FOR SALE i IB Rifle, Daisy. £2; and Webley .177 Air IA Pistol; both in good order. —Ph. Martin, trtl Henderson. TNTIQUE Walnut Music Canterbury, in A perfect order, beautiful piece; Entree Dish, (Teapot, Fruit Knives and Oddments.— 17-OUO. !niBl"S Shawl, new, large, lacy; £5. —l Jj .Aspen St., Avondnle. ViaC'H, portable, sectional, about Bft x loft. n -j7«» l'articll Kd., Sunday, 2-1 p.m. portable, 12 x 8. new; material lor D"caravan; £2O the lot.— 1 Lewis St.. BlockhOUSC J ■ B \SSI,N K'l". cane, on wheels; also Speedcc Res Beater. — I'll. 00-432. T -»i3.-INET. suitable for travelling; HandD knitted Shawl. Satiu Tram Cover. High rhair BASKETBALL Hoops (2), with fittings.— ph. 20-503.. -r»ATHIN<- Suit. now. 1 piece, American, size nl'h. «3-9»i. «BALIS red amber, ad/-; Diamante Clasp ■ Kfar-rinc. 35,-; Pearls. lti/O. —Ph.'ll-395. BED, single, r .itiu, panel ends, slat base; reasonabiP. —!< Knight Av„ Mt. Albert. r>EDK, Twin, panel ends. Wire Wove, Kapok D Mattresses, good cotul.—Ph. 78-307. tiEDS i-• single, lift, Ruslle«> Wires, "DI'D-I>l ' ' 1,0n ' - drawers; reasonable. — 13 ph. (M-lii l. tjEDKOOM Suite. 3-pce., Wire Wove, all n brand new; what offer?—AßS3l Hkiiald. r»inn-Set lee. «> k . English make, first-class Jjcond., 1-0. —'-Hi ITnlrholme A v., off Pah T?d Epsom- h-s rj'feDSPHKAD. double, heavy, gold satin, Hf»n Cushions, i.V 10/-; Fur Coat, black, Australian Wallaby, size w, x 15.—20 |° e ßa Kd., IT. Chevalier. B ILLIAKD Table, ' /a -sizc. slate bed, sit on table, new condition.—() 137 Hekvld. BILLIARD Table, %; Singer Sewing Machine, drophead, U-drawer; both as new. _Ph. 54-50 S. fs BILLIARD Table, slate bed, Snooker, Billiards Sets, etc.. as new; '2 Typeriters, Hoy a I Portable and Empire StauJ, rl t ti'-'-tT l. riINOCULAHS, Henfoldt Wetzlarr, good In order. — 11 Willcott St., Mt. Albert. Library, -00. in good condition. — ]3hK7(W Herald. BOOT Patching Machine, Singer, as new, —Ph. i s-;vj i. TjoWX-S, lienselite, ft 1-32, perfect condition. _£s Exchange smaller set.—Aß733 Ilekald. 1-32, perfect condition. BOWLS, set wooden, tested and stamped.— TRIM' JIKRALU. T>O\VLS, set Jacques, wooden, J Villi; solid JJLoather Bag, i'B. —43 Northboro' Hd.. I'IOWLS. set 4, Taylor's, stamped, and Solid JPLeather Case; £8 lot. —21 The Parade, c|, Heliers. riiMERA. Rolliecord. 3.8, filter, self-timer; (Jgood cond.; offers.—Pl, 178 Herald. CVMERA, Rolleiflex, Zeiss Tessar, 3.5; leather ca6o and filters; £U0 —Ph. 51-002. TiAMERA, Grades, Vi-plate, Plate Maga--0 jine, 12 Sheaths; JJU. —Ashe, Photocrapher, Onehungn. Ph. 54-266. nAMERA, 120 Zeiss Ikon, t>.3 lens, 1 la; O3 vote. I.C.S. Surveying Courso. £'2; TopoeTaphical Surveying. 15/-. —Haie, 4«9 l't. f'hevalier Ed. riAUPHORWOOD Chest, Chinese, medium 0 size; offers. —USB3I Hkrald. nAPE Collar. 1 head, genuiuo Red box; I; £B/10/- — Ph. 24-304. pARPET, light. Indian, 9ft x Bft as new. 1/ £lO. Genuine bargain.—Ph. 48-390. CARPET, Wilton. 12 x 9, perfect order, black and grey flower design.—2B Neilson ri'AßPE'rs! 1 12 X 9. £l2; lOV2 x 9, £8; 7% 0X 6, £5; 0 X 4/2, £2. —5 Patrick St., sleepy hollow, excellent condition' £9; Oak Bookcases, £2; good Seacrass Chair, Table Mirror, Settee, Linoleum L 0 rn), £4 the lot-. —Ph. <>2-057. VIHAIRS. Super Rest. £7/5/-; Fireside. £6 U 6/-; pre-war, both as new.