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From Mrs Ada H. Pearce, 5, Grant Street, Ballarat East, Victoria, 16 February, 1905. “For the benefit of others who may be suffering as I did from kidney complaint, and its attendant agonising pain, I give my experience of the curar tive properties of Warner’s Safe Cure. I suffered from my kidneys for nearly thirty years, and no one can have any idea of tlie agony T went through during that time. Being the mother of a large family I kept up as long as it was possible for me to do so, but, at last, I was brought so weak and low, and w'as so near death’s door, that myself and my family had little hope of my recovery. I suffered intense pain in urinating, and my urine contained a large quantity of ropy matter, which analysis showed to be pus, albumen, and tube casts. Sometimes urination was frequent and at others suppressed. My strength left me, and I became exhausted, owing to the great bodily pain and sleepless nights. During the years 1 suffered I tried many remedies. Doctors could give me no relief. They could do nothing for me. As a last resource, Warner’s Safe Cure was given to me, and it gave me relief almost immediately. 1 «qjitfttTted to take Warner’s Safe Cure, in conjunction with Warner’s Safe Pills, for some time, and continuously improved until all the symptoms I have described bad disappeared. I am now in the enjoyment of good health.” Fro-m Mr TP. Burns, Bootmaker, 162, Bourke Street, Sydney, N.S.W., 7th March, 1905. “Having caught a severe cold, which I unfortunately neglected,* it ultimately developed into kidney complaint. I suffered excruciating pain in the back, down my right side, and, at times, in the region of my heart. I also had periodical attacks of piles, which gave me great trouble. I obtained the advice of a doctor who prescribed for me, but the medicine did me no good. On the advice of a friend, who had derived great benefit from taking Warner’s Safe Cure, I decided on giving that medicine a fair trial. I bought a bottle, and, as I found that it was doing me good, 1 continued to take it, and soon became strong and free from pain, and was able to get about my work as well as ever. I feel that it is my duty to recommend Warner’s Safe Cure to any one suffering in a similar manner.” From Mr F. H. Davies, 11, Ada Street, South Fremantle, W.A., 27th October, 1904. “Two years ago I suffered terribly from pain in the small of the back, which was so severe that I could not stand upright. A friend of mine, who had suffered in a like manner and was cured by Warner’s Safe Cure, advised me to take that medicine. I did so„ and began to feel better after taking the first bottle. In a very short time all the disagreeable and painful symptoms disappeared, and I/.was quite cured. 1 have Jiad no return of the complaint, and can heartily recommend Warner’s Safe Cure to all sufferers from kidney troubles.” From Mrs Mary Gordon, Second Street, Bowden, S.A., 3rd December, 1904. “For a long time I suffered unceasing pain, almost torturq, from chronic pain in my back, head, and sides. I was under the treatment, for several months, *>f one of the leading physicians of the dty, who said I was suffering from kidney disease, and treated me accordingly. Month after month went past and 1 gradually got worse and weaker each week. Seeing that the course of treatment and medicine was doing me no good, he. at last, decided that it would be necessary for me to undergo an operation in order to effect a cure, and, if I did not consent to that he could do nothing for me. At that time I was in such a weak and helpless state that I felt sure an operation would only hasten my death, so I decided to consult a herbalist, who I had been told was very clever. After a short consultation, he said that I was suffering from an abscess in the stomach, and that he could cure me for a suns which it was beyond my means to pay. My husband who had just got some work in the country, sent me some money and advised me to buy some Warner’s Safe Cure, and take a course of it, as he had heard it well spoken of. I got some of the medicine and commenced to take it at once. In a few days I began to feel better. I continued to take Warner’s Safe Cure, getting stronger each day, until I was quite cured. The pain, and weakness all left me, and I was once again able to do my household work. I am quite convinced that Warners Safe Cure saved my life.” From Mr Joseph Mudkins, Burn Street, Invermay, Launceston, Tas., 10th October, 1904. “Fourteen years ago I was cured of dropsy by taking Warner’s Safe Cure, and had*no return of the complaint until July last, when my feet, legs, and eyes were so much swollen with dropsy that I was laid up in bed, I took Warner’s Safe Cure again, and am thankful to say that I am now on my feet again. I might also state that I have taken several vials of Warner’s Safe Pills. I heartily recommend Warner’s

Safe Cure and the Pills to any one suffering as I did from dropsy.” From W. H. McGlew, Esq., J.P., Springside, Smith’s Mill, W.A., 11th November, 1903. “Seventeen years ago I was suffering with Bright’s Disease of the kidneys. I was treated by two doctors, and by them was given up as incurable. They liad been attending me for some time, and finally decided that it was impossible for me to recover, and told me that I must prepare for the worst. Tne announcement came as a great shock to me, and more to my wife and family, who were greatly distressed. At the time my head and body were in an alarming state, being swollen right up to the eyes. I bad difficulty in passing my water, which was of a dark red colour. I had a vague feeling of unrest and tenderness in the kidneys; I suffered from ... extreme wakefulness and gradual failure of strength also, as I was not able to keep anything in my stomach. The fact that lam alive today, is, however, proof that doctors are not always correct when they tell you you are going to die. I did not give up hope myself, and was determined to live as long as possible. Providentially, about this time, one of Warner’s Safe Cure pamphlets was placed in my hands, and in it I read a letter from some one who had suffered from the same complaint, and had been cured by faking Warner’s Safe Cure. I at once decided that, as the doctors said! they could do no more for me, I would give Warner’s Safe Cure a trial and see if that would do me any good._ I sent immediately for a supply of Warner’s Safe Cure and a vial of Warner’fe Safe Pills, and commenced taking these medicines without delay, keeping strictly to the diet rules given, which I believe to be most important, in order that the medicine may do its work without hindrance. I did not at first inform the doctors that I was taking Warner’s Safe Cure, for fear that they might object to my doing so. After taking a few bottles I began to feel better, and this gave me faith to continue. The swelling in my head and body went down gradually, and the urine, which I previously had some difficulty in passing, now came from me freely, to my great relief. I continued to improve in health, gaining strength each day. The doctors were delighted at my rapid and almost miraculous recovery, but when I informed them what medicine had produced the result, they would scarcely believe me. In a few more weeks I had quite recovered my normal strength; and have since had no return of the complaint, and am in as good health to-day as*ever I was in my life. To prove that this is so, agents for insurance companies have offered to insure my life for any amount.” A treatise containing full particulars and valuable diet directions will be sent post free, by H. H. Warner and Co., Ltd., Australasian Branch, Melbourne, Victoria.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1756, 1 November 1905, Page 67

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KIDNEY DISEASE CAN BE CURED New Zealand Mail, Issue 1756, 1 November 1905, Page 67

KIDNEY DISEASE CAN BE CURED New Zealand Mail, Issue 1756, 1 November 1905, Page 67