President, Colonel Hume ; Yico-Presidentt, Dr Maoorcgor and Mr dohn Jack ; ireasurer, Mr William M’Lean ; Secretary, Mr David Wighton ; Superintendent ot Sports, the President; Starters, Messrs T. K. Macdonald and Charles Stewart. Il'andioapper, Mr T. L. Barker (assisted by Committee) ; Timekeeper. Mr S. Kohn • Director of Music, Mr John Jack.
The appropriate but inconvenient Scotch mist which fell on New Year a Day made it quite impossible to begiu the Caledonian Society’s sixth annual sports gathonog on that day, and necessitated a postponement until Saturday. In the meantime the sons of Caledonia had celebrated Hogmanay in good old fashion and kept it up for two day* amid the wild skirling of the pipe* and hearty toasting of gmd new years,” “ wullia waohts and various other very excellent wishes peculiar to the season. Saturday morning promised very fine, and so at an early hour certain fierce-looking Caledonians, with bonnets cocked gaily, applied themselves vigouroualy to the bagpipes, and marched to the Basin Deserve in gay style, followed by-several of their compatriots, and leaving behind them a fine stream of beautiful mnsio. On the Deserve itself there were the officers of tho Society, ready and eager for the day’s work, and rejoicing m the contemplation of much good music ana rare dancing. The attendance of spectators was not then large, bat during tho day it increased rapidly, until at length there were nearly 3000 people present. Very gay, Indeed, was the Basin Deserve until the gentle rain began to tall, just after 3 oolook with the grandstand and its vicinage simply a mass of people, and tho green ring, which was tb©convincing-ground, fringed all round by people; the music of Mr Gray’s excellent band, the sturdy pipers, and the vigorous organ of the merry, go round, combining to produce an eiieot which gladdened the heart of everyone, and tho like of which never had been heard before. Then there were shooting galleries, games, and booths, where the New Year might bo toasted In advance for the next century, or where luncheon, with the harm less, necessary cup of tea might be had. This, indeed, would have been one of tho Society’s very best gatherings if the bottom of the waterlog pot bad not fallen out. The sports themselves were exceedingly good os far as they went, for the events were all well contested, as will be seen by the particulars given below. The bagpipe musio was generally very good, notably that of Mr Maokay, of Ashburton, the famous piper: and the dancing was also above the average, Mr W. P, Stuart, of Hawke’s Bay, doing particularly good work. The Caledonian Handicap fell to Mr W, H. Arnott, of Wellington, who was first in tho one hundred and tho two hundred and twenty yards events. A complication in connection with this event was very narrowly avoided. When tho rain appeared to have pet in for tho day, the President and some of the directors declared the remaining events off, and left the ground, but several other officers being averse to this course, decided to go on, when tho weather cleared, and started tho last event of the bandioap. Now, had Fyke wem that event, he would have tied with Arnott, for each man would then have two firsts and a third to his credit. However, Pyke did not win, and unpleasant consequences wore thus averted. Following is a list of the Judges Quoiting—Messrs James Barry, A. W. Brown, K. Biowo, Jbb. Hutchins, Geo. Xorns, J. Maginnity, A. S. Mentoath, J. Russell, Jas. Stewart, H. A. Gordon, and George Leslie, Dunning—Messrs J- Dutbie, H. A. Gordon, J. Maokay, A. S Menteath, D. Pryde, C. Stewart, G. Wilson, G. Reich, J. Marchbanks, J. S. M. Thompeon, and J. Uutohius. Pipe Music and Dancing—Sir James Heotor. Messrs A. Cameron, John Jack, J. McGlashau, W. McLean, J. Reid, George Wilson, and A. Lawson. Vaulting and Jumping—Mossie A. w. Brown, Jaa Hutchens, Geo, lorns, S, Kohn, M, Murdoch, D. T. Stuart, J. S. M, Thompson, A. Laweon, Geo. Deioh, and D. Hutchens. Tossing tho Caber, Putting the Stone, and Throwing tho Hammer —Messrs R. Brown, R. Dunlop, J. Duthie, J. Marohbanks, J. Maokay, V/. MoLsan, J. Enssoll, and