PHASES OF THE MOON. A run.. D if. VI. Last quarter 3 11 36 New moon ... 10 5 61 Firsb quarter 10 4 r G Full moon 36 6 57 Sun risos 6.11; : nets, 5.33 p.m. High water, 11.31 a.m. ARRIVED. Tukhday, Ai’iui, 4. VVavorley, s.s., 77 tons, Vickerman, from Nelson. VVainui, s.s., 411 tons, Worrall, irom West Coast via Nelson anti Pieton. Passengers—Saloon : Misses Essam, Andrews, Hamilton, Owen, Richardson, Longshaw, Doclwell, Johnston (3), Mclntosh, Foster, Rutherford (2), Matheson, Memlaines Gibbard and family (2), Foster, Talbot, Orossio, Ilegg amt family (3), Watson and family (3), Price, Foster, Dr Ewart, Messrs Nancarrow, Mereweather, Hanlon, Gray, Hunter, Hamilton, Grant. Earch'.n, Watson, Couli, Greenfield. Allen, Jackson, Fomin, Stock, Hume, Hurcourt, Twins, llutchon, Hranfcll, Henderson (2), Blair, 'Taylor, Crichton, Clayden, .Beaumont. Small hone, Lee. McLaren, Hargreaves, Knrtzlcr, Alackay, Looko,Richardson, O’ileirno, Tiimock. McCallum, Foil, Laehy, Mules, Archibald. Bridge. Watson. Greig, Foster, Thomas, Price, Maudesloy, Bendall (3), Fanning, Weston; 10 steerage. V,,, . , Flora, s.s., 80S tons, I* loimng, from Auckland, Gisborne and Napier. Passengers—Saloon : Misses Russell, vv ithers, Heatson, Conway, Mesdames Russml, Wakefield, Messrs McFarlanc, Busks, Slight; 6 steerage. , , , Stormhird, s.s., 137 tons, Crawford, irom Marlborough Sounds. Passengers—Excursion party (34). Queen of the South, s.s., 131 tons, .Harvey, from East Coast. Rotorua, s.s., 576 tons, Spence, irom ■Lyttelton. Passengers Saloon: Messrs Hilton, Parkes, Field. Johnston, Blakeley, Smith, Smyth, Dudley, Wilson, Difton; 6 steerage. To Anau, s.s., 1038 Inns Benicch, horn Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers— Salodn: Misses Farquhar, Clark, Burt, Billons, Campbell, Davis, Mesdames C Ulamore, Hymers, Aspinall, Hon Seddon ami secretary. Messrs Cnllaniore. Pombr, McLean, Appleby, Crespin, Sutton, Fordliam, Barnett, Sinclair, Merei.brh Giilon, Cook, Kirkcaldy, Morrison, McNeill. McKenzie, Judkins, Howard, Walker, Komber. Tripe, Wells, Prince, Gavin ~lrie, Fitzberbcrt, Barton, Richmond McNealoy, McDonald, Cowpor, Innes-, 40 steerage. Opiuva, s.s., 70 tons, Eckfurd, from Blenheim. SAILED. Tiiubdav, Aeiui. -1. Rotorua, s.s.. 576 tons, Spence, for Nelson via Pieton. Passengers—Saloon ; Misses Stevens. Crewdson (3), Devaney. Gnllory. Crossmun, Vallontynu (3), Oldham, Hobson, Mesdames Dick, Barnett, Brown, Vallentyno, King and family, Messrs King, Mimro, Hurst, Eves, Page, Brough, Taylor, Morton, Jansen, Kmiph, Cook, Vallentyno, Beach, Henderson, Yurrnll, Morruli; If steerag". Flora, s.s., 838 tons, Fleming, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. Passengers—Saloon -. Misses Matheson, Rout, Mans-m, Handley, Dillon, Fraser, Barret, McKenzie, Mesdamos Garry and 3 children, Barclay, Mnnson, Roger, Hill, Gibbard. Foster, Bert, Rev Harper, Messrs Campbell, Ivey, Bitchie, Hartland, Adair, Lord. Pu.viie, Grant, Couth, Reid, Garry, r Wright, tollins, Williams, Co.t, Selby, Si-ue, HauJ'oy,
Mason, Roger, Cohen, Paterson, Fanthain, Jones, Webster, Anderson, Masters Harper, Gibbard (2); 19 stccrnge. To Anau, s.s., 1028 tons, Hernech. for Auckland via East Coast. Passengers- - Saloon: Misses Evans, Bell, Tennct. Hutchins, Mesdames Britaell, Wilford, Messrs Britnell, Rich, Ivory; 19 steerage. Waverley, s.s., 77 tens, Viekerman, for Nelson and West Coast.
