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Commercial News.

The Customs duties received at this port for the week ending October 14, 1875, were as under :

Ihe import trade of tho past week has been quiet and unimportant, with no change in value to call for remark. Generally business is slacker than desirable, but ouing to the absence of speculative purchases and the caution exercised by tho retailers in keeping down stocks, it may be considered the more sound in consequence. In colonial produce we report little change. Keg butter is rather scarce, and worth lid. to 12d. per lb., but as the summer advances and fresh butter declines in price, cured butter will submit to tlie same in flucnce ; Port Cooper cheese is in fair demand at lid., and wanted ; bacon and hams, in cloth, scarce at lOil. to Is. 4d. per lb.; flour, unaltered at £ll ss. to £ll 10s. per ton for Canterbury and Oamaru, in sacks ; oats, little business doing, prime feeding sorts are quoted at 3s. fid. per bushel; maize, sales at fis. Id. per bushel for a lino of 400 sacks New Zealand ; potatoes, fair stocks, sales at 725. Gd. per ton. THE WELLINGTON MARKETS. Wholesale Prices.

Building Materials. Timber,—Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., fls. to lfis.; 11s. Gd. at mill; planed, tonguedand grooved, 11s. Gil. to 12s. fid. Red pine palings, 12s. per 100 ; red pine timber, lGs. per 100 feet ; kauri timber, 18s. per 100 feet; rod pine, tongue graved, 225. per 100 feet; totara posts, Is. 4d. each ; bircli rails, Bd. each ; white pine shingles lGs. to 18s. per 1000. BONE DUST. Bone dust, No. 1, £8 to £lO ; bone dust, No. 2, £7 10s. to £8 10s,; bone dust, No. 3, £G to £0 10s. Hobarton timber and fencing material. Shingles, £1 per 1000 ; palings, from 20s. to 25s per 100; rough spokes, 255. per 100 ; felloes, from 100 s. to 200 s. per 100; timber, 235. to 255. per 100 feet superior; posts, £slos. per 100; rails, £4 3s. 4d. per lOo! Coal and Firewood Market. Coal.—Newcastle, £2 ss. per ton. Firewood.—2 foot rata, 3Gs. to 40s per cord : 1 foot wood, 4fis. per cord ; 4 foot wood, 3Gs. per cord ; 0 foot wood, 3Gs. per cord. CHRISTCHURCH. (From Saturday’s Lyttelton Times.) The markets are very dull. Millers do not appear quite so anxious to buy wheat, but we still quote 4s. Gd. for best prime samples. Transactions during the week have been limited. Oats are dull at 2s. 3d., with little prospect of improvement. The Auckland and most of the Northern markets are perfectly glutted, and largo supplies to the former market have been sold at 2s. 9d., terms. For potatoes there is no demand whatever, we quote £2 to £2 10s. as the nominal value, but as the season is so far advanced, there is no inclination on the part of exporters to touch them at any price. A cargo of good quality AVarrnambool potatoes was sold last week in the Auckland market at £3 per ton, and advices since report further arrivals to that market. In flour there is no alteration, values stand at late rates, and trade is dull. In dairy produce there is no alteration on last week’s rates. THE LONDON AVOOL MARKET. (From the N.Z. Loan Company's Circular.) London, August 24. The third series of colonial wool sales for tlie present year commenced on tlie 17th inst. Tlie arrivals in time for these sales were as follow; —• Bales. New South Wales a Queensland.. 52,210 Victoria 59,403 South Australia 14J03 AVestern Australia ’BOS Tasmania .. .. .. .. .. 12,151 New Zealand O!)’,3GG Cape of Good Hope 59’907 Total 298,G0S 0f this quantity about 15,G00 bales (namely 13,900 Cape and 1700 Australasian) were forwarded direct to tlie manufacturing districts of Yorkshire and tlie Continent, leaving about 283,000 bales of tlio available arrivals, in addition to lield-over parcels, for tlie public auctions. The opening catalogue consisted of the following:— Bales. New South AVales and Queensland .. 1,554 Victoria 1,979 South Australia ’553 Tasmania ’. 320 New Zealand 1,52 G Cape of Good Hope 2,337 Total s,2SO The attendance of both home and foreign buyers was good, and the biddings fairly spirited, but tlie prices realised did not equal the closing rates of the previous auctions by Id. to lid. per lb. in the case of scoured and fleece wools from the Australian colonies, and id. to Id. in greasy and Capes. Succeeding auctions have not shown any quotable improvement on this decline, though there has been a greater steadiness manifested in tlie biddings. The heaviest variation from previous rates occurs in the case of New South AVales, New Zealand, and Tasmanian fleece wools, including half-breds, the fluctuations in these instances amounting to fully lid. per lb , and occasionally more. Greasy wools, on the other hand can hardly be stated at more than Id. down, and in the case of good Victorian descriptions scarcely so much Parcels of a good combing type from that colony show, in consequence of their comparative scarcity less differences than any other kind of Australian wool, but those in scoured condition share the decline with produce similarly treated from the neighboring colonies. For Cape wools the rates of the opening catalogue were somewhat irregular, but tlie lowest decline established is Id. per lb. on June rates. The course of the market as indicated by tlie results of the first few days’_ sales, is certainly less favorable than had been anticipated, and would appear to show that the recent commercial disasters have exercised a wider range of influence in shaking confidence than was previously thought probable. Apart from this consideration, there is nothing in the actual conditions of the manufacturing industry, abroad or at Home, since tlie spring, to account for so considerable a fluctuation in our staple. It is true that the margin on which manufacturers and spinners are working is very bare, but this is no new feature and although with a continuance of such circumstances the raw material must in tlie long run suffer such a process would, according to all precedent, ’lie one of comparatively gradual and slow development. Competition for tho first few days was almost entirely confined to tlie home trade, a fact which encourages the hope that prices have seen their lowest as tlie wants of the foreign trade like those of our own manufacturers are considerable, and their intervention may reasonably be looked to as an element of improvement should no untoward circumstances operate in a contrary direction.

