PHASES OE THE MOON. AUGUST. (Calculated for New Zealand mean time.; D. u. M. First quarter ... 4 4 la.C a.rn. Full moon ... ... 11 1* O.bJ a.m. Last quarter 17 11 IG-j* P-m. Mew moon. 25 3 P- 111 - Sim rises, G. 2-1; sets, 5,20 p.m. Hit'll water, 6.3 G.IH p.m. , ARRIVED. MONDAY, AUGUST 27. Pnkaki. s.s., 851* tons, Lambert, from Westport. Miiponrika, s.s.. 717 lons, Spenee, from N.-lson and I'ielon. (.'otonmliana. s.s., BGI- lons, Maiming, from Picton. I'ushengors- Saloon: Gaptains WMI in, Cameron, AndeHim, Kennedy. Mr Kennedy. Te Knpn, s.s., 50 tons, Allman, from Golden Hay and Havelock. Passengers Uroclter family (5). Wainui s.s. II lons, Worrall, iron) West Coast. Nelson' and I’icton. Passengers— Saloon; Misses Black, Hunt. Reynolds, Whinlium, McLean, King, Ferguson, Green, Neill, Me.Mahon, Smith, Collins, Hewitt, Leahy. Neville, Dergnson, I itzpat rick. Mcs- ■ hiines liracher, Alison, Melimrst, Rngg Diamond. Parties, Healey. Usmar. Cullen, and 2 clilldrcn. Crease. Reaper, Hose. Havntel. Coulter and 2 cldldren, Hnsl.y, Messrs Cullen, DnMV, Cnrrin, Darken, Tunis, l.eaper Parkcs, I,orpin, Chal lerlon, De Castro, Di’tzniaimce, Valla. Rose. Nortli, King, Healey, Dnoeao, Gray. Taylor. Aldwell .Myers, Robertson, I’elrie. Diamond, llroad. Drown. Russell, Row, Hanghoy, Allen, Bracber, Waller. Goodall. Collins. Lib aar’, Charlci.wortli, Brandon, Vcrex. Humphries, Woodford, Rullman, Middleton, Mnwal, Hwen, Hobson, Walsh, MeOniro, Dekforil. Jackson, Fily. pa trick, Raslrnge, Daliomi, Marisl Brother, Colonel Rill, Hon If. Reeves, Rev Father Day; 211 steerage. SAILED. MONDAY, AUGUST 27. Roloinahana, s.s., SGI tons. Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Clarke, Torlesse, Burgess and eliiid, Tanner. Jliaek. iUesdames Smith and 2' children, 'runner, Chapman, Ward, Heather, Black, Captain Willis, Messrs Hawes, Anderson, lloplcirk, Rutherford, Aitken, Isitt, t'olson. Chick, Dry, Norton Gorton, Fray, Barclay, Havrlon, Hunt, Schntz, Gilhert, Barnes, Reid, Sheldon; 12 steerage. Roloiti, s.s., G 29 tons, Robertson,' for New . lymouth and Onehnnga. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Laird, Pritchard, ingrain, Tuthnni, Drew, Mesdamcs Huti heson, Barclay, Grattan-Grey, Messrs Strout, Richards, Darcy, McLean, Hutcheson, Campbell, Wallace, Adams, McKwen, Grattan-Grey, Portcons, A'damson, Spiers, Booth, Mitchell, Munro. McElheuney, Bennett, Hobson, Cross, Burt, Duncan, Murphy, McKenzie, Toohey, Stephenson, Armstrong Moifatt, Graves, Grieg, Clarke, Ingram, Kingswell, Anderson, Otago Rugby fool hall team (17); 10 steerage. Dlingainite, s.s., 1685 tons, Hipgrave, for Lyttelton. Passengers—Saloon: Miss Edwards, Mrs Webber and child, Messrs Bennett, Denny, Wingfield; 12 steerage.
Pareora. s.s., 398 tons, Black, for Westport.
