BOATS, LAUNCHES, Etc., FQXt SALE 1 UXILIAKY Mullet Boat,'2Bft, ail gear. A Offers.—]£B27S Herald. BOai. Huuabuut, fcvlnrnae, l»t* class order; cheap.—George iJaWßloßon, AiorrjnsvilJe. ' . „. CIANOE. canvas, kauri Irame.lJft 61n.— ) J?h. 92, Henderson. •, eANOE, lift Oirii good condition} highess otter over £lO. —i J n. 'J7-07S. t W.NOE, Kvak, lotl, goad condition. —Ken* U dall, Millcrest Kd., Papatoetoe. r i KXTßtlßOAii]>, sfl «in, mast, sail, oars, V anchor, good condition; £25.-4» Ngataringa l<d., Devonport. niIUISING Launches, 2, 30ft and 3Gft.— V/ Lane Motor Boat Co.. Quay St.. E. pEUISING Yacht, 10ft. ready in water. Wall gear; £l2O. or near oner.—Blo4O llkuald. , , ' IDINGHY, Bft, new; £24, near ofTer.—9 i-J Pupuke Kd., Birkenhead. DINGHY, 12ft, good order; suitable outboard.—Maddrcn, Big Manley. DINGHY, sft, oars, etc.; well built, light and roomy, £'2l. —C.P.O. Box 4*29. DINGHY, 10ft. new, ready for waters-11l llurstinere Kd., Takapnna. Ph. <9-235. DINGHY, oft., clinker, aewr also 5-0 h.p. Johnson Outboard.'—HV499 IIERAI/D. . I?NG I.NE, Marine. 8-10 h.p., twin cylinder, ill perfect order. £35, landed Auckland.— Armstrong, Whitianga. , „ . } FLATTIE, l ift, double-skinned; 2 pair oars, . anchor and warp; £27/10/-.' —2 Faulkner Kd., Norlhcote. Gi AS Producers, Special, Marine.—See Stirl•Ting Gas Producer Co., 122 Park Rd. Demonstrations arranged. t „ JOHNSTONE, single, 2 h.p. Outboard, £4O; U Sailing Dinghy, 10ft. all gear.. £30.—47 Demonstrations arranged. JOHNSTONE, single, 2 h.p. Outboard, £4O; U Sailing Dinghy, 10ft. all gear.. £30.—47 Clarence St., Dcvonport. . t RAYAK Canoe, lift, excellent condition; ( £4.—Ph. <>3-807. . T ,AUNCH, 21 It x 7ft beam, condition excel\j lent.—TLoos Herald. r AUNCH, 30 x Bft, 20 h.p. motor, dinghy, .1J cruising gear—Ph. 02-074. t LAUNCH. 28ft, 4-cylinder Kermath marine engine, sound hull, £lls. —48 Wellington St. „ . , _ LAUNCH, small Cabin Cruiser Bleep 2, built HMO, 4-c.yl. engine; e.L, starter, sound, well kept, ready for season; £195. AK3O2 llkralj}. • ■ ... , LAUNCH, 2Sft, Bailey and Lowe-built, reliable engine, Paragon A, reverse, fully equipped.—Ph. 71-712, or write 71 Ngataringa lid.. Devonport. _ - Li\UNCH. American Tabloid, 2oft, new, still on skids, Thames, ley]. Sterling marine engine, including dinghy, renders rcQUirea. —Walker, Wilson St., Tararu. lhames. . MULLET Boat. 21ft. complete all cruising gear.—Ph. 51-300. evenings. ATEPTUNE Outboard Motor, ]-point, 2-horse, JN modern, streamlined, £3O. Will sell out- , right or will trade it and cash for late model 2Vi h p. twin. —NPSOO Heh*m>. OUTBOAKD Motor, oh.p.—Ph. 19-018. OUTBOARD or Rowing, 12ft, beamy, U Sidendid sea boat; oars, etc.—Ph. 04-080. AUTBoikD, Dunelt, single 5 h.p., In perO feet running order, and 12ft Dinghy; £'o cash.—XT2osH Heiulp. r\UTBOAKD, Johnson Seahorse, 5 h.p.. DT U l)o Luxe Model; never been used; as from Canada. Best offer.—FT2os Herald. r\UTBOAKD Dinghy. 13ft, combing and U deck for'ard; fast, light; £IG/5/v—A. A. Pond, P. 0., Auckland, C.l. AUTBOAKD Motor, English, Sharland. 4 O h p., heavy duty, excellent condition. What offers? —Ph. 88-617 business hoars. Overhauled, Bought &oM.