P3A3. ;, .tf MCOKi JANUARY 0\ /« «.-na M«an Time. d. rr. m. Full Moon .. ..3 0 I*lsp.m. .. ..1C 3 21*17 a.m. Sow v/.,nn .. .. 22 7 I*l9 p.m. Fir .t Quarter.. .. 30 2 9‘19 a.rn; 4 24 am,; sew, 7.19 p.m. ARRIVED. Wednesday, .lasuaey 5, K'fipilca, s.s., 72 tons, Jouas, Iroai Mokau anil \V;>J’K *nul- _ Aorett, s.s,, 45 tons, Tinnoy, from Patoa. 1 as-bo)j£‘-ts -Cubin'; Miss Jacob#, Mrs Edwards. Charles Edward, s s., 12a tony, Brace, from Kelson. Passenger—l steerage. t , _ htar of New Victoria, s.s., 2110 tons. Hart, from L xmlon via Australia. Auckland and Napier, Htormbifd, s.s., 137 tons. Chambers, from wa* iiganui. Passengers Cabin: Miss OFmnakcn, Jitter* Mills. Mason, # „„„ Mauuroa, s.s., 78 tons, Mclntyre, from Wanganui. PaKrtenger—Cabin : Miss Jopcott. Taiune, s.«. f 1203 tons, Spinks, from Sydney. PiiH-engers—Saloon: Aliases Parry. Camming yh JorvoiH, Richmond. Warburton, Rehbook, Mcnser, poucer, Mathias, Moadames Maephee. Ball, Rica* rnoml, Jagusoh, Messrs Bull, McLuren, Taw-;e. Lurd, rttuff. Siram, Knapp,Tryou, Laprnan, Cnuvlord, Sander. Scott, Webster, Bosch, Wilson. bjintner. Jsßusch. FJtagorald, Richmond, Eaiggc, M-islw Wiirburton :25 steerage. . - . Tnkapiana, s.s., 800 tons, Grant, from Oaehanga via Now Plymouth. Passengers-Saloon. Jllbaqb Crokor (2), Johnson, Anderson, Hutchison, Uaii, McHr'arnes Brown, Coles, Watson, Fox and child, Beniamin, Flint and maid, TocaUh, bull, Hall, Captains Nottingham, Robertson, Messrs unnag'*, Trevetbick, Peatinga. Nathan U), Fawns, Henry, Jerome, Moore, Jatfrey, Flint, Giles, Tronwith. Warner. Copeland, Fox, Watson, Garcia, Rothschild, Waterhouse, Jones, Parker. Robison, Gore, Ritchie, Helps, Walker, Cole, Long, Martin, Smith, Stevens ; i 9 steerage. ~ Wakatu, s.s., 95 tons, Wills, fr ° m , ’ Cheviot and Kalkoura. Passengers -Cabin. Miasea Davis, Whittle, Mesdamcs Hughes, Barron, Messrs Hughes, Wood, Palmer (2), Goodall, Benn,Gooch, Grinina, Holdoroft, Henderson, City Brass Band (1 Rotornalmna, s a., 854 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers Saloon: 191 return eaten slonlsts. , _ Oban, s.s., 411 tons, Brewer, from South. Passengers— !i steerage. . Walroa, s.s., 48 tons, Ricketts, from Motaeka. Opawa, 8.5., 7Q tons. Bcklord, Blonlielm. Passengers-Cabin: Misses Oervil, Wrlgloy, Eck lord,-Furness, Ransom, Mrs Leohmer, Dr Alexnrider, Messrs Crump, Carey, Keaß, Verry. Penguin, s.s., 6U tons, Wald, from Nelson aria Pioton. Passengers-Saloon : Misses WMlan, Widdop, Brown (2), Hamilton, KeUy.Blaoit. Brown, S tabard, Mnwaon (2), Murphy, Wood, Sharkie, Thompson, Logan, Fredrick, Matthews lil.™* dames Widdop, Lefoo and 3 children, Winn, Harml ton, Lammas, Langley and Infant, Low, Johansen and 8 children, Kirkpatrick, Mnwaon and son, Bell, Manning, Martin, Logon, Cheek, Cook, Adams, Messrs Cox, Crifts, Dodgshnn, Chisholm, Nelson, Robinson, Caldera, Lammas, Staples, Buckle, Aitklnson, Hjorring, Allen, Letoe, Winn_ (2), I ell, Hamilton, Hall, Mawson, Pope, Anderson, Mo Donald, Millington. Borg, Tripo, Wllford, Reed, Seymour, Reid. Robertson, Houston, Manning, Hyland, Reid, Erskine, McGregor, Wakelln, Leary, Garden, Logan, Cheek, Burns, Cook, Adams, Green, Mastei'Greon; 10 steerage.