Brunner, s.s., 333 tons, Millman, for Westport. Opnxva, s.s., 70 ions. Eekford, for Blenhoi.’U.
EXPECTED ARRTVALS. Pania, from Blonheim, this day Hnia, from Wanganui, this day Rotomahana, from Lyttelton, this day Manaroa, from Wanganui, this day Wukahi, from Lyttelton, via Coast : this day Waikare, from Sydney, this day Fanny, from Napier, this day Rotoiti, from Onehunga and New Plymouth, this day Kennedy, from Wanganui, this day Opawa, from Blenheim, this day Tanpo, from South, this day - Haupiri, from West Coast and Nelson 6tk
• Fifeshiro, from Lyttelton, 6th Polierua, from Auckland, 6th Rotorua, from Nelson and PictOn, 6th Waihora, from Lyttelton and Dunedin Gth
Brunner, from Westport, 7th Elingamite, from Sydney, via Auckland and East Coast, 7th
Takupnna. from Onehunga and Now Plymouth, 7th Mokoia. from ’Melbourne, via Hobart and South, Bth
ft His I on, left New York February 11; Hawke's Bay left New York. January 31; Indrumayo left London. January 27; Star of England loft London, February 13; Mamari, left London February 21; Ruahine, left Plymouth February 25; Tokomaru, left London February 26; Waiwera, left Glasgow February 26; Queen Eleanor, left New York March 1; Wakanui, left Plymouth March 11; Nairnshire, left London March 7.
Mary Hasbrouok, left New York December 7 (put into Capetown in a leaky condition); Silvorbow, left Liverpool December 24; Kirkloch, left Liverpool February 8; Hiram Emery, left New York February 11; Bessfiold, left Glasgow, via Port Chalmers, February 13; Loch Bredan, left Liverpool March 11: Sonthesk, left Glasgow March 15; G. M. Tucker, left Newcastle March 23. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mana, for Patea, this day Aorero, for Patea, this day Stormbird, for Wanganui, this day Huia, for Wanganui, this day Kennedy, for Nelson and West Coast, this day Fanny, for Napier, via East Coast, this day Taupo, for New Plymouth and Greymonth, this day Kaikoura, for Lyttelton, this day Pania, for Blenheim, this- day Rotnmahana, for Lyttelton, this day Manama, for Wanganui, this day Wainui, for Pioton, Nelson and West Coast, this day Wakatu, for Lyttelton, via Coast, this dav
Opawn, for Blenheim, 6th Leitrim, for Wanganui. 6th Waihor.i, for Sydney, via East Coast and Auckland, Gth Koto-li. for New Plymouth and Onehnngii, Gth Waikare. for Melbourne, via youth and Hobart. Gth Elingamite, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. 7th _ _ - Fifeshiro, for London. 7th Mokoiu, for Svdney, Bth Haupiri, for Piclon, Nelson and West Coast, Bth Tnkapnna, for Nelson, New Plymouth and Onohunga, 9th BY TELEGRAPH. Pit ESS ASSOCIATION. LONDON, Saturday. Tho Uimutaka sailed hom Plymouth to-dsy for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH, Tuesday. Arrived, ‘i.3o a m.—Kotoiti, from Onohunga ; connected. Sailed. 11 a in.—Hotoiti, fur Wellington. To sail, 10 p.m.—Takapnna, for Onohunga. NFT.-’OV, Tuesday. Airivod —Janet Ntodl (It.GO a.m), from Piotoa. To sail, 3 p.m. t'-morrow—Haupiri, for Wellington. LYTTELTON, Tuesday. Arrived —Brisbane (8 a m ), from Newcastle ; Kotemafcana (10.10 a.m.), trom Wellington (connector 1 ). Failed, 2 GO p.m.—Taupe, for Wellington. Sailed —'Roforaatnua, for Wellington. Passengers—Misses Field, ('sbcnm, McDonald, Maloney, '•’outer, Mayfield. Mcsdamea Marshall, Littlogood, Edin, Maloney. Knight. Faulkner, Carr. Tait, In-mil. Fuller, Dr JJeid, Sir R. Stout, Messrs Pommervillo, Clark, Kenny, Block, Gid. CJMeara, Zutah, Miller, McKonzio. Gardner, Hsnson, Mace, Leveracdge, Btish, Watson, Thompson,
