Cable News.
By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright. OHUROBL DISESTABLISHMENT. THE METHODIST (ECUMENICAL CONGRESS. (press association.) London, October 7. Dr Moorhouso, preaching at the Church Congress at Rhyl, declared that the proposal to disendow the Church of England and Wales meant a peacomeal disendowment of the Church of England. He asserted that the voluntary system in Australia was unable to prevent growing neglect, though the working man was comparatively rich. . . Dal"ety and Co. have declared a dividend of S per cent per annum. LIO.OOO has been added to the reserve fund, and LSOOO carried forward to next year s account. _ , , „ London, October 8. Gounod, the composer, gives it as his opinion that Madame Melba will soon surpass all living s’ngers. London,' October 10. Madame Melba lias made hei son a ward in chancery, and has settled upon him a large sum of money. The Rev Benjamin Jowett, late vicechancellor of the University of Edinburgh, is seriously ill, aud his condition causes his friends a great deal of anxiety. Professor Jowett is 74 years of age. Professor Webb has been elected, uuopposed, to fill the vacancy in the representation of Cambridge University in the House of Commons, caused by the death of Mr Cecil Raikcs. London, October 11. Mr Murray, a Tory, has been elected for Buteshire, in the place of the Right Hon J. P. B. Robertson, Q C , recently appointed Lord Justice-Geueral of ScotThe Earl of Derby unveiled a statue of John Brig’.t at Manchester yesterday. London, October 12. The Times considers the result of the harvest as heart-breaking. . The Standard pronounces in favour ot Sir M- Hicks Beach for the leadership of the House of Commons. The Times urges the claims of Mr Balfour. The Duke of Manchester has recovered. London, October 3.3. It is expected that the son of the late Mr W. H. Smith will be returned unopposed for the Strand seat in the House of Commons. Berlin, October 7. The New Guinea Company announce that the Kaiser Wilhelm plantation is badly situated, and advises its members to exchange their shares into the Astro labe Company, which is being formed in Berlin for the purpose of growing tobacco on its land in New Guinea. .... The King of Wurtemberg died of heart disease. He will be buried on Friday. Berlin, October 12. Twenty-nine murders and suicides occurred in Berlin during the first 10 days of this month. " Copenhagen, October 7. In the Folkething to-day a Bill was introduced insisting that the nation should trade maik Danish butter, in order to prevent inferior quality from elsewhere beino sold as the product of this country. New York, October 7.
The Methodist (Ecumenical Congress is attended by 500 delegates, including 43 men of colour. ‘ , , _ Washington, October 8. The Shone system of drainage will be adopted for the Chicago Exhibition. The Hawaiian Consul at San Francisco denies that the Queen is ill. Washington, October 9. Mr Rev Price Hughes at the .(Ecumenical Methodist Conference, said the general desire in England was for National Schools. Washington, October 31. Mr Pinsent, President of the United States Fisheries Commission, considers it would be a fresh wrong to prevent the sale of bait, or the establishment of factories on the Newfoundland coast. The (Ecumenical Methodist Congress is discussing with much enthusiasm the abolition of the lines of division between the different branches of the Methodist Church. _. , . Ottawa, October 8. An immensely rich silver lode has been discovered at Slocum, in British Columbia. It is believed that the deaths of Mr Smith and Mr Parnell will hasten the general election. Thomas Ambler and Sons, of Bradford, worsted spinners, have called a private meeting of creditors. A committee, has bean appointed to investigate the position of the firm, whose liabilities are set down at L 60,000. The Baptist Union has passed a resolution to the effect that the disestablishment of the Church of Wales should occupy a foremost place in the Liberal programme. _ Stockholm, October 9. The Separatist Party in Norway are gaining the elections. St. Petersburg, October 10. The Russian expedition to Pamir has safelv traversed Kashlear and Yarkand. Buenos Ayres, October 10. The Committee of the Senate recommend the rejection of the Financial Bills sent up to the Chamber of Deputies.
