PLANTS, TREES, ETC., FOR SALE T EEK, Cauliflower, 3/- per 100, postqd.— JJ Killen, 165 Titirangi Ed., New'Lynn. MANURE. Poultry, 3/- bag, 10 bags 25/-. iVI Ex fowlbonse. —Misa, 116 Balmoral Rd. Ph. 02-805, 05*365 . , BOULTKY Manure, 2/0 sacks minimum 6 sacks lots.—Ph. 62-125. • ■ RED Shingle, Sand, Now Available.—Mc-; Galium Bros., Endean s Bldgs. Ph. 42-604. SUNFLOWER, 200 blooms, Gem Mex., Bft.; seeds, 8d pkt., posted.—Skeatee, litirangi. rpOBACCO Plants, 3/9 25, 0/9 50, 11/x 100 posted.—Green Lane Nursery. rpOMATO Stakes, tea-tree, Oft, 4/0 bundle, X delivered; large quantities arranged.— Ph. 62-922, 0-4, Mon.-Fri. ... npOMATOES, Commercial planting. AustralX ian and Tafnra Dwarf, £2 1000 at nursery. —Pearson, Veronica St.. ISew Lynn. HPOMATOES, Potentate, 23 3/0; Best of X All, 25 2/9; Lettuce, 100 2/9. All pood strong plants. Post paid.—Calderwood, 3Surseryrnan, Hamilton. , . . TtfATfeß Plants, quantity, beautiful, floatTV ing; Azollo, 4d each; Oxygen Producer, Anarcharis, 4d each.—l6s St. Johns Ha., Rcrouera, __ - DAHLIAS and . Chrysanthemums in all leading varieties and novelties. New' Catalogue of 600 varieties! posted free. N.S-\\. and Queensland Waratahs, strong plants, il<] each, posted. Palmer's Nurseries, Great North Rd., Glen Eden. Ph. 88-029. HORTNAP (Horticultural Naphthalene), the Standard Soil Insecticide, used by all successful gardeners. Stocked by all Seedsmen. Manufactured by RE9TAR (AUCKLAND), LTD. T ETTUCE, Beetroot, Cauliflower. Enfield I.J Cabbage Plants, well packed, 3/• 100, 1/9 50; Beans, Purple Wonder, dwarf, heavy cropper, lOd per packet, 3 for 2/3, posted.— Shadwick's Nurseries, Otahuhu. ROCK Melon Seed.—We have a wonderful variety of genuine American-grown. Varieties include Spicy, Hearts of Gold. Hales Best, Netted Gem, etc. Each variety 6d pkt., 8d pkt." posted. Special quotes for quantities. O'LEARY BROS. AND DOWNS. LTD.. . 16-18 Cook St.. Auckland, C.l.
BOATS, LAUNCHES, Etc., FOR SALE BOAT. Runabout, 10 h.p., Evinrude, firstclass order; cheap.—George Hutchinson, Morrinsville. fIAMPBELL MOTORS. Ltd.. Auckland, sole V/' N.Z. Distributors Bendix Eclipse Aircooled Outboard Motors. Sales. Spares and Parts. pAXOE, 10ft, seat 2; £2/10/.—51 Tawhiri V Rd., Onehunga. DINGHY, bite, with rnast, sail and net, £3s.—Hayward, Torbay Beach. DINGHY, 7ft, light, beamy.—Ph. 51-013, 11 Challenger St., St. Heliers. DINGHY, yff, Clinker-built, Oars, Anchor, <'tc., £2O cash.—Harrod St., Ellerslie. PCLTPSE, Outboard, 2% h.p., as new, with 1J loft Dinghy, complete.—EVlßGoHeiuld. "17'LATTIE, Oft, £5. —48 Canal Rd., AvonX dale. FLATTIE, Oft, 2 Anchors, £7/10/-.—Roth-cry, Buckland Rd., Mangere East. GAS Producers, Special, Marine.—See Stirling- Gas Producer Co., 122 Park Rd. Demonstrations arranged. LAUNCH, 26ft. cheap.—lß6 Church St., Onehunga. LAUNCH, 18ft, Model T engine; £4O or offer.—47 Donovan St., Avondale South'. T AUNCH, 31ft, £900; Fishing Boat. £3OO. JLi —Lidgard's Shipyard. MARINE Engine, reliable, 4-cyl., kerosene, benzine, spares, ready for installing.— JRBBI Herald. OUTBOARD Motor, Champion, twin,. 6.6 h.p.; £G5.—Ph. 36-326. OUTBOARD Motor, 2'/ 3 h.p. Evinrude, in Ist-class cond.; £4o.