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A SKETCH BY OUI DA. Author of ' Under Two Flags,’ * Two Little Wooden Shoes,’ &c.


[The Fight op Translation is Reserved.] It was a day in June. The crickets were chirping, the lizards were gliding, the butterflies were flying above the ripe corn, the reapers were out amongst the wheat, and the tall stalks were swaying and falling under the sickle; through the little windows of his sacristy lion Gesualdo, the young vicar of San Bartolc, in the village of Marca, looked with wistful eyes at the hillside which rose up in front of him, seen through a frame of cherry boughs in full fruit. The hill side was covered with corn, with vines, with mulberry trees; the men and women were at work amongst the trees, it was the first day of haivest; there was a blue, happy sky above them all ; their voices chattering and calling to one another over the sea of grain came to his ears gaily and softened by air and distance. He sighed as he looked and as he heard. Yet, interrogated, he would have said that he was happy and wanted for nothing. He was a slight, pale man, still almost a youth, with a delicate face without color and beardless, hi 3 eyes were brown and tender and serious, his mouth was sensitive and sweet. He was the son of a fisherman away by Bocca d’Arno, where the river meets the sea. amidst the cane and cactus brakes which Costa loves to paint. But who could say what fine, time filtered, pure Etruscan or Latin blood might not run in his veins ? There is so much of the classic features and the classic foim amongst the peasants of Tyrrehene seashores, of Cimbrian oak woods, of Roman grass plains, of Maremana Marshes.

It was the last day of peace which he was destined to know in Marca. He turned fiom the window with reluctance and regret, as the old woman who served him as housekeeper and church cleaner in one summoned him to his frugal supper. He could have supped at any hour he had chosen ; there were none to say him nay, but it was the custom at Marca to sup at the twenty-third hour, and he was not a person to violate custom ; he would as soon have thought of spitting on the blessed bread itself. Habit is a masterful ruler in all Italian communities; it has always been so ; it is a formula which excuses all things and sanctifies all things, and to none did it do so more than to Gesualdo. Often he was not in the least hungry at sunset; often he grudged sorely the hours spent in breaking black bread, and in eating poor soup when Nature was at her sweetest and the skies giving their finest spectacle to a thankless earth. Yet never did he fail to meekly answer old Candida s summons to the humble repast. To have altered the hour of eating would have seemed to him irreligious, revolutionary, altogether impossible. 'Candida was a little old woman, burnt black by the sun, with a wisp of grey hair fastened on the crown of her head, and a neater look about her kerchief and her gown than was usnal in Marca, for she was a woman originally from a northern city. She had always been a servant in priests’ houses, and if the sacristan were ill or away, knew as well as he where every book, bell, and candle were kept, and could have said the offices herself had her sex allowed her. In tongue she was very sharp, and in secret was proud of the power she possessed cf making the vice-regent of God afraid of her. The priest was the first man in this parish of poor folks, and the priest would Shrink like a chidden child if she found out that he had given his best shirt to a beggar, or had inadvertently come in with wet boots over the brick floor, which she had just washed and sanded. It was the old story of so many sovereignties. He had power no doubt to bind and loose, to bless and curse, to cleanse or refuse to cleanse the sinful souls of men ; but for all that he was only a stupid, forgetful baby of a man in his servant’s eyes, and she made him feel the scorn she had for him mixed up with a half-motherly, half-scold-ing admiration, which saw in him half a child, half a fool, and maybe she would ad 1 in her own thoughts, a kind of angel. Don Gesualdo was not wise or learned in any way ; he had barely been able to acquire enough knowledge to pass through the examinations necessary for entrance into the priesthood. That slender amount of scholarship was his all ; but he was clever enough for Marea, which had very little brains of its own ; and he did his duty most faithfully, as far as he saw it. at all times. As for doubts of any sort as to what that duty was, such scepticism never could possibly assail him. His creed appeared as plain and sure to him as the sun which shone in the heavens, and his faith was as single-hearted and unswerving as the devoted soul of a docile sheepdog. He was of a poetic and retiring nature ; religion had taken entire possession of his soul, and he was as unworldly, as visionary, and as simple as any one of the peccarelle di Jio who dwelt around Franesco dAssissi. His mother had been a German servant girl, married out of a small inn in Pisa, and some qualities of the dreamy, slow, and serious Teutonic temperament were in him, all Italian of the western coast as he was. On such a dual mind the spiritual side of his creed had obtained intense power; and the office he filled was to him a heaven-given mission which compelled him to incessant sacrifice of every earthly appetite and every selfish thought. * He is too good to live,’ said his old housekeeper. It was a very simple and monotonous life which was led by him in his charge. There was no kind of change in it for anybody, unless they went away 7, and few people born in Marca ever did that. They were not forced by climate to he nomads, like the mountain-

