, not to fall behind the most advanced methods of our rivals in the produce markets of Europe. Prominent among these aro gentlemen who have received their training in America, tmd who, therefore, fully realiso tho necessities of enterprise. Air Kinsella, in the annual report of the Dairying Division, advises tho Government to take tho same steps as are ken in Canada, Russia and Siberia for tho education of dairy factory managers. . In Russia, he says, several dairy scnoolg are in operation, and instructors are also being appointed, Canada has also a splendid system of instruction at dairy schools, together with improved methods of transport overland. Canada is now adopting bettor means than natural ice for controlling temperature, and is encouraging steamship companies to pro. vido a better system of cold storage on vessels carrying produce to Great Britain.

The report of the Dairying Division speaks highly of the success of graO” -ilif as now applied to cheese. ror > considerable time after the present system was inaugurated in September, 1900. it was thought by some that the effect would bo detrimental to factories. Mr Kinsella reports, however, that after two years’ experience hQ can state that the new method ts a great improvement over the cm system of pointing and inspecting factories’ outputs only, and has been more satisfactory to both buyer and seller, stimulated factory' .managers to koop up to the mark in improving their quality, and has obviated a good deal of friction as between buyers and seller. Immediately cheese is found at port of shipment to be of secondary quality, the directors of tb° factory ere advised of the fact, a”d assistance is given to Uin manager in remedying it. Tbr, trouble has always been overcome, and tbe Commissioner is hopeful that with the co-operation of the factories the system of grading will improve the position of both the factories and the managers.

Tho annn,'ll moating of tho ’\VoUiri;;tori Li.-dortalol is to ho hold to-uight jii tho o tUii til lows' Hail.

Solicitors’ offices in tho city will be closed on Monday. tie; day on which bt. Andrew’s Day Is to bo observed. A branch of the Vniou Hank of Australia will bo opened at Uarmevirke today, under tilt, iiianageiiioui, of Air A. 1!. Lawrence. A .special meeting cf the South ’Wellington Public Library and Literary Institute will be held next Friday, to wind up the institute. The installation of W.M. ami investiture of officers of Lodge St. Andrew will take place to-night at the Freemasons’ Hall, lloulcott street. Tho directors of tho Wanganui syndicate now prospecting at ilelgrovc have received information tiiat coal has been struck by tho prospecting parly Ono of tho now American motor-cars ordered through the New Zealand Motor Car Company has been purchased by Mr W. H. P. Barber, M.H.R. At tho Exchange Hall tills evening a public welcome is to be given Mr J. J. Virgo, British and colonial representative of tho Australian Toiing Men’s Christian Associations. I’n Mayor will preside. Mr Frank Bute palled no votes m a number of tho booths in the tv estlaml cleotorato. At OLira Gorge, a.itkon s and Taipo tho record was Sodden. 18, 9, and 21 respectively; Isitt nil. Jackson’s 20 persons voted for tho Premier ami 1 for Mi Tsitt, aiul tho residents aro looking for that unit to slay him. It may bo noted as a significant fact that tho most of tho sections in the Taino estate, at Lower Hutt, so yesterday by Messrs Macdonald, M ilson and Co., were purchaser! by local residents, only a small proportion- of buyers being from the city. Details of tin prices paid for tho sections aro given in another column. Tho Wellington City Council spent Homo time last night in discussing in committee tho question of accepting a tender for wood-paving timber for Urn city streets. Tho result of tho discussion was not communicated to the press. It is understood that tho tendor of an Australian company is likolv to bo accepted, and that jarrah will probably bo tho material employed.

Tho interment of tho remains of tho lato Mr John Goldor took piaco at the XJppor Hutb yesterday in tho Roman Catholic oomotery. Tho funeral cortege was tho largest one that had cvar assembled in that district. There was a very largo contribution of wreetts included amongst tho tributes being wreaths from tho ITntt County Council, tho Upper Hntt School Committee, school teachers and. scholars.