j Cairo, October 12. Three colossal statues of Raineses have been unearthed at Aboukir. Hong Kong, October 11. The piomoters of the recent, riots at Tchang are proceeding to Chunking. Rio de Janeiro, October 11. Marshal Fonseca, President of Brazil, is in a critical state of health. St. Petersburg, October 12. The temperance propaganda promulgated by the Czar is succeeding in the famine-stricken district. It is reported the Prefect of Odessa has invited the Jews to remain in Russia and occupy themselves with farming. New York, October 12. A severe earthquake has been experienced in San Francisco, but no fatalities are reported. . . , „ Madrid, October 10. Queen Christina has paid a visit to Mr Seymour Lucas, the English painter, and others injured in the recent railway accident at Burgos. Paris, October 10. Many residents in Paris have petitioned Government to remove the bite Exhibition Buildings and-also the Etttel Tower. _ , , Brussels, October 10. Information has reached here that the Belgian vessel Ellen, losing her bearings in the Mediterranean Sea, drifted hopelessly about for a fortnight. Tho crew suffered terrible privations, 12 of the number dying from starvation. Only one was rescued. PROBABLE UNION OF SECTS. London, October 7. Mr Gladstone, in a letter to tbe press, predicts an early reunion of tlie Pres byterian bodies, and also of Baptists and Congregationalists, but thinks it will be difficult o to include tho Methodists. THE BANK OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide, October 8. Considerable excitement has been caused here a 3 to the position of the Bank of South Australia, but depositors are assured that there is ample security and no need for alarm. London, October 10. Shareholders of the Bank of South Australia are much irritated .at the alleged discrepancy appearing in the circular, and threaten to proceed against the Directors of the institution. THE NEW HEBRIDES. Sydney, October 8. News from the New Hebrides states that the white residents on Tanna Island are about to leave there until the tribal war ceases. It is thought that such a consummation will only be attained when one side exterminates the other. Sir J. B. Thurston, High Commissioner of the Western Pacific, will shortly visit Tanna to ascertain if any action can be taken to put a stop to the butchery. London, October 7. The leading member of the French New Hebrides Company told Sir Graham Berry, Agent-General of Victoria, that M. Ribot, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, seemed disposed to cons'der the proposal to exchange French interests in the group for an equivalent elsewhere. Another idea that lias been mooted is the formation of an international company holding a charter from England and France conjointly to develop the French Company’s three million acres. Mr Higginson, who is the leading man in the Company, opposes the first, but approves of tbe second proposal. Sir Graham Berry replied that Australian interests must bo conserved, and Australia could afford to wait. THE HOLY COAT. Berlin, October 7. The Holy Coat, of Treves will not be walled up again as was formerly done when the period of exhibition had passed, but will be placed in the Cathedral Treasury. SARA BERNHARDT’S AUSTRALIAN TOUR. London, October 8. The Paris correspondent of the Daily Chronicle says Sara Bernhardt sent home L 60,000 (?) from Sydney. In a private letter she states that the Australians surpass both English and Americans in their appreciation of dramatic performances. AFRICAN NEWS. London, October 8. Tho British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society beseeches the Marquis of Salisbury to retain protection over Uganda, Central A f rica. THE AMEER TO VISIT ENGLAND. London, October 8, It is announced that tbe Ameer of Afghanistan intends to pay a visit to England, and is desirous of an English mission going to Cabul. THE BANK OF ENGLAND AND SIR T. McIL WRAITH. Brisbane, October 8. Sir Thomas Mcllwraith states tbe Government are not in possession of any information indicating that the Bank of England resigns the Queensland business, but were quite prepared to deal with it if received. „ London, October 8. The Bank of England Directors entirely deny Sir T. Mcllwraith’s charges. A letter has been written to the Agent-
! General demandingthatSir T. Mcllwraith ' should make public thejr denial. THE BANK OF~ENGLAND AND QUEENSLAND. London, October 7. The general opinion among City men is that the Bank of England will cancel the Queensland agency unless Sir Thomas Mcllwraith withdraws liis reflection on the conduct of the bank. London, October 10. Sir J. F. Garrick, Agent-General for Queensland, has assured Mr W. Bidderdale, Governor of the Bank of England, that he never imputed any want of hones tv or good faith on the part of the bank, and that ho would declino to await an answer by mail from his Government on this head, but would insist on immediate denial being cabled. THE CHINA”COMPLICATIONS. London, October 8. It is believed in Shanghai that China is gradually drifting into war through a blind confidence in the strength of her army. Hong Kong, October 8. Owing to fiscal abuses a rot broke out near Amoy, and the mob killed soieral Mandarins and lesser officials. Troops eventually restored order. San Francisco, October 12. Advices received here by mail from China show that the Tchang riots took place in the presence of a number of Mandarins, who remained passive. The Chinese telegraph clerks refused to transmit messages asking for assistance. IRISH AFFAIRS. London, October 8. The “United Ireland” Party stubbornly uphold Parnellism, despite the death of their leader. Mr Justin Macarthv states that the funds in the hands of Paris bankers are not available pending the decision of the French law courts as to tho ownership. SIR JAME 3 FERGUSSON REELECTED. London, October 8. The olectiou for Manchester, caused by Sir James Fergusson’s promotion to the Postmaster-Generalship, resulted in the re-election of Sir James by a majority of The figuics were : —Fergusson, 4058 ; Scott, 3908. _____ AN UNSEEMLY QUARREL. Paris, October 9. A great system of drainage works has been°begun at Marseilles. Buenos Ayres, October 9. The Argentine Government has sold Baron Hirsch a thousand square miles of land in the Gran Chaco. Constantinople, October 9. Another quarrelhas broken out between the Greek aud Latin Monks at Bethlehem, in the course of which a French Franciscan was wounded.
