SITUATIONS VACANT ASSISTANT, for Home Cookery.—Vaux* hall Home Cookery, Devonport. Ph. 70-129. A SSISTANT, willing, for Bowling Ciubj ix greenkeeper's cxper. pre!., but not essential.—G. N. Christian, Nathan Bond Bidg.. 47 Customs St. E. A SSISTANTS, for .Delicatessen Store; 1x essential, clean, congenial occupation.—9o Queen St. BAKER, small goods, permanent, good position.—Watson's, 472 Karangchape Rd. BAKER for mfg. small goods.—Foreman, Lyons' Bakehouse, 68 Vinceni, St. JL>AitMA>.. —New Criterion Hotel. j^ARMAN.— Suffolk Hotel. College Hill. OARMAN.—Windsor Castle Hotel. Psrnell. BARMAN, exp.. private bar. —Star Hotel, Albert St. BARiiAN-Porter, Patumahoe Hotel.—Ph. 4, Patumahoe BARMAN and Barman-Porter, experience unnecessary.—Apply personally, Rob Roy I Hotel. OEEF Slaughterman, must be competent JL> groundsman.—City Abattoir. Westfield. BLACKSMITH, must be good, horse »uoer, —(t. H. Baucke, Ph. 52. Otorohanga. BLACKSMITH, for steel fabrication; also Metal Workers' Assistants. —N.Z. Steel Pipe and Tank Co., Ltd., Penrose. BOILERMAKERS, Electric Welders, Gas Welders and Apprentices. N.Z. Steel Pipe and Tank Co., Ltd., Penrose. BOY to learn trade.—H. Elliott, Butcher, 214 Ponsonby Rd. BOY (16) for our mechanical dept.—British Typewriters, Ph. 40-454. BOY for Woodworking Business; wages, £2, —1 Osborne St., Newmarket. BOY. reliable, for message?, 3.1S to 5 p.m. daily, Saturdays 0.30 to 12 noon; Newton. BOV, 15-16, Warehouse; good opportunity; no Saturdays; 30/-. —Tho«. HokLs'vorth .& Sons, Hail of Commerce. BOY, preferably recently left school, tor our store; must be strong and willing; good prospects.—Cadbury, Pry. Hudson. Ltd., Beach Rd. BOY, must be keen and intelligent, opportunity to learn mot-or trade, apprenticeship to suitable applicant.—Laurie's Garage, Henderson. BOY for Engineering Shop and Messages; good opportunity for apprenticeship.— Automotive Reconstruction, Ltd., St. Patrick's Square. II>OYS and Girls, light factory work.—lA J Harold St.. Mt, Eden. BOYS, Herald Delivery, small rounds; 12/-; Dominion Rd.—Ph. 27-323. BOYS, young, to learn light Carton work.— Apply Monday, 320 A Dominion Rd. Ph. 60-710. T>OYS for Showroom and Store; excellent D prospects.—Hardleys, Ltd., Hardware Merchants, Newmarket. BRASS Moulders, Machine Moulders; permanent work.—D. Henry and Co., 12 Nelson St., City. BUSHMEN for our Mill at Raurim; close to rail; good cookhouse.—Manson and Clark, Ltd.. Box 3, Raurimu. Ph. 10. BUTCHER or Youth with 3 years' knowledge.—J. Hopkins, Box 25. Morrinevilie. BUTCHER, 2nd Shopman; good wages and conditions. Ph. 26-114 or 133 Ponsonby Rd. BUS Driver; must be first-class driver; good wages; permanent position. S. Loughrin, Pilot Motors, Pukekohe. /CABINETMAKER, Returned Soldier preVyferred; good conditions and wages.— New Century Furniture Co., cnr. Frankiin Rd. and Wellington St. C CARETAKER, modern building, heart of ' City, must have refs.; accommodation available.—MWl76 Herald. pARETAKER - Cleaner, Dominion Rd. V> School, £5/5- week.—Particulars apply Headmaster or Ph. 61-816. CIARPENTER; good conditions, overtime.— > Ph. 36-102. /CARPENTERS (6), work East Coast, vy country rates; long job suitable men.— J. C. Latham, Ltd., Murray's Bay. C'< A SHIER, exper. book-keeper, also Buri roughs Operator and Junior Typiste.— Haggards Store. Whatawhata Rd,, Frankton. Ph. 2332 or 2020. CATERER for bush cookhouse, near Mokai. —Taupo Totara Timber Co., Ltd.. Putaruru. ! / 1 11 EOF and Second Cook (Females); capable, •O for good Country Hotel. —Masonic Hotel, Ph. 1, Cambridge. CLEANER for Optician's Rooms, one morning weekly.—3o9 Karangaliape Rd. CLEANER for small factory, _ 40 hours per week; single accent, if required; wages £3/0/3. —Apply personally, X a gels Creations, Ltd., 70 Lome St. Ph. 4 1 3-717. /CLERK. -Junior, Legal Office; state age. V,' experience.—LXSIB Herald /CLERK, male or female, to keep stock v/and sales records.