—Ph. 00-ISS. pHAERS, Fireside (2), Settee and Squab Uetc.; Lathe, wood-turning.—2<A Parrish JRd.. Sandringham. n&KSTEHFIKLD Suite, well sprung, good V condition. —Ph. 1(5-9Hi. PEESTERFIELD Suite, large, as new; no V dealers. —Ph. 65-208. , . nese, medium V black and grey flower design.—2B Xeilson ri'AßPE'rs! 1 12 x 9. £l2; 10V, x 9, £8; 7\' a 0X 6, £5; 0 x 4/2, £2. —5 Patrick St., sleepy hollow, excellent conpHESTERFIELD Suite, Genoa Velvet. U very well sprung; £26.—Graham. 49 PonPEESTERFIELD Suite, good springs; £l2. V —Sat. or Sun., Side Flat, 93 St. Steel) en's Av. PHLLDS Electric Stove, new. heat register, \j plug complete; also Aluminium Kitchen Set. Utters.-—Ph. 40-110. bus. hours. pLOUK, Striking, Oak, s-l>ay. guaranteed Vas new.—Ph. 7S-70U. CUAT. white, genuine lambsvvool. s.w.-w., length 2Sin, new.—Ph. 79-039. PUPPER (Washing;, % Oval Panelled Oak V Bed; what offer? —112 Carlton Gore Rd. CIOSI'UME, brown, tailored, w. size; Man's 'Sports Coat, dark green (5); Shirt, 2 Collars tvi)i Tan Boots ; all good cond Ph. 50-219. t , CtOT, good condition; reasonable. —29 Kawau /lid.. One Tree Hill. - CIUT, dropsidti, enamelled; latest; Higti ) Chair. —0 Elizabeth St., Douuniou ml. Boots, canvas, size b— Ph. / iK'i'aTAL Hand-cut Waterset. Vases, China t Vases, E.P.S. Silver Ware.—Ph. U2 ; 079. / iKISTAJj Water Sol. Cocktail and Whisky U Classes, all Stuart, new. Best oiler. — 0X797 Herald. CURTAIN, Green, Verandah. 12ft x Oft, pole and fittings, complete, as new. What offers'r—Chambers 78 Pererika Ht.. liotorua.
HURTAINS and Pelmet. Hall Curtains. VDamask Bedspr'd, Eiderdown; Evening Frock, black, w.x.; Shoos, 0-7. —Ph. 43-iyj. | ii,Nl>.u kooiu Suite, dark oak, modern.- — 1/DKSIS Herald. 1 UM.SU buite, solid oak, modern design; J-/best cash ofter.—Ph. 88-747. DINING Suite, solid oak; Lounge Suite.— 128 Western Springs Rd., S.W.I. DINING Room Suite, modern, rimu; also pr. Oars. —50 Piichardson Rd.. alter (S n.m. I \INING Suite, Oak. oval est. table, 4 U chairs, sideboard, mirror and leadlights. —Ph. 64-749. , DINING Room Suite, modern. Walnut veneered and French polished (by home craftman). —57 Pake Av., SandringhaM. TROLL'S Pram, good condition. Ph. Lf 51-070. DOLL'S Pram, cream cane, paint, lining and tyres, new; suit child 4 to 8 years; £4/10/-.—lo Arawa St., New Lynn. DOLLS House, 5 x 3 x 2ft, 0 rms.; also Cradle, Blackboard, Farmyard, comprising 11 doz. lead animals and novelties.— Ph. 71-204. DRESSING Chest, 3-drawer, and Extension Dining Table. —Ph. 03-281, evgs. ELECTHOLUX. small size, good order; reasonable.—Ph. 30-102. I ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Standard EncycloJ paedia, 15 vols., in perf. cond.i published 1038; reasonable. —FM:i(53 Herald. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 21 vols., 14th edition, reasonably good condition; £3O, or near offer.—Public Library. Hamilton. _ sg PAN, elec., loin, 3-epced, D.C.—McCormick, X 70 Albert St. "PILLING, free for removal, 80 to 100 cubic X yards. Coates 'Av„ Orakei TFIO9O Herald. s-t FjY Rod, Spit Cane, De Luxe, Oft 6in, 2 tope unused. £IG; 4ln Reel, Silk Line, £4.—Denning, Norana Av.. Mangcro. "CVRBTSAW Machine, treadle, perfect order, J £lO or offer.