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(united press association.) GENERAL SUMMARY. A Prussian Legation has been established at the Vatican. A report comes from Brussels that a convention exists between Germany and Fran.e, agreeing to the annexation of Luxembourg by the latter in the event of certain eventualities. A compulsory Education Bill has been rejected in the French Senate by 167 votes to 123.

There are strong signs of an insurrectionary movement among the Poles. The emigration to America from Germany this year premises to be larger than ever. Professor Forester, of Berlin, discovered on 10th March a planet of the thirteenth magnitude ; llh. 10m. right ascension ; 8.17 north dee.; daily motion, 4sec. The men arrested at Brussels for complicity iu the Hatton Garden Post Office robbery, London, are believed to include a pretended American colonel (Gaston) and his accomplices, who recently robbed a Paris je weller of 216,000 franca’ worth of goods. The International Hurdle Race at Croydon was won by Gleuline, Ancient Pistol being second, and Theophrastus third. Eight ran, including Walton’s Sutler. There is an ugly feeling growing np iu London over the Bradlangh case, and there are serious fear of popular uproar. The Windsor police have been reinforced in consequence of the threatening letters received by the Superintendent who arrested McLean.

The Catalonia, one of the Cnnard steamers, ran into an unknown brigantine off Point Linas during a fog, and sunk her with all on board.

The “ London Times’ ” Cocstantinople cor. respondent says it is feared in official circles that war between Russia and Austria is inevitable.

Au American Company is trying to get concessions for a railway in Bagdad. Warre and Brothers, wine merchants in London, have failed for £120,000. The peaceful cession of Thessaly was celebrated in London by a banquet at Willis’s Rooms, Lord Rosebery in the chair.

The chief of the section of the revolutionary party, known as Parti Noir, has fallen into the hands of the St. Petersburg police. Foreign correspondents in St. Petersburg are now refused telegraphic communication with the papers they represent. An inquiry is now going on as to how the report of the Nihilist trial was obtained for outside journals. A party of Americans, travelling from Brussels to Paris, were brutally abused by the Custom House officers at the frontier station of Fiegnist. One lady was roughly dragged out of a sleeping car without her bonnet and cloak, and exposed to the coarse jests of the douaniers, and when the male portion of the party resisted the violence done to them, the gendarmes were called to the assistance of the unruly officials. Throe travellers were arrested and sentenced to pay a fine of 500 francs each, with police surveillance for eight months. The cause of all this trouble was apparently that when the Americana were awakened to have their luggage examined, they did not respond with sufficient alacrity. The Hargreaves cotton mills, at Patricroft, Lancashire, have been burned ; loss £65,000. One hundred and fifty-one persons are reported as having been killed by an explosion in a coal mine in Styria.

Germany and Austria are strengthening their Eastern fortresses.

Goruckpore, in the Presidency of Benga l , has been destroyed by fire. Hydraulic aud riverside presses were totally burned. Mr Cowen, M.P., ex-Liberal, has been formally denounced by the Newcastle Liberal Association for having, during the last five years, opposed the Liberal party on all leading questions. Lawrence Oliphant has been sent to the Continent to administer the Mansion House Fund for relief of the Jews.

Two thousand Hebrew refugees in Austria are on the verge of starvation. The Russian steamer Welaben was sunk by a collision in the Black Sea. All perished. Steiner and Co., in the silk trade at Zurich, have failed for £BO,OOO.

A fire occurred at the Steline Railway Station, Berlin, caused by explosion of an infernal machine in a box marked to contain valuable dry goods, and heavily insured. A successful rising in Soudan is headed by a Sheik known as El Mendi, or the “ Messiah of Islam.” His proper name is Sheik Mohammed Ashmel, He turned up a few months ago at Cower, on the White Nile, and since that time has played havoc with Egyptian troops sent against him. He is master of the whole country, and is backed by all the Bagarah tribes, numbering 60,000 fighting men, armed with double barrelled percusssion guns and admirably made lances. They are excellent horsemen. -

Emilio Castclar has published an article iu reference to Skobeloff’a recent extraordinary speech, in whiob he says be fears a coming Slav invasion of Europe, and declares it behoves the Latin races, in the interest of civilization, to enter into close alliance with the German.

Ignatieff repudiates Skobeloff entirely, after his St. Petersburg speech. The latter was summoned to the Ministry of the Interior and reprimanded. “ How can I keep myself ? ” said Skobeloff, in reply. “ I am neither a. politician nor a diplomat; lam young, and I must have some outlet for my energy.” Hearing this, Ignatieflt exclaimed, “ Surely you do not expect me to invent an expedition for you every year." It has been decided that this impetuous young general shall be kept in tho background.