—Ph. 50-035. OUTBOARD Motor, Evinrude Elto, 10 h.p., perf. cond., £OS. Kayes, Helvetia, Pukekohe. OUTBOARD, fast Runabout, 15ft 6, mahogany, first-class cond. —Cambridge Service Station, Cambridge. „ , . OUTBOARD Motor Johnson, Model L.45, 9 h.p., just overhauled.—Apply Sunday. 23 Wallace Rd., Papatoetoe. Ph. 178. OUTBOARDB Overiiauled, Bought. Sold.— Burgess Outboards (Nicbolls, Mgr.). 60 Mountain View Rd.. Mt. Albert. Ph. 27-_llfi ROWING Boat, 14ft, designed specially outboard, as new, complete.—Dunningham, Puhinui Corner, Great South Rd.. Papatoetoe. Ph. 23(JS. "OUGBY Engine, 1929, suitable marine; XX good.—B6 Hobson St. EUGBY Motor, converted to marine, excellent order, ready to mount; best offer.— Ph. 17-831 , _ 4U . RUNABOUT, 16ft, nearly new; Outboard or Inboard Motors.—Ford, Boatbuiider, Ellerslie. , , , .. . • . SAILING Dinghy, varnished, lift; boat and sails as new. —Ph. 26-133. QKIMMER, 10ft., almost new good sails 0 and gear, £27.—19 Meola Rd., Pt. Chev. VACHT, Bft 6in, perf. cond.—4 Water St., 2. Otahuhu, Ph. SIM. Z Class, sound, full racing gear, fast; reasonable—Ph. 62-674. *7EDDIE, ready for water, new mainsail
Lk last season. —Ph. 00-010. j t?vinkddb elto OUTBOARDS JCj For peak performance this summer have your motor thoroughly overhauled by the sole N.Z. Evinrude agents. All jobs guaranteed.John Burns A Co.. Ltd.. Customs St. E.,.Auck T* AUNCH 32ft. double-skinned hull, reJJ liable 6-cyl. engine. well equipped, radio, dinghy, etc.. all fcood order.— Ring Skinner, c/o Shipbuilders. Ltd. (Ph. 44-590), or write "We.atherly," Box 17. hamo. LAUNCH Owners.—No restriction on char. The 40ft Launch Wainki ran to the South Island from Auckland and performed wonderfully on our Gas Producer. Yours will do the same.—Full particulars. Truck Service, Ltd.. Parnell Rise. Ph. 44-092. , rpWIGG Marine Engine 40 h.p., complete J- with reverse gear, propeller, £<s; Whip S/C Twigg Marine Engine, reverse gear, propeller.—Macdougall Machinery Co.. Exmouth St.. Newton. Ph. 4S-008. Evenings 60-834. WE DO ALL DIFFICULT WELDING JOBS, from Sailmaker s .Needles to Augustins Patent Anchors. Outboard Parts, too.—Carl Augustm Welding Co. Ltd.. 78 Federal St.. Auckland. Ph. 45-088. A LWAYS in the Lead in Distinctive De_i\.sign.— Ford's "Invincible Craft Runabout.s mean thrilling and satisfactory performances. Book your order now for the summer, —Ford, Bo&tbuildcr, Ellcrslie. TOHNSON Sea Horse Outboard Specialised .J Service. Factory Equipment and P»rts small Propellers, inboard and outboard, any size, up to 12in shafting, stern glands, gear pumpS WISEMAN'S OUTBOAKDB. 32 Customs St East. Auck. Pb 41-233 Keel yachts. 46ft, 37ft, 3oft-, Punches 35ft, 32ft, 30ft, 29ft, 28ft 2(ift; Runabouts, 2.16 ft; 3 Fishing Boats with all gear; 2 Frostbites; 1 \vakatere, iju; Oft Dinghy, new wire rigging for small boaU; 1 onlv 22 X 22 Propeller, right hand. —K. a. Wood. 204' Dilworth Bldg. Ph. 44-764. OCEAN-GOING CRUISER KETCH RYE, U fully equipped. 