— U Burgess Outboards (Isicholls, Mgr.), 60 M<inntain Viow ltd., Mt. Albert. Ph. 27-145. T> AGING- Keolcr, 22ft. E Class, chromium xVfittings, new sails; splendid order. Real p.UNABOUT, 10ft!" kauri, with anchor, IV etc., ready for water.—4s Maskell St., St. Heliers Bay. , u _ 0 . Marin* K repairs; hull perfect, carvel built; also Road Trailer; £75 the lot, near offer; must sell —RMI37S Herald. , CJ PREDBOAT Hull, kauri, 13ft Gin. stepped, k5 £35 or near offer. —Ph. 193, Henderson. rpG7, Evaine, all racing gear.—lsß4 Great 1 North Rd., Avondale. | VACHT, Y Class, 14 ft. M'Tala.—Ph. J. 50-522. . j XTACHT, 12ft, good condition. L 81573 1 " ald. 1 _ VACll'l', 14ft, good cruiser, £OO or offer. X —\sß4 Great North Rd., Avondale. YACHT. 10ft 0. V bottom, best order, , £23.-12 Waterview Rd,*. Devonport. "XrACHT, i 10ft mullety, f in waiter.—4o 1 Dickens St., Grey Lynn, off Richmond Rd. ¥ACHT, .10ft Gin. order, good sails, etC.'s £25 or offer.—s Taranaki 5t.,.:. Kohirnarama. I YACHT, 10ft Cruiser, gdod order, and sails; best offer accepted.—J.; Lidgard, Sylvan Av., Northcolc. f/EDDIE Plans, Bulkheads, Frames and Zi Keelson; best offer.—sl Ranfurly Rd., Epsom. 1 14Ft, T Class, good cond.; ready water.— • 1 20 Elgin St., Grey Lynn.
Evinrude elto outboards. For peak performance this summer have your motor thoroughly overhauled by the solo N.Z. Evinrude Agents, All jobs guaranteed.--John Burns & Co., Ltd., Customs St. E.. Ancle. Special, 14ft x sft 6in. JC kauri, clinker dinghy. Built suit all harbour conditions; high-wooded, suitable . outboard, inboard, sail, all equipment, new.—l 4 Captain Springs Rd., le Pa pa fa,. this week-end. __ ««, LAUNCH Owners.—No restriction on char. The 40ft Launch Wairiki ran to the South Island from Auckland and iierformed woDderfully on our Gas Producer. Yours will do the same.—Full particulars, Truck Service, Ltd.. P.tmcll Rise. Ph. 44-002. ' -jl/TODEL Steamer. sft 6 long, 4ft keel, 3 £*-1 mast; also Lighthouse and Fittings, electrically lit; highcat offer.—l2 Bright St.. after <3, Sunday. WE DO ALL DIFFICULT WELDING JOBS, from Sailmaker s Needles to Augustin's Patent Anchors. Outboard Pans, too—Carl Augustin \\ elding Co,, Ltd., 18 Federal St., Auckland. Ph. 45-088. TOHNSON Sea Horse Outboard Specialised J Service, Factory Equipment and Parts, Small Propellers, Inboard and Outboard, any size, up to 12in shafting, stern glands, gear pumps. WISEMAN'S OUTBOARDS. 32 Customs St. East. Auckland. Ph. 41-233. KEEL mats, 37ft, soft; Launches. 32ft, 31ft, 29ft, 20ft; Fishing Boats, 35ft, 28ft, 2lift; Propellers, 22 x 22, right hand; New Dinghy; 20ft Auxiliary Mullet Boat, with new sails and moorings.—A{. H. Wood. V2IH Pilworth Bldg, • MARINE Diesel Engine, Russell and Newbury, 40 h.p., 4-cyl., with 2 to 1 reduction gear, complete with 12-volt elec. starter and generator, Propeller Shaft and Stuffitt Box; condition as new, done 4 months work, lias been completely overhauled and new piston rings put in. Price £1250 cash.