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To,* lir-.'iriii;' IV the l-|‘l r iU"l!' l K'l !•• sm in He; fncif.-rnu court tc-da;- . '! he vi'l r: ■■: i ’I; cls ■ i v. Dohao ans W i i i. nivnVi, :"■! oihoi*-. hav- bee, !*,*•. ml !•■.•• br-: ir-.'- in fhr. Supreme ouri mu : v in ;>. !: ■ , i i"' *. i:' t' i ikit t.ii-" im'v'i.; •>> i--I'." I>'v1>'v in Arvrica. ?!■■»=•.■ hem;: di - i 'n; ;;/•■! in AVibi, ■ *on i'roin On; ,-i Go' ;•■■■ \% i|i lin i ,v,'iv lor n. i- in:!i»l > ill- of I In- it-;, -r II oi. 'lln y V. it: !:'■ ;y.|! I " 1 t im ' 111 ill- I'" *-. . C i < .'I I!WII ,V \r r -J. , ol I'l in f ill- , 111. ,■ Vr i : i|. ,ro I-> i 1 ■■l’.lU■ i■O ril i: ; Vl Sfii'-I'l V. li;, ;■ ni ;l ii, l-' r, ••.'.iUn?' iii-. 1,1,,., i,i ,;'Oi oi icily n nir.nlr" 1 ,n e- . nr" v i'iiu;' to a t'sui'di ,-i t : in at v lor •h- 'Vi;«r s l ih ,1 i ;«:t In. i;- I" i-i . i .;n;i".; lin re. \||' I li/o Kil-.'ii-r.l ; ii! I a I-; - I h url - l.c;- im in.',,; a! the ii'jiirroiin' (oml to- , Mi- 11 on or '"Hi ‘[(l liirn-OiV hear 1111* |. : non -a - of paves a'lnl ethers v. I !,,■ i’llli!i■ ■ ’! rn I Ci:. Mr J.ilieo Cooper vi I in oi iio-.v flolivor .j ii 111; i; i i l lll in the. I - nl' S’ 11 I■l. ' "II V. I,i'ii!)"r'i. '!'l- lir I im" ;; ... iii' I 'io |'i'" "iif i •i- -1 Oi Ih- ||.!ii«:r- i „■;« i' nle ,v ii I Ik; ili-iil I 111 CVOliillo iii III" Tl'"i"r.' | l".'l-. .It(i’clni i.. Til" president, Mr Hailli"".', V.‘ 111 pi Vo a '■.'■■linrl GosHp <"I Snlllf! i t'-lll'.'l IH'I I.I; ; ■ " anil a l l if" M' "101 lby nn iiiin i'", of li:" in., iii ni - will follov.*. In III" ?i!:o.i: I r.i! t'oiirl vr.vrii.i v, ,’ ’lla -1 Hiii-i'i II ainl .).i:i!", 111 oi I’ v (filr, i-barged i.ilo breakhip inlo tlirn ;; 11 -1 ( an t ’ ; ira i'"! ml; • i n i l '- a-Hiil'-iiiii shirl on Sal nrday Jli^ls< , anil ! o i!; 11 -r i I. 11 ,a. , r.-1 11 IO U 7 1 1 . v;i ri' liiaii'lfl lor a mark. Hr,l v. a, nl "ii ji. each cun-. Tlion- : ..r" t wi'iil-r-fi’iir ru in i ala !or in V> i'llnoHor In,' i In- J ini'! • -it')!!'! riaial:""l r-'.'i minr Inm of I II- New Zealand I ’!;on i• i ■lJoard, n:al ( went v m oilier in.r!s of i In. .'ii1..,,... 'no- Wellington laniiia I .'r.iir, :nv in f>: > held to-inoi*-riiiv ami on 'I i,nr.ala " a I the Hoard ii 'an. ; Hi.'.! 'a •! Redding- . 'rin i- is .f.! 1a a mne; doniarul for ponll ry lor the ('a | io. .Mr (). I). Hyde, of (lie Orparl nifnl of ALrricidtnn l . says flint, a, rripio-l fiir Iv.n fliousand birds lor ('ii;iolov. ii is 'c ad ly iraclicH Xow «icaland. ! 100 poiiil in ("iniu'i'Uou with I lie Soafli AlTie.i.ii niarkcl is Lliat. olflcr birds call bo sent l liero I lam Uiese which are ieqniri'd by Jiundon liujeis. The map Alfred Kent, übuia a Ifie"tam 1 1 a ni S.vdm-v reporleil yeslrnlay to havo .'diadied Ins inoUier, wife and two ebildn'ii, ialadly injuring one, was a very powerful man. His mother was a full liloodo.fl Maori, not, a linll-caste, as rt'poiTfd by the cable. Kent, altlinnoii half a Ale.ori, had never been in New Zealand—iu fact, bad never been out of Ihe iUud-co di d rii-f . He ro.-ided ai. a. f!i;.;;;ia.os toivnship tuiiucd Homo Knlo. sitn'.iled between Gill gong and Mudgec. .Kent, was a. man, el absteinions habits and of a. lively diipoe-ilion. Tic was reputed to bo (he best piek-and-s.hovel niau in Hi- whole district, and was a