12 tons T.M., 2 cabins and workshop, engine room, and other modern convs. Reason for selling, owners sicknes3. Value, £1000; any reasonable offer will be accepted. No agents and no correspondence. Rail and expenses will be paid to a purchaser. E. H. BLOMFIELD, Russell. MODERN Aux. Keelers, 1 and 2-Masters, from 26 to 104 ft. Logan Champ, keeler, 30ft, 2 suits. Dinghy and M. 28ft. Short-end Keelers, good sails and engine, dinghy, etc. 80 x 12 x 4. Aux. Keeler, £7oO. Launches: 28ft (3), from £230; 31ft Cabin Cruiser, £375- Y Class, £OS; good Z, £4B; F bite, £6O; I. Along, £65. Jellicoes (2), £100; fide Tables, 1945, Free. Oiitboard 3/, h.p., Johnson, £77 (latest). —SPEEDWELL, Exchange Lane. Ph. 31-198. fl h.p. and 5 h.p. Johnson 2V } h.p. Eclipse y Outboard Motors; 9 and 12ft New Kauri Dinghies; Cruising Keel Yachts and Auxiliaries, from £300; 31f,t, 3<ft, 40ft, 46ft Cut ters, Ketch, Schooner rigs: 70 Motor Sailer, Cruising Launches from £250. 21ft to 4-ft, Fishing Launches, Towboats, etc.. from £3OO, '4ft to 42ft- 40ft Diesel Launch, surveyed suitable towing, cargo, fishing, passengers, etc - 18ft V Class. 14ft T and Y Class, Z Class. Write, ring or call. Many others. Terms. Marine Insurance arranged.. A. DONOVAN, 217 Victoria Arcade. 44-534 office, 10-075, 02-074 res.
BOATS, LAUNCHES, Etc., WANTED riAXOE, collapsible, suit 2 boys.—Walker, V/ 500 Queen St. , , -tjy •pROSTBITE, sailing gear. mast, etc.—BA T \UNCI! about 24ft, immediJ J atoly; cash. —CL62I Herald. /WfBOARD Motor, up to 5 h.p., must be »J in good eond.. will pay good price. 0-~ Manukau Rd., Epsom. / \UTBOAIiD Motors Bougtit tot Chmi (Jjohnson preferred.-—Wiseman a Ontbnarr* Sales and Service. 32 Customs St. E 0 AILING Dinghy, about 10ft. DHOOG Vr. \CHT D " l-lft or thereabouts, about £45 1 cash 'waiting.—HWß3o Herald. tt\CHT, 14ft to ISft, urgently; also 26ft to \ 35ft Cruising Launch with reliable ennr I 'CLASS I 'Spinnakei?— Ph. 16-028. evenings. I~BFt V or S Class, sails, gear, good con.j X parties, price, etc. —CLSI Hkrai.d. ri\SH BUYERS, all classes Yachts and O Auxiliaries, from 7-footers up. Launches, •ill sizes, suitable, pleasure, fishing, towing, passengers, etc. Dinghys, Outboard Motors. Marine Engines, etc. Write, Ph. or call. A. DONOVAN, 217 Victoria Arc., 4 1-534 office. 16-0/5 and 62-6.4 after office hours. "machinery FOR SALE p N GINEEE'S PLANT. J-J LATHE, lOin centre, 12ft between centres. Gap bed. Original packing blocks to 15in centre (will a wine; 30in over bed and •lft Gin in gap). Price £2OO (no motor). Solid spindle screw-cutting 1 , English make. LATHE, Sin centre, 10ft between centres. Solid spindle, all "screw-cutting. £l5O (no motor). English make. , _ All Lathes with Chucks, Face Plates, Gears anil Accessories. . , _ ~, , LATHE Sin centre, gap bed, Southbend Lathe. Double V Bed, hollow spindle, perfect order, complete with motor, starter and V-belt drive, £375. CAPSTAN lOin Centre Lathe, maker, Foster, U.S.A. Perfect order. £275 with motor, starter and V-belt drive. TA hollow spindle. MOSS AGENCY CO.. 250 Wakefield St., P.O. Box 51, Te Aro, Wellington. Ph. 50-834. Private, 52-899.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 25048, 11 November 1944, Page 3
Word Count
1,383Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 25048, 11 November 1944, Page 3
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