PH At UP J HE MOON. EEiiKL.utY. UCalouW'sd for New V..u!uml mean time.) D. 11. M. Puli amen 4 3 12 a.m. Lwt q«»?■>■<■ ... 12 6 42 a.xn. New mo-•>; |.9 2 15 p.m. ; First g;.i,.rler ... %j 5 8 p.m. Sun rise.;, 5.22 a.m.:. ."ads. 6.50 p.m. Moon, 9.2 n..u.; Mils. 2.22 i>.m. High v.'.ok"-, (J. 27 a.m.; C. 48 p.m. TTT f.' luSii.i V' Kk'|i 111;A J{ V 21. j Wail:.'iv. : 1901 tons, Richardson. 1 ■from Tinor J; j ;i r..! Lyttelton. Passen-gers—S-l‘.;oii: Ml-.-';-. Middlemas. AnderRon, Hoot-, fifirv-if.'longh, 19 Feeney, Sl». ter, Conner, '.iv 12;, flm-t, hnnsom, Taylor, Wngid. If =■ rifiirr - n. (ielmore, Curtis, Lewi:;, Mysrhimf..-; Aitlcen. .tones. AlInm, I. (i r 1 ■■. Ifor.kor an'l ‘2 eh i klren, lien eliilwooii, R-ilfe, ilalce:- anfl (i children, Tlnrvcv, lliilvi' ami »■ 1 1 ■l■ i. Messrs Patrick Lumsde> . < Iricraoii, foot- Riley (2), AitTeen. M'ShOlc. Wi(P o. Biakov. Anderson XJlley. I'cnoiii, Mi,n 1 i-it ii, Slicing. Sealy Silly. ' 0a 'i'O.inyioa, Logan. Gray Hein.oi a, Ahi'n rou: hie. Jameson, Bethel son, Walt. JO’tf ■. Tosstt'ill, Mogridge Unite, i,i>: l l.■. hosier; 25 steerage. Manama, s. 1 ,., 78 ion.". Melnlvre. from WniroKoit, !’n m-ager-i- Cabbi: Hr Leg gp. M" Wileoelm. Pania, sn., 10 lour, Fml:. term Blenheim. Pas-op/en-,. - Cabin; Miss McM. •<-. Mr Seo’la,'.!. Tar.-i wra, 1208 tons. Neville, from Lyt 1 e]!. I’■ i son ngor •' ■ -Saloon : MisseRich. I’rn'", Swimmll (;>), Alexander 121 Fleck. Smill,. Al-sd-.irio;.; Timm, Magi)l .Anderson, Foivlds, Hell. White. MeCon eliie end hnv, Hroeo, \ rch liisbon Redivood ■Revs Thomas, (lavid-mi,, MiHer, I,yon Pernio, Tn- Tfoelio. Me.'w.s 'Mitchell, T)nn« TviO, r.-lvls Pm!M-i, Pool,'. r,-ns| l( . r , Cohen Leighton, Browne, Siiin-o, MePadgon. Kn ro, Wvlie. Tli-on, Milligan, ILiteli, Hull So- -dor-:: if: si enrage. TTnia, "..s., 90 lona, Prairrord. from Wan gnmii. t; \ 1 r Ft i. tutus,la v fmrt a p.viiy 21. Tvotorua, ss, 570 tors, MeArtliur. I'm Pielon a riff Nelson. Passenger— Saloon ■ Hisses Sittts Ti, I l.’sli'imn/h, Tfansom Ljves-iv 12). Me Snip- Deslm rough Ail ken. Hr Tames, p l V s McKern',io. Isaac Messrs Aill.en. Selhv, Talholl. Onne, Me Ghee, .Tones, Clm I , Solly, Bagge; 7 steerage. Pania. 0.5.. ei t.'iis, Fisk, for Hlenbcini. Moana. s.s., Mil. tons, Cov-v, for Melbonnif vie F'flh and : ritia el. Passen /ers —Saleen : M i-'ues FhmJi". Gibson. Bellingllll. d’et'k. Tlnifin. I'ii imean, Palin. Cor-le.- C v>,,mu,| I‘>). Whiteman. TTinni' ton, P-.r: : I-tio Mrolnrnes Partnn Bmper.Tr,;,n lie... <> nhildre,, C00..0r. nifs..., Weir. PNilaee. Toldn, JTSvdn?i, *G re y, H a!! t. < 11. Clark, fetorne' - Bii’lin, T' 11 , Jo"t, Cmnribell .Ph” rneen. Pees t!i|!i',s, Mtreslie. Plmnson Canlain 1 it tdi. ld .''•orpornl Allen. Mess.Burns, I teO., ii-.-l-inii Br.'an, Weir, PI lison. W-dlnc'. >lr. AP'h'lemlss Tobin 1.0 Orel!. Can 1 bell. WtUon. AldrhhTTavihi'i. Gray. MIN’. P. T)arlii»f. Ward r.itHe, 'dnir. f.e Cren. Hnnyii. oaill|dlf<ll "Rodger. 1 V rgi! I, Well'U!. Afnrrisoi!. Colt man, Cla.-Kan, .Veyili, ;-’.fe.,vard,: (5 steer age.