good performer at such pastimes as tossing Hie caber, putting tho weight, etc., ami a.Hog:other of an open disposition that seemed In preclude any suspicion ol the maduen, which must have caused him to commit tho savage act chronicled ui the cable message referred to.

The licensing ease which occupied tho attention of the Magistrate';; ('ourfc j-fi'-terday. in which shi; Hannah Watson. of the Oriental Hotel, was charged v.tMi serving liquor on Good Friday to other tlam'travellers, was rendered interesting by the Magistrate's; decision. Mr Wit ford appeared for the defendant. Alter reviewing the facts;, his Worship said lint the barman in this ease had used reasonable precautions. On being told by the customer.; that they were travlhrs, ho had not-been satisfied, but had prc.-.eil fnr further information. Ho-ei-nhl uni have pa-heel Ins inquirio-i much further. He had done whal was nquirod by the law, and the ease against Mi s Watson would he diomiss--0(1. The. omit Vi hn represented tlieinm Ives In the barman as travellers pleaded. guilt v In HiUiuiing drink by false pretence-, and were fined ‘dlls, and rusts, cavil.

Mr W. T. fining, secretary of the 'Wellington .‘.pel ion of the Australasian ' Seamen's i'nioii, write:, lo repudiate any connect ion with Ihc statements made by Mr VV. .tones to the Minister of Marine re the Shipping and Seamen's ;>cts, as reported in our issuer of liio (hh instant. Ho adds;—l make this .statement in justice to (.ho federation. and 1 might, add that the gentleman iitmtird and those few associated with him do nr,i represent the views of the targe majority of seamen organised iii New Zealand, to say nothing of llioso in Australia, wtv> arc materially affected by tiio shipping legislation of this colony, Disregard to tho amending -if the Shipping Act, 1 might state that (lie federation have, had this under consideration fur some time, and when Hie proper time arrives comprehensive proposals will ho submitted to the Government in respect to tho amending of nunc.

A c;re ef interest to printer:; was heard hy Ur McArthur, S.M., at, the Magistrate’s Court yesterday. Cl. A. Wright, printer, pleaded not guilty jo G charge c ,f publishing a paper and omitting to print thereon ids name_ and almde. The paper in question consisted of a, notice printed on bine paper lor a commercial firm in the city. The_ document- «ns headed "Filial Notice,” and under the royal coat of arms appeared sundry statements, couched in official language, warning persons to whom the form:; might lie directed that unless; certain moneys were paid on a date named legal proceedings would be taken. Defendant deposed that a printed copy of the doi'iiiiicut was handed to him. an t tin was asked to reproduce sc many copies, tins omission of the imprint not having hern unlived. Mr Datziotl, wins appeared for the defendant, asked that tlio ea. e should ho dismissed on techni-

