PLANTS, TREES, ETC., FOR SALE A EMONES, Ranunculus. guaranteed bril--tXliaut strains. 3/6 100. — Marden. Box 0, Takanuna. A NTIHJIHINUMS, 1/- doisi Lilac Trees. -tx mauve, 3/0. posted.—J. Brown, Drury. BARBERY, 1-year, good, 37/0 1000, cusli orders.—Thorns. Box 33. Papakura. Ph. 109 M. BARBERRY. 1-year, graded, 37/6 1000. — A S. Middleton (for quality). Ph. 1963. Pukekohe. BARBERRY, Common. 2-yr., 70/; 1-yr., 37/0 1000. Cash with order. Book now for winter delivery.—E. W. Skeltoii, Nurseryman, Pnhinui Rd., Papatoetoe. BROCCOLI, Sprouts, Savoy, Enfield Cabbage. Beetroot, Silver Beet; 3/ 100. — Kiileii, Titirangi Rd., New Lynn. BRUSSEL, Cabbage, Savoy, Lettuce, Leek, 100 2/-, posted.—29 Rata St., Frankton. ABB AGE Plants, Enfield, finest grade; 2/9 VIOO. posted.—Kiwi Gardens, Mangere, /CABBAGE, Enfield; Beetroot, Curley Kale, vV Silver Beet, 3/ 100; posted.—Shadwick's Nurseries, Otahuhu. CABBAGE, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Silver Beet, Kale, 3'/- 100, 1/0 50, posted.—Willtier, Nurseryman, Avondaie ABB AGE Plants, Enfield Market, outdoorW grown, 2/0 per 100, 1/0 per 50, 1/- per 25. Postage paid. Special quote for quantities.— T. Y. Sun,"To Kuiti. • C CARNATIONS, Pink, winter flowering, 3 /for 4/6, 18/- doz., posted. Barretts Carnation Gardens. Avondaie Rd. riLEMATIS. Lasurstern, a fine, large, bluev flowered variety; 3/0 each ; 1/ posted.—-Gor-don, Clarke, Seedsman, Florist, Queen Street Auckland. DAFFODILS, lovely, mixed, plant now, 1/6 a doz.—Mrs. McCarthy, R.B. Waitanguru. DARWIN Tulips, choice, selected, 5/doz., posted; Strawberry Plants, 51 100. Perrott. Forrest HiW Rd., Takapuna. I? VERGREEN Lawn Grass Seed. 11- lb.. Jl/add postage. Brown's Mill. Durhami Lane. 'I7\OWL Manure, dry, 2/6 bag; reduction for f quantity.—J, Wataon, Beach Rd., Papakura. ~ ~a n'eMONIS, Ranunculus, verv best procurxjl able; 4/6 and 0/0 100. Double Gcrberas largest assortment in New Zealand; 1 plant 3/0; 0 plants £1; 13 plants .€2; alt different shades. —Lakelands. Takapuna. . "ANEMONE Bulbs. No. 2 grade,.only 3/6 ASO; 0/ 100; Daffodils, mixed vaneUea, 2/0 doz.; Grape Hyacinth* Muscorei, 3/0 Stock li irst, English Beauty, 3/ 2o.—Mrs. b. B. Snelling, -IS WUeturangi fed.. Green Lane. S.K.I • __ -—- ANTIRRHINUM, Calendula, Carnation, A Stock, Primula, Winter Marigolds, Nemesia, Wallflower Viola; 3/0 CO; Delphinium, 2/0 doz.—Tui Nurseries, Balmoral Rd., Mi. Eden. "vrBERKY graded, good, 2»yra., _ 70/-; *l-yr. 35/- per 1000. Book early. Limited supply Delivery end of May-August H. J. MIDDLETON. Box to, Pukekohe. Ph. 106RBEAUTY STOCK. Mammoth, Extra Double Strain, 14 dill', colours, box-grown, '-o for 3/-; Daffodils, choicest varieties mixed. 3/- doz.; Darwin Tulips, 3/6 and a/- doz., postedll. COLLIS, OAS Dominion Rd. f CABBAGE, Cauliflower. Lettuce, Silver 0 Beet, Beetroot, Kale, 3/- 100, 1/9 oO; Musselburgh Leeks. 2/0 10O; t arsley. t/0 dozen, all posted. . Ih . r! Taylor, 90S Now North Rd.. Mt. Albert. /GiOICE SHRUBS, over 100 varieties, also \J Shelter, Shade and Hedge lrees, Uruu Trees, Apples, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Neetarines, etc. Cotalogue posted free on request. SUNN YSIDE NURSERIES, Te Awamutu. (CORNFLOWERS lJub. Genu. Dianthuis, Calendulas, Wallflowers, 50 3/0; Garns.tions, 25 3/0; Tingitana Iris flowering), 1 doz. 1/0; Daffodils, 1 doz. 3/0; Jonquils (S. D'br). 1 doz. 2/-; Tulips. 1 doz. o/-; Anemones, 50 5/---Mrs. Nielsen. 