Including yesterday’s catalogue, tlie following quantities have been brought forward in current sales: New South AVales and Queensland 10,572 Bales. Victoria .. .. mn __ jj 449 South Australia .. .. ’' s’o2S ” AVestern Australia .. .. . . '416 ” Tasmania o 994 ” New Zealand [[ Ifiliffd ” Cape of Good Hope.. .. .. . Total .. .. ~ 55,904 Bales Of this quantity, about 3300 bales have been withdrawn By the programmes already published, tlie sales will continue to the 12th October; but it is considered certain that arrangements will be made for their termination about ten days earlier. We subjoin note of arrivals to date for next series the date of which lias not yet been fixed. New South AVales and Queensland 3,875 Bales New Zealand *> Cape of Good Hope,. !. .. 4*005 ” Total •• jj •• .. 10,300 Bales. ; T - H. CLOUGH AND CO.'S REBORT. Wool.—lhe new dip is now beginning to arrive more freely, and by tlie time tlie ojicning sales commence there will be a considerable quantity to hand In the meantime there are only several odd lots of greasy and scoured wools being disposed of, which considering the decline in the Home market, are realising very satisfactory prices.

Sheepskins.—Wo have had a good supply of both green and dry skins forward, but prices liavo declined since our last. We havo sold butchers' groon skins at 4s. to 7s. Gd.; dry skins, 3s. to 7s. each ; and station skins, in bales, Od. to Bd. per lb. Hides.—The improvement in prices noted in our last has continued, and all coming forward meet a ready sale at the following prices, viz., for green ox 24s to 355.: cow, 10s. to 235. each; Victorian.’ wet salted, 4jd. to sd. ; New Zealand, fid. to sid, ; lap, fill, to sjd. ; and calf-skins, Gd. to 7d. per lb. fallow. Brices have considerably advanced in consequence of tho improved quotations from tho Homo market, the quantity, however, offering hero is not largo at present. We havo sold—lnferior at £27 to £3O ; mixed £3l to £34 ; beef, £32 to £33 10s. ; and mutton, £35 to £3G per ton. Leather.—The market still continues dull, and we had to pass in several lots of dressed leather at our sale on Tuesday last. Crop maintains its price. AVo sold—Crop, at lid. to 12d. ; kip, 17d. to Is. lOil • caff, 2s. to 3s. 9d.; waxed kangaroo, Is. Od. to 2s 2d • runners. Is. 10d. to 2s. 3d. ; and harness, mil. to 14 Ad. per lb. Melbourne, September 22. MELBOURNE. (From tlie Argus of October 2.) Tn the import market business generally shows little animation, and with the exception of one or more specialities rising into favor there has not been much inquiry experienced to-day. Breadstuffs are very firm, and a better demand is reported for flour anil sales are making more freely at £ll ss. There arc still brands offering at £l2 2s. Gd., but that is, we learn, exceptional. AVheat is very scarce, and wanted. Brnne Northern is saleable at ss. Od. to ss. Mil.; at these rates, small parcels havo been disposed of Oats have been much quieter during the last day or ,X 9 .: an easier feeling prevails, and sales are more difficult to effect. In