T?o*o;;| r-.- ; i?:») !'j11. Rnberfanii, for Mow Ph-r/iIjMl .Mtul Opf'hn a pm. Parson I 'S-ilen' : V: e - L' hp'no, I. L vans Fivnn. Seprief, %f<Mil!Ui>PH W«IW ;)!)<' ehild. TV-"rj.>lfK;. WE-'tm. Maumee, Seprief Captain "• ■!■!;iill. Me-airs ITeymansou Thane. Cra ' Tador. ’Jr'Leap, Sealr. Ate Oli'Ti>i V.'n I *••,._ -inir-mn ; 5 steer,ape. Warm i’ >, TM( Inna, Riehardson. for IST!-..: -I- CM-..,.,... dnldand anil Svd ner. I'- ■ -Saloon: Misses Clarke Smith .?) Fuller. To-Sir, \vte-, MllW Codon. We -,i-,Wdd.e,-, MnlJ-iy. Word MVssn r '-., (or n'-hh.-r, Pmichunn. Hart ley, TnlloHi, ''lor, Shaw. Mullav. Brown Broirrnond, Addon (2): 8 sleernpo, Man a, s.«„ 72 lons. Woo- mo, for Baton anti AVaitar, ■!. Flim'lev,;,. 1(0 tons, FFarvoy. for Niw'pr. via Bast Boast. Qnemi of (ho Sonlii. h.h.. 121 fans. Manly, for Ponton, Flora, s,:-',. 338 fans. Barnhart, for Westport. Manama, s.s., 78 (one, Mclntyre, for Wan (jap pi, ETPECTEF) ARRIVALS. Zealand!,' from Sydney via, Auckland Giihonie end Mamm'. Hi■ -j d n y Wa verier, from Me Ison, this Jay Rotnnpiham, fmin T.vftolton.lhis day” Parii', t'm,i Blmdieinj. this day Siamhli-d, from Wemrnnui, this, day .Aorery, from Baiea, this day To Farm, from ffohlpn (law IBis day Tariiip!, from Auckland, this day Tarn warn, from Bn Mtop, thin day Mu pour Mr a, from Westport, this day Westra.lhi, from Melbourne via South, 23rd * TliinnHVa, from Aneldand. 2nd B R CI.TECTE D T> EP A RTCRES. Zealnmlin. for Lyttelton and Dunedin this dav. at‘s p.m, Rotomehana, for Lyttelton, this* day a' 7 p.m. Wavorloy. for Nelson and Coast, this clay, at a p.m. Opawa, for Blenheim, (his .lay, at midnight. Bnia, for AVnnpami i, tip's day a( If) a.m PajiM, for idem,mm, (! ., r at mi( j. niqlit. ~Fnn n ’ l ’>. l n ” I’ieton, Mol,son and* Coast this day, at 12,30 p.m. Tarawern, for Lyttelton, 23rd Monowai. for Sydney, 2,3 rd IRof'Orna. for J'icion arid Nelson. 23nl Tnvmiu. for WV« J porl:, 23rd Maponrika. for Westport, 23rd Aorcre, for Baton, 23rd Onecn of the South. f m . Poxtop. 23rd Manru’oa. for Wonpnnui, 23rd VESSELS FM BCBT OPR UN’S WHARF. Pima he d\ or , h,am, barque 528 tons. Loch Oreo. barque. 731 tons. Karamea. s.g., SHU tons. Canterbury, ship, .12-15 tons. 1’- At. 3’uelcer. hare;no. 100 tons, Hma, s.s., 90 tons Han pin, s.s., -tat tons. Pakehn, s.s. 20C3 tons. _ . WOOL JETTY. Pmrnhlair, barque, 1818 tons. • Lorraine, barque, 828 tons, oaxon, barque. 1637 tons. IN TUB STREAAI. Southern cross, s.s.. 158 ion.?. movements op direct steamers.