Omapere s.s., 352 tons, Hutton, for Westport.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Opawa, from Blenheim, this day Monra, from Dunedin and Lyttelton, Ibis day Rotorua, from Lyttelton, this day Flora, from Auckland via Coast, this day
Mawhera, from Westport, this day Aorcre, from Pateu, this day Mararoa, from Wanganui, this day Kalin, from Napier, this day Pania, from Blenheim, this day Tutanekui, from Nelson; this day Kini, from Lyttelton, this day Storrnbird, from Wanganui, 29th Rotomahana, from Lyttelton, 29th Munowai, from Dunedin and Lyttelton 29th
Wavovley, from Nelson and West Coast: 20 th
Elihgamite, from Lyttelton, 30hh Flnnpiri, from West Coast, Nelson and Picton, 36th
Rotorua liana, from Lyttelton, 31st Rangatira. left London .Inly Ist; Tndramayo left New York .Inly 12th; Indraghiri, left Xiondon July 25th; Whakatane, left London July 21st; Waimate. left London August 4th; Knmara, left London August Cth; Wakanni, left Plymouth August 18th. (tlenliurn, left Glasgow April 24th; Corollo, left Liverpool .Inna 2nd; i Alios, left New York May 2nd; Loch! Trool, left Glasgow June 21st: Star.of the: East, left New York July 19th. ! PROJECTED DEPARTURES. !
Wakatn, for Lyttelton via Coast, this day
Queen of the South, for Foxtou, this day Mana, for Patea and Waitara, this (lay Pania, for Blenheim, this day Huia, for Wanganui, this clay ' Monra, for Napier, Gisborne and Auckland, this day Onawa, for Blenheim, this day Manaroa, for Wanganui,, this day Rotorua. for Victon and Nelson, this day Aorere. for Patea, this day Flora, for Lyttelton and ’Dunedin, this day
Afawhera. for Westport, this day Pnkaki, for Westport, this day' Kini, for Westport this day Stormlnrd, for Wanganui,’ 291 h Wavorley. for Nelson, 29th Gothic, for Lvttelton, 29th Wainui. for Picton, Nelson and West Coast, 29th Rotomahana, for Lyttelton, 20th Monowni, for Sydney, 29th BY TEIjF-GHAPH. . MELBOURNE, Monday. Arrived—Royal Tar, from New Zealand She encountered a sneession of fierce miles’ and her sails were blown to- ribbons,” Sailed—Mokoia, for Bluff. . WESTPORT, Sunday. Armed—Mawhera (10.10 p.m.). from Wellington; Stonnbird (9.15 p.m.) from Wanganui; Haupiri, from Nelson. To sail—Mawhera (11 p.m.), for Wellington; Haupiri (2 p.m.), for Greymonth. . BLENHEIM, Monday. Pania unable to cross h‘ir outwards ’ . , _ ’ BLUFF. Monday. Arrived, 9—Whungape, from Lvttelton.
„ . NAPIER. Mondav. Sailed, 12.30 p.m.—Flora, for Wellington.
To sail, 8 p.m.—Kahu. for Wellington. ■ NEW PLYMOUTH, Mondav. Arrived, 2.15 a.rn.—Gairloeh, from Onehnnga (connected). To sail, 10 p.m.—Gairloeh, for Onehnnga. PATEA, Monday. Arrived, 10 a.m. yesterday—Aorere, from Wellington.
4 . KAIPARA, Monday. Arrived—-Lady St. Anbyn, brigantine, from Wellington ; Annie Hill, schooner, from the South; Hnia, schooner, from Lyttelton; Ngarn, scow, from Gisborne, Sailed—Eliza Firth, 'schooner, for Lyttelton.
ATJCKLA NT), Monday. Arrived—Mararoa. ,(G a..m.), from Sydney; Star of Australia (12.15 p.m.) from Napier. The Mararoa’s passengers from Sydney are:—Misses Kim; (2). Boyd, Tracey. Thomson. Roste, Wick, Mcsdames Oravdon Boyd, Tracey. Wick, Thomson, Cameron. Messrs Holland, Case” Sleigh Adso-’, Bradley, Prosser, Trace”, Croydon. Palmer. Gench, Thomson, Freeman. Lloyd. Creelman, Sterwell, Priestley. Cameron, Aicken and 50 steerage. NELSON. Monday, To sail, 9 p.m.—Tntauekai, for WelHngAKAPOA, Monday. Arrived, 5.20 p.m.—Tlinemoa, from Wellington. Sailed, 5.40 p.m.—Tlinemoa, for Port Chalmers. TIMAPH. Monday. Arrived, 1.45 p.m.—Star of New Zealand, from Wellington. WANGANUI. Monday. To sail, 9 p.m.—Mnnaroa, for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Monday. Sailed, 5.15 p.m.—Kini. for Wellington. Sailed—Monra, for Northern ports. Passengers Misses Williams Martin. Mesdames Giles, Shaw, Messrs Mackenzie, Shaw. Wood, Beetham, Roherts. Williams (:1V Dimant. Petre, Edser, AValiare. Eayis, Sailed—Rotorua. for Wellington. Passen-gers--Miss Allen. Hon .1. G. Ward Messrs Hislop, Russell, Burns, Speight, Bonning-
ion, 800 l ram. Kennedy, Currie, Williams, Maude, Deans, Kerr, Robinson, Allison, Dobson, Bain, Cooper, Withers, Nutt. Reid, Atkinson, Lytelton, Francis.