the absence of business however, no actual change in price can yet bo reported, and quotations for common to good feeding stili range from 3s. Bd. to 3s. lid. Maize is likewise the turn easier ; holders now do not quote over 4s. lOd. to 4s. lid. Sugars aro more noticed, and sales are now making moro freely. About 700 bags middling white Mauritius crystals have been quitted at £35. AVe also learn that refined sugars have met with more attention, parcels of up to 100 tons in a line having been taken up. Under tho hammer, 1145 bags ex Otago were offered, but only GB4 bags were disposed of, at 28s. Gd. for medium counters and 31s. 3d. to 325. for grainy yellows ; tho remainder was passed in for higher rates. Teas are moving .quietly. In the open market trade sales aro making at Is. Bd. to Is. lOd. By auction, 445 G packages congous ex Voni were cleared off at prices rising to Is. Candles are quieter, though wo understand that inquiries for large lines for export are experienced, which it is anticipated will lead to business. A parcel of slightly faulty was disposed of for local use at 10,Vd„ anil a small lot of damaged and badly broken was quitted publicly at 9£d. net, a very full price condition considered. Trade sales of Tasmanian hops are mentioned at Is. lid. to 2s. for fair samples. Brivate telegrams having been received from London advising an advance of 2d. per gallon on kerosene oil, there lias been some excitement in the market. Sales to the extent of 12,000 cases have been traced, but a good deal more is stated to have changed hands. AVe hear of positive sales to-day of Devoe’s to the extent of several thousand cases in parcels at 15d., and even'd. is said to have been realised. Diamond oil has also been sold, though not at such an improved figure; Is. Ij'd. only lias as yet been paid for that brand. Tho sales of timber comprise 52,2GSft. white pine shelving, disposed of at £lO 15s, to £lO 17s. Gd.; 2G,oooft. AV. B._ T. and G. flooring at £9 7s. Gd. to £9 12s. Gd.; 3i ,000 4ft. pickets at £4 to £4 15s. Spruce laths were quitted at 225., and 1170 doors were sold at 13s. Gd. to 235. In liquids, sales of Hennessy’s pale brandy are reported at 7s. 9d. Two small failures are reported of retail firms, but the amount involved in either case is of very little importance. RY TELEGRAPH. NABIER, Tuesday. Mr. Miller reports auction sale to day of Maney’s AVairoa propertiesßakowhai estate, 5276 acres, with 7000 sheep, to 11. Nairn, for £14,300. The whole of Te Kapu estate, 4677 acres, to AV. Couper, of Havelock, at an average of 355. Gd. per acre. Total sales, £22,G00. Mr. Lyndon sold a mixed lot of shorn sheep (417) at ss. 9d. AUCKLAND, Thursday. Mr. Alexander Saunders reports Sales: Thames Gas, 285.; Caledonian, 87s. Gd.; Cure, 15s. Gd. BuyersNational Bank, 705.; City of London, 325. Gd.; Cure 155.; Tokatea, 10s. Gd.; Bismarck, 12s. Sellers: South British, 505.; Beach, 80s.; Bank of New Zealand, 3605. HOKITIKA, Thursday, At tlie saleyards beef averaged 40s. to 455. per lOOlbs.; sheep, merinos, 14s. Gd.; half-breds, 20s.

