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The Conciliation Board will to-day formally adjourn the drivers’ dispute until Wednesday. The Board is at present sitting in camera considering its award in the sawmillera’ dispute, which it hopes to bo able to announce during the course of the present week. Mr O. R. Bendaii, representative of the Royal Exchange Assurance Corpo* ration of London, sends us copies of desk calendar. Wall calendar and blotter, with calendar for 1901 issued by that institution. These are all well designed, artistic and useful. We have to thank Messrs W. H. Baling and Co , the well-known music, puli, lishers of Sydney, for n copy of the “United Australia March. 5 ’ just published by thorn. The music i* by Mr James W. Tate, and will commend itself to lovers of that stamp of composition. The foreshore all round the city water frontage requires attention from the sanitary authorities. Last night a light breeze from the north-east bore up over the thickly populated district around Manners street a stench that was at times simply nauseating. The recently constituted Health Department! may find 1 this matter one in which it could take action. I Judge G-urr, of Samoa, writing to bis ; brother, Mr Norman Gurr. of Welling, ton, says;—l am glad to See New Zealand has got the control of some of the islands of the Pacific, but, notwithstanding that, there will bo no great scope for investment on a large scale for many years. If a young fellow cannot find anything to do in New Zealand, be might try the islands, but there he will only succeed in making a living. They are valuable for the purpose of assisting to consume some of the colonial excess of produce, hut that is about- ail. | A meeting of citizens and rcPresenta- ; tires of the various athletic clubs and ‘friendly societies was hold in the Council Chambers. Petone, on Saturday evening to -decide upon giving a send-off to the Petone members of the Sixth Contingent. His Worship the Mayor ,(Mr R-. C. Kirk) -presided, and there was a good attendance. Mr Ring, captain of the Petone Football Club, explained that a meeting had been held on Friday night, and bad decided to recommend that a “social” be given on the same lines as to the Petone representatives of iho Fourth Contingent. It was decided to fall in with this idea, and a. sub-committee was formed, consisting of Messrs King, Petifct, Brice. Motlies, Austin and Sherwin. to make arrangements. At a committee meeting held afterwards it was decided to bold the social on Wednesday night in the Drillshed.

The m;iiiagi-menl. of tiio tramways m;i(I <• a. - I rung dlorl I o cope willi Ihe tremendous Ijcf.'.Vfi'ii i In- city and Newli/h'ii Bark .ve.U.ei day, am 1 lo a large ext<■ II ( II! :! f<l• ■! 1 . "i 1 1 < ' !•< ■ ivav; (JVITV (!V!- <!<■- 1 < ■' - Imv.-i'vcr, tiiat. the present service i■■ quil e inacle(|ii:i!e I o cope with (fie Humane- mad'' upon ii mj Sundays by our growing popiilal inn. "he, need of ,i'i if s 1 1, up-l.e-date >-yti:ni of Iracimn Imt-oi.'ii's day by day more strikingly evi deni .

Adjutant Goldfm'di. wlm has mdil recently been in commend of I be local SMvadien Army corps, has iiren tran.sfern d to Invereargill. V'; iti-fday bis micc.'.-,-;.or I Al l j 11. ..til liat'-her; ua,. inslallid in ijlfiee by Major hvaiK. Ibe oee’i.'-ion bebm ma'b' mm o! extra feivDiir ami vigour. 'J’lie ms. ollieer i- m ni'.'i.e (lie ami n,.i inlains oi id.. :• nbm i!) mil e., at a soldier--11e• i■ (ice lo nnomiv mghf. and on \V edn. day lied.l la- nil! bold a. special ineetino ol all officers runncel mi with tin.’ various local In-'nclics of t.Jie corns.

dim annual regatta of flic .Port Nicholson Yacht Club, which is to be held 10-iiiorro'.v, promises some i xcellem sport. Among vaclitsmcn the principal interest emit res pi tin' race between the Rainbow and tim Vvaitangi, Notwithstanding the i leie;;l at Lyttelton of the \Vaitaugi by (lie Jb.tlierto invincible Rainbow, tbc owners cl (he termer have made several alterations hi her gear, winch it is aidieipaled will put her on better terms with her rival. As excellent entries lone been received lor tin: other races, yachtsmen anticipate a thoroughly good day’,-, enjovniont. dim .Ma.whera. has been engaged to billow the yachting events,. dhr annual, meeling of the members of !he Widows’ and Orphans’ Society, I.O.I).! I '., ALL’., was held at the Oddfellows’ Hall on Saturday. The chair was occupied bv Pro. 11. Parker. The annual report and balance-sheet were “adopted. The following officers were elected for Hie ensiling twelve months:—[’resident. Ih’o. Id- Parker; vice-president, Urn. F. W. Watkins; auditors. "Bros. G. Aslridgo ami W. W. Webb; committee, 1 1 m: ,. ii. Blair, J. Hollis, A. Connell, K. Smiih and •). Clark. The cimlrihulions amounted to .CHS ’lnc funds of Urn society now amount to CdlOd Bs.