BAILED. ‘Wednesday, January 5. flaia, s.s., 90 tons. Crawford. lor Wanftanui. Manaroa, .fl.s., 78 tons, Molntyro, for Havelock and Bounds. Passengers—Saloon : Misses Luoas, Clifford, Messrs Henderson (2), Crawford, Jacobs. Walnut, s.s., 891 tons, Wortall, lot West Coast via Nelson. Passengers-Saloou : Misses Webster, Palliser, Winiok. Atkinson (2), Mcadaraea Cunning ham, Psttison, Moore and child, Palliser, and child, Brothers Henry, _ Jerorno, r „ Palliser, Kellin, Cunningham, Stratford, Trevella. Richards, Wood. Scott, Savage, Ramadan, Angus, Webster, Robinson, Chapman, McAlister, Boson, Try on, McLean, Fitzmaurloo 1 14 steerage. Kolomahana, s.s., Bill tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers—l)o saloon, 85 steerage. Charles Edward, s.s., 123 tons, Bruce, for Nelson an ohtm* 9 L?° a 4li tons, Brewer, for New Plymouth Bn wStalu , "s U !)5 tons, Wills, for Lyttelton via Coast. , „ Thchsdav, January 6Poherua, s.s., 800 tons, McLean, for Picton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Panin, from Blenheim via Port Underwood, this a Hesketh, from Greyraouth, this day Beautiful Btar, from Palliser Bay, this day Aornngi, from Vancouver via Honolulu and Suva, ih Queen of the South, from Foxton, this day Haupiri, from West Coast and Nelson, this day Westralia, from South, this day Weka, from Napier and East Coast, this day Mono, from Patoo, this Hay Manaroa, from Have(pck and Sounds, 7th Rotomahana, from Lyttelton, 7th Mararoa, from Sydney via Auckland, Gisborne and Napier, 7th Hula, from Wanganui, 7th Warrlraoo, from Sydney, 7tb Mawbora, from West Coist, Nelson and Picton, Bt Mahinapua ( fromOnehunga and New Plymouth, 86 \Vakatipu, from Melbourne via Hobart and South, oth Otarama, from London via Hobart, Bth Fanny, from Bast Coast, Bth Wakatu, from Kaikoura via Coast, oth To Anau, from South, oth , . ... Maori, left Plymouth November 27th; Rakaia, loft London November 28th; Indraghiri, left London (via Australia) 7th December; Pakeha, left Plymouth December 2nd ; Hawkoa Bay, left London December 21st; Aotea, left London December 2Gth. Agostlno Rombo left Now York September 4th; Hangltikel, left London October Bth; Samar, left Now York September 13th; Turaklna, left London September 20th: Blenheim, left Glasgow October 15th; Dunedin, loft Glasgow October 15th ; Canterbury, left Liverpool October 19th; Margaret Galbraith, loft London October, Both; Pidos, left Hamburg November 23rd; Euterpe, left London November 80th. Hu T9lo<3ra?>h,-~Press Association. —OovvtitthU London, January 4, Arrived—Glonsbeo, barque, from Auckland. Stone?, January 5. Arrived—Tarawera, from Wellington; Asia, from Knlpara. ~ Sailed- Elingamite, for Auckland. Clarence River, January 5. -crj-ortrrrj- MELBOURNE, JaUUKy'K Arrived—Veritas, from Kalpara. ‘ Sailed—Monowai, for Bluff. Thames, January 5. Sailed—Hippolas, for Melbourne. Foxton, January 5. Arrived, 6.&0 a.m. Queen of the South, from Wellington. , _ „ . Sailed, 7,15 p.m. Queen of the South, for Wellington. „ _ _ Lyttelton, January 5. Arrived, 9.45 a.m.—Wauaka, from Wellington, Anivcd, 8.40 a.m.—Te Anau, from Wellington (connected). _ Sailed, 1.35 p.m.—Rosamond, for Wellington. Sailed, 5.35 p.m. Westralia, for Sydney via Northern ports. Passengers for Wellington— Misses Lachman, Jeffreys, Greenwood (2), Jacobs, Bidden, Orr, Maginnis, Leith, Bathan, Craig. Mesdamos Inman, Greenwood, Best and child, Orr, Boot (2), Keith, Bradley, Craig, Crawley, Messrs Walton, Marshall, Orr, Watt, Quick, Fountain, Andrews, Young, Newson, Ellis, Barritt, Donald, Saunders, Bates, Poster, Craig, Henderson, Kane, Crawley, Baker, Hassraan, Miller, Inman Dramatic Company (14), Napier, January 4. Sailed—Wcka (0 p.m.) and Fanny (9 p.m.), for Wellington via Coast. January 5. Tho Weka and Fanny returned to port owing to bad weather, at 9 last night and 9 this morning respectively. Nelson, January 5. Arrlved-Corinna (5.10 a.m.), from Wellington; Penguin (1.30 a m.), from Picton. To sail, 7.30 a.m. to-morrow Haupiri, for Wellington. , . Westport, January 4. Sailed, 8 p.m.—Haupiri, for Nelson. Patea, January 5. To sail, 8 p.m.—Mana, lor Wellington. Oabtlefoint, January 5. Sailed, 3 52 p.m.—Weka, for Wellington. Greymoutu, January 5. Arrived—Mawhera, from Westport. To sail, 7 a.m. to-morrow—Mawhora, lor Nelson The Rosamond arrives from the South to*day with a cargo of transhipments. On discharge, she proceeds to Westport. Tho Huddart-Parker liner Westralia arrives from South about 8 o’clock this morning, and sails for Napier, Gisborne, Auckland and Sydney at 5 p.m.