—EJ ] 539 Hkbald. ACEAN-GOING CRUISER KETCH RYE, \J fully equipped, 12 tons T.M.. U cabins and workshop, enaine room, and other modern convs. Reason for selling, owner's sickness. Value £1000; any reasonable offer will bo accepted. No ascents and no correspondence. Rail and expenses will be paid to a purchaser. E. H. BLOMFIELD. Russell. EUNiABOUT, 16ft, .powered with a V 8 marine engine, stainless shaft, etc. This boat and engine is in first-class order and condition, motor at present being overhauled. I will sell separately if necessary. Lockwood Chief Outboard Motor, just been completely overhauled ami had new cylinder blocks fitted. —L. Shadgett, Glen A v., Papatoetoe. MODERN Aux. Heelers, from 26 to 101 ft. Logan Champ. Keeler, 36ft, , 2 suits. Dinghy and M. 30 x 12 x 4 Aux. Keeler. £7OO. Launches: 28ft, from £230; 31ft Cabin Cruiser. £375; \ Class, £6O; jfood Z, £4B. Jellicoes (2). £IOO. 20ft Keeler. good cruiser all new sails, £225. Twin Engine lug, £1650} Diesel Towboat, £500; .'Kilt Mod. Bridge-deck Motor-boat, Marine .Engine. £1350; 24ft Motor-Sailer, well found, £2OO.—SPEEDWELL, Exchange Lane. Ph. 31-198. 5?"3'/a h.p. Johnsons, 2% h.p. Eclipsa , Outboard Motors: 0 and 12ft New Kaun nintrhies- Cruising Keel Yachts and Auxinaries from £300; 31 ft, 37ft, 40ft, 46ft Cutters, 'Ketch, Schooner rigs; 70ft Motor-Sailer; Cruising Launches, from £250, Soft, Fishing Launches, Towboats, etc., from £3OO. ogft to 42ft; 40ft Diesel Launch, surveyed suitable towing cargo, fishing, passengers, etc.; 18ft V Class, 14ft I and \ Class. L Class. Write ring or call, many otliers. Tems. Marine Insurance Arranged.—A. DWOVAiN, 217 Victoria Arcacle. 44-034 office. (li>-(>7l res. : . BOATS, LAUNCHES, Etc., WANTED OANOE, light, S-Sft, suit 10-year-old «irl. \J —Ph. 20-1 SO. DINGHY, » or 10ft, good condition.—LP 181 Herald. DINGHY, 12ft, complete; also Bait ]Set, 25yd; cash—Tß442 Herald. DINGHY, 8-l2ft, complete.—27 Parr Rd., Pt. Chevalier. DINGHY, 9-lOft, or Sailing Dinghy.— Williamson, 41 Clifton Rd.. Takapuna. 78-757. DINGHY, 14ft, Clinker, and suitable outboard, perfect order.—Ph. 65-394. or W8584 Herald. OUTBOARD Motors Bought for Cash; Johnson preferred.—Wiseman s Outboard Sales and Service, 32 Customs St. E. OUTBOARD, drive shaft with housing, propeller, etc., with or without engine.—Ph. 51-013. „ OUTBOARD Motor, 2 1 /„ h.p., late-model; ail cnfch available, or will trade 1-point 2horse late model streamlined Neptune.— Herald. E UNA BOUT, 16ft, modern, light inboard pref.; state price.—Ph. 61-459 or Box 50, Symonds St. rr Vor Y Class, sound, ready season; must x» must be reasonably priced. C 8648 II eh an. iSFI. V Class; sails, gear; good cond.—FarJ- ticulars, price, FY4OS Heiulp. OUTBOARD Motor, Johnson, late model, 5 to 7 h.p.; will pay good price, cash.— Ph. 4M, Pukekohe. workintr hours;.?. Lough-, rin, Pukekohe. . __ BUYERS All Classes Yachts'and vj Auxiliaries, from 7-footers up. Launches, all sizes, suitable pleasure, fishing, towing, passengers, etc. Dinghies, Outboard Motors, Marine Engines, etc.—Write, - rmg or call A. DONOV-VN. 217 Victoria Arcade, 44-534 office. 1(3-075 and 62-074 after office hours.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 25054, 18 November 1944, Page 3
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1,401Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 25054, 18 November 1944, Page 3
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