DAY FOR THE BACKMARKERS The yachting: season in Auckland _ was opened on Saturday afternoon on tho W\ftitemata and Manukau harbours. There was a full-sail breoze from the south-west and a sunny sky. On the Waiteniata nine clubs combined under the control of the Auckland Yacht and' Motor-Boat Association, the harbour races starting and -finishing off Kind's Wharf, which was open to the public. Other vantage points around the course, the Devonport wharf, Tamaki Drive and the adjacent cliffs were crowded. ~ The races were started to time, and. although the entries were good for opening day, the strong ebb tide and niirtor defects caused many boats to.drop out on the journey. Several .craft which were over the line at the start of tli'/ir races and which failed to heed tiie recall flag and number were disqualified Two capsizes were attended to by the patrol launch a,ml coastguard launch, while a couple of private motor-boats and the police patrol cruised, around to help if needed. Several Z class boats, which had no certificates, earned disqualification.
U was a day for the backinarkers, but the hiymlicapping was sound, three dead-beats lyeing recorded. The most successful boats were the V class Matara and the X class Kia Ora, 'each gaining seven firsts. Gail was six times second to Kia Ora. Zampa did well in the Z class to win in six clubs, with a second in another.
In view of the Sanders Cup contest to be revived this season at Lyttelton, extra interest was shown in the performance of the X class boats. They got away to a good start, with the exception of Aileen, which was over the line and lost a lot of time returning, while Scintilla could not beat up'against the tide in time to lake part. On completion of the first round, Davina had a lead of -tin 27s from Caress, which was fifth boat to round. Mason had Davina sailing well as he rati for Resolution mark, and back to Sandspit. However, when the boats cleared the Side deflector after taking a long board out of Hobson Bay to lay the finishing line, Caress was in second place, and Mason Jiad to get every inch out of Davina to hold .oil the challenge from Caress, which finished only 3<>s behind. The first Sanders Cup trial next Saturday off Westhaven should create a lot of interest. The placnigs in the various ciubs were as follows: Akarana Yacht Club. —M class: Mararoa. Mini, I; Manene, Gin, and Marahi, scr. deadbeat. 2. V class: Matara, scr, i; Klatere, I in, 2; Yindex. Gm. 3. X class: Kia Ora. ilin, 1; Gail, oiii. 2; Foam, 7m. 3. T and Y class: Mania, Jm, ]Xgaire, -lui 3Us. 2; Marlene, scr, :i. Z class: Zampa, 'Jin, 1 1; Stormalong, 3m, 2; Fury, 2m. :!. Devonport Yacht Club.—M class: Marahi. scr. I; Makura, Im 30s. 2- Manene, sm; 3. V class: Matara, scr. 1; Kiatere, Jm, 2; Athena, 3m, 3. X class: Kia Ora. Sin. 1; Caress, Jm. ; l-'oani, sin. 3. T class: Treasure. 2m, I; Yiloa, scr. 2. Y class: Ayesha. 4in, 1: Scandal, Jm, 2; . Mania, scr, 3. Z class: Pupuke, division—Mahia. scr. I; Swish, 3ni, 2; Fury, 3m, 3. Takapuna division— Zampa, Im, J; Storinalong, scr, 2; Water Beetle. Ini. 3. Frostbite class: Wren. 30s, 1. Victoria Cruising Club.—M class: Mararoa. Gm, J; Marahi, scr. 2; Makura, Im, 3 V and S class: Matara. scr. 1 : Leone. Km. 2; Kiatere, Im 30s. 3. X class: Kia Ora. Mm, 1 ; Gail, sm, 2; Foam, Gm. 3. T class: Elite, tin 30s, i; Edna D. 9ni. 2; Treasure. Im 30s, 3. Y class: A.vesha. (jm. 1; Mania, Jm 30s, 2; Scandal, ltn. 3. Z class: Pupuke division—Swish, -im, J; Ailsa. Dm, 2; Mahia, scr, 3. Takapuna division—Zampa, -iS-in, 1; Fury, Bm, 2; Xga Toa Jun., 10m, 3. Silver rem class.- Electra, (im, J; Mananga. 3m, 2; Melody, 2m, 3. Frostbite class- Mako Mmko. oin 30s, 1. Idle Aloiiir class: Aletha. scr. I.