Before leaving Sydney tor Vancouver the other dav. the ma’.l boitt W arrirnoo was suojected to a most comprehensive overhaul. The whole of her lirst saloon lias been refurnished, and the second saloon is n new feature altogether. The accommodation is in the' afterpurl of the si earner, and consists of quite luxuriously appointed staterooms, upholstered in olive pmsh —all entirely new. In the dining saloon is a piano, and the fittings of thar part of the vessel lose nothing by comparison with i lie tarnishing found in thr-Jivst-class. In her original design the vessel was divided into tint two classes, first and second. The second-class was in the forepart of the ship, which is now known as tho steerage, and an excellent steerage if is. The’'Changes made wiM ■ he certain tin enhance the WarriiiK-io's popularity in the mail service. In the collision which occurred in Sydney Harbour on the night of the 7th lost, between the Manly steamer Brighton and the collier Brunner, formerly of the Union Company's fleet, the ferry steamer was so seriously injured that she had to he beached at Chowder Bay to prevent her sinking. About a foot above tbe waterline of the Brunner a large hole was torn in her bows large enough to nass a whaleboat through. If the-contact had occurred a little lower down the collier must have foundered, for she was inward bound from Newcastle with a full load ol coal. 'l'he Brighton is one of the finest anti best-equipped harbour -steamers in dvdnev. The Brunner was in charge of Can tain Henry. Advice has been received that Ihe New Zealand Shinning Company's steamer Panama arrived at Plymouth on the 2.511) inst.; also that the Waikato reached Afonte Video on August ‘Hth. Messrs Pitenilhly, Wallace and C*. advise ns that the schooner Lily proceeds from Wellington to Havelock to load for Lvttelton. For the next twelve months she will be engaged in the Lyttelton-Grey-month trade. The future movements of the schooner Clyde are as yet undecided. The steamer Rimn is at present loading transhipments, ex , Rangatira, at Dunedin, tor the Bluff and Invercargill, thence she proceeds to Stewart Island to load timber for Dunedin. On discharge she loads produce for Auckland, and from there goes on to Whangarei to load timber for Wellington. Air A. Campbell, late second engineer of the Pnkaki, took over the duties of engineer to the Wnkatu yesterday. The Omapere was placed on the patent slio for a cleaning and painting yesterday. The Stonnbird is making an intermediate trip between, Wanganui and Westport with a load of coal tor the former port. She is due here to-morrow. A telegram from Nelson stales the steamer Toroa. bound from Napier to Westport, put in'there at 8 o’clock yesterday morning short of coal. Owing to had weather on the coast the departure of the Wakatn for Lyttelton via Kaikonra and Port Robinson has been deferred until this evening. The same weather prevented |he Pania crossing the Wairan bar outwards yesterday morning. There are two sailing vessels now overdue at Sydney, for (he safety of which serious apprehensions are entertained. These are the Nith and the Perseverance. The former is nearly 200 days out from Tampa and the latter (90 days out from Probolingo to Newcastle. . Neither of (he vessels lias been spoken since they left port. The Nith is an. iron barque of 1000 tons, owned in Loudon by Messrs ,1. I. Jacobs and Co. She was built by Barclay, Curie and Co., of Glasgow, thirty years ago, aud lliongli an old ship, was a very strong one. The Perseverance is a splendid steel ship of 1800 tons only four years old, owned by Messrs A. Weir and Company, of Glasgow, and built by McMillan and Son, Limited, of 'Dumbarton.