£ s. (1. £ s. (1. Spirits .. .. C62 1 10 1 Ooodsbyweight 4(il C 2 Cigars .. .. 15 i) 7 , Do. ad valorem 1U48 7 7 Tobacco.. .. 122 7 6 Do. other duties 58 IS G Wine .. 85 1 2 | Light dues. Me .. 113 13 0 shipping, &c. 72 18 8 Tea .. 78 13 0 Coffee .. .. 29 15 3 Sugar .. .. 242 12 4 £3591 5 10

Farm and Hairy Produce. s. Butter, fs, lb 1 d. s. d. 4 to 1 ,3 s. Lard, lb . _ o d. s. O t.n <) a. Butter, sit, lb 1 3—1 4 Bacon. Pro.. ii ll_i Cheese .. 0 0 — 0 11 Hams, Pro.. 1 0 — 1 Do., Cllniry. 0 10—0 11 McConnell's 1 0—1 o Bags, dozen 1 0—1 S Ct'bury hams 1 Price. 0—1 2 Betail Milk, quart.. 0 4 to 0 0 Fowls, pair.. 0 Oto 7 o Butter, fs., lb 0 0 — 1 (i Bucks, pair.. 7 0 — 8 o Butter, salt.. 1 0 — 1 3 Geese, each., o 0— 7 o Cheese, Col.. 1 — 1 2 Turkeys, do. 0 0—10 o Bggs, dozen 0 0--1 0 Bacon,lb .. o 0—1 4 Lard, lb .. 0 0 — 0 10 Ham, lb .. o 0—1 (; Babbits, pair 2 0 — 3 0 Potatoes .. 7 0 — 8 0 Cabbages, dz 2 0 — 3 0 Carrots .. 2 0 — 8 0 o Turnips, doz 2 0 — 3 0 Parsnips .. 2 (> — 8 Bumpkins, dz (i 0 — 7 0 Pumpkins, dz D 0 —G 0 A’d veg’bl, dz 2 0 — 2 0 Bread, 3d. to 4d. 21b. loaf. Flour Market. Superfine Flour, Wholesale. £ s. d. silk dressed, per ton C12 to ] 9 JO o Fine Flour, ditto, household .. 11 0 n Seconds, per ton 0 0 8 0 14 0 12 10 V A Sharps, per ton V Adelaide, per ton 0 0 Oamaru, ditto

Dunedin, ditto .. 12 0 o Canterbury, ditto 12 0 o Bran, per bushel 0 1 4 Hay and Corn Market. Wholesale. s. d. s d. P K (* « Maize, Sydney 0 0 to 7 0 Hay, ton .. 0 10 to 7 10 Do. Crushed 4 9 — 0 Oaten, ditto 0 o — r, 10 Oats (South). .4 0 — 4 3 Lucerne, ditto 0 0 — 0 10 Wheat (fowl) 4 0 — 4 3 Straw, ditto 2 10 — 3 0 Potatoes .. 0 0 — 5 0 Chalf, ditto 7 0 — 0 0 Retail. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Maize .. 0 3 to (i 0 Peas .. 0 (1 to 7 0 Oats, ditto .. 4 0 — 4 3 Do. crushed 7 3 — 7 0 Do. crushed 4 9 — 5 2 Lucerne, cwt. 0 0 — 0 0 Bran, ditto 1 9 — 2 0 Oaten, ditto 5 10 — 0 0 Wheat (fowl) 4 0 — 0 0 Straw, ditto 5 10 — 0 10 Hay, cwt. .. 5 10—0 10 Chaff, ditto 7 0— 8 0 Beans .. 0 0 — 7 0 O’Sheath’s do. 0 0—7 0 Do. crushed 7 3—7 0 Brocolo from 0 3-1 0 Seeds. Ryegrass, bsh. 7 OtoS 0 Alsyke, lb. ..1 2to0 0 Do. Pov. B.,do.S 0—0 0 Cow grass, do...l 3—0 0 Cocksfoot, do. 10 0—0 0 Rape, do. .. 0 0-0 0 Wt. clover, lb. 1 2—0 0 Lucerne, do. .. 1 0—0 0 Red do., do... 1 o—0 0| Timothy, do. .. 1 0—0 0

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 214, 16 October 1875, Page 11

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Commercial News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 214, 16 October 1875, Page 11

Commercial News. New Zealand Mail, Issue 214, 16 October 1875, Page 11


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