—Ph. 02-886. General Electric, 6ft, sealed X motor: excel, order; £OO. —Ph. 71-367. "PISHIJiG Rod, 1 new Allcocks Greenheart, J- double-handed, 10ft, minnow and fly tip, porcelain rings; what offersP—P.O. Bos 50. Nelson. mws FTR Coat, Squirrel, swagger stylo, good order; £Bo.—Pll. 17-010. T?UR Coat, Russian Marmot, w.x. size. Offer, i. Excellent order.—Pßß39 Herald. T?UR Coat, White, Evening, very 1J- good condition. Offer.—llll67l Herald. j"DR Coat. Black Kolinsguy, swagger, £l2. —23 Collingwood St., Ponsonby. L'UR Coat, marmot, nearly new, w. size.— i Taylor. Flat A, Burleigh. Parnell Road. Parnell. nLASSES, Champagne, Continental crystal, MHO/- each.—Ph. 44-321. QLORY Box, large, covered gold, sprung VJlid, as new, reasonable. —38 Roberton Rd., Avendalo. GOLF Clubs, 5, good order, £a. Oakley Av., Avmulale. rj.C)LF Ball.-. 12, repaints, excellent condivJ lion.—7» Ht,. Johns Rd., Mcadowbattk. ftIULLER and Cooker, Electric, £3.— "Wiilesby, near cnr. Burt and Panmure Rds., Ellerslie. I4UM Bootn, thigh size 0. or exchange knee vJdiie 7. Brti-Kettee, rust, tapestry, leather ifftllt, perfect com!., £2O or offer. H'ffiOnt St., Pnusuhby, AIRCLIPI'EIiS. 2 pairs, also Rolls Razor. ~~Ph. 70-103. , , TTAMMOCK, Plate Camera, Poo I ball Boots, JJ. site 0; Cycle Helmet and Gloves; School f. Carrier and Cable. —Ph. 00-430. EARING Aid, Sonnlone, bone conduction 1 attractive l.pntlier ('use- as new, cheap.— f-"> OT Water Cylinder, elec,. Starkio. with element, guar.; also Set Kauri Washtubs. ~-Pb. 05-135. BUT, Army,' 15ft x Bft.—Ph. 01-031 be-H-U- tworn 0 a.m. and 7 p.m. YGROMETER. Lactometer, maximumminimum thermometer; as new: reasonable Met: 1 or morn.—All4sl Jlehai.d. I C.S. Course, Building Construction, 0 vols., new.—i'ii r,o-050 JHONER, B'eatty Elcc., Canadian, new, fits 'washer, SQin roller; £3o.—l'h. 01-071. IRON niul Timber, etc., from shed, 2(5 ~ Sheets, pre-war; good condition: offers BWd. 7 -li Dingle I'd., off Auckland Rd., >t. Hellers. BEDSTEAD, iron, 4ft Oin, with Wire Wove, 50/- Bedstead, iron, 3ft Oin, Wire Wove, 40/-; Chest Drawers, Dressing Table and Mirror, 50/.; Fancy Table, 6/-; Kitchen Table. ?'6.~ofent South Hd.. Papakura (next ifonkiin's Oarage). fJAMERA. 35mm, Kodak. F3.5 lens. 175 ft .y.mji. delayed action; speeds lOth-200th; 2 fimtl *6da chrome, Filters, etc, Optical ViewT> nf' C-0/10/..—01 Tuarangl Rd (opp. Grey t,ynri. (Man's), excellent condition, tnll r, rn "'ting: Navy Suit, Check Sports Coat, Business Suit, Overcoat, new Boots (0), Hut, 0?,. as BAY VIEW ROAD, Takapuna, week-end. Suite, Bedroom Suite, NideDroicleaf Table, Chesterfield, jßrawers, Duchesses, Hallstand, Ward--I_. 7 TARATA- ST., MT. EDEN. TjOORS, Lounge, pair. Oft Oin x 2ft 2ln. as $£, ne *i Glazed Semi-opaquo, Fancy Glass, n? p, ' ,1r Frames. Double Swing Hinges, "indies; lot. 110, f.n.r Morrinsville. ... Mardlp. 'j 1 Gordon Rd.. Moriiingside. ( AHERA. Agfa Isvrette, 120 Film. 10 or hj«;» ''utrcs, AtrTa Apotar 4.5 lens, Conipur LPla snutier, 1 se<\ to 1-300 ser.. T. and B. i,, n 8 mcussing, 3.5 ft to intln.. complete with f*' e *dy and strap. As new. (.15. A PPIy Even in as, 1 MT. ROSKILL ROAD. Mt, Rock ill.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25344, 27 October 1945, Page 3
Word Count
1,467Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25344, 27 October 1945, Page 3
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