cal ground.!, and his. Worship reserved judgment, until the 22 nd inst. Judg-

in i'll t in " somewhat. similar enlarge j against 111. •)- D. Johnson. printer, was also reserved. .Mr Dalsii'll also appeared for defendant. in this case. j Dr McArthur, S.M., presided at the Magistrate's Oonrl yesterday. when a lirsi-dit'cnder suffering from considerable, facial was ordered to pay medical expeir-es incurred in [latching him up. A deaf old man in an .advanced stage of decrepitude was brought as far a . Die side door of the Court, when” (he charge of having been found drunk in Manners street wa-i made against him. A sergeant, of police explained that Im had 'found (lie old man in a speechless condition and look him,to the wai cii-house, deeming that the best [dace tor him. Defendant was convicted and discharged. dames Mchvood appealed to the Court how ho could lime been drunk on Saturday night when ho had only had tiirce pin! a of beer? If it had been live er six. he cenipiained, there would have been come reuse in it. Ho war fined dr, or forty-eight hours. On a further charge of stealing two rnitv ct clothes, the property of Robert Hoi I , ho \.,/. remanded until _ I riday. dames Payne who was suffering from the olfecls cf excessive drinking, and had been found wandering through the itreet. in a I,civ's dressing gown, was remanded for 'medical treatment , and two first offenders were dealt .with in the usual way.

Ti v Special incetee; m nr; Cdy ( on;:i ed to trik- the ram., f-r (lie year will ! 1," held on May dud, Ih'-re are thivt t-le-t'r .ipplication , ior He position oi iiesd tsai.'her at the - . iii.,-,- •• eeboob and t,w.entydour t>ir esji of hev.■ i tisostr ai nlaurief,- ' idl". A iiiio spcs'iiii'-u f;l the se.i cow—at | i jii'"s erro.icoui) v t-n-i'd po*-poi:-!--—i- ' jo,'.'. /."I view ai a. -..'S"_,le-.p in Upper ..trccl. Tie: v redd of the fi:;h i, said to be, a ipi i of a ton. fn .iss -r fri an l se ‘ e.;i .in the House i,f I . .sin:'ju , [ ■;. ■ ( .slaidev. y inaiieni l is a ei~i r v to the Mar Offive, said tin | (oi d est to the Imperial Ho-, eminent l ef Hi" visit Ilf lbs liti js ■ rial Kcpresent a ■ H-.e Corps the c.!«t,i'", was bdI.OOO. i yfid'ioid ih-il •.■/:<■■■ C.inuiiir.ioii i.; I lli" eielcio." >. e .teribiv ot -Vi i 1- inuel brown, who had a sub-contract i h.r poi'iion of Uio 'deiian'! lino. ,i)iI oi’ier' v ilne-'i o.v;irriiin-d was Mr Robert i fl. e.-.-orsecr on Hie SVaipar.'.' -Hlii-rioi I hue who ’was for some linn' loiTinan on Hio Midland line, j Mr. A. deoil, writes lioie IT, Walter I .' Iroei, to ray llial Hie hro in tier hiOiiae was not can ed by ebiidr-n— with niatehes, but l.hronyh (he acciilont oi a boy (reading on mdeb, vviiich igii i t cel serini. and produced 1 1) e lire. She i a presses. In".* I hauls, to tbc I’iro Rritenlo Im* ijnieh arrival and prompt ae.t inn. Another burglary was. euniiniUed in W-liin-i on devil!" Holiday niehl. when t!;e bi.iokiie' olHco at Hie Government i iiil'.vav was raided. The of Ihe boohing ofbee lead li"ssi iin'oek"il and i.'.pened , and i he lnerel'..r . who evidently bad a good knowledge of Iho pine,", sci nred Ihe kev.s ol lim sale, w liieli Iho clerk was in the babit of hiding in the i.lliie. A_t any r v ife. th- side was miIni'hed and about .t; 10 m ea- h, being tho lakings tor bjuturdiiy and riunday, was