eers of the Apennines, nor like the men of the sea-coast and ague-haunted plains. Marca was a healthy, homely place on the slope of a hill in the wilderness, where its sons and daughters could stay and work all the year round, if they chose, without risk of fever worse than such as might be brought on by two much new wine at ihe close of an umn. Marca was not pretty, or histori* cal, or picturesque, or uncommon in any way ; there are five hundred, five thousand, villages like it, standing amongst corn lands and maize fields and mulberry trees, with its little dark church, and its whitewashed presbytery, and empty villa that used to be a fortified and stately palace, and now is given over to the rats and the spiders and the scorpions. A very quiet, little place, far away from cities and railways, dusty and uncomely in itself, but blessed in the abundant light and the divine landscape which are around it, and of which no one in it ever thought, except this simple young, priest, Gesualdo Brasailo. Of all natural gifts, a love of natural beauty surely brings most happiness to the possessor of it; happiness altogether unalloyed and unpurchasable, and created bv the more rustle of green leaves, the mere ripple of brown waters. It is not an Italian gift at all, nor an Italian feeling ; to an Italian gas is more beautiful than sunshine, and a cambrio flower more beautiful than a real one ; he usually thinks the mountains hateful and a city divine; he detests trees and adores crowds. But there are exceptions to all rules : there are poetic natures everywhere, though everywhere rare ; Gesualdo was the exception in Marca and its neighborhood, and evening after evening saw him in the summer weather strolling through the fields, his breviary in his hand, but his heart with the dancing fire flies, the quivering poplar leaves, the tall green cane, the little silvery fish darting over the white stones of the shallow river-waters. He could not have tlod why he loved to watch these things ; he thought it was because they reminded him of Bocca d’Amo and the sand beach and the canebrakes ; bus he did not love them, and they filled him with that vague emotion, half pleasure, half pain, known. His supper over, he went into bis church ; a little red-bricked, whitewashed passage connected it with his parlor. The church was small, and dark, and old; it had an altarpiece said to be old, and by a Senese master, and of some value, but Gesualdo knew nothing of these masters ; a Raphael might have hung there and he would have been none the wiser; he loved the church, ugly and simple as it was, as a mother loves a plain child or a dull one because it is hers ; and now and then he preached strange, passionate, pathetic sermons in it, which none of his people understood, and which hebarely understood himself. He had a sweet full far-reaching voice, with an accent of singular melancholy in it, and as his mystical, romantic, involved phrases passed far over the heads of his hearers, like a flight of birds flying high up agaiust the clouds, the pathos and music in his tones stirred their hearts vaguely. He was certainly, they thought, a man whom the saints loved. Candida sitting near the altar with her head bowed and her hands feeling her rosary would think as she heard the unintelligible eloquence : * Dear Lord, all that power of words, all that skill of the tongue, and he would put his shirt on bottom upwards were it not for me 1* There was no office in his church that evening, but he lingered about it, touching this thing and the other with tender fingers. There was always a sweet scent in the li tie place ; its dcor usually stood open to the celds amidst which it was planted, and the smell of the incense which century after century had been burned in it, blended with the fragrance from primroses, or dogroseß, or new mown hay, or crushed ripe grapes which, according to the season, came in it from without. Candida kept it very clean and the scorpions and spiders were left so little peace there by her ever-active broom that they betook thsmselves elsewhere, dear as the wooden benches and the crannied stones had been to them for ages. Since he had come to Marca nothing of any kind had happened in it. There had been some marriages, a great many births, not a few burials ; but that was all. The people who came to confession at Easter confessed very common sins ; they had stolen this or that, cheated here, there, and everywhere; got drunk and quarrelled, nothing more; he would give them clean bills of spiritual health, and bid them go in peace and sin no more, quite sure, as they were sure themselves, that they wculd have the selfsame sins to tell off next time they came there.