Forgan, Dalf.ton. Shawl, Jones, Walker, Hanson, Henry, Dixon, Gill, McKensm Barnett, Sinclair, Parsons, Roaenbwg, Webber, F- ost, Gibbons. Carr. Famkner , Tait, Rouse, Hargreaves, Rom, Young, _ Watkins, Innes. Elgei, Craig, Aldred, Baldwin Smith, Bank.., Ward, Rocha, Bowie, Bethuno, Eolm-.s, Chitfiold. BLUFF, Tuesday. Arrived —Southern Cross, exploring vessel, from Port Chalmers. _ vr-.1V.-mrnp Arrived, noon—Mokoia, from “ Melbourne and Hobart. .Passengera for Wellington Miss Castle, Mexdamoi Cooper, Kodcio, .Mosers Cooper, Smith, Ksddie, Brandon, Adams, MeGain ; 4 steerage. AUCKLAND, Tuesday.
Sailed E I'm garni to, for Dunedin via Gisborne, Napier, Wellington and LyUeltoa. Passengers —Aliases Arndt (i). Burton, Huttington. Kemp (3), Mathieson. Clapoot.,. Mesdames Passmore, Ryan, V/averloy, Jackson, Turnbull, Field, Thornton, Rev Burton, Messrs Passmore, Nelson, Starks, Christie, Mooreboad, Warbery, Thompson. Sailed- Southern Cross, mission schooner, for Norfolk Island and Melanesia; Poherua, for the Bluff. -i GREYMOUTI-f, Tuesday. failed, 4 a m —Haupiri, for Westport. WANGANUI, Tuesday. Sailed—Huia and Kennedy (4 p.m.), Mauaroa (4 30 p.m.). for W*llington. WESTPORT, Tuesday. Anived—Omaporo (13.25 p.m.), from Wellington; Haupiri (3 p.m.), from Greymouth, . Sailed, 5 p.m.—Haupiri, for Demon. PICTON, Tuesday. Arrived, 5,30 p.m.—Rotorua, from Welling°Sai!ed, 6.15 p.m.—Rotorua, for Nelson. NAPIER, Tuesday. To sail, 8 p.m.- Fanny, for Wellington. BLENHEIM, Tuesday. To sail, 9 p.m.—Pauia. for Wellington. DUNEDIN, Tuesday. failed—Waihora, for Lyttelton.
The Queen of the South was successful in working the stations of the East Coast during the Faster holidays. Mr Lawton is at present relieving Air Manley as mate, the latter having obtained holiday leave. The barque Hertha, which left Fremantle (W.A.) on March 20th, is to load 1000 tons of coal at AVestport for Apia, Samoa. „ „ . , The Ohau shipped 12,000 feet of timber at Westport on Saturday for Lyttelton. The repair of the damage done to the outer side of the Timarn breakwater by storm in August last is now being vigorously pushed on by a gang of men under the superintendence of Air btuinbles, (Jerk of the works. TOKOMARU, FROM LONDON. The following aro passengers by the Shaw Savill and Albion Company s steamer Tokomaru, which left. Plymouth on February 27th for Capetown, Hobart and Wellington Mesdames Savidcnt, Wilks, Alcssrs Freeling, Mclneniey, Panu, Titer,' Peters, Robinson, Savidcnt, openI,ji, Taylor, AValsli, Master Savidcnt, Wilks. ’There were also 32 for South Africa and 2 for Australia. The Tokomaru is duo in Wellington on the 14th inst. Messrs Levin and Co. are the local agents. WAKANUI, FROM LONDON. Up to February 25th the following had hooked passages by the New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer AVakanui, which left Plymouth for Tenerilfe, Capetown Hobart and Wellington on March 11th; Alias King. Mesdames Stewart, Nelson and child, Crabb and child, Abraham, Niven, Otterson, Maud, Nelson, Crabb, Neale, Sanderson, Einglaud, Stewart, Sergeant Wright and .1. Alyers Steerage—Airs Peacock, Alessrs Carey, Vance, Wall, Johnson. AOTEA AT LONDON. Alessrs Levin and Co. are advised that the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Aotea arrived at London on the 30th ult. with her meat in good condition. THE TYSER LINE. By the Vancouver mail the local agents of the Tyser Company, Alessrs W. M. Bannatyno and Go., were advised that the steamer Ardandearg, which, was originally to have left for the colonies on March 25th, was not expected to