AMERICAN SUMMARY. San Fbincisoo, March 12,

The Chinese Bill, limiting Coolie immigration to the United States, passed the Senate on the 9th by 29 to 15. A letter written by General Garfield in 1865 attacking General Rosenkranz has just come to light, and has caused great sensation. Rosenkranz is investigating the matter. He thinks the letter a fraud ; but, if genuine, he boldly charges the late President with falsehood and studied deception, A tremendous labor riot has prevailed in Omaha among tho railroad employees, who dema id 1 dollar 75 cents per day wages. The city is in a state o! uneasiness, as the rioters at t .ne time bad decided to sack the Burlington and Mission railroad depfits and offices, and also the office of the “ Omaha Herald.” The military were finally called out and ended the trouble.

Scoville, Gniteau’s brother-in-law, now thinks it would be a good thing if the assassin were hanged, as then a revision of the laws for the protection of the insane would be obtained.

The Chinese are applying to the New York Courts for naturalisation. Notwithstanding the decisions against their admission to citizenship given in some of the States, there is a disposition in New York to grant them tho privilege.. Mr Lowell, the American Minister in England, writes, in regard to the application made to him to procure the release of the American citizens imprisoned in Ireland under the Coercion Act, that it is perfectly futile to expect that American or any other citizens can be exempted from the operation of the law in proclaimed districts. The Supreme Court of California has sustained on appeal the constitutionality of the law on the Sunday closing of saloons, theatres, and all places of business and amusement on the first day of the week. The editor of a Guatemalian paper, to. Provenir, has been arrested by President Barrios, and the paper suspended, because it contained an article unfriendly to Dr. Logan, the United States Minister. _ . A novel case is before the San Francisco Courts, in which a confiding woman, named Mrs Etria Bennett, is the prosecutor. Two female sharpers—mother and daughter—persuaded her that the Duke of Lei.ester who they said was travelling incog, m California had seen her, fallen desperately in love with her, and wished to make her his wife. The deluded woman gave the pair her confidence, and they managed to do her out of a large amount of personal property. Her eyes were opened when the Duke did not torn up, and now she sues her deluders as common S Ta d the r r Hugh Gallagher, a Roman Catholic Driest of great influence in the Church and m local politics, died in San Francisco on the 10th March. _ . . Journeymen printers at St Louis ate out on strike for three dollara a day, A singular murder is reported from Boston, where Mrs Harriet Bell, who had just entered her residence, was followed by a stranger, who drew a long knife and plunged it into her neck. Just before the blow was given she looked at the man and said, “ I don’t know yon.” She only lived two minutes after being stabbed. ■ It is now discovered that General Grant is not as wealthy a man as he was represented to be. The fond of 250,000 dollars collected for him by 3 ones, of the “ New York Times,” and others, was dissipated by bad investment, therefore the Bill to restore him to his army

tank is a sort of public cKnrity, os he needs the pay to live upon. It is possible that Jones would be held responsible for money entrusted to him, but Grant considers the matter too delicate to press. An exciting scene has occurred in the San Francisco Police Court. A policeman named Moroney, who was detailed to get evidence against a rich man charged with an indecent crime, was so badgered and insulted by defendant's attorney, D. J. Murphy, that he drew his pistol and shot the lawyer in the neck, and immediately afterwards attempted suicide, Moroney is an Australian by birth, and is held in good estimation by the chief of the force. The pyrotechnic works of Professor Jackson, at Chester, Pennsylvania, blew up, and twenty lives were lost. Many other persons, were wounded. Haverhill, in Massachusets, hat been destroyed by fire. The loss amounts to several' millions of dollars, but there was no loss of life. It is reported that great destitution prevails in Southern Illinois, and a woman and her children are reported to have died of starvation. Russian Jewish refugees are flocking to the .States. Mormon young unmarried women have sent ft long petition to Congress, numerously - signed, asking the Government to let them and their religion alone. In this petition, tlm signers say ;—“ We, the young ladies of Utah Territory, do most solemnly and truthfully declare that neither we, nor our mothers, are held in bondage, but that we enjoy the greatest possible freedom, socially and religiously; that onr homes are happy ones, and that we are neither low nor degraded; for the principles of parity, virtue, integrity, and loyalty to the Government of the United States have been instilled into onr minds and hearts since onr earliest cbilbood.” The married women also send a petition to the effect that they ore happy in their home*, satisfied with their marriage relations, and desire no change. ■ A memorial from the Mormon citizens generally declares that the object of the present antagonistic movements from ontside is “persecution and robbery of the inhabitants of Utah, otter rain of her bright prospects, and ultimate anarchy and slavery, under the plea of suppressing polygamy.’’ The New York Board of Trade and Transportation has memorialised Congress against the continuance of the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, and the principal point made is, that the treaty is taken advantage of by a syndicate of capitalists to develop enormously the production of sugar in the Sandwich Islands, which is admitted free of duty in the United States, thus operating against other sugar-pro-ducing nations and injuring the domestic sugar interest. Howell withdrew from the pedestrian contests in New York on the 3rd instant. Hughes “rushed” the “little Englishman,” as he called him, so unmercifully at the outset as to force him into retirement. Hnghes knew he was destroying his own chances of success, but sacrificed himself in order to break up Bowel], and succeeded. He compelled Bowell on the first day to cover over ISO miles in a little over 22 hours.

