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The fifth annual general meeting of' the Wellington Commercial Travellers’and Warehousemen’s Association was held in the Clubrooms, Hunter street, last week, Mr J. fioss (president) in the chair. There was a large attendance of members.

The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, said the chief event of the past year had been the erection of a new club-house, which, lie was of opinion, would add considerably to the prestige of the Club. They had every reason to believe the revenue would exceed the expenditure, and they were hopeful of being able to pay off the loan in a very few years. The relief fund, ha was glad to see, had reached a point which would enable the annual income from the fund to be applied to relief. That was a very important fund, and one which tln-y would like to sec, augmented. lie suggested that a box should bo placed outlie premises in which donations, however small, could be placed, and he was sure many visitors would be only too pleased to contribute in that way to so deserving an object. By-and-bye he hoped the committee would see their way to establish a scholarship in connection with the Club. In conclusion, he congratulated the committee on the. able way in which they had carried out their duties, and the members on the satisfactory position of the Club. (Applause.) The report and balance-sheet stated that the. committee’s attention had been chiefly given to the successful carrying through of the building scheme. The completion of the building and the issue of another satisfactory balance-sheet were gratifying evidence as to the flourishing condition of the Association. The membership continued to increase. On the 30th November last there were 17S association members, 8G club members, and one honorary member, making a total of 205 members. The aggregate funds of the Association were now .£902 19s sd, as against £OB2 14s 4d at 31st January last. This substantial increase was made up of ,£l4l 11s Id net profit earned on the working account, and £'7B 14s interest and donations credited to the Belief Fund. Tho Belief Fund had been considerably augmented by the transfer of £llO 10s from the profits mado in 1894., and by the handsome donations of Alessrs John Boss, Frank. Moeller, D. J. Nathan, L. J. Nathan and Bell, Lmlly and Izard. It is proposed to transfer a further sum of £l2l Os from the profits of tho past ten months, and tho fund will then stand as follow Credit balance, 30th November, 1895, £378 14s; transfer from club profits, £l2l 6s .* amount would be all deposited by the trustees

of tHe sq,id frind witli ; tlie Club Company at 6 per cent.; and the interest will be available for relief purposes. By virtue of their liberal donations to the funds, the president, Mr John Boss, and Mr Frank Moeller, of Napier, became life governors of the Association, 'i he staff continued in an efficient state, and the re-arramremenfcs necessitated by the increased Wbrik ih .this hew building, would, it is hoped, . satisfactory, to members. ’ r .. The ChriirMan then Moved the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, w’ri ch was seconded by Mr J. A. Pike and carried. The following ofibers were elected for the ensuing year: —President, Mr J. Ross (reelected); vice-presidents, lion .T. G. Ward, M.H.K., Messrs J. Dutbie, M.H.R., T. A Field, D. Jones, J. Maginnity, U. J. Nathan, L. J. Nathan, J. Newton and G. Wilson (reelected), and N. Reid; trustees, Messrs M. Laing and J. H. Stringer (re-elected) ; hon solicitor, Mr H. D. Bell, M.H R. (re-elected); lioh treasurer, Mr H. F. Upham (re-elected) ; auditors; Messrs W. Ti. C'odk (re-elected) and F. G. Odell; secretary, Mr J: J. Reich (re-elected); Club uienibers’ representative od the hdiise committee, Mx T. Brown (reelected). The following committee was elected : —TravellersI—Messrs' 1 —Messrs' S. S. Griffiths, W. J. Salmon, B. Battle, T. G. Brov/ii, A; W: Booth, G. Pirie. Warehousemen —Messrs J. H. Owen; W. G: Dutbie, W. H. Hartori and A. Blacklock. Mr Wihiams moved “ That the time is not ripe for federation with the Au tralian Association. and that this Associ ttion is of opinion that federation in New Zealand should be carried out before consideration is given to joining the Australian body.” The motion was seconded by Mr G. Davies, and carried.

A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the committee, the trustees, hon treasurer, secretary and the Club staff for their services during the past year. The first annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Wellington Commercial Travellers’ and Warehousemen’s Club Company was then held, Mr J. Boss in the chair. The report and balance-sheet were adopted, and the gentlemen who had been eleote I the Committee of the Association Were elected directors df the Club Cdmpany fdr the efisuixig yeiir; The same auditors, Messrs Co’ok arid Odell; were also appointed to the Club Company. The proceedings then assumed a social character. The chairman having returned thanks for his re election as president; spoke of the advantages which commercial travellers had of acquiring knowledge of the Colony and of influencing its people, and he urged upon them to utilise tlioso opportunities by doing something to ameliorate the condition of the masses, and so to hasten on the universal brotherhood of maa. (Applause.) He proposed, “Success and prosperity and extended usefulness to the Commercial Travellers’ and Warehousemen's Association.”