sail until the 31st, the severe weather experienced having delayed the loading operations. News has also been received that the fire xx-hich occurred on the Indramayo during the passage between Sydney and Auckland was confined to No. 1 'tween decks in the lower hold, and it is estimated that about 50 tons of cargo is damaged. The Hawkes Bay, from New York, now in Australian waters, has included in her freight for Wellington 5300 cases of kerosene, G6lO reels barb wire, 1970 kegs nails and staples, and a largo quantity of tobacco. From Sydney the steamer proceeds to Dunedin, With Lyttelton and Wellington to follow. The Leitrim is to leave port to-morrow evening for the Wanganui roadstead, where she will ship some 6000 carcases of mutton and a craantity of wool, tallow and pelts, etc. She will proceed hence to Timanx and Lyttelton, leaving the latter port for London about the 15th inst. The Indramayo is expected here about the end of tho week, and will he followed in due course by the Star of England, at present at Melbourne. THE FLORA. The Flora, from Auckland, Gisborne and Napier, arrived hero yesterday morning. Her officers fully corroborate the accounts of the violent gale experienced between Cape Palliser and Napier on the last trip to the North. Her cargo consisted of 222 tons for AVellington, 132 tons for Lyttelton, and 144 tons for Dunedin. The oil launch which was constructed at Auckland for Alessrs Rosa and Jack, the local agents for tho Atonitor Company, arrived by this steamer, and no doubt will he scan plying in the harbour shortly. THE TE AN ATI. , Tho freight by the Te Anan from Southern ports consisted of 70 tons for Wellington and 400 tons for through ports, and six horses for Napier. The steamer will pick up her time-table running at Auckland. Air P. Isaacs has relieved Air Stock as purser. THE KAIKOHRA. The Kaikoura is to he despatched to Lyttelton this afternoon, the discharge of her cargo having been hurried on, as the steamer is behind her time-table running. From the Southern port she will proceed to Waitara and Wanganui, and will bo due back hero on the 16th inst. Her 'final dale of departure for London has been fixed for the 20th inst. from ‘Wellington. THE NEW STEAAtER HIAIITANGT. Cable advice lias been received by Alessrs Levin and Co. to the effect that their ncw steamer Hiinitangi was to have sailed from the Clyde for Wellington on Saturday, via the Suez Canal. The vessel is rigged to enable her to sail as xvell as steam on the voyage out. which is expected to occupy about 75 days. THE NEW YORK-NEW ZEALAND TRADE. New York commercial papers, received by Saturday’s Vancouver mail, states that the steamer Ribston, which left New York for the colonies on February 15th, will call at Adelaide before coining on to New Zealand. She will make Dunedin the first port of call in this colony, with Lyttelton Wellington and Auckland to follow in that order. Alessrs W. and G. Turnbull and Co. are the local agents. Freight for AVellington by the harciue Hiram Emery, which left New York for AVellington and Auckland on Febrnarv 20th, includes 5308 feet of timber, 560 cases of lubricating oil and 63-11 cases of, kerosene. A line of 3100 cases of kerosene are included in the cargo for Auckland. Tho intention to despatch the Grange liner Denton Grange from New York to New Zealand ports has been abandoned, bnf in all probability another steamer will bo substituted. If so, she will load in April. There is no appreciable difference in the rates of freight since the last report was received.