Everybody in Marca thought a great deal of their religion, that is they trusted to it in a helpless but confident kind of way as a fetish, which being duly and carefully propitiated would make things all right for them after death. They would not have missed a mass to save their lives ; that they dozed through it, and cracked nuts or took a suck at their pipe stems when they woke, did not affect their awed and unchangeable belief in its miraculous and saving powers. If they had been asked what they believed or why they believed, they would have scratched their heads and felt puzzled. Their minds dwelt in a twilight in which nothing had auy distinct form. The clearest idea ever presented to them was that of the Madonna : they thought cf some universal mother who wanted to do them good in present and future if they only observed her ceremonials : just as in the ages gone by upon these same hillsides, the Latin peasant had thought of the great Demeter. Gesualdo himself, despite all the doctrine which had been instilled into him in his novitiate, did not know much more than they ; he repeated the words of his offices without any distinct notion of all that they meant; he had a vague feeling that all selfdenial and self sacrifice were thrice blessed, and he tried his best to save his own soul and the souls of others ; but there he ceased to think ; outside that_ speculation lay, and speculation was a thrice damnable offence. Yet he,, being imaginative and intelligent in a humble dog like way was at times infinitely distressed to see how little effect this religion which he taught and which they professed had upon the lives of his people. His own life was altogether guided by it. Why could not theirs be the same ? Why did they go on all through the year

swearing, cursing, drinking, quarrelling, lying, stealing ; he could not but perceive that they came to him to confess their peccadilloes only that they might pursue them more completely at their ease. He could not flatter himself that his ministrations in Marca, which were now of six years’ duration, had made the village a whit different to what it had been when he had entered it.

Thinking of this, as he did think of it continually night and day, being a man of singularly sensitive conscience, he sat down on a marble bench near the door and opened his breviary. The sun was setting behind the pines on the crest of the hills ; the warm orange light poured across the paved way in front of the church, through the stems of the cypresses, which stood before the door, and found its way over the uneven slates of the stone floor to his feet. A nightingale was singing somewhere in the dog-rose hedge beyond the cypress-trees. Lizards ran from crack to crack in the pavement. A tendril of honeysuckle came through a hole in the wall, thrusting its delicate curled horns of perfume towards him. The whole entrance was bathed in golden warmth and light; the body of the church behind him was quite dark. He had opened his breviary from habit, but he did not read ; he Bat and gazed at the evening clouds, at the bine hills, at the radiant air, and listened to the song of the nightingales iu that dreamy trance that made him look so stupid in the eyes of his housekeeper and his parishioners, but which were only the meditations of a poetic temper, cramped and cooped lip in a narrow and uncongenial existence, and not educated or free enough to be able even to analyse what it felt.

‘The nightingale’s song in June is altogether unlike its songs of April and May,’ thought this poor priest, whom Nature had made a poet, and to whom she had given the eyes which see and the ears which hear. 1 The very phrases are wholly different; the very accent is not the same ; 'n spring it is all a canticle like the songs of Solomon, in midsummer-what is it lie is singing? Is he lamenting the summer ? or is it he is only teaching his young one 3 how they should sing next year?’ And he fell again to listening to the sweetest bird that gladdens earth. The nightingale was patiently repeating his song, again and again, sometimes more slowly, sometimes more quickly, seeming to lay stress on some phrases more than on others; and another voice, fainter and feebler than his own, repeated the trills and roulades after him fitfully, and often breaking down altogether. It was plain that there in the wildrose hedge he was teaching his son. Anyone who will may hear these lessons given under bays and myrtle, under arbutus and pomegranate, through all the month of June Nightingales in Marca were only regarded as creatures to be trapped, shot, caged, eaten, sold for a centime like any other small bird ; but about the church no one touched them ; the people knew that their parocco cared to hear their songs coming sweetly through the pauses in the recitatives of the office. Absorbed as he was now in hearkening to the music lesson amongst the white dog-roses, he started violently as a shadow’ fell across the threshold and a voice called to him, * Good evening, Don Gesualdo !’