20 '1 e Kawa Rd., Que Tree Hill. 717 aNT Double Anemones and Ranunculus, vX3 sizes 1/-. 1/6, 2/- per doz., 5/-, 7/(i, 10/per -Oi); broesia. uianl hybrids, Bur torn. l/doz 10/- per 100. Ixias, named varieties, 2/doje., mixed 1/0 doz; New Cazanias, 5 varieties lor 0/-; Primula Obconica for pots, 0/doz. —Palmer's Nurseries. Great North lid., Gien Eden. Ph. S.S-020. 1 1 UAftS Seed from certified Seed and MarlVJ borough clean, sunny pastures, new season s autumn mixture. No. 1, ltyeErass. Cocksfoot, Bed White and Subterranean Clovers, Cowgrass, Crested Dogstail, Lucerne and other valuable Grasses. No. 2. as No. l. with Certified Paspalum added. 71/6 sack 1401b. tew sacks Bushburn mixture, 35/-, sacks in, free on rail. Samples. A YICKERS. N.Z. Express Co.. Auckland. OELECT Box-grown Plants. —Stock (Giant 0 Perfection), Viola (Blue and Yellow), Marigold (Winter Harmony). Sweet \\ itliam Lobelia iDwarf), Gaillardia (Double). 1/ 50. Cineraria (Giant Flowered), Cnrna(ion (Giant Chabaud). Sweet Pea (Spencer), Verbena (Mixed), Delphinium (Hybrid). Primula (MalicoidJe), 5/ 50, posted.—Mt. Wellington Xtirsery. Panmure Kd.. Ellerslie. !,iREESLAS, giant coloured Hybrids, rang.r ing through white, cream, lemon, yellow, orange, gold, cerise, pink, red. lavender, lilac, blue, purple, puce, browns, copper; 2/3 doz., 7/0 50, assorted t „ ANEMONES, new and exclusive bulbs, obtainable only from us for the first time on N.Z. market, throwing huge bloom up to 4m across on long stem, SO per cent doubles, ranging through pink, red. scarlet, blue. >uac. lavender, purple, maroon white. 2/0 doz. <'• 50 13/- 100. LAWRENCE. Salisbury Road Birkdale, Auckland. TARNATIONS. Giant Chabaud. unequalled <0 range of colours; flowers on long, stout stems; 3/- 25. PaNSIES, Exhibition Giants,unexcelled for size and for richness of colour, aud markings it has no equal; 3/- 25. WALLFLOWER, old-fashioned English favourites, very fragrant and effective for mixed borders; 3/0 50. SCABIOUS, ever-popular pincushion flowers, but in a new range of colours and giant blooms; 3/- 25. CABBAGE, Enfield Market, 1/9 50. CAULIFLOWER, "Phenomenal," 1/9 50. BEETROOT, "Crimson Globe," 1/9 50 Ml Orders P<ffcted Free I WHITE'S, Seedling Specialists, 219-251 Great South Rd. (near Term.), Green Lane. Auckland, 5.E.4. -to!- Posted. 1 mixed; 12 (Ranunculus. Giant Florentine, mixed; 12 Ixias, mixed; 12 Freesia. large flowering; 12 Sparaxias, mixed; 0 Grape Hyacinths; 0 M. J. Berkley Daffodils; 0 Golden Solid D'Or; 12 White Narcissus; 6 Mixed Daffodils; 1 Bronze Tiger Lilys 1 Scented Hvacinth; Auriculas, Dusty Miller, 5/- doz.; Giant Blue Violets. 5/- doz.; Brorapton Stocks, ex. dble., 5/- 25; Polyanthus, Giant, mixed. 6/* doz.; Tree Tomato. New Black] 7/<> doz.; 0 Hardy Perennials, assorted. 5/-- Pansy. Engelmann's Famous Giants, 5/Canterbury Bells, cup and saucer. 1/doz.; Peristemons, large flowering perennials, 3/6 doz.; Leeks, Giant, 3/- 100; Enfield Mkt, Cabbage It/- 100, and Border Carnations, large pink. 5/- '/.-doz. All postage paid and carefully packed. Please enclose advt. ' STAMFORD NURSERIES. Mt. Roskill, 5.3, Auckland. V\TA LLACE ROAD NURSERIES. • * ' PAPATOETOE. Specials—Anemones, started bulbs, Blue Bonnet and Scarlet Emperor. 