The traffic on the Queen’s Wharf yesterday was very heavy, and consequently the tonnage represented by the vessels berthed thereat was very largo. The Delphic, Gothic, Star of Victoria, Botomahana, Taluno, Wainui, Takapuna, Ohau, barque Alice, besides numerous small fry, were all bushy engaged in loading and unloading. The Wainui left last evening for Nelson and the West Coast. Included in her cargo was about 20 tons of sawmill material, consisting of a boiler, engine, bod-plate, &c., consigned to K. Stratford and Sons. Qceymoath. The Rotomahana, from Lyttelton, arrived at 12.30 p.m, yesterday with 27 tons of cargo for Wellington. Bite returned to the Southern port during the altern Tho Charles Edward, from Nelson, brought 144 bates wool and 200 oases fruit. She sailed for Nelson and the West Coast yesterday afternoon. The Wakatu, from Kallcoura and Coast, brought 230 bales wool. Sho left for Lyttelton via the Coast last evening. The Wairoa, from Mokueka, brought 400 cases fruit, 17 bales wool, and 125 sacks cbail. The Storrabird’s cargo from Wanganui consisted of 449 bales wool, IX casks tallow and. 2 tons butter. Bho returns to tho same port to-day. The Aotore brought down 1-10 bales of wool and 75 cases cheese from Patea yesterday. She returns to-day. Tho 20 tons of paraffino shale brought from Sydney by the Taluno was shipped to New Plymouth by the Ohau yesterday afternoon. Tho three 0-ton boilers from Melbourne, consigned to Waitora, wore also shipped by the same steamer. Captain Shniedcrs and Mr Kuper, late captain and chief officer respectively of the barque Maria (which has been sold to an Auckland firm), proceed to London by the Gothic to-day en route for Germany. Captain Nottingham took charge of tho barquentinc Stanley yesterday. Tho ship Katy was towed Into the stream, where, together with the Hermiono, she awaits a favourable wind to sail for London. It is expected that the Weathcrsfleld will bo ready for sea to-morrow, and the fact that those throe vessels sail together for the same port will make it interesting to know bow they arrive at their destination. The local agents inform us that the Warrimoo left Sydney for Wellington at 4 p.ra. on Monday last with 11 saloon passengers and a small quantity of cargo for New Zealand. She sails for Sava, Honolulu and Vancouver on Saturday, The Manaroa's wool from Wanganui consisted of 42 bales. She left for Havelock and the Sounds early yesterday afternoon. The Takapuna’s shipment of dairy produce con-, eisted of 6461 packages of batter and 40 oases of choose. She ranged alongside the Gothic yesterday morning to discharge the dairy produce therein for transhipment Homo. By yesterday’s Australian mail wo learn that the barques Bello of Arvon and Cornuvia are understood to have been sold to Messrs B. .Thomas and Co., Criccieth. the first-named vessel for £2750 and tho latter for £2OOO The Westralia is due here from Dunedin and Lyttelton this morning. She leaves for Sydney via Napier, Gisborne and Auckland at 5 o’clock this afternoon. The Talnne arrived from Sydney direct at 5 o’clock yesterday morning, experiencing dull, overcast weather and smooth seas on the trip across. Her cargo consisted of 665 tons (including 2252 oases of fruit), of which 324 tons (including 1796 cases of fruit) were lor Wellington. Timber, consisting of 10,091 ft, 4618 felloes and 86 naves, was also brought across, the greater portion of which was for Wellington. Another item of her cargo was a shipment—about 20 tons—of paraffine shale, consigned to the gasworks at New Plymouth. Owing to the intense beat experienced on the trip several hands in tho engine-room were knocked up, otherwise the journey would have been accomplished in much leas time.