George Scoville, Guiteau’s brother-in-law, has dropped all legal connection with the case. This is the result, not only of unpleasantness almost amounting to a quarrel, but of an opinion held by the prisoner’s relations that Scoville’s legal abilities are not of the best order. John Guitean has announced the discovery of important evidence in regard to Insanity, and will endeavor to get a new trial, Sen Cutler, it is said, has consented to undertake the case.

The steamship Samaria arrived at Bc'ton on the sth of March with the steamship City of Berlin, from Liverpool for New York, in tow. She had broken her machinery. Mr Ed, J, Kennedy, a young and brilliant journalist, and for some time leading editorial writer of the “ Alta California,” committed suicide at San Francisco. He left a letter to an intimate friend saying that he had a disgust for life. The deceased was a native of New South Wales, having come from thence to California when about five years old, Falcen, of Antwerp, engaged in the Biver Plate trade, has failed for from two to three million pounds. The editor of the “ Bene Logos,” at Constantinople, has been killed by a Greek mob, and his office sacked. He had charged the authorities with misapplying money raised for educational purposes. Hon Carlos has abdicated his claim to the Spanish Throne in favor of his infaut son.

Two persons have been arrested at Bsgusa for assisting a correspondent of the “ Manchester Guardian” to spread l false news of insurgent victories.

The failure of the Anglo-French Commercial Treaty caused grievous disappointment in the manufacturing districts of England. The woollen trade will suffer heavily. London papers say the matter is of no consequence, but manufacturers do not take that view.

“Vanity Fair” says poker playing has reached such a height in London fashionable soc iety as to be a public scandal. Lieutenant Dannehowerhaa been forbidden to leave Irkutsk till his eyesight is restored. The rest of the Jeannette survivors remain with him.

A report is current to the effect that unles i the condition of Russia improves, the Czar will abdicate after his coronation.

Bight persons have been indicted in Vienna for criminal negligence in relation to the Ring Theatre disaster, and amongst them are the exBurgomaster Neval, Jennal, the Theatre Manager, and Lindsay, Commissary of Police, The editor of the “Leinster Leader” has been arrested under the Irish Coercion Act. Madame Neilson’s husband, who became insane during the excitment attending the recent financial crisis in Paris, died in the asylum on 22nd.

Wreckage from the City of London, steamer, that sailed from London for New York on November 13, and never reached her destination, is continually washing up on the Irish 'coast.

Herbert Spencer will visit the United States in August. The Jardin Mabille, in Paris, has been sold for building purposes, Vienna is threatened with total failure of water supply. The Queen’s monument to the late Lord Beaconsfield has just been erected in Hughendeu church. It bears the following inscription;— “This memorial is placed here by his affectionate Sovereign, Victoria Regina. Rings love him that speaketh right.” A balloon, which ascended from London on the 4th March, fell into the Straits of Lover, and the aeronauts perished. The passengers were Calbrnn Re 1?) and Simons, ’ aeronauts. They were attempting to cross the Channel. Further reports say the balloonists, sighting a eteamer, purposely descended because the wind had shifted and was driving them towards the North Sea,

Jessie Helfmann, the female Nihilist, who, because of being encienfe, was respited from capital sentence for complicity in the assassination of the late Czar, died at St. Petersburg, on the 3rd instant, in childbirth.

General Skobeloff has acquired such popularity by his Slavic speech that crowds cheer him whenever he appears in public. One of the wild stories afloat is that a scheme is under discussion in Canada for removal of the Pope from Rome to the shores of St. Lawrence. It is said that negotiators on this side of the Atlantic pledge themselves to secure a grant of 8,000,000 dole, from the Provinces of Quebec for the purpose of erecting a Papal palace. It has been decided by Judge Vowanoe, of Montreal, in the case of Fiske v. Flake, that a divorce obtained in New York is legal in Canada. The decision has made a stir in social circles.

Hugh Allan, and other rich young men of leisure belonging to Boston, Moss., have organised a Fox Hunting Club, and will import a pack of hounds and professional huntsmen. They Intend to wear the usual English hunting costume, scarlet coat and knee.breecbes.

The American Government is urged by his relatives in California to move in the matter of obtaining the release of Daniel McSweeney, an alleged American citizen, and now imprisoned by the British Government in Ireland.

. Rev, George Learning, D.D., Homan Catholic Priest,'late of New South Wales, and now of Boston, Massachusetts, made his debut as an actor in that city on February 19, at the Gaiety Theatre, playing Othello. He assumes the professional name of Sidney Clifford, and, probably to conceal his identity, claims to be “a star tragedian from Australia.” It is said Leeming was bom in England, educated at Oxford, and a year ago was pastor cf a church in New South Wales. A convention has been called in Utah Territory to form a Constitution with a view to admission to the Union.

The anniversary of the 102nd birthday of naSaSS!" ™ c ”' b " l,a •“ tb ”

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6542, 5 April 1882, Page 2

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ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6542, 5 April 1882, Page 2

ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6542, 5 April 1882, Page 2


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