SAILED FROM LONDON. Naw Zealand Shipping Company— Wabanrn (from Plymouth), February 3rdWaimato, February 6th. Shaw, bar ill ami Albion Company— Eangntirn, January Bth; Kumara, Janury lUth. lysox Lino—Star of New Zealand, December 111th; Whakatona. January 10th. SAILED FROM NEW YORK. Tjser Line-Star of Australia, December 22nd. SAILED EoJTIONDON. N'ew Zealand Shipping Company—Rakaia (from Wellington). January 3rd* Morayshire (Lorn Port dial mors), Janu’ary oth’ Ltjkoa (iron; Wellington), January tilth; Papauui (irom Wellington), January Ji-c; 18.-. mire (from Lyttelton) February 711: ; Waikato (from Wellington) February LYh. 1 Shaw, Sr- 1 ill and Albion Company— Buteshire- iironi Wellington), December 14th; Mr.iatua (irom Wellington) January tab; Delphic (from Lyttelton), January -Aid: Gothic (from Wellington), February I’m!; Wanvem (from Wellington), February IGth. Tyser Line—Eil'cl Tower (from Wellington), Dccemb r (U:!i; Tomoann (from Wellington), January 3rd : Star of England pom Napier), January 3th; Hawke’s Bay (from Wellington). January !8lh; Star of Victoria (from Wellington) February 20tb. SAILERS EXPECTED. Hiram Emery, barque, left New York November 6th: Wellington, ship, left Glasgow November 17th; Gladys, barons Left Liverpool December 31st; Santiago, barque, left Havre December 31st. BY TELEGRAPH. GISBORNE. Thursday. Arrived. 7.15 a.m,—Dalhousie. from Auckland. To sail, 10 p.ra.— Dalhousie. and Tu-, tanekai, for Najiier. y
SiTHNEif, ’lTiursday. Arrived—Taluae, from Wellington. ! Sailed—Maraxoa, for Auckland, with English mail. LYTTELTON, Thursday. Arrived—Nairnshire (7.45 a.m.) and Botomahana (8.20 a.m.) (connected;, from Wellington. , Sailed—Aotc-a (0.10 p.m.), for Pictou; 5 Baron Eidoa (7.15 p.m.), for Dunedin. Sailed —Rotomahana . for Wellington Passengers—Aliases Simms. Longstaff, Adamson Wood Pardmaine (2;, Donnelly, Nolan’ Frame, Meikle Rouse, Bradley, Hutton, AlcGirr, Dobbie, Mesdarncs Lvon, Pox, Armstrong Wilkinson, Parker, Wardell Jameson Mercer, Morns, Manifold, Trask Williams, McKuhly. Dobbie, Captain Russell. Revs Mons. O'Reilly, Fathers Honey, Leo and Wright. Messrs Lyon, Maopherson, Harris, Parker, Wardell, Watson Dixon, Wilmott, Collie, Watkins, Wood, "McWilliain, Svenson, Price, Pox, Jcssop, Kinscdla, Ross, Osborne, Jameson, Mercer, Morris. NELbON, Ihursday. Arrived, 7.15 a.m.—Waimii, from PioSailed, 6,20 p.m.—Waverley, for Wellington. NAPIER, Ihursday. bailed. 2.J!i p.m.—Zcalandia, for Wellington. , . , WAITARA. Thursday. Sailed J p.m.—Otarama for Wanganui TIIIA.RU, Thursday. Sailed, 4,15 p.m.—lndradevi, for Lyttel-
f ° ri ' PAT BA. Thursday. To sail, 11 p.m.—Aorere, for Wellington via Opunjkt. Thursday. Sailed, 6.10 p.m.—Opawa, for Wellmgtoa" PICTON. Thursday. Arrived. 5.45 p.m.—Rotorua, from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Thursday. Arrived—-Muura, from North. Sailed —Auuio iiill, tor Wiiangarei. ~ Sailed—Wcstralia, for Sydney via North. Passengers—Misses Dutch, Hellvcr. ilemiuing, Pishburn, Carlyle. Vannini (2), Holmes, Bowden. Mesdames Hobbs Russell, Roberts, Mason, Carlyle and 1 chiklioii, Holmes, Ritchie. Hoisted. Cable and 2 children, Bowden and maid, Messrs Passmore Howes, Mitchell, Gualter, Russell, Hay, Fenwick, Morkanc. Johnson, Ritchie, Carlyle, Roberts Rev C. S. Bowden, Master Bowden ana 10 eteeuigt. ONEHUNGA. Thursday. Sailed— Takapuua, for New Plymouth and Wellington. Passengers— Misses Campbell, Cole, White. Clark, Bell Bollinger Holdsworth, Mesdames Russell, Veomans,' Shepherd, Tomlinson Champion Bible, Damagh. Messrs Billing Garrett,'Gibbons, Gladding. Bannister Loveland, Nagletv. Jones, Worboise, Parker. Champion, MoLea.v. Muir Launder De Castro Steel, Kiss ell, Stead. Wnaley Warragh, Reid, Passmore, McHiarmid, Delaney Cowes, Dunn, Jare. Williams, Ryan Patterson, Simnaii, Revs Ready. Morley. Captain Keyes, Corporal Sullivan ami 20 steevftsro. , AUCKLAND. Thursday. Sailed—H.M.S. Mil dura, for Napier.