It seems that tho expressmen at the shelter-sheds, to while away the weary hours while waiting for an order, have occasionally resorted to a quiet game of coords; but at last a complaint has been made to the City Council authorities on .the subject. One of tho men interviewed the Mayor a day or two ago, and asked tho reason why tir-cord-playing was objected to? Tho Mayor replied that lie know nothing of it, hub that in any caso card-play-ing was illegal if tho men played for money, as it was a game of chanco. “Oh,” said tho man, “wo do not play for money.”; “Then, if you do not play for money,” said the Mayor, “I do not suppose tho police will interfere with you at all.” Dunedin is not tho only city in the colony which has sought to obtain a share of Mr Carnegie's money for a library. When it was suggested by Mr Devine last night, at the mooting of fho City Council, that Mr Carnegie might be asked for a subscription for tho Wellington Library, the Mayor did not appear to view tho proposal with favour. Mr Carnegie, ho said, had been written to, and had never answered tho letter. ‘“Well, wo might try him again.” thought anothci Councillor. It was pointed out, however, that in reply to a letter from Nelson, Mr Carnegie’s secretary had stated that it was onl£ in providing needed housing that Mr Carnegie assisted in library work, and that according to his system, .hooks, general maintenance, etc,, .were provided for by a library tax upon tho whole community. So that Wellington’s chanco of getting assistance from the millionaire’s fund does not appear hopeful. At last night’s meeting of tho Trades Council tho Management Committee submitted a report recommending that an endeavour Be made to “run” a purely Labour ticket at tho next municipal ejections. It was suggested that the number of such candidates ho limited to six; that all unions affiliated and nonaffiUated be invited to nominate candidates, and that in the event of more than, six being nominated, a ballot be taken of all. industrial unions in the city; that a candidate, if selected, must sign an agreement to conform to the platform laid down, and not to stand in opposition to tho ticket; and that the following form some of tho planks in tho Labour platform for tho election:— (a) All municipal works and undertakings to be carried out by day labour; (b) erection of workmen’s homes; (c) establishment of municipal markets and baths; (d) tho city to acquire tho gas' works and undertake tho lighting of the city by electricity. Tho recommendations were unanimously adopted, on tho motion of Mr Collins, seconded by Mr Lyons. Tho Mayor of Wellington and Mr Barber wore cordially congratulated by City Councillors last night on thoir return to Parliament at this week’s polls. Mr J. P. Luke, who acted as tho spokesman for tho Councillors, said they were very proud of tho position in which Mr Aitkcn had been placed. It was, ho said, another mark of tho great esteem in which tho citizens of Wellington'held tho Mayor and their appreciation of ms services. Ho also congratulated Mr Barber upon the splendid result of tho Newtown election. Ho spoke feelingly on this matter, for he had done his utmost to keep Mr Bather out; but he could say that in all things that pertained to the progress of this city, in Barber had don? earnest and straightforward work. "Messrs Godber and McLaren, members of tho City Council, had also fought well. Though defeated, they had not been destroyed, and would, no doubt, como forward again. Mr Devine endorsed tho remarks of Mr Luke. The Mayor, in returning thanks, said party polity had never been allowed at tho Council table, and ho would try to avoid anything of the kind. Ho. with tho other Councillors, congratulated Mr Barber, and at tho same time expressed sympathy with Messrs Godber and McLaren, who would, ho hoped, contest seats in tho future. Mr Barter also briefly acknowledged the congratulations offered him. Ho remarked that ho did not intend to sever his connection with tho City Council, and hoped that ho would again bo returned to a scab at that table at tho next elections. (Hear, hear.}

A. case of alleged sly-grog selling at Muritai will be hoard oei’oro Dr A. McArthur, S.M., to-day Tho formal resolution to take section 0, block 5, To Aro reclamation, under the Public Works Act for electrical tramway purposes, was passed by the Wellington City Conned last night, Mr Now ton King, of Now Plymouth reports having sold to Mr Sullivan, of Slonov river, Air L. Kavanagu s two dairy‘farms, cf 102 acres and 107 acres respectively, at a satisfactory ligure. Tim .second sulferer in the trap aoeident that occurred at the Fpp-r iJ.utt on election day—Mr V, mtciean though thought to bo making progress towards recovery, is not yet out of danger. It was rumoured yesterday in town that an effort is to ho made to upset the election of one of tho T/ellington city members on the ground that he .addressed a meeting of electors on polling day. From tlio local agents of Messrs Win, Cooper and Nephews, proprietors of ' celebrated sheep (lip, we have received a copy of "'Tile Sheepman’s .Note Boole,” revis'd and brought up to date, wii' calendar for 1902 and 1903. This lia.mii pocket diary contains a vast amount cl information of value to uliocpfarmcrs. Owing to insufficient publicity having been given to lenders being required ' for works required to he done at tlio Mastcrton School, only ono tender was received by tho J'.aucalion Board, though tenders were twice invited. Tho Board yesterday decided to .ask tho Clerk of Works it ho could undertake to liuvo tho work douo by day labour.

In reply to a despatch of 21st Juh - tho Governor has received a rerdy from the Secrotary c j f State for the Colonies informing him that tho King has been rra.ciou.sly pleased to approve of tne titlq “Royal,” which was granted to too Permanent Artillery of hew Zenana, being continued to the two- branches artillery and engineers—into which ■-“0 force has now been divided.