’1 lie conference in Wellington ol re--I,roa-ni a ti\vs of the T.iiicri' .scs’ Guinns cln.-cd yesterday, after la.d ing lor about a week. The resolution:; arrived at arc la lie '-nhinitted to tin' various unions. Among ■!. the hip- .(ion; discussed was that of tho position of tho trade :;i Auckland. The Hem John Iligg, chairman of tho- roiifereuce. ha-s been, presauled hy Miss •W hi tehn rn (Hie sefretary), i u behalf of (he delegates, with a pocket -hook and gold fountain pen, as a vai'U of appreciation of hi-, service.; as chairman.

Tile aunna! report of the Wellington Hockey Association records that, there lias been a distinct advance in tiic pros peels of tiic game. 'Hie inauguration of a. junior championship is spoken of as having added interest: to local hockey, an all round keen nr.;;; Juicing been tlisplayed. The report expresses thanks to Dr (.‘ahilt and- Dr Fanlke for donations ami to Mr H. .1. Fiumec for his exceedingly, liberal support of the association. The balance-sheet shows a. credit, of £1 7s 3d. The annual meeting of the association wili be held this evening.

Mr J. W. Joyut, Registrar of the University of Flew Zealand, writes: I tinvc to inform yon that the results of recent medical examinations in Dunedin. published in your paper on Monday morning, are unauthorised and incorrect. Tho medical examinations in New Zealand are conducted by tjio University of Now' Zealand, and no results are authorised except those which issue from . this office. The same is true of all other University examinations in this country. The complete results of this particular examination arc nob ytt to hand. Air D. E. dowers wishes to draw attention to the disgraceful amount of larrikinism prevailing in the neighbourhood round Brougham street, “ft, is,” ho writes, “ impossible to walk through either of tho above-mentioned thoroughfares after 8 p.m. without encountering a band of hoodlums, who appear to consider themselves privileged to insult rer.peotablo passers-by. To blame the police, as some are prone to do, is absurd. The police cannot he everywhere, and as soon as tho constable docs appear on the scene, every other individual immediately assumes an expression of lamb-like innocence. ’

The Judges of the Supreme Court have expressed tho opinion that in the four chief centres —-Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and. Auckland—persons who have taken advantage ol the Indictable Offences Summary Jurisdiction Act should bo brought, up before, a Judge for sentence at tho- first sitting in .open Court at those places, whether the Court is sitting for trial of prisoners, for trial of civil eases, or in Banco. With, respect to prisoners who in the ordinary course would be tried at other places, it will -bo necessary that they remain in prison or on bail until the next sitting of the Court at those places. Where hail is allowed, it should ho for the prisoner to appear in accordance with this arrangement. It- does not, in their Honors’ opinion, appear necessary to fix special clays for dealing with such eases. The Fight flours’ Federated Union met last night. There was a largo attendance, of delegates. Mr W. Naughtou (president) occupied the chair. .Several new unions applied for affiliation, and the crcdcittifti* of their delegates were accepted. Tho Finance. Commit* tee bn;Held down an exhaustive repo; t dealing with tiic curtailing ef the expeuliilurc’cf the union. After a short discussion the consideration of the report wax adjourned till the next meeting. The election of officers resulted ns follows ; -President, Air W. Ha ugh ton (re-elected); vice-presidents. Messrs G. Purdy and W. T. Young: secretary. Air I) McKenzie (re-elected); treasurer, Air G. Parkin (re-elected); trustees, Aivisrs J. H. Heaton and E. Tregear (rc-ctoeted); auditors. Messrs R. K. I Vaiiev (inside) mid JO. J. He. Grove (out--1 ride).' The election of honorary mcm- : tiers was tick! over till next meeting, mid several notices of motion were handed in.