At :i mcotlnfr of Hm Citizens’ Scnd-olf Committee fin Saturday, it «as dcoi'lcd Hint ;i luncheon should lie tendered an tint lii'dnv iif‘x( Id i.lic members of Mid Sixth Cunt ingenl in vamp lit .Sew town j> ; | r i- i; uiis rli-fidf'l Mini. Mi>’ Mayor ~,'ul Mr John 1 lo!mi’s should arrange for i (tu-cnpi ious f"tr fitii'ny UK* f'XTioiis.o.'i of (hV luncheon. H was demded to a«-k me citizens to make a display in huntIn” on tlir* ik‘l'ns 1o 11 ci Oio koucl-oiL Dumaieorn mid Marino Excursion Comluitlees worn set up. Mu' loiter to make i'lTaiu'Tnicnl s with the owners «t siup,,iim to run an excursion down tno har--1,,,,,,-. Mrssn C. E W A. Kennedy and J. Murrell were added to the Executive ('minnit.tee. A resident of the Napier district named '.lames Sellars wa; sentencedl to seven ilavs' imprisonment by Callaghan and Kidder, J.T.’s, at the Magistrates Court, on Saturday morning, tor having used obscene language ou Lamhton uua.y on Friday afternoon. Accused pleaded !mrd to he let off, attributing his offence In drink, hut Sub-Inspector Wilson pointed out to the Bench, that the language used v/ns particularly o n icet ionahlc, and asked that the public he protected. William Edward Wilson was charg'd with the theft of certain (adiiiietiuakers’ tools from I 1 rank Shanlum. 'fhe evidence showed that the two ii'cn had been drinking together, and that Wilson had pawned the articles to raise beer money, he alleging ho had Shannons consent to that couist. Shannon denied having authorised Wilson to pledge the tools. Tho case was dismissed, Wilson undertaking to consent to a. prohibition order being issued against himself.

A Imi*"o mini bo r of members wore prosoul', at”the half-yearly meeting of the Ihiir'vmcu’s Union, tho President (Mr P. Matthews) in llm chair. .After tho usual routine business had been disposed of, the Secretary (air A. P. Hone) reported on the meeting of farmers at (lie Lower Hut on tho previous Saturday, and after discussion it was unanimously decided that the union give every aid necessary towards the, formation of a farmers’ union. The dairy regulations under the Municipal Corporations Act. 1900, were considered, tho feeling of the meeting being that the regulations wore very fair, with the exception that the power vested in the inspectors appeared to he unlimited. _A special committee v as appointed' to near complaints re the carriage of milk on the railway, and to act as a deputation for the purpose of laying such complaints before the Minister for Railways. The election of officers resulted ' as follows: —President, Mr F. Matthews (re-elected); secretary, Mr A. P. Hope (re-elected);' treasurer. Mr A. Cooper ; trustee, Air A. Russeli . auditors, Messrs F. E. Croon and J. Highett; management committee, Messrs A. Russell, E. Osborne. J. Parker. J. Highett, M. Jopsen/ W. Broad C. S. Greaves, I l '. E. Green and H. McMauaway. Three new members were enrolled. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers, a special vote being passed to flic Secretary, Mr A. P. .Hope, for tho able manner in which he had discharged his duties. There was a good attendance at the annual 'meeting; of tho Wellington Typographical Union, held on Saturday night, ami Mr W. A. G. Skinner (president) occupied the chair. The half-yearly report presented by .the Board of Management stated that trade had been fairly good on flic whole, due principally to (ho 'huger number of men retained in the Government Printing Office after (ho close, of the- session. The linotype award of the Arbitration Court, tho report also stated. “ had not improved up. on fnifher ae;|iiaintance with its provisions. being marked by inconsistencies and ambiguities.” .Efforts had 'been made in the direction of having colouiallyprudueed hooks used in tile schools of the Wellington district, and further efforts would he made to have all schoolbooks for use in the schools of the colony printed by the State. As a result of a ballot of the .members, the union would guarantee lot) subscribers to the proposed journal in the interests of (ho workers, promoted by flic 1 miles Council The balance-sheet for the halfyear showed the receipts to have boon Lllo 11s, and the expenditure £bo ds t’d. leaving a protit of £GS 7s 9d, and the current year started with a credit ludanee of £22G 9s 3d. oHirers for the on--.iiing twelve months were elected ■ as follows; —President, Mr W. A. G. Skin, nor (re-elected); vice-president. Mr C. M. Jenkins: secretary, Mr J. AV. Henrim,s (re-elected): treasurer. Air A. Kidding; trustees, Messrs •W. P. MeGirr and" ’!'. J Thompson (ve-clcctcdi; board representatives, * Messrs J. Maginmty and J. Connolly: Trades Council delcgafos Messrs skinner, T. M. Murphy, T .1 Thompson, C. T. Williams. Alaginnit.v and IX V. Wilson; Eight Hours delegates Afessrs Skinner, D AlcKen/,ie and Prince; auditors, [). \joslin and D. McKcu/.ic; door-keeper, Mr C. Fnrdey. Donations ivero granted the president and secrets, rv lor extra services during the year, and a vole of thanks passed to the retiring officers.