The toast was enthusiastically drunk, and was responded to, on behalf of the original members, by Mr J. A. C. MoEldowney, who, speaking of the past history of the Club, paid a high tribute cf praise to the energy displayed by Mr S. Griffiths in its formation. The toast of “ The Architect and Builder of the New Club Premises” (Messrs Charles* Wdrtll and Erridny) was .proposed by Mr W. G. Dutbie, seconded by Mr J. Magirinity, arid drunk with much heartiness. Messrs Charlesworth and Emeny briefly replied. Mr W. J. Salmon proposed the health of Mr S. Griffiths, one of the promoters of the Club. The toast was heartily drunk with Musical honours. In the absence of Mr Griffiths, Mr D. J. Nathan returned thanks. Mr D. M. Luckie, at the request of the pre-ident, called lipon the Hon J. Carrod for a few remarks, and Mr Carroll, in replying; announced his intention of following tlie example of the Premier and becoming a member of the Club.

Refreshments were provided during the evening, and a very pleasant time was spent, songs being sung by Messrs J. Maginnity, F. Page, A. Newton, Booth and Hon J. Carroll, and recitations by Messrs Boiler, W. R. Cook and others, whilo Mr Maginnity, jun , pla.yed a violin solo. Mr F. Jones presided at the piano.

The Talun?, which arrived from Sydney yesterday week, brought 88 passengers, 57 of whom were _ for Wellington. Her cargo Cchisisted of 307 tons, inchidiilg 235 cases of fruit, of which amount 127 tons, including 154 cases ot fruit and 9 crates melons, were for Wellington, Tho usual meeting of the Loyal Antipodean Juvenile Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., was held last Week, P.G, Bro. S. J. Heffer presiding. The Deputy-District Grand Master of the Wellington district, Bro. J. Avery, attonded, and installed the following officers: —N,G.; Bro. F. Norgrove ; V.G , Bro. C. E. Watson ; E.S. P.G., Bro. F. T. Carr ; Tyler, Bro. T. J. Turner ; Warden, Bro. S. M. Clark ; R.S. to N.G., Bro. W. Read ; L.S. to N.G., Bro. T. F. Morton. The secretary read the auditor’s report and balance-sheet, which showed the finances to be in a very satisfactory erudition. The overseer at the unemployed relief works has reported that almost every night damaao has boon done to the plinfc and sheds, and that one of th? workmen’s co its have boon stolen. The secretary iM>; A. G. Johnson) has been instructed t> ag .in c ill the attention of the police to the m liter.

“ Will you ho kind enough to lock me up for the night r” pleaded an elderly man to the watchhouse-keepcr at the Central Polieo station, I ambton quay, last week. “ 1 have been walking about ihe streets all day and have nowhere to sleep.” Recognising a former visitor to the station, the watchhcusekeeprr replied that if ho complied with the request he should enter a charge of drunkenness against the nun, who, not relishing the alternative, soon afterwards took his departure, first bewailing the cruelty and harshness of an unkind world.

The Cclyton Hotel was broken into at an early hour yesterday week, and 2-'is stolen from the till. H.M.3. Katoomba arrived here rather unexpectedly yesterday week from Auckland. The reason for her calling hero was to ship four seaman who belong to different vessels of the A uslraTan -Squadron, and who have beau in the Hospital hero, iLe Katoomba left for Akaroa at 5.30 p.m., and then will join the squadron at Lyttelton, where the mon will be placed on their respective vossels.

The Unemployed Relief Committee met last week, Mr John Ross presiding. Mr A. G. Johnson presented a statement showing that the proceeds from the aquatic display last Saturday amounted to JS2G odd. It was resolved to thank the Harbour Board officers, Captain Babot, Mr Id. Williamson, Captain Murray and crew of the ship Akaroa, Mr T. Shields, tho Wellington Rowing Club and Arawa Sailing Club for their assistance connection with tho carnival.

