VLI VN r MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT, ,':1C8,002 hju.OOT !ti,030 20,410 ..., ... 2,102,088 1,0 the LAliCiiibT ui IN EXCKSS oi u.yr issued, discloses : 1, All iiici'fiiHc in the NEW HUSLS'L.SS for.the year of 2. Aji increase in the A CCUMULAT ED FUND oi a. An increase in the ANNUAL L\OOjLE.O.I. ... 4. An increase in the amount of ANNUAL C-tb-ji. i-'U-U» oi 5* \ net gain in business in .force of 01)13 policies assuring Durifl" the vear 15.233 NEW POLICIES were issued, !•' NU.MiiEll vet written by tiio Society in any one year. The NEW ASSURANCES if ucd amounted to A'.j.Jaa.tbj, tha Tfie J TOTAL^ASS^EANCES^fn’force (including Bonus additions) now amount *"° ;A<)T INCREASE to the volume of business in force is -THE LARGEST in an^he e FUND amounts to ,£10,071,710, and tho Ay..,UAL iNBtan ip2 e SURPLUS fur the year amounts to .2500,182, yielding KEVEIiSIONAEN BONUSES of about .£012,500. ... ~ The DEA , A CLAIMS for the year were except loually favourable, « hue the EXPENSES of MANAGEMENT were very moderate. BRANCH DIRECTORS:—The Hon Morgan S. Grace. M.D., C.M.G M.L.C. ( uairmanl- tho lion Ciiarles J. Johnston. A.L.G. (,/oputy < hanman), Alued rto Bathe Brandon, Esq.; the Hon Rdward iiichar | L&q. IJosideut b r -cretary. Branch Office—Customhousn quay, Wellington. 6 "'
THORN EON—Superbly filled 9-roomod Residence, within 5 minutes of Parliament House. I'rice, .£1250. «JB3 HANK E Y STREET Sph»ndid level section, iJßft x 100 ft; ready for building. Price, ,08 foot. 480 NEWTOWN—Neat 4-roomed Cottage, with bath, scullery, etc.; land, ■ 3611 x 82ft; ,£25 deposit, balance as rent. Price, .£375. 453 OWEN STJIEET— NearIy new 6-roomwl Villa, with scullery, hot water to bath and shower, new drainage, garden etc.; land, 30ft x 90ft. Price, J 6525. 64/ ELLICE STREET—Eight-roomed Villa; now drainage and all conveniences; land, 38ft x 86ft. -5325. 300 NEAR PARLIAMENT HOUSE New 8-roomed Villa. with every pusBible modern requirement, on land 47ft x 128 ft. Terms, .£IOO cash; balance easy. “70 TE ARO—Superb 7-roomed Villa, with hot water, gas and gas stoves, garden and every modern requirement. Price, ,£1100; a bargain. 666 EXXON STREET—IO rooms, with all conveniences; land, 41ft x 74ft; built 5 or 6 years. Price, .£880; terms easy. 370 PETONE—Splendid _ Business Site in Jackson street; 33ft x 13711.