A Haw has been detected in the shaft of tho Haupiri and the vessel will be detained in Wellington for a week or two. The Union S.S. Company’s Moana. is to lake up the Warrimoo’a running in the Vancouvcr-Anstralian trade. The Star of New Zealand is due in Wei lington on the 26th inst. . The Elizabeth Graham has finished taking in ballast and will sail this morning for Kaipvra to load timber for Sydney The Waverles - . due from Nelson this morning, will bring over a quantity of explosives, ivliidi she will discharge l in Evans Bay for the magazine at Point HalsThe present trip of the Wnikare to Sydney via tho East Coast and Auckland if her initial run in that service. Before being taken off for the Sounds excursion, shi was in the Sydney-Cook Strait-Melbournc run. Tho barque Tsola will in future be known as the Jessie Craig, the Board of Trade, London, having given its sanction to the alteration. She io due at Kaipara to load timber for Sydney, thence coal from Newcastle to Lyttelton, According to a report received-front Melbourne another new line of steamers has been instituted for tho Australian and Smith African trade. It is being nm by tho newly-formed Australian and South African Steamship Company, and the service will bo a tegular one with,steamers insulated for tho carriage of frozen produce, and specially fitted for the carriage of live stock. ,
At a meeting of the British Shipmasters Society, held in London, Mr Howell, in a stirring sneech. proposed "Ships. Colonieand Omnirierce.” He backed up the view that if shipowners care to lower the Doutoschiand record shi "build era and engineers will not find it a very difficult matter M: J. G. Anderson, Sir W. Pearce and Mr J Gorhvi responded. The first-mentioned deprecated the attacks made so frequently mi tho British shipping industry; Sir W. Pearco emphasised tho good fellowship between old England and her colonies, and pointed out that IT.M.S. Calliope got out of Samoa safely against a howling, hurricane because her engineers were able to supply the power. Sir J. Gunn. Commander R. Kawaahiina and Messrs Denny, Dunlop, Milton and Beldam also spoke. The president, in his winding-np speech, pointed out that tho engineers of H.M. Navy do not at present hold that position as officers' to which they are entitled. THE WEATHER. TYPICAL NEW ZEALAND STATIONS. The following weather reports were received from typical New Zealand stations at 5 p.m. yesterday: Manukau Heads.—Wind, east, fresh; ba rometer, 30.20; thermometer, 66. Gene ral remarks—Gloomy; sea smooth. New Plymouth.—Wind, calm; barome ter, 30.15; thermometer, 69. General re marks—Gloomy; sea smooth. Castlepoint.—Wind, south-west, light; barometer, 30.21; thermometer, 69. Gone ral remarks—Fine; sea moderate.
Wellington.—Wind, .south-west, fresh; barometer, 30.20; thermometer, 66. Gens ral remarks—Cloudy. Westport.—Wind, south-west, fresh; bn rometer, 30.11; thermometer, 68. General remarks—Fine: sea smooth - Kaikonra.—Wind, calm; barometer 30.32: thermometer, 68. General remarks marks—Gloomy; sea smooth. Oamaru.-—Wind, calm; barometer, 30.28 thermometer, 57. General remarks-*, Gloomy: sea sm^th. Bluff. —Wind, east, light; barometer, 30.23: thermometer, 58. General remarks —Pine.
Decreased pressure at Albany, but it has increased at both Hobart and Sydney, j low pressure from west passed east of the meridian of South Cape about midnight on Wednesday and one from the same direction will pass on the 23rd inst. East erly gales with rain are to he expected • northward of East Cape, Taupo and Raglan, and strong northerly winds after mid daj' to-morrow elsewhere. R. A. EDWIN. TYPICAL AUSTRALIAN STATIONS. The following reports of the weather af the undermentioned typical Australian stations were received at the Oolonia’ Museum yesterday: Albany, 20th. —"Wind, west; barometer, 30.2. General remarks—Fine, but cloudy. Hobart, 20th.—Wind, north-east: barometer. 30.1. General remarks —Cloudy. Sydney, 21st.—Wind, south-east; barometer, 30.2. General remarks—Showery. WELLINGTON OBSERVATORY. The weather records taken at the Wellington Observatory at 9 a.m. yesterday were as follow: —Barometer, 30.166: maximum shade temperature previous 24 hours 72; minimum shade temperature previous 24 hours. 58; rainfall previous 24 hours, nil; wind, north-west; fine warm weather "R. B. GORE.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4288, 22 February 1901, Page 4
Word Count
2,043SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4288, 22 February 1901, Page 4
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