, At the. monthly meeting of the Convalescent Horrid Trustees tbft're'. WCre present Mrs Newman, Mr Joseph Maxwell (secretary) and Miss Izard. Tlie matron reported that during the month six patients had been admitted into the Home, and one discharged. Th’e matron bogs to acknowledge with thanks the following gifts : —Rev. Hallowes, a number of handsomely-bound volumes of magazines ; Mrs McDowell, flowers; Miss Ashcroft, peyiodicals ; Miss Pearce, fruit ; Mrs W: MoorlidUse; fiufit and flowers; Mrs Maxwell, cakes. , There was on view on. Thursday afternoori in) the wharf a. species of the elephant fisli, arid crowds of people inspected it with evident interest. The fish was caught by one of the engineers of the steamer Duke of Sutherland, ■who was fishing from the side of the vessel, which is lying in the stream. He was h'ariling in his line, when by some means the fish became entangled in it. flhe hook, however, caught in the fish’s back, and he was enabled to land it. The fish is to be sent to the Museuni. It is notified that several cases of damage done by goats having been recently reported to’ the city authorities; it has been found necessary to issue iiiotructio'nS for proceedings to be taken in such cases. Clause S of the nuisances by-law Makes it an offence to 1 keep goats withiri the city. Tlie pupils of the Tho’rndon School, accompanied by the teachers, were taken across to Day’s Bay on Friday by the steamers Duco and Mana, where their annual pieuic was held. The weather was all that could be desired, and a very enjoyable day was spent. The Trustees of the Home for the Aged Needy met on Thursday afternoon at the Home. There were present —Mr .WilJ.estefn, Bov H. Van Staveren, Messrs J. Dunks and J. E. Smith. Mr Willeston was unanimously reelected to the office of chairman. The Trustees passed a new by-law in conformity with the recommendation made at the annual meeting of contributors, to the effect that a residence of 10 years at least in the Colony should in future be a necessary qualification for admission into the Home. This carries out the intention of the founders of the Home, namely, that it should be for colonists of sonic standing, who in old age might be unfortunately in reduced circumstances. Accounts to tlie amount of £SO Is Od were passed for paynierit. The Customs duties collected at this port for tlie past week amouriced to £BooB 355, and the beer duty to £lO9 Iris. The Mayor of Wellington (Mr Geo. Fisher) is in receipt of tlie following letter : —“ Dear Mr Mayor—i have this week paid ,£SOO for a piece of land in Newtown which I have long regarded as an admirable site for a FreePublic Library. It has 95 feet of frontage to Kiddiford street and 100 feet to Mansfield street. It will afford me pleasure to convey this land to the Corporation of the city if your Council will do me the honour to accept it and engage to erect upon it a suitable permanent building. lam also willing to find .£SOO for the purchase of books when tlie building shall be ready to receive them. I am, yours truly, Wax. Booth.” The Gothic, which sailed for London on Saturday afternoon, left a very full ship, every possible space, both for passenger accommodation and cargo, bavins? been allotted. When the vessel left the wharf on Saturday at lioon the scene presented was a very lively one, there being a very large crowd of spectators and friends of passengers, besides the large number of wharf employees who had been engaged in working tlie steamer. The Gothic left for Home at 4 o’clock.

The regular monthly meeting of the Ulster True Blue, L.0.L., No. 1(1, was held on Friday evening last at their Lodgeroom. d lie W.M. Bro. White presided. The W.M.; Bro. Edwdrds, officers and members of No. 46, L.0.L., paid an official visit to the Lodge. There was a large gathering of members, including brethren representing New South Wales, Auckland and Canterbury. Several Past Masters, officers and brethren spoke during the evening as to the better working of the institution for the future.

Messrs Harcourt and Co. report the following sales of city and suburban properties : Miramar, 3 acres of land, £3OO ; Caro'ine street, land 22ft x Drift, and five-roomed cottage erected thereon, for £375. Significant report of the Wellington horse market: —“ The bicycle has killed the demand for hacks.”

The Garrison Band gave a performance on the Basin Reserve on Sunday afternoon in aid of the fund 3 of the Home for the Aged Needy. Councillor Tatunl will move, at the next meeting, of the City Council, that in future permission Tb’e xfo.t granted to anyone to make any collection dt the gates of the Basin Reserve on Sunday except fori charitable purposes. Mr A. W. Kit-son delivered bis monthly lecture before the Wellington Shorthand Writers’ Association last Monday. The atxdieriCe Was not quite so large as on some previous occasions, but those who did attend proved by the' p'eritinent questions put to the lecturer at the close' that his time and trouble had not been wasted. The subject last evening was, “Which is the best s'ydtcm of shorthand.” Many reasons were given fori the choice of Pitman’s system, not least among them being that it is tlie system most useful ancl most used. Other systems were fairly discussed, and that from the standpoint of personal experience, Mr Kitson having been a writer of two different systems before he 1 finally took up Pitman's.

While the Duco Was towing the barque Cynosure to the Queen’s ‘Wharf on Monday afternoon her propeller caught a rope rtttcelled id an anchor that had been lost from a siiTaSll sailing boat on Sunday afternoon. When the D’uco was just off the southern end of the wharf the rope was disentangled, and Captain Jones sent two men out in a boat to pull it up. “Is it heavy inquired one of the men. “ Only about i-ilb; answered Captain Jones. The men displayed great energy in pulling in the slack rope, but when it tightened they were unable to raise the lllb anchor, and the slack rope -was then brought to . the wharf, when about 10 men managed to' raise the small anchor and about 4ewfc of planking to which the anchor had become fastened, supposed to belong to the Eli Whitney, a hulk which was sunk a number of years ago through being run into by the steamer Taupo.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Mail, Issue 1250, 13 February 1896, Page 34

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COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS’ ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1250, 13 February 1896, Page 34

COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS’ ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1250, 13 February 1896, Page 34


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