A GREAT TOBACCO TRUST. Washington, October 9. A trust is being formed, with a capital of five millions, which will have the control of 100,000 workmen in the tobacco trade. It is expected to come into operation in January. Tho stock of cigars affected is estimated at five billions per annum. COLONIAL STOCKS IN LONDON. London, October 11. Following upon the announcement of a fresh Melbourne Harbour Loan, a general fall has occurred in colonial stocks of from |to 1 per cent. Oamaru Plarbonr Board bonds fell 2 per cent. Westgarth’s circular says colonial securities will not maintain their prices or recover their credit unless the colonies intimate they will borrow no more for some years. THE FUTURE CHURCH SYSTEM. London, October 12. Speaking at the unveiling of tbe statue erected as a tribute to the memory of John Bright, the Earl of Derby stated that the drift of the age was towards voluntary support of the church, and they could not dream of connecting tho State with a single sect iu any new community. GENERAL BOOTH’S COLONISATION SCHEME. ,* „ Sydney, October 13. Replying to a quostion in the House of Assembly to-day as to whether the Government had made any agreement to aid General Booth in his colonisation scheme, or whether the Government would take steps to prevent the introdution of pauper labour, tho Premier said, without directly answering, he might say that he had had a conversation with tho leader of the Salvation Army on his arrival in Sydney, but nothing had been said about aiding the scheme nor with regard to paupers. Ho had no doubt, however, that when the time arrived to deal with the matter Government would be equal to tbe occasion. REBELLION IN URUGUAY. Monte Video, October 13. A rebellion has taken place in Uruguay with the object of seizing the Junta and murdering the President, but it failed. The military suppressed the revolt after some sharp fighting, in which a number of the insurgents were killed.
The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 920,000 quarters, and for the Continent 2,480,000. , . Tlie debentures of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company are quoted at LIOO ; New Zealand Trust and Loan, L 26 10s. At the wool sales the prices were irrogular, but were a halfpenny above the lowest prices obtained at tbe present series. The sales which closed to-day were spirited compared with the July closing. Good merinos were from par to 5 per cent lower ; inferior from 5 to 10 per cent lower ; crossbreds at par ; faulty sorts, 5 per cent lower. Forty-two thousand bales were carried over to the next series. Tlie estimated American visible supply of wheat is 36,500,000 bushels. The imports for last month show a decrease of L 1,380,000 and thefexports a decrease of L 1,970,000. , „ London, October S.
Tli total number of bales of wool catalogued at the wool sales is 348,000, of which 324,000 are sold. s ‘Arrived Duke of Sutherland, from Wellington (August 13). - London, October 9. Bank of England returns published to-day show the reserve to be L 13,920,000, being a decroase of L 1,392,000 as compared with the previous week. portion of reserve to liabilities is 38 - 06. Consuls, 944, quiet. Three months' bills are discounted at 3 per cent, New Zealand 4 per cent, inscribed stock 1024, ex div. ; 31 per cents ditto, quiet, - New Zealand long berried wheat, firm at 44s ; off-coast cargoes quoted at 41s. Canterbury mutton, per lb ; Wellington, 3|d ; beef, fore-quarters, 2|d. For New Zealand liomp there is a better demand at full rates. For kauri gum there is brisk competition. Fine pale scraped, L 7 per cwt; partly scraped to medium kinds, 5Ss. South Australian wheat is steady at 45s ; Victorian, st-ady at 445._ Sugar—German beet, quiet at 13s ; Java, firm at 15s. . No. 1 best Scotch pig iron, f.o.b. in Clyde, quiet at 475. London, October 10. The Standard asserts that the colonial stock market is very sensitive owing to the great weight of undigested stock. Tallow, medium mutton, 27s ; beef, 25s 6d. The English wheat market shows a slight advance ; the Continental and American are advancing. A cargo of wheat per barque Warwickshire, from Lyttelton (June 17), sold at 4ls3d. Hides, heavy salted, tralian leather, lid.