i Charges of obtaining money h.y false preiences have been Ireqnenl. in the , M agist rale’s Court el lat e. Two cast’s i weru heard yesterday in which the police old tinted convictions. In tire first case heard the accused.. \\ illjam Lister. , a man of respectable appearance and ■good education, was charged with ob- ; tabling a. ehcajne for ,C2o from F. F. I b'abian by fraudulent means. The false ■ pa iciK’cs in this ease consisted of the | accused representing himself to be the ! accredited agent, armed with a power of attorney, of a well-known American linn of provision dealers, who contemplated cmmnene.lng business in Wellington. and were desirous of appointing n. representative here. The evidence was clear and convincing, and lined !y a statement written by accused was ; pint in by Detective Nixon.: in width \ In’ (the accused) pleaded guilty to the charge, and expressed a desire to refund certain moneys and make such amends as !?.v in his newer. Accused.'went on, in his confession, to state that he had had a lot of private trouble, and Imd been unable to get employment. He was committed to the Supreme Court, for sentence. In the second ease of obtaining money by false pretences, a man i named .Sinclair Smith, alias Fuller, was ; charged'' with, defrauding a young man ! from the country named Oliver Macki levA-kof the sum of £6. Accused was ■sent to gaol for twelve months.

| 'llio> auiued meeting of the Patent r-iiij. (.tj.'rijiaiiy. fixed lor yesterday, lap* ' . ed for *.*.;,■ nt of a quorum, and the omy ’l.rsnies i i ,ia ....i. war. to derlai e 1 tic* 1 .Jr, idciid. Tiie hoard appointed to consider the desiou, lor the invitalioii carcn for o I iieial cecemonic:; in cormccnon with the ; Po.v-d visit t'. Now* Zealaud-.-Dr Pel!, Mr (I. S. Warddl and Mr A. IT. Kile.v —- j oi.i \ f ,s . ] i ,siod have submitted a i i.i'siumeiidation on Hie anb.jeel to in" Peel )'nasii>T“Co;netfil, lint Mils is depi nil--1 < lit on cert fin "oiKiit ion:, being complied I with in regard to Hio .design*. Ths'*,o ■ wore t hhiy-one d"sipn; : cut in. ! Tin.- 11isi i!";:•*., in coiiiicction witli tno Wo 1 i,n:*lon i.’auiie; t lub’s Autumn Mecliic.' were "old liy Mo*' is- Ha.rcourt and yer-terday. 'J he following priI I were ri-aiised l ; — bar, |l‘ l oemrin anri Gray, P(i7 *. .'O. t ]ni'i!i----j can's booth. .Mrs AVatsontTti: j I‘ubiican’**. booth, Mrs Atatson, UTb; 'public lunclieon room, F. Brown, t!8 I ll.i. ; fimt and oyster stall, .Mrs Alarx. ) Cl; n froshi jmt . lull (outside). Mrs Mara, .CIV; the correct cards. Air Tar-t-dmi, '.'■l.

The Stipendiary Magistrate yesterday or/lcred AVilliani James Hanlon_ Io pay* Vs. to tin* Railway Department, inflicted a. line of ‘ills, with costs, and connsol’s ico Pi. Is. fm* iravellb.ig by* a mail, (rain with an excursion (rain ticket. HA charge of tra-velling without a. tickets was uiliidrawn. Joseph .Henry* Daeg and Hubert Henry Johnston were ordered to pay Gd and 8s Id respoe-

tivcly to tlic Depart mont, iu addition to lines and counsels' fees, for a similar offence ; thi' oilier charges, being witlidrav.n, as in Hanlon’s case. There was i-.o eviilcnce of intent, to deiraud iu any* of (lie eavs". George Kelly* was fined

‘ill.;, with rests 7k, for diguing a receipt Maldc to duly without Ihc- same being dulv lamped, Tho hearing of a charge against Ngahiiui. Main, a, native, ol housebreaking at Waikauac, bad not concluded when the Court rose.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4332, 16 April 1901, Page 5

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4332, 16 April 1901, Page 5

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4332, 16 April 1901, Page 5


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