The last trip of the Mararoa from Auckland to Sydney occupied three days 15 hours, an average speed of I4J knots per hour being maintained. . The Tyser liner Star of Victoria, from London, via Australia, Auckland, Gisborne and Napier, arrived in port at 445 p.ra. yesterday. .This steamer’s movements and a list of hoc officers have already appeared in this oolnmn. At Napier she shipped-209 bales of wool, GOO. quarters of beef and 2500 legs and shoulders. Wanganui is her next port of .call. The Aorangi, from Vancouver, via Honolulu and Suva, is due aere this morning, and will leave for Sydney later in the day. The following are the passengers already booked here for Sydney:— Saloon—Messrs Downs (2), Kelsall, Dickenson, JPULiot, Staco. Steerage—Mosers Slinn, Davis. THE INTERCOLONIAL TRADE. The local office of the Union Steam Ship Com* pany advises us of the following changes in the steamers engaged in tbo intercolonial trade. The Rotomabana is to take up the Tarawera's running, leaving Wellington on the 14th instant for Melbourne via South and Hobart, the latter steamer being about to lay np for an overhaul at Dunedin. The To* Anau, leaving Dunedin for Sydney via Cook Strait on the 30th instant, will take up the Waihora's running during the time that vessel is engaged in the excursion trips from Dunedin to the Co&st' Sounds.
R.M.S. GOTHIC, FOR LONDON. The White Star liner Gothic sails for London at noon to-day with a fuU cargo of wool, frozen meat, dairy produce, &c. The following have booked passages by this favourite steamshipSaloon—Misses Cruickshunk, Grapes, Bloxham (2), Chapman (2), Connell, Dale, Hemsloy, Murciel, Taylor, White, McPherson, Mesdames Aldworth, Bloxham, Bunting, Chapman, Flint, infant and maid, Lysapea, Jopson, Marciel, Milne, Nelson, Drs Harper, Lav* man, Messrs Allen, Berney, Allen, Bloxham (2), Boucher, Brodrick, Chapman (3). Cruiokshank, Davies, Fletcher, Grapes, Holmes, Hutchinson, James (2); Jopson, Milne, Nelson (3), Turnbull, Webb, Masters Bloxham, Cruiokshank. Steerage —Misses Kirker. Male (2), Leo, Pollard, Thornton, McDonald, Mcsdaines Hinton, Lee, Male. Thornton. Trovethlck, White, Frost, Captain Hcbneidcis, Messrs Anderson, Baird, Bradley. Dixon, Hinton (2), Jarrold, Keogh, Lee. Lomas, Male, Mills, Newton, Pollard, Temple*, Trevethick, White, Wickart, Schneiders, Kuper. THE ROTORUV3 EXCURSION TO THE SOUNDS. The following message was received per a horning pigeon In Dunedin on the afternoon of New Year’s Day, though Mr Hayne believes that the bird must have reached its destination before “ Per pigeon post (liberated 930 New Year's morning, 1803).—Tell James Mills Rotorua reached Milford this morning. Everyone delighted. Perfect iveatber. Magnificent holiday. Arrive Dunedin Tuesday, early,—A. F. Antiiosv, Captain, Please publish." THE TENDER SERVICE AT GISBORNE. By Telegraph.-Pres* Association. OtsßoiiNß, January 5. The Union Steam Ship Company, recognising the considerable growth in the passenger traffic to ana from Gisborne, has recently taken steps to improve the tender service at the port by sending the Waibi to replace the Snatk, which has done duty for many years. To-day afforded a fair teat of the Walhi's suitability for the purpose. When the Mararoa arrived in the evening there was a heavy sea in the bay, but the passengers were transhipped and landed within one hour o! the steamer’s arrival, at a considerable saving of discomfort and inconvenience on the old boat service. THE 9.9. MAN A REFLOATED. By Telegraph,~~Press Association, Patea, January 6. Phe Wellington-owned steamer Mana, which has been aground here, was safely floated off on this morning’s tide, and came alongside the wharf. Practically no damage was sustained.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3326, 6 January 1898, Page 2
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2,269SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3326, 6 January 1898, Page 2
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