NEAR TE Ah'O .SCHOOL—Firs I -class 8roomed Residence, with conservatory, ballroom, garden ami. every convenience; large .section C'Jv ROSENEATH —Ifalf-an-acre land, with frontage to Grafton road and nght-ol’-wav to Maida Vale road. Price. ,£2.'JO." COG MiORI-We have three acres of excellent building land, which must be sold at once. A sacrifice. 558 ORIENTAL BAY—New 8-roomed Villa Residence, with bath, electric light, etc.; magnificent view. Price, ,£BSO. ■ fißy LOWER HUTT—Nearly two acres good land, with 8-roomed House above iiood level; stable, orchard, garden, oxit;houaes, etc. Price, ABSO. GOO ELEVEN PER CENT. INVESTMENT— Five Houses on Mount Victoria, re- | turning ilia per annum. Price, .£IOOO. 290 TARANAKI STREET—Shop and Dwelling and throe-roomed Cottage, let at .£7B per annum. Price, ,£BOO. Grand investment. 680 MAARAMA CRESCENT—First-class 7roomed Villa Residence; bath, semlory, p.w.c., verandali, neat garden; splendid locality. Price, dX>OO; .£SO ; cash, balance on easy terms. sob
H° T E L S FOE SALE. DWAN BROS. HOTEL BROKERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. (THE LEADING HOTEL BROKERS OX* THE COLONY), WILDS STREET, WELLINGTON. Established 1880. FULL PA RTTCULARS SUPPLIED TO BONA FIDE PURCHASERS ONLY. 7G. SPLENDID PAYING HOTEL, Rangitikei district; good lease; rental £lO, sublets bring in about £6, leaving tho rental £4. Price I'or goodwill and furniture, 4H500. This nolel is situated in a thriving and prosperous district, where trohb Bclt.eme.ilß are being opened up and large sums ol money beunl 73. 68. HUrEL Widlingioii, soleudid position, doing very prulilabie and steady business;. trade 5,;:.; to average about £BO weekly. Easy b: ima to work. Ingoing, A'l.aO. Tl/is is a very cheap property. CO,\! MERCIA!, HOUSE. New .Plymouth; long lease, moderate rental; house is beautifully furnished, and the appointments of the hotel arc all up to ’ date. First class opening for a man capable of running a commercial house. 27. HOTEL, Wellington, situated in thickly populated part of the city. Lung lease at. a lew rental. This is tl house iu which n pushing man could do splendidly. Fries on application. 67. HOTEL, Wairarapa; lease about 7 years, low rental; about GO acres o! land with hotel. Ingoing, X 1350. This is a real bargain and an .opportunity seldom offered in the hotel line. 66. HOTEL, Hawke’s Bay, house contains about 34 rooms, low rental; ingoing, ,£I7OO. We are prepared to arrange an advance of about .£I2OO on this properly to a suitable buyer. FLU,ST-CLASS COMMERCIAL HOTEL in splendid agricultural district; long lease; low rental. Price, £3500 for goodwill and furniture. 41. GOOD COUNTRY' HOTEL in the Pending; district. Lease 6. years, very low rental; about 14 acres of laud with hotel. Trade at present said to average about £3O weekly. This is an easy house to conduct, and with good management could be greatly- improved. Price, £llOO. 74. SUBURBAN HOTEL, lease about 0 y-eavs to run. Price, £IOOO for goodwill and furniture. 75. HOTEL, Marton district. Rent, £5 per week. Price, £2600 for lease and furniture. Tho freehold of this house can bo purchased at a very- reasonable price. 63. HOTEL, Taranak 5 district; lease 20 years to run: rental, £!8 per year. Trade said to average about £35 weekly. Price for goodwill. £2500; stock, furniture, etc., at valuation. 71. HOTEL, Sou Hi Island, lease nearly- 7 years. This house is in good condition and tho furniture, etc., is in first-class order. Price, £1450. The future prospects of this locality are very encouraging. FOR SALE, tho Freehold and Furniture of a Splendid Paying Hotel, situated in one of I he best and soundest towns in the North Island. Large stables of 70 stalls and loose boxes, suitable for farmers, who are very- numerous in this district. Sale yards near Hie Hofei. Owner guarantees that he is muffing £OOO a year clear profit,, and can give good reasons for selling. This property is an investment that wo can, highly- recommend. We are prepared to advance a greater part of the purchase money to a suitable buyer. The hotel is free for every-tliing. Price for the freehold, £7000; stock, furniture, etc., extra at valuation. We are prepared to assist bona fide purchasers with a large proportion of tho purchase money. Particulars supplied only to genuine buyers. i. Wo supply billiard cloths, cues, ivory balls, and other billiard table furnishing at lowest prices. DWAN BROS , WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON. 'All who would achieve success should endeavour to merit it." TOTE HAVE during the past years spared v V no expense in end-avouring to make our Beer second to none in New Zealand, and can now confidently asoert wo have succeeded in doing so. We invite all who enjoy a goo i glass of BEER To ask ' STAPLES’S BEST, On draught at almost all Hotels ia the City and Surrounding District, and confidently anticipate their verdic* will be that Staples and Co. have successfully removed the reproach that Goad Beor could not be brewed in Wellington; J. STAPLES AND CO., LIMITED. Moleswortfe and MuroW -treetn. OT. GEORGE'S JAM—Once tried, al£3 ways used. See that you set it.
LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT. SHAREBROKER. Licensed Land Broker. GREY STREET. WELLINGTON; FARMS FOB SALE—TARANAKI—I34I ac.. sheep to the acre; 7 m from Post Office. £ADANNEVIKKE—IO ac., at Al2, up to farms ot 150 ac. and upwards, at -CIO. Good dairying land. . IPO ac.—Pembroke road, Taranaki; level; 7i m. from Inglewood, 0i from. Bail, way. .£5 10s. . J • , . 1900 ac., Awakino, on mam road from Taranaki to Auckland —Splendid sheep and cattle farm. 60s; cheap. 107 ac., Frankley road, Taranaki—4 m. from New Plymouth; 9-r. house. AlO. 317 ac. ÜBEN Ul, near Waitara —Some of the best land in Taranaki; 5-r. house and cottage, J-ao. orchard. A really cheap place; Jih. , ■ 177 ac., T'ariki road, Taranaki—li m. from Kail way; 1 m. from creamery. A good farm. £l2. 150 uc.—Leasehold, only 4 m. from NewPlymnuUi; rental, £SO; lessee receives eompensut ion. -0100. Goodwill, .£IOO. U)1 ac., NgaGmaru—lß m. irom Inglewood; half in grass. £IBOO, or would let 5 vea’-n i< £9O, with right of purchase at >IBOO njj’i i i.i.o -300 ac. sheep run; 400 ac. grasfHcl. 146 ac. Waimate Plains—Grand dairying farm. • £lO ss. 20ul; ac.. East road, Stratford—Limestone sheep country, hilly; will carry 2 sheep; all bush. 355. WUODVILLE, Hawke's Bay—2l3 ac. dairying land;, grassed. All. 500 ac., ELTHAM. adjoining township. £2O. 370 ac., Waimate Plains—One of the best farms for dairying. £l7. 353 ac., Pahiqtua—2Bo in grass. £7. IOUC nc., Hunlerville—*mugh country: suitable for sheep, jed Is. MONET AT 41 PER CENT. £4 Telephone, 1451. Q' SPENCER BOOTH (Member of the New Zealand Stock Exchange), 5. PANAMA STREET, SHAREBROKER. ESTATE A Nil COM MISSION AGENT. Shares for sale in the following now comTIuYNEW MARSDEN GOLD DREDO- \ r G CO., LIMITED, situated on the Now iver, WcsLaml. The-rich Cookabulla ad Moscjuito Crooks both empty into (bis laiju. The wash is fine and bottom very Liable for dredging. W ATM ANGARA)A GOLD DREDGING 0., LIMITED, ou the Waimangaroa ivr-r. well-known for its rich gold deosits. Fully one million pounds’ worth f gold has already been won from the links and terraces by the primitive meth;ls adopted by the diggers. • ’ WAHIO GOLD DREDGING CO., LIMIED, on the Waiho River, West Coast, he gold is very heavy ana easily saved. . A. jI.aK.EK r HORACE D. BAKER E. BAKER *> W. WARD BAKEE T. N. BAKER. BARER BROS.. AUCTION AS, ESTATE AGENTS AN D FINAL. ui^eS, iLLICE STR LET--Building Section, 50 z 80. £525 rANSON STIK.LT (corner)—Land, 60 x 100. A'36o NGESTHE STREET (on tram line)—Two 4-rnomed Collages; land, 35 x 112. Price ou application DULCOTT TERR ACE —7-rnotued House witli all conveniences. Price, £IOSO LARTIN SQUARE—3-roomed Cottage, with washhouse, copper, recent drainage. Price, only £275 :I?OOKLYN—Wellesley Block and Rosoncalh. Plans and particulars of sections lor sale in above blocks on application. The sale? of properties undertaken ou too understanding no sale nn com mission. CoUe.eUoii oi rents undertaken. 119 BAKER BROS, By Special to Db. Tho Earl of 7? ~,r'rip.,..l"®''-}'. Appointment Excellency icanfnriy. ROWE AND SONS, WAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Hava on Sale— ATS. BRAN. STRAW, WHEAT, HAY, DLL A K I), C• 1A rK . MAIZE. POTATOES CUBA STREET EXTENSION. 413
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4084, 23 June 1900, Page 8
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1,720Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4084, 23 June 1900, Page 8
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