NEW OIL LAUNCH. A new oil launch, built at Auckland for tho Monitor Company* arrived b>* the Flora yesterday, i'hw vos-u.-l. which '.van launched from the yard cf Mr li. i-eid. Customs street west, is Dio second malt of this description constructed lor the same company, fcao is 21ft \n length by Gin beam, eiin* built, with a launch deck, and fitted vi‘h a 1-V h.p. Monitor engine, expected to tun seven _cr eight miles au hour on a consumption from 1a pints to 2 pints benzine. Iho haunch is built to the order of Messrs Kos.i and Jack, the company's _ Wellington ngcr.ts (represented in Auckland by Messrs xouughusband and Co.), and cemea to Wellington to bo exhibited hero for auvertisinp' purposes. She ia a very handsome emit hem" bunt from the eamo model aa ti c company’s launches in America, where, we are informed, they are worked by amateurs, the launch previously built for tho company is pow imnninjf in Auckland harbour, and every satisfaction, Mr Jack! has carried out hla work most capably, and the resuit its a craft sure to do him credit. TYPICAL NEW ZEALAND STATIONS. The weather at the undermentioned typical New Zealand stations at 5 i).m. >es terday was as follows: Manakan Heads. ~ Wind, oast, iresh breeze; barometer, 30.‘15; thermometer, 69. General remarks—Cloudy: sea smooth New Plymouth.—Wind, west, light; barometer, 30.27; thermometer, 75. General remarks —Fine, sea smooth. Castlepoint.—Wind, north-west, light; barometer, 30.29; thermometer, 75. General remarks —Fine; sea moderate. Westport.—Wind, north, light; baromc- ' ter, 30.29; thermometer, 70. General remarks —Cloudy; sea smooth. Kaikoura.—Wind, south-east breeze; barometer, 30.10; thermometer, 77. General remarks —Fine; slight swell. Oarnaru. Wind, calm; barometer, 29.97; thermometer, 68. General remarks —Fine; sea smooth. jjlulf Wind, south-west breeze; barometer, 30.03; thermometer, 57. General remarks—Rain. R. A. Edwin,
AVEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 For New Plymouth and Greymoulh, per Tanpo, at 11.20 a.m.; late fee, 11.10 For a picton, Blenheim, Nelsob, Ehnslie’s Bay, Westport, Grcymoutu and tika, per Wainui, at 12.20 p.iu.; late fee, 12.40 pan. . For Havelock, Kctu Bay, Alaon Bay, Homewood, Hikoekoea and llrightUuuhj per Wairoa, at 1.20 pan.; late fee, LaO p.m. For Nelson, AVestport, Groymouth and Hokitika, per Kennedy, at 3.20 pan.; Into fee, 3.40 pan. For Blenheim, per Pallia, at 4.20 pan.; late fee, 4.40 p.m. For Southern offices of Now Zealand, per Rotoinahana, at 4.20 pan.; late Ice, 4.40 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 6. For New Plymouth and Auckland, per Manawatu train, at 6 a.m.; late fee, mail van, railway station, 6.50 a.m. For Picton, Blenheim and Nelson, per Rotorua, at 11.20 a.m.; late fee, 11.40 a.m. For New Plymouth and Auckland, per Rotoiti, at 2.20 pan.; late fee, 2.40 pan. For Napier, Gisborne, Auckland and Australia (due Sydney 15th inst.),, per Waihora, at 3.20 p.m.; late fee. 3.40 p.m. For Southern offices of Noxv Zealand, Tasmania and Australia (due Melbourne 17th inst.), per Waikare, at 4.20 p.m.; late fee, 4.40 pan. FRIDAY, APRIL 7. For New Plymouth and Auckland, per Manawatu train, at 6 a.m,; late fee.
mail van railway station, at 6.50 a.m. For Southern offices of N’ew Zealand, per Eotomahaua, at 4.20 pan.; late fee, 4.40 p.m. For Southern offices of Nexv Zealand, per Elingamite, at 4.20 p.m.; late fee, 4.40 p.m. J. HOGGARD, Chief Clerk.
The next contract mail for tho United Kingdom will leave Wellington, via San Francisco, on Saturday, 15tli inst., and arrive in London 17th Alay. Alails for Tonga, Samoa and Fiji close at Auckland, per Hauroto, at 4 p.m. this day. The colonial mails which left Melbourne on the Ist March arrived in London on thj afternoon of the 2nd inst., the due date.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3706, 5 April 1899, Page 4
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2,717SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 3706, 5 April 1899, Page 4
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