Ponsonby Cruising Club.—M class: MaraJ*oa, <»i, i; Mercedes; Jrn. 2; Marahi. scr, V and S class: Malara, scr, 3: Leone, 18m, Athena, sm, a. X class: Kia Ora, 7m, 1; Gail. 3m 30s, 2 : Foam, sm. 3. T class: -* ' Fdna I>. 9m, 2; Treasure. 2m, •,V , class: A.veslia, 7m. ]; Shadow, Sin, 2: Scandal, Im, ;i. Z class: Pupuke division— Mania. 30s. 1; Swish, 2m 30s, 2; Fury, 2 m vl ' Jakapuna division—Zampa, scr. j 5 Ocean Star, 4m, 2; Juno, 3m, 3. Silver Fern class: Majianga, 2m. 1; Meiody, 2m, 2; lrn 1 ' °' l1 ' € -^ OI1 S class: Aletlia,
Richmond Yacht Club.—M class: Marahi. }'• Makura, Jin 3os. 2 ; Mercedes, lm oV- . , S: Ma , ta „ ra - scr, 1; Athena. 4m. hi., i i lll ' a P (I Marie Dawn, dm, deadnr., V,\ Via®'Leone. 2m. 1. X class: Kia ,a. fem. 3; Gail, (im, 2: Foam, sm. 3. T class: Elite, J in, 1; Treasure. 2in 30s, 2: w! a i 3<ls - i ! - Y class: Mania, 3m, 1; Ajeshj, 3m, 'J; Scandal, scr, 3. Z class: Pupuke division—Swish, 4m, i; Mahia, scr, y-, n , ury .\ 30s - Takapuna division— Zampa, _ m 30s, 1; Ocean Star. 2in, 2- Xga -m i \'i l jnl ' a " bilver F « rn class: Electra. iv; uVMahansa, Jm 30s. 2; Melody, scr. 3. 1 rostbite class: Mako Mako, om. l. Idle Along class; Selina. 3m, 1. Chevalier Sailing Club.—V and S I'tn '? Y ar . ! ); I ,\ laterc - im. 2; Leone, loin, 3. a class: l\ia Ora. Sm, 1; Gail. 4m caress, lm. 3. T class: Elite, sm. X. Y class: Marlene, Om, 1; Aycsha, 4m. 2: Scandal, •_m, 3. Z class: Stormalong. sm. 1: Molndv SC ., ur -V ' l "'. 3; Silver Fern class: Alelodj, >m, 1; Silver Fern, 2m, 2: Idle Along class: Aletlia. scr 1 r„, , ma t 7 Y , acht Club.—M class: Mararoa, Om, 1; Marahi, scr, Maiiene, om, 3. V and b chiss: Matara, scr, I; Kiatere, 30s. 2: \ index, /m, 3. X class.- Kia Ora. Sin. 1; ban, 4m 2; Caress." lm. 3. T class: Treasure. Om, l; \iloa, scr, 2; Shaliniar, 4m, 3. Y £ . m ' 41 ' I; l ; lania - scr - Shadow. 3m. 3. Z class: Defiant. 7m. 1; Zampa. 3in, | 2;; Stormalong, 4m 30s, 3. Silver Fern class: ii' ir 1 "' ; frostbite ciass: Wren, scr. l. Id-e Along class: Aletlia, scr, 1. Takanuna Boating Club,—Z class: Pupuke division— Mahia, Jm, i ; Swish, 3m. 2; Furv, Jin 30s, 3. lakapuna division—Zampa, scr. 1; Stormalong, lm, 2; Ocean Star, 30s. 3. P " ern « . Ba V, Junior Yacht Club.—Silver fern class: Llectra. om. i; Mahanga. lm 2; Silver tern, lm, 3. Point Chevalier Sailing Club.—The club opened its season yesterday under hard coniho 1 cfnrf r ni M r '• ln<J Tiki ca l lsizln K Prior to the start, Following were the elapsed times and placings:—X class: Sonata (4m), lh -n, m i v class: Pardon Me (scr), 2h 4 f 5 > i',/ class: Mahia (scr). lh 29m S&. 1: ~Z e da . (om 30s) - lh 35m Gs. 2; Savage (lm). lh 37m 20s. 3. Cruising Races,—Races for keel and mullet oat classes, in connection with opening day, tw f b >\t he Auckland Yacht and Motor,inv Association to Islington Bay on Saturday the results in the various clubs grins as follows:—Royal Akarana Club: Keel class rinh r na i V Victoria Cruising Club: Keel class—Cyrena, 1; Scout, 2 H L and X class—Starlight, 1; Valkyrie. 2*. Ponsonby Cruising Club: Keel class—Kada ?iU? y i° n r i?' H ' ,} J 4 ind X - class— StarURht, 1; Valkyrie, 2. Dcvonport Yacht Club: Kee class—Xmia 1; Cyrena, 2. Richmond oti t i J> ce J class —Cyrena, 1; Scout, 2. H, L and X class—Valkyrie, 1; Rona, 2. I.imaki Yacht Club: Keel class—Xada, 1bcout, 2.