The Monowai. which lias been laid up St Dunedin since her (rip to South Africa, will arrive here to-morrow in the Waikare’s running. She is timed to -leave for Sydney direct at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Takapnna is awaiting the arrival of the inward San Francisco mail at Onehnnga. The mail is due at Auckland (his morning, and if up to time should reach Wellington at about noon to-morrow. Captain Clarkson, formerly of the schooner Jessie Niccol, is at present in charge of Hie schooner Clyde, which has recently changed hands. He will, however, shortly transfer to (he brigantine Sir Henry, when Captain Cameron will take charge .of the Clyde.
| JOHN O’GAUNT, FROM LIVERPOOL. This vcsel was berthed at (he Queen’s Wharf yesterday morning. Of the voyage the chief officer. Air Saunders, reports that the barque left Liverpool on April 26th, ami had fine weather and light south-west and south winds to picking up the northeast trades in lat. 2* north.. The lino was crossed 3D days out. Thence light southeast trades and calms prevailed to crossing the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on. July 7(h. The vessel met with a good deal of contrary wind and weather in running down the easting. In latitude 41.20 south, longitude 127.40 east, a violent south-east gale with high seas was encountered, during which large quantities of water were shipped. One big sea, which leapt on board started some of the starboard bulwark siannehions and smashed the topgallant rail. No land was sighted from passing Funchal Island in the North Atlantic until the Eaikonras were made on Tlnlrsday. The Snares were passed at night time. Southerly winds prevailed up (he coast to arrival in port on Saturday. The vessel has one passenger. Signor Pardo, a chief officer in the Spanish mercantile marine, who is making the round -trip to gain knowledge of English methods and the language. On the discharge of the Wellington portion of the cargo she goes on to Port Chalmers, and when clear of inward cargo loads grain at a -Southern port for the United Kingdom. THE WEATHER. TYPICAL NEW ZEALAND STATIONS. The following weather report from typical New Zealand stations was received at I) p.m. yesterday: Manuka 11 Heads. Wind, south-west, fresh; barometer, 30.01; thermometer, 58. General remarks—Cloudy ;■ sea smooth. New Plymouth.—Wind, west-south-west, light; barometer, 29.76; thermometer. SG. General remarks—Fine; sea smooth. Castlephint.—Wind, south-west, light; barometer, 29.74; thermometer, 58. General remarks—Fine; sea moderate.
.Wellington,—Wind, south, breeze; barometer, 29.70; thermometer, 56. General remarks—Cloudy. Westport. Wind, south-west, breeze; barometer, 29.89; thermometer, 53. General remarks —Cloudy; sea-smooth. Kaikonra. Wind, south-south-west, light; barometer, 29.78: thermometer, 49. General remarks—Cloudy: sea moderate. Oamaru.—Wind, calm:’ barometer, 29.88; tliermomntex - , 47. General remarks—Rain; sea moderate. , . ,' , Bluff.—Wind, cash. fresh.; barometer, 29.82; thermometer, 48i■ -General remarks —Overcast.
Low pressure from the north-west greatly diminished in energy, passed across the North Island, from between Kawhia and New Plymouth, toward- east-south-east. Low pressure from west will pass eastward' of the meridian of South Cape late to-mor-row and also about the 30th. ' R, A. EDWIN. TYPICAL AUSTRALIAN STATIONS. Tho following reports of the xveather at the undermentioned' typical Australian stations were received at the Colonial Museum yesterday: Albany, August 25th.—Wind, west; harometer,- 29.9. General remarks—Fine; but cloudy. Hobart, August 25th.—Wind, north; barometer, 29.8. Genei’al remarks—Fine. Sydney, August 27th.—Wind, west; barometer, 30.1. General remarks—Fine. WELLINGTON OBSERVATORY. The weather records taken at the Wellington Observatory at 9 a.m. yesterday wore as follow:—Barometer, 29.795; maximum shade temperature previous 24 hours. 50; minimum shade temperature previous 24 hours, 41.3; rainfall previous 24 hours, ,30in ; wind, south-east; dull, but clearing.] R. B. GORE. I
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4138, 28 August 1900, Page 4
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2,192SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4138, 28 August 1900, Page 4
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