He looked up and saw a woman whom he knew well ; a young woman scarcely indeed eighteen years old, very handsome, with a face full of warmth, and color, and fire, and tenderness, great flashing eyes which could at times be as soft as a dog’s, and a beautiful ruddy mouth with teeth as white as a dog’s are also. She was by name Generosa F 6 ; she was the wife of Tasso Tassilo, the miller. In Marca, most of the women by toil and sun were black as berries by the time they were twenty, and looked old almost before they were young, with rough hair and loose forms and wrinkled skins, and children dragging at their breasts all the year through. ' Generosa was not like them ; she did little work ; she had the form of a goddess ; she took care of her beauty, and she had no children, though she had married at fifteen. She was friends with Gesualdo ; ♦ hey had both come from the Bocca d’Arno, and it was a link of common memory and mutual attachment. They liked to recall how they had each run through the tall canes and cactus, and waded in the surf, and slept in the hot sand, and hidden themselves for fright when the King's camels had come towards them, throwing their huge misshappen shadows over the seas of flowering reeds and rushes. He remembered her a small child, jumping about on the sand and laughing at him, a youth, when he was going to college to study for entrance into the church. * Gesualdo ! che Gesualdo !’ she had cried. ‘ A fine priest he will make for us all to confess to 1’ Aud she had screamed with mirth, her handsome little face rippling all over with gaiety like the waves of the sea with the Sunshine.

He had remembered her and bad been glad when Tasso Tassilo, the miller, had gone sixty miles away for a wife, and had brought her from Bocca d’Arno to live at the mill on the small river, which was the sole water which ran through the village of Marca. Tasso Tassilo, going on business once to the sea coast, had ehinced to see that handsome face of her 3, and had wooed and won her without great difficulty, for her people were poor folk, living by carting sand, and she herself was tired of her bare legs and face, her l’Ohust hunger, which made her glad to eat the fruit off the cactus plants, and her great beauty, which nobody ever saw except the sea gulls and carters, and fishers, and cane cutter, w’ho were all as poor as she was herself. Tasso Tassilo, in his own person, she hated, an ugly, dry, elderly man, with his soul wrapped up in his flour-bags and his money-bags ; but he adored her, and let her 3pend as she chose on her attire and her ornaments ; and the millhouse was a pleasant place enough with its walls painted on the outside in tempora, and the willows drooping over its eaves, and the yonng men and the mules loitering about on the land side of it, and the peasants coming up with corn to be ground whenever there had been rain in summer, an! so water enough in the river bed to turn the mill wheels. In drought the stream was low and its stones dry, and n> work could be done by the grindstones.

There was then only water enough for the ducks to paddle in, and the pretty teal to float in, which they would alwaj’sdo at sunrise unless the miller let fly a charge of small shot amongst them from the windows uuderthe roof.

‘Good evening, Don Gesualdo,’ said the filler’s wife now, in the midst of the nightingale’s song, and the orange glow from the sunset.

Gesualdo rose with a smile. He was always glad to see her ; she had something about her for him of boyhood, of home, of the sea, and of the careless days before he became a seminarist; he did not positively regret that he had entered the priesthood, but he remembered the earlier life wistfully and with wonder that he could ever have been that light-hearted lad who had run through the cane brakes to plunge into the rolling waters with all the wide gay sunlit world of sea aud sky and river and shove before him, behind him, and above him, ‘ What is wrong, Generosa ?’ he asked her, seeing as he- looked up that her handsome face was clouded. Her days were not often tranquil; her husband was jealous, and she gave him cause for jealousy ; the mill was a favorite resort of all young men for thirty miles round, and unless'Tasso Tassilo had ceased to grind corn he could not have shut his doors to them. ‘lt is the old story, Don Gesualdo,’* she answered, leaning against the church porch. ’You know what Tasso is, and what a dog’s life he leads me.’ ‘You are not always prudent, my daughter,’ said Gesualdo with a faint smile. ‘ Who could be always prudent at my years ?’ said the miller’s young wife. Tasso is a brute and a fool, too. One day he will drive me out of myself ; I tell him so.’ \ ‘ That is not the way to make it better,* said Gesualdo. *I am sorry you do not see it. The man loves you, and he feels he is old, and he knows that you do not care ; there is always like a thorn in his flesh ; he feels you do not care.’ * How should he suppose that I care ?’ said Generoso passionately. ‘ I hated him always ; he is as old as my father ; he expects me to be shut up like a nun ; if he had his own way I should never stir out of the house ; ,does one marry for that?’ ‘ One should marry to do one’s duty,’ said Gesualdo timidly, for he felt the feebleness of his counsels aud arguments against the force and the warmth and the self-will of a woman, conscious of her beauty and her power, and her lovers, and moved by all the instincts of vanity and passion. * We had a terrible scene an hour ago,’ said Generosa, passing over what she did not choose to answer. ‘lt cost me much not to put a knife into him. It was about Falko. There was nothing new, but he thought there was. I fear he will da Falko mischief one day ; he threatened it; it is nob the first time.’