Graphic description by Councillor Izard of tho typical footway in Wellington city:—“You walk along a narrow strip of concrete, with the risk of bumping your head against a tele-graph-polo, or else you walk iu a immature drain by tho side of the concrete in -wot weather, or sprain your ankle on tho hills and hillocks which are on tho other half of the footway.” ■ Tho latest contributors to tho Mayor’s fund for tiio relief or sufferers by tho wreck of the Llingamite are:—Messrs J. Staples and Co., £lO 10s; L. Newman, Wanganui, £2 2s; proceeds of concert at Cheral Hall, £36 Os Id; sympathiser, Otaki, The request has been made in connection with the Choral Hall conceit, that in tho event of the whole amount not being used, the sura shall bo handed back to form the nucleus of a permanent fund in aid of shipwrecked mariners and passengers. The Secretary of tho General Post Office is in receipt of a telegram from tho Pacific Cable Board, London, advising that Balls’ Directory of registered telegraphic addresses contains a very large number of addresses registered in Great Britain by tho Post Office. Tho Atlantic companies will deliver all telegrams addressed to any code address wliioh appears in Sells’, as wen as to any persons whoso address is registered with them. The companies register free. Persons whose oon-espon-dents’ addresses do not appear in bolls’ or are nob registered in any Atlantic company aro advised to request their correspondents to register with one or other Atlantic company in London. Clauso 24 of the Wellington city consolidated by-law, 1898, relative to the numbering of houses in streets, was altered last night, in accordance with tho resolution of the Council of tho 6th November, 1902, by tho addition of tn following proviso;—“Provided always, that tho Council shall have power at any time to alter the numbers in any street where it may he in tho Council’s opinion found necessary to do so, but subject nevertheless to the cost of such work being homo by tho Council. “ Xn answer to a suggestion that metal numbers of a uniform kind should bo provided freo of cost to the citizens, the Mayor said if that were decided upon, tho Council would have to go in for something handsome, and then a charge would have to bo made.

Last night Councillor Fullford gave notice that ho would move at next meeting of tho Melroso Borough Council, that the engineer bo instructed to supply estimates for tho institution (at a cost of £25,000 to £30,000) of a septic tank system of draina'go for Brooklyn and its neighbourhood, and also for tho bettering of tho streets of that suburb. In tho course of a short discussion on tho notice, tho Mayor (Mr Kceno) mentioned that a report had already been furnished to tho Council by Mr Mestayer regarding tho institution of soptio tanks. Councillor Fullford said ho would look tho report up. Ho was sure of one thing, and that was that tho residents of Brooklyn would cheerfully vote for a special loan to give effect to tho system, as (tho speaker believed) the yearly interest on tho loan required would amount to a lesser sum than that now spent on tho night service. Messrs E. J. King and Son, "Willis street, announce a clearing sale of music. Accounts against tho barque Wanlock are to bo rendered by noon to-day to the agent, Mr G. H. Scales. "A special hors© sale will »bo held tomorrow at Palmerston North by Abraham and Williams, Ltd. A largo number of draught horses, as well as the racehorse Hokio, appear in the list of entries. Some drays, waggons, harness and tools will also he soldMcssrs Bead Bros., the well-known Wanganui land agents, have a' replace advertisement in this issue, which contains some excellent bargains. This firm reports brisk business, and advises one and all to look over their advertisement. Messrs Bead Bros., of Wanganui, advertise in another column a general store in Wanganui for sale, off account of illhealth in owner’s family. Messrs Lovien, Shallcrass and Co. will sail a lot of pot plants, flowers, shrubs and ferns at their rooms to-morrow afternoon. Tho "New Century” was the machine used in Christchurch tho other day in the experiment of taking evidence in Court on the typewriter. After the sale of piano and furniture by order of the Sheriff at their rooms this afternoon Messrs Sidey, Meech and Co. will sell thro© pianos, a harmonium and furniture. Messrs Leyien, Shallcrass and Co. will hold a clearing sale at Petono on Monday of furniture and effects, horses, buggies, harness, etc., on account of Mr "W. Smart, 'who is leaving the district. Correct and stylish shoes give the finishing touch and individuality to a pretty slimmer gown. The kinds of shoes that women want'are the kinds that are now being offered by Messrs R, Hannah and Co. A glance at our advertising columns will impress shoe buyers that Hannah’s values are unequalled. Mr Lloyd. Lambton quay, advertise© prices of clocks of various kinds. Messrs Macdonald, "U ilson and Co. insert a synopsis of various land sales to be held by them.

A number cf advertisements appear in auolLor column rayi.vj.-u’.kg the sum ol tLe Ku-eucatn tiilalo uy Baker Bros, on the Urd pro.’:.

The nroperiv iaioivn ns Knight s farm, Baker* Hill."is chmed by Mr A. i. Buie for iuuneuiuto sale- in one block. It contains about. 16 ucics, close to tlio KMbunn* Tramway, ;.nd on rue line oi exl.m>.h>u to Kw>-ii. H would bo most suile-h'e for a rvndicaic to take up, as it would cut up well. This laud is only ohen d lor one we. it, and will then be finally withdrawn if not sold. Prompt application is therefore necessary. Jie.-scs llarcoiut and Co. will sell by public auction, at Ibeiigrooms to-day, a Cuba street property, with a frontage ot 19it 6iu bv a depth of 1-Klt Cm, having Hi croon UiiT-o residences, containing live, sx ami seven rooms respectively.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4823, 28 November 1902, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4823, 28 November 1902, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4823, 28 November 1902, Page 4


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