J. Hutchens. Wrestling and Tug-of-War—Messrs A. W. Brown, W. Chalmers, Geo. lorns, D. Piyde, J. Koid, George Wilson, J. Maginnity, and J. Marchbanks, Single-stiok—Captain Coleman. Particulars of tho various events are as follow: . Maiden Hurdle Dace, 120yds, 10 hurdles. —H. Sutcliffe, I, £3 ;W. Brannigan, 2, £2 ; D. Galloway, 1, £l. Two others started. Sutcliffe got away with tho load, and won with the greatest ease. Caledonian Grand Handicap £37 and Gold Medal. Four distances 220yds, 44'Jyds, and 880yds. Frizrs for each distance—lst, £5; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, £l. Special prize for highest aggregate points—£s and Gold Modal, the latter to be won twice in succession at the Society's Gatherings. Ten shillings given to winners of beats (prize-takers excepted). First and second in each heat qualifies for points, which count as follows :—lst, 6 j 2nd, 3 ; 3rd, 1 ; for each distance. First event, 100yds. Prizes—let, £5 ; 2nd, £2; 3rd, £l. First heat—A. D. Mahony, 3yds, 1 ; W. Pyke, 3yde, 2; G. Blanohett, 6yds, 3. Mahony won by about a yard; a foot dividing the seoond and third man. Maddock fell at the start. Time, 10 2 sthsec. Second heat—H. Sutcliffe, 6yds, 1 ; ,SThacker, 2yds, 2; J. Telfar, 4yds, 3. Time, 10 LSthsao. Third beat-D. J. Maokay, Byds. 1 ; J. W. Kilnor, 2yds, 2; J. Kiordan, 9yds, 3. Time, 10 l-sth see. Fourth heat—W. H. Arnott. 6yds, 1; W. Brannigan, 4yds, 2 ; R. H. Whisker, Byds, S. Time, 10 2-sth sec. Final heat—W. H. Arnott, 6yds, 1; A. D. Mahony, 3yds, 2 ; W. Pyke, 3yds, 3. The starter had considernble difficulty in getting the men away. Arnott assumed the lead from tho jump, and won by a yard. Time, 10 2-sthsoo. Bicycle Handicap Race; 2 miles. Ist prize, £3 ; 2nd, £2; 3rd, £l—A. G. George, scratch, 1; A. Lett, 230yds, 2 ; J. Morris, 150yds, 3. This was a most hollow affair, as George caught up to the limit man at the third lap, and just kept dodging behind him until reaching the last lap. when he rushed ahead and won as he liked. Time, 9min 29300. Running High Jump. Ist prize, £3 ; 2nd, £2; 3rd, £l. —H. S. Baily, stt Sin, 1; W. Welch and W. H. Arnott tied at sft 2in, and divided second and third prizes. Caledonian Grand Handiop.—Seoond event; 220yds. Ist prize, £5 ; 2nd, £2; 3rd, £l. —First heat —K. H. Whisker, 11yds 1; J. Telfar, 6yds, 2 ; S. Thacker, 4yd», 3. Whisker won easily by a couple ot yards. Time, 24 2.sthsec. Second heat —G. Blanohett, 12yds, 1;W. H. Arnott, 10yds, 2; W. Simona, 10yds, 3. Time, 23 3.5 th sec. Third beat—A. D. Mahony, syds, 1; W. Pyke. syds, 2; H. Sutcliffe, 12yds, 3. Time, 24sec. Final heat—VV. H. (Arnott, 10yds, 1 ; A. D. Mahony, syds, 2; R. H. Whisker, 11yds, 3. After a numher ot false starts Arnott got away with the lead and won, closely pursued by Mahony, with Whisker very close up. Time, 23ann 3-sth sec. Bagpipe Mnsio (in costume) A. Maokay (Ashburton), first prize, £5 ; R. MoTavish (Christchurch), seoond prize, £2 ; D. Ross (Rakaia), third prize, £l. J. Duncan (Wellington) and W. Stuart (Hawkea Bay) also competed. Tossing tbe Cober. First prize, £3; second, £2; third, £1. —W, Dalton, of Greytown, woo this event with the greatest of ease. W. Welch and McCormick tied for second place, bnt could not throw the caber until a considerable quantity had been cat off.
Putting the Stone {22lb). First prize, £3 ; second, £2 ; third, £1, —O'Grady, 31ft 6io, 1; McCormick, 30ft 4in, 2; W. Welch, 30ft 3io, 3. Handicap Hurdle Race, 120yds. First prize, £3 ; second, £2 ; third, £l.—W. H. Arnett (scratch), I ; H. W. Stallard (Byde), 2; S. Thacker (syds), 3. Kiloer also started, Arnott soon got through bis men and woo a capital race in 18 3 Sthaec. Handicap fiat race, 220 yards, for amateurs only. Prizes trophies, valued at £3 3s and £2 2b. C. Richardson, 25yds, 1: N. L. Gurr, 10yds, 2 : C. J. Hickson, 23yds 3. J. M. King and Batger did not start. Richardson bad rather too much start giren him, and won easily. Time, 22‘3*5tbs secs. Maiden flat race, for amateurs only, 100 yards. Prize (Mr A. Hall's trophy, valued at £3 3s. J. B. Tringham, 1 ; B. Hector, 2. These were the only starters. Time, llaecs.