‘ That is very grave,’ said Gesualdo, growing paler as he heard. *My daughter, you are more in error than Tassilo. After all, he has his rights. Why do you not send the young man away ? He would obey you.’ * He would obey me iu anything else, not in that,’ said the woman, with the little con* scious smile of one who knows her own power. ‘He would not go away. Indeed, why should he go away ? He has his employmenfc here. Why’ should he go away because Tasso is a jealous fool ?’ ‘ls be such a fool ?’ said Gesualdo, and he raised his eyes suddenly and looked straight into hers. Generosa colored through her warm, paleless skin. She was silent. ‘ It has not gone as far as you think,’ she' muttered, after a pause. ‘ But I will not be accused for nothing,’ she added. ‘ Tasso shall have what he thinks he has had. Why would he marry mo ? He knew I hated him. We were all very poor down there by Bocca d’Arno, but we were gay and happy. Why did he take me away ?* The tears started to her eyes and rolled down her hot cheeks. It was the hundredth time that she had told hor sorrows to Gesaaldo, in the confessional and out of it ; it was an old story, of which she never tired of the telling. Her own people were far away by the sea shore, and she had no friends in Marca, for she was thought a ‘foreigner,* not being of that country side, and the women were jealous of her beauty, and of the idle life which she led in comparison to theirs, and of the cared-for look of her person. Gesualdo seemed a countryman, and a relative and a friend. She took all her woes to him. A priest was like a woman, she thought, only a still safer confidant.

‘You are ungrateful, my daughter,’ he said, now with an effort to be severe in reprimand. ‘You know that you were glad to marry so v rieh a man as Tassilo. You know that your father and mother were glad, and you yourself likewise. No doubt the man is not all that you could wish, but you owe him something ; indeed, you owe him much. I speak to you now out of my office, only as a friend. I would entreat you to send your lover away. If not, there will be crime, perhaps bloodshed, and the fault of all that may happen will be yours. She gave a gesture, which said that she cared nothing, whatever might happen. She was in a headstrong and desperate mood. She had had a violent quarrel with her husband, and she loved Falko Melegari, the steward of the absent noble who owned the empty, half ruined palace which stood on the banks of the river ; he was a fair and handsome young man with Lombard blood in him; tall, slender, vigorous, amorous, and lighthearted ; the strongest of contrasts in all ways to Tasso Tassilo, taciturn, feeble, 9ullen, and unlovely, and twice the year 3 of his wife. There was not more than a mile between the mill-house and the deserted villa ; Tassilo might as well have tried to arrest the sirocco or the mariner’s winds when they blew, as prevent an intercourse so favored and so facilitated by circumstances. The steward had a million reasons in the year to visit the mill, and when the miller insulted him and forbade him his doors he had no power to prevent him from fishing in the waters, from walking on the bank, from making signals from the villa terraces, and appointments in the cane-brakes and the vrinefields. Nothing could have broken off the intrigues except