A meeting of shareholders of the Retone Co-operative Building Society will be held on Saturday to decide a loan appropriation.

The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Wellington Trust, Loan and Jiive.dinf;,:P Company will ho held at the Chamber of Commerce on Friday. I‘ehniary Ist.

Li Hie. Supreme Court: this mnniiim. .Mr Skcrrctt, will apply for a writ "i habeas corpus in the matter of Charles J. illy white, "accused of the Colchester murder.

At Balelutha, on Friday afternoon. ail rim recently apprehended sly-grog sellerv,</i proceeded against under tie: Act cl 1881, for selling liquor. Mr Fraser irl the attitude of the Crown was that (•India, was a no-licensing district, and (hat. the law was being persistently and deliberately broken throughout urn Imiglh and breadth of the electorate, hues being powerless to check the evil, or make the people cautious. Fie tneref„rc pressed for imprisonment in all the cases. d'ho Magistrate (Mr Stratford) said ho would not shrink from doing hi* duty, whatever his feelings might ho. lie" accordingly ' sentenced Paterson, Bain, Allan, McDonnell, and Vial, jun., nil of whom had pleaded guilty, to ten days’ imprisonment in Dunedin Gaol. On Friday night new helmets were issued to members of D Battery, and the result to at least one gunner of the battery was embarrassing. His name* was Edward Batt. Flo and a companion in arms wore passing by the City Hotel, whore two boys named Sinclair and Maachcm were seated on a fence, when the boy Sinclair roused accused’s ire by a reference which ho made to tin;, uniform which the latter was wearing. According to the evidence of Sinclair, Batt came up to him and threatened to hit him; whereupon he told accused that he had better not do so. Then a, hiatus crept into bis lire, ami he remembered nothing until he recovered consciousness at home two hours snbsei|uenHy. The story unfolded by Batt and a companion named Thompson placed a different complexion upon the story. It•Hvas stated by them, ami partly supported by .police evidence at tne Police Court on .Saturday, tiiat a gang of buys was wont to congregate in the vicinity of the City Hotel, and there pass insulting remarks to passor.s-by. The two men of the battery were annoyed at remarks ostensibly complimentary pas--ed by the hoy Sinclair, and Balt told Hie boy that he would hit him, and was thereupon invited to “try it on.” Flo did so, and the boy was by the blew knocked from the rail on which bo sat and rendered unconscious by, the fall. Batt said he was kicked (perhaps accidentally) by the boy Sinclair, am! a remark was passed that “they Mere — — prettjy specimens to be out in khaki.” After further talk Sinclair was struck by Batt, who immediately took stops to see after the hoy when ho knew that he was ser’ously hurt. Batt said he had frequently been annoyed by a gang at the .same place and lie recognised complainant as ono of its members. The above facts wore elicited before a Bench of Justices consisting of Messrs Gallagher and Fielder, The Bench considered the offence jnsl iliable, and dismissed the ease. Mr Moorhouso appeared as counsel for accused.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4260, 21 January 1901, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4260, 21 January 1901, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4260, 21 January 1901, Page 4


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