Antimony, L 44. Danish butter, L 6 12s per cwt. London, October 12. Wheat is 6d dearer. London, October 13. - Arrived —S.S. Rangatira, from Wellington (August 21st). Melbourne, October 8. The butter export to Loudon is expected to be heavy this year. Melbourne, October 9. Arrived, yesterday—Te Anau, from Bluff. Melbourne, October 12. Arrived —Rotomah&na, from tbe Bluff. Capetown, October 10. The R.M.S. Tongariro sailed to-day for Wellington, via Hobart. Sydney, October 8. Silver quotations. —Broken Hill Proprietory, L 8 5s ; British, LI 16s ; Central L 6 4s ; South, L 4 2s 6d ; Block 14, L 5 12s ; Block 10, Ll 3 19s ; J unctions, LI Os 6d. Sailed —Manapouri, for Auckland. Sydney, October 9. Sailed—Waihora and Jubilee, for Wellington. Sydney, October 10. Arrived —Clansman, from Wliangaruru; Grasmere, from Whangaroa. Sailed—Silver Cloud, for Kaipara. Sydney, October 33. Arrived —S.S. Industry, from Auckland. Newcastle, October 30. Arrived—Belle Isle, from Auckland. Thursday Island, October 10. Sailed—Waiotalii, for New Zealand. Berlin, October 12. United States cereals will be admitted free into Germany on condition that German beet sugar is received into the United States without payment of duty. Hobart, October 13. The R.M.S. Doric arrived from London, via Cape, at 11 o’clock this morning, and sails again for Wellington at 5 o clock tomorrow morning. She brought 45 passengers for Australian ports, and has 110 for New Zealand. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) have received the following cable message from their London office, dated. 7th. October . Wool. —The sales closed firmly this day. Since close of last sales greasy merino, super and fine, and medium greasy crossbred are at par to -kl per lb lower. Scoured merino super, greasy washed and scoured merino, medium and inferior and fine washed and scoured crossbred are Id to lid per lb lower. Coarse greasy crossbred" is about id per lb lower. Medium washed and scoured crossbreds are Id per lb lower. Coarse scoured crossbred greasy merino lambs’ super are id to Id per Mo
lower. Greasy merino lambs’ medium and inferior are lid per lb lower. The total quantity sold during the past sa'e ia 317,000 bales, of which 123,000 bales have been taken for the Continent and 7000 bales for America. It is estimated that 43,000 bales have been held over for future disposal. The New Zealand Loan, and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) have received the following cable message from their London office, dated 9th inst : Tallow—Fine mutton is worth 28s 9d per cwt, nominal value ; good beef is worth 26s 9d per cwt. Frozen meat—Marked quiet. Price of mutton has declined £d per lb ; beef, forequarters, is worth 2|d per lb. Other quotations unchanged. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, under date London, stli September, repor's : New Zealand Hemp—-Since our last issue tbe market has been extremely dull. At the four public sales which have taken place 2990 bales were offered and 1250 bales were sold at and after tbe auctions with a tendency throughout to easier rates. At the earlier auctions the better qualities sold freely, but medium and inferior sorts were difficult to move off. On the 2nd instant however, tlie catalogues embraced about 1350 bales, of which a large proportion was fine well-cleaned fibre, b it the demand wa,3 no slow that of this quality only 150 bales found buyers under the hammer. The improvement in (he preparation cf much of the fibre now received from New Zealand is very marked, and cannot fail to have a beneficial influence on its position in this market. Manila has further declined, and fair current is now worth L3O 5s per ton, c.i.f. to arrive, and L3l on the spot, c i.f. terms. Sales of sisal have been effected to arrive at L2l per ton, ex-quay, Liverpool, but at the close holders are asking more money. We quote : Superior soft, bright hemp, L 23 10s to L 25 per ton ; good medium, well-dressed, L 23 to L 23 10s ; fair to medium, L2l 10s to 1.22 10s ; do. slightly strawy, L2O 10s to L2l ; common, coarse and strawy, Ll 9to L2O ; hackled tow, Ll 6 to LlB : tow, L 6 to L 6 10s.
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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1024, 16 October 1891, Page 31
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3,160Cable News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1024, 16 October 1891, Page 31
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