3/0 doz. ; Mixed Colours, 2/0 doz.; Tulips, extra choice, mixed, 7/6 doz.; Daffodils, large trumpet, mixed. -;>/- doz.; Anemone Bulbs, 51- 50, 9/- 100; Primrose and Polyanthus Plants, choice, mixed colours, 5/- doz'.; Primula Malac., rich pink, 3/0 5/0 50, 8/6 100. Carnation, double, strongly perfumed, 2/0 doz.; Calendulas, larfl^ flowering, orange and lemon, 3/0 25, 5/0 50, 8/6 100; Perennials, Double Shasta Daisy, Esther Read. 2/6; Chiffon Daisy, 2/6; Delphinium. Pacific, strain largo roots, 18/- doz. Parsley, double curled, 0 roots, 2/6; Cauliflower. Broccoli. 3/0 100. All strong plants, well packed. Posted free. Rain bean (rest.)- Iceland Poppies, N.Z.'s best Poppy, fully booked for April delivery. Prices 30! 25, 5/0 50, 8/6 100. Obtainable only from us. f"IABBAGE. Enfield Market and Henderson's Kj Succession. 3./- 100, 1/9 50. CAULIFLOWER, large white heads. 3/too, l/!l 50. ' LETTUCE, SILVER BEET AND BEETROOT, each 100, 1/9 50. CALENDULAS, large double, art shades, mixed, 3/0 50. „ ~, SCIITZANTHUS, Poor Mane Orchid, 3/0 50. SWAN PLANTS (Monarch food), 6 for 2/0. POLYANTHUS, _ larse reds or vellows. 3/0 doz; mixed colours, o/O doz. NEMESIA. Dwarf Compact®, mixed, 3/6 ° VISCARIA. choicest, mixed colours, 3/0 50. T'ANSII'/S, Engieniann's Exhibition, 3/0 25. VIOLAS. Golden Yellow and Sky Blue, large-flowered varieties, 3/6 50. FREES I\S "•/- and 7/0 100; Tritomas, Babianas. each var.. 5/- 50. All postage paid. A. WHITE, 32 Kowhatu Rd., off Campbell Rd., Auckland, S.E.I. Pit- 51-742. Estab. II years. Only at the one address. No connection with any other nursery. OTRAWBERRIES, Captain Cook, strongly n recommended for Home Gardens. They are vigorous and compact growers, carrying a henw crop of sweetly, medium-sized, roumiish berries of exquisite llavour. They are prolonged and exceptionally heavy bearers It planted now the runners may be expected tu bear a good crop by November; oO plants, 5/-; too "plants. 8/0. , TCI,] PS,- —Giant, Darwin are_ the finest of ■ill Tulips We offer a superb mixture of fine. flowering l"' 11 '*: Producing blooms of every imaginable shade On • ■ Mutely stems; 12 bulbs for </(>. <>o bulbs, fOl \\E>ro\ES. —One of the loveliest of Spring 'Flowering bulbs. No garden is complete without a collection of plants. Grifllths' strain is famous lor its bnt 11:, fit massing display of colour*. «>0 Hiillis. .i,-. NARCISSUS MLXTURE- — A delightful mixture of cream and P p <>'' ,j„i„ ( uils and various Daffodils su it able or m,;,J planting and early cut Howe s lor mvkel - 501 > bulbs. 50/-; IOIX) bulbs, 90/-. n V'-'i-'OOM S. A special Cottage mixture. well' represented in all types of the Narcissus i-imilv ideal for plantimr in clumps and est'!blNhing attractive borders; cottage mixLire 50 for »/-; 100 for 15/-. k'ri.-'RSI\S For borders and massed dts-i)i-ivv Criflitiis' Creamy White Freesias, wiih i, sprinkling of mixed shades, "i;0;e did and elTective garden display; .»() Tor S/ S1'KCIAL ( AUTUMN NOVEI-TY BULBS Babi'iniaa, Giant blue, 50 HM> f -• Ixias, Rainbow, mixture. oO ■>/-.■ '•'/ Sparaxis, brilliant shades ..0I 1 •yTritonias, showy orange colour. oO .«/-. 100 . Wood-Hyacinths, Bell-shaped i powers in separate shadps of rosr, wlnte, nine, •»- "Watsonin. ljcaiitifal swect-sernted (iladioli-r-Kc flowers, or srenus of rowing hardy bulb?, call of 6 named colours, 3/-. Cash with order, postage paid, GRIFFITHS. LIMITED, Owens Rd., ilt. .Edc*.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24869, 15 April 1944, Page 3
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1,489Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24869, 15 April 1944, Page 3
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