GOLF CONTESTS INTER-CLUB COMPETITION TITIRANGI BEATS HAMILTON rp ..A Ina .tch between teams representing the ruirangi and Hamilton golf clubs was plaved at the Titirangi links yesterday. The games consisted of Jour-ball matches, of which Titirangi won.l, arid Hamilton four, three being halved, the following were the results Titirang) players mentioned first:—J. H. Youn ' T.I j Laycock beat R. H. Glading and w -Ctutty, a and 2 and 1 up ; H. C. Steele and G. Lawson heat A. M. Fahey and G L Jaylor, 3 and 1 and 2 up; E. \V\ Young I> 1 Ashton beat E- W\ Groom and f • Roach, (> and 5 and 3 and 2; H M Rogerson and H. W. Cormack lost to J. Casey and J. I. Alexander, 2 and 1 and all square: J. Grierson and F. G. Alj>e beat F. Mathers and :s Winger, 2up and lost G and 5; D, R. Abernethy and .T. Todd and S. M.. Maves 5- J- Gamble, all square, and won 4 and' 3N. A. Donovan and R. ,J. Xicholl beat F. J. Cramp and H. F. Blackie. 3 and 2 and 5 and t : ;V J ;V vlo , r and ?. E - Wimble beat i j 311(1 W. H. Coltman, 4 n' a " d J ost 1 a,ld 3: T. N. Peniberton and C. i. Robinson and E. Lynch and H P Clarke, all square and won 4 and 3- H W Sinclair and T. Stone beat G. Marriott and J. A. Home, 2 up and 4 and 3; M. B Honeyfield and Iv. Wollams beat V Sills and A. E. Haggie l up and 2 and 1; J. Lockwood and \\. Waring lost to J. Dalbeth and Waring, 1 down, and won 1 up. Titirangi.—Final of veterans' handicap: T. N. Peniberton (14) beat L. J. Verry (17), 2 and l. Bogey handicap: B. T. Laycock 1 up; W. C. Horton, H. W. Cormack, all square; 0. E. Gardner, 3 down. Auckland.—Four-ball Stableford aggregateJ. If. Goyder and K. McK. Wilson. GO. Akarana.—Kohu Rose Bowl. Canadian foursomes: J. D. Sweeney and Mrs W ,T Rogers, OM4, Ilobee and Miss D. Clark. 691 }\. A. Dickenson and Mrs Draffin, 69 1 /,: T In tellings and Mrs Hitchings, 72; E Ethe"dßc %'" d Miss Thompson, F. R. WilkSns and Mrs Wukins. 73. North Shore.—Stableford competition: G Hudson, 3S; 11. Preston, jun., 36; A F* Sharpe, J.Waito 32. Final of A. Sp'ence Memorial Cup: M. Adams beat A. BarrBrown 4 and 2 Foot Memorial Cup finalt (i. Hudson bent 1. Millar, 7 and G Seini-fiii-ii o Jubilee Cup: H. C. Stevens beat D S Mar Dona Id. 5 and 3. Waitcmata.—Bogey competition: R, Harvey, R. S. Renmngs, 3 down; J. McKen?fe '■ l3 ■ Williams, J. Wool ley, D. Per- '. ■ ° down; V. Mailett, G down. Harvev won on a count-hack. • Remuera,—Flag match: E. J. Qewitt placed the flap on the 10th preen t af! 61 :—Stableford competition:' W. Turbaclc ord ' 31. Turbott won on a countUrakel Ladies.—Stableford competition: Mrs J. Mitchell, 30; Mrs S. Logan, Miss J. Young, 29. North Shore Ladies.—Stableford competition: Mrs D. Boys. 34: Miss B. Mitchell. 33; Miss D. Sharpe, 30; Mrs G. Rutherford. 29. Pupuke Ladies.—Challenge Cup: Miss Orr and Miss Clark beat Mrs Currie and Miss Barker, at the 10th. „ Commercial Travellers' Tourney.—The association's annual tournament was held at tne North Shore Club's links yesterday, the . resu.s boing as follows:—Senior medal hand cap. B. Mclndoe. Intermediate: H. Reef-Jwffij M J Walsh. Twenty-four holes net meoai grades); L. J.. Minogue; R- p - McCarthy. Seni or bosre.t j bber(so Brinsden. Intermediate. • handicap 'ail Junior: G HeaiP. *talb^ ba n „ I)Dtr „, hangrades): m- 'J ena nt \j itTr»nfiprsort; ruiiuen>-up* dicap: H. Ja . ffr^| ns i € n Net medal handicap: Lo« drivi competition (non-golfers): I. Coolo.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25357, 12 November 1945, Page 7
Word Count
1,918YACHT RACING New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25357, 12 November 1945, Page 7
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