the departure of one or other of_ the lovers from Marca. But Falko Melegari would not go away from a place where his interests and his passions both combined to hold him; Mid it never entered the mind of the miller to take his wife elsewhere. He. had dwelt at the mill all the days of his life, and his forefathers for five generations before him. To change their residence never ocours to such people as these ; they are fixed, like the cypress trees, in the ground, and dream no more than they of new homes. I/ike the tree, they never change till death fells them. Generosa continued to pour out her woes, leaning against the pillar of the porch, and playing'with a twig of pomegranate, whose buds were not more scarlet thau her own lips ; and Gesnaldo continued to press on her his good counsels, knowing all the while that he might as well speak to the swallows under the church eaves for any benefit that he could effect. In sole answer to the arguments of Gesualdo, she retorted in scornful words. * You may find duty enough for you, because you are a saint,’ she added, with less of reverence than of disdain, ‘but I am no saint, and I will not spend all my best days tied to the side of a sickly and sullen old man.’ ‘You are wrong, my daughter,’ said Gesualdo sternly. He colored; he knew not why. * I know nothing of the passions,’ he added with some embarrassment. ‘But I know what duty is, and yours is clear.’ He did not know much of human nature, and of woman nature nothing, and yet he dimly comprehended that Generosa was now at the crisis of her life when all the ardours of her youth and all the delight in her own power made her passionately rebellious against the cruelties of her fate ; when it was impossible to make duty look other than hateful to her, and when the very peril and difficulty which surroumlsd her love story made it sweeter and more irresistible to her. She was of a passionate, ardent, careless, daring temperament; and the dangers of the intrigue which she pursued had no terrors for her, whilst the indifference which she had felt for years for her husband had deepened of late into hatred. * One is not a stick nor a stone, nor a beam of timber, nor a block of granite, that one should be able to live without love all one’s days f she cried with passion and contempt. She threw the branches of pomegranate over the hedge, gave him a glance half contemptuous and half compassionate, and left the church door. ‘After all, what should he understand 1 she thought. ‘He is a saint, but he is not a man.’ Gesualdo looked after her a moment as she went over the courtyard and between the stems of the cypresses out towards the open hillside. The sun had set; there was a rosy .afterglow which bathed her elastic figure in A carmine light; she had that beautiful walk which some Italian women have who have never worn shoes in the first fifteen years of their lives. The light shone on her dusky auburn hair, her gold earrings, the slender column of her throat, her vigorous and volnptuoua form. Gesualdo looked after her, and a subtle warmth and pain passed through him, bringing with it a sharp sense of guilt. He looked away from her and went within his church and prayed. . . That night Falko Melegari had ]ust alighted from the saddle of his good grey horse, when he was told that the Parocco of San Bartolo was waiting to see him. The villa had been famous and splendid in other days, but it formed now only one of the many neglected possessions of a gay young noble, called Ser Baldo by his dependants, who spent what little money he had in pleasure places out of Italy, seldom or never came near his estates, and accepted without investigation all such statements of accounts as his various men of business were disposed to send him. His steward lived on the ground floor of the great villa, in the vast frescoed chambers with their domed and gilded ceilings, their sculptured cornices, their carved doors, their stately couches, with the satin dropping in Bhreds, and the pale tapestries with the moths and the mice at work in them. His narrow camp bed, his deal table and chairs were sadly out of place in those once splendid halls, but he did not think about it ; he ▼aguely liked the space and the ruined grandeur about him, and all the thoughts he had were give to his love, Generosa, the wife of Tasso Tassilo. From the terraces of the villa he could see the mill a mile further down the stream, and he would pass half the short nights of the summer looking at the distaut lights in it. He was only five-and-twenty, and he was passionately in love with all the increased ardour of a forbidden passion. He was fair-haired and blue eyed, was well made and very tall; in character he was neither better nor worse than mo3t men of his age, but as a steward he was tolerably honest, and as a lover he was thoroughly sincere. He went with a quick step into the central hall to meet his visitor ; he supposed that the vicar had come about flowers for the feast of S.S. Peter and Paul,, which was on the morrow. Though the villa gardens were wholly neglected they were stili rich in