Bagpipe music, Strathspeys and reels. A, Mackey (Ashburton), first prize, £6: D. Duncan (Wellington), second, £3* RMcTavisb (Christchurch) third, £1 10s. Highland Reel (hoys)—Campbell Smith (Napier), 1, £2 j T. Peddie (Napier), 2, £1 ; W. Smith (Napier), 3,105. Half-mile 'J ricycle Race—Prize, silver medal. George, the winner of the bicycle race, gave Dixon 20yds, and won easily. Time, 2miu 53aeo. There was scarcely any interest taken In the race, as It was a one* aided affair from first to last. Bagpipe Music (pibrochs and laments) — A. Mackay (Ashburton), 1, £5; D. Roaa (Ashburton), 2, £3 - R. McTavisb (Christchurch), 3, £l.
Vaulting with Pole—lst. £5 ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, £l—D, J. Maokay (HuntervUle), 9ft 9ln, 1;W. Welch (Wairarapa), 9ft Bin, 2. Them were four competitors. Mackay and Welch bad a great struggle for premier position, bath vaulted well, but the winner had far the best and cleanest style. Sword Dance—W. P, Stuart (Hawkea Bay), 1, £5 ; G. Laiog (Petone), 2, £2 ; H. liaiogS, U.
Caledonian Grand Handicap (third event), 440yds—1st prize, £5 ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, W. Fyko, Byds, 1 ; W. Simons, 16yds, 2; W. H. Arnott, 20yds, 3. There was a capital race between Pyke and Simons, but tho remainder were considerably scattered. Time, 52 l<sthsec. . Quoiting—lst prize, £4 ; 2nd, £2 ; ora, £l.—Mtuphy, I ; Iligg, 2; Eanso'i. 3. Wrestling (Bordsr style), for all comers. First prize, £5; second, £3; third, £l. During this event rain oamo on, and as there was every appearance of it continuing the Directors decided to close the programme, and give back all entrance moneys, and accordingly tho secretary’s office was locked up, and a notice posted up that the sports were at an end. The band was ordered to play the National Anthem. At this time there were abont 3000 people present, and considerable dissatisfaction was expressed at the decision ai rive 1 ot by the Directors. In about half an hoar the rain cleared off, and the ofternoon was as fine as could be wished. The wrestlers desired to finish their straggle for seniority, and at last Messrs George Irons and J. Reid, two of the judges, decided the event should be continued. Tho result was as follows: J. Crawford (Permanent Artillery), 1 ; J. Hall (Timaru),2; O’Grady (Permanent Ar. tillery), 3. bomeone after this wrote np on the blackboard that tho fourth event of the Caledonian Handicap would come off, but the Assistant-Secretary cleared the Board again. Several of the judges present were of opinion that the event should, if passible, be got off, as it decided the big handicap. The Secretary Informed these gentlemen that several of the competitors had left, being told that the whole thing had been abandoned. The majority of the competitors about this time made their appearance ready for a start, and the judges present agreed to Bend the men away, providing they would not hold them (the judges) responsible for the prize money. An understanding having been arrived at, Mr Kohn got the men together. Caledonian Grand Handicap (fourth event), 880yds—1st prize, £5 ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, £1. — H. T. Maddook. 20yds, 1; J. C. Whiteman, 35yds, 2; W. L Whiteman, 25yds, 3. As the official starter had lef; Mr Kohn gat the competitors on their marks and effected the beet start of the day. J. C. Whiteman was made a hot favourite, but Maddook just did him two yards from the tape. This wasone of tho best races of the day. Time, 2min 5 sec.
Had Pyke won this event he would have scored the same number of points (13) as Arnott, but now Arnott is first in the Caledonian Grand Handicap.
The jadges present decided the best dressed boys in Highland oostnme, with the following result;—Junes Malcolm Cockburn (Marton), 1; J. McKenzie (Petone), 2; W. Miller (Petone), 3. Two teams presented themselves for the tug-of-war contest, but the judges present were undecided what to do in the matter. At last, however, sooner than see the men disappointed, Messrs Kohn and Lacbman offered two trophies independent of the Society. Tho result was that a team of Permanent Artillery easily defeated an allcomers team. Nothing else was done, and the people left the ground. DUNEDIN SPORTS. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Dunedin. January 3. The Caledonian Sports wero brought to a close to-day, when there was a good attendance. J. King, 12Jyds, won tho final heat of the 220yds Dunedin Handicap, and W. King the final of the 440yds, receiving 14yda start. H. Dunn won the Border style wrestling, and D. C. Ross oatch-as-oatoh-oun, Dunn declining to meet the latter in tho final bout. C. Swann, 20yds, won the half mile, and Steadman tho five mile bicycle race from scratch; Rollinahav/, 500yds, 2; Wheolan, 400yds, 3.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9184, 5 January 1891, Page 3
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2,203CALEDONIAN SPORTS. New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9184, 5 January 1891, Page 3
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