flowers which wanted no care, lilies, laven- J der, old-fashioned roses, oleanders red and white, and mangolia trees. ‘ Good evening, Reverend Father, you do me honor, he said, as hp saw Gesualdo. ‘ls there anything that I can do for you ? lam youc humble servant.’ Gesualdo looked at him curiously. He had never noticed the young man before ; he bad seen him rde past; he had seen him at mass, he had spoken .to him of the feasts of the church ; but he had never noticed him. Now he looked at him curiously as he answered, without any preface whatever; * I am come to speak to you of Generosa F 6, the wife of Tasso Tassila.’ The young steward colored violently. He was astonished and silent. « She loves you,’ said Gesualdo, simply. Falko Melegari made a gesture as though he implied that it was liis place neither to deny nor to affirm. ‘ She loves you,’ said Gesualdo again. The young man had that fatuous smile which unconsciously expresses the conscious ness of conquest. But he was honest in his passion and ardent in it. ‘ Not so much as I love her,’ he said, rapturously, forgetful of his hearer. Gesualdo frowned. ‘ She is the wife of another man,’ he said, with reproof. Falko Melegari shrugged his shoulders; that did not seem any reason against it to him. ‘ How will it end ?’ said the priest. The lover smiled. ‘ These things always end in one way.’ Gesualdo winced as though someone had wounded him. ‘ I am come to bid you go out of Marca, he said, simply. The young man stared at him ; then he laughed angrily. * Good Ser Vicario,’ he said, impatiently, ‘you are the keeper of our souls, no doubt, but not to quite such a p int as that. Has Tassilo sent you to me, or she ?’ he added, with a gleam of suspicion in his eyes. * No one has sent ms.’

‘ Why then ’ * Because, if you do not go, there will be tragedy and misery. Tasso Tassilo is not a man to make you welcome to his couch. I have known Generosa since she was a little child; we were both born on the Bocca d’Arno. She is of a warm nature, but not a deep oue, and if you go away she will forget. Tassilo is a rude man and a hard one ; he gives her all she has ; he has many claims on her, for in his way he has been generous and tender. You are a stranger ; you can only ruin her life ; you can with ease find another gattaria far away in another province ; why will you not go ? If you really loved her you would go.’ Falko laughed. Dear Don Gesualdo, you are a holy man, but you know nothing of love.’ Gesualdo winced a little again. It was the second time this had been said to him this evening. ‘ls it love,’ he said, after a pause, ‘to risk her murder by her husband? I tell you Tassilo is not a man to take his dishonor quietly.’ .... ‘Who cares what Tassilo does? said the young steward petulantly, ‘lf he touches a hair of her head I will make him die a thousand deaths.’ * All those are words,’ said Gesualdo. * You cannot mend one crime by another, and you cannot protect a woman from her husband’s just vengeance. There is only one way by which to save her from the danger you have dragged her into. It is for you to go away.’ ‘ I will go away wheu thi3 house walks a mile,’ said Falko. • Not before. ‘Go away!’ he echoed in wrath. ‘What! run like a mongrel dog before Tassilo’s anger? v\ hat! leave her all alone to curse me as a faithless coward ? What! go away when all my life and my soul, and all the light of my eyes is in Marca? Don Gesnaldo, you are a good man, bnt you are mad. You must pardon me if I speak roughly. Your words make me beside myself, ‘ Do you believe in no duty, then ?’ *1 believe in the duty of every honest lover !’ said Falko, with vehemence, ‘and that duty is to do everything that the loved one wishes. She is bound to a cur ; she is unhappy; she has uot even any children to comfort her : she is like a beautiful flower shut up in a cellar, and she loves me—me!— and you bid me go away ! Don Gesualdo, keep to your church offices, and leave the loves of others alone. What should you know of them? Forgive me if lam rude. You are a holy man, but you know nothing at all of men and women.’ «j do not know much,’ said Gesualdo, meekly. .... , He was depressed and intimidated. He was sensible of his own utter ignorance of the passions of life. This man, nigh his own age, but so full of vigor, of ardor, of indignation, of pride in hia consciousness that he was beloved, and of resolve to stay where that love was, be the cost what it would, daunted him with a sense of power and of triumph such as he himself could not even comprehend, and yet wistfully envied. It was a sin, no doubt, he said to himself ; and yet it was life, it wa3 strength, it was virility.

He had come to reprove, to censure, and to persuade into repentance this headstrong lover, and he could only stand before him feeble and oppressed, with a sense of his own ignorance and childishness. All the stock, trite argument which hia religious belief supplied him, seemed to fall away and to be of no more use than empty husks of rotten nuts before the urgency, the fervor, and the self-will of real life. This man and woman loved each other, and they cared for no other fact than this on earth or in heaven. He left the villa grounds in silence, with only a gesture of farewell salutation. (To bo continued.)

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 780, 11 February 1887, Page 7

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TALES & SKETCHES. New Zealand Mail, Issue 780, 11 February 1887, Page 7

TALES & SKETCHES. New Zealand Mail, Issue 780, 11 February 1887, Page 7


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