—Cadbury. Pr.v. Hudson, Ltd., Beach Rd. (ILERK, female. Junior or Intermediate, for J essential industry; previous office exper. pref., excellent prospects for advancement. — Ph. 18-930 for appointment. /CONVEYANCING Clerk, legal office exp. v,-' preparation documents and estates; salary £7■ state age. experience.—LXSI7 Heeald. QOOK, 3rd.—Star Hotel, Albert St. 3rd. —Manager. People's Palace COOK second, male or female. Albert Hotel CIOOK, single-handed kitchen, easy position. /—Ph. 44-703. /COOK (Second), hours S a.m. to 3 p.m.; V.' 5-day week. —Regent Tearooms. COOK, Ist, 3-handed kitchen.—Little Dutch Mill, St. Kevins Arcade. COOK, reliable, exper.. for home cookery, all elec. —Y8974 Herald. CIOOK, 2nd. exper.—Glen Innes American ' Red Cross Club. Ph. 50-ISS. COOK, 2nd, female, award wage.—Apply Grand Central, Te Kuiti. Ph. 217. CiOOKS, women, Ist and 2nd, experienced, J for country hotel; good wages.—TNlllo Herald. COUPLE, young, farming, offer genuine home to pensioner, in return for light gardening ana lawns; permanent.—DWlßl4 Herald. DETECTIVE. Private, wanted—Gßl932 Herald. „ DOMESTIC, private hospital, Epsom; live out.—Ph. 61-349. DRESSMAKER'S. Machinist, full or parttime. —28 Great North Rd.. opp. Avon Theatre, or Ph. 26-126. > DRESSMAKER, Ist class Machinist, parttime presser.—Adrian Gowns, 44 Lewis Eady Bidg. Ph. 41-368. DRIVER, Mechanic, for country bus service; wages £6 18/ week, with overtime; permanent • position to suitable applicant.— BDIOS3 Herald. I ELECTRICAL Engineer with mechanical J engineering experience.—N.Z. Steel Pipe and Tank Co., Ltd., Penrose. ELECTRICIAN, to instal 3 points, cottage; 1j urgent.—Ph. 54-317, Mrs. Beaven. I ENGINEERS, Fitters, Turners, Factory AsJ sistants and Youths. —N.Z. Stefcl Pips and Tank Co., Ltd., Penrose. 1? NGINE-Driver, first ticket, wanted, Dutch ill Oven job; house available; essential industry, 48-hour week.—Apply Pokaka Timber Co. Ltd.. Pokaka. rUCTORY Workers (2), for bottling floor; r good wages, with opportunity for overtime.—C. L. Innes and Co., Ltd., lihyber Pass, Newmarket. I JITTERS and Turners by firm engaged on 1 urgent Defence work; 56-honr week.— Speedway Products, Ltd., 51 Albert St. /S ARDENER; state wages.—X, Box 36, vX Morrinsville. _ /C ARDENER. 3 days weekly.—Hodgson, 31 \JCShellv Beach Rd., Heme Bay. • /C ARDENER, exper., 1 day week, for lawns, VX" hedges, flowers.—3 Garden Rd.„ Remuera. Ci ARDENER, strong, energetic; highest .1" wages.—MZ7Sß Herald. /c ENERALS (3). night work, good wages; U reliable and clean. —State Lounge. 240 /CENERAL Help, small boarding-house; VX good wages and home. —Help. C.o. Cummintcs, Cambridge. „ , . /C KNERAL for Convalescent Home; cooking VX not essential; good wages for capable woman.—2o3 St. Heliers Bay Rd. Ph. 01-100. /CFA'ERAL Hand for kitchen; also sandVT wich Maker, full-time, positions Sat., y,- ! day and Sundays free.—Lyons. 13 Customs C' '"iIRL (16-18), smart, assist in Dairy.—3o J Jervois Rd. ... . . /C IRL (16-17 years) for library and statlonU cry business. Remuera.—Ph. 16-228. /CIRL for Flower Garden. —Barretts CarVX nation Gardens, Avondale Rd., Avondale. /CIRL (18-19), good at figures, for clerical \X work in connection with issuing tearoom dockets. —Cooke and Son, Queen St. GIRLS to pick Violets; long job.—Kerr, "Don Buck's Rd., Henderson. /C IRLS (2), Junior, for showroom. —Da VJ Barry Gowns, 215 Queen St _ (2) for Housework, Relieving Cook VX and Kitchenman; essential work. tn. /VIRL, Junior (to IS), for professional VX office, knowledge of typing essential.— WW 139 Herald. , _ /C IRL. or young refined Woman, live in or U daily, small elec. home, near trams, Mt. Albert. —Ph. 88-948. .... . . /C IRLS, voung, good opportunity learn highVl class Dressmaking; facilities in our workroom to do own sewing. Good conditions. — Chic. 434 Queen St. ("i IRLS (2), feeders for small cylinder J machine; and 2 Table Hands. —The Anchor Printery, Ltd., behind New Fire Station, Pitt St. /C RADER Driver, exper., good wages.—PasVXcue's Quarries, Ltd., or Ph. 24-745. • /CREENSMAN. experienced man. imiaediVX ately; wages £6 10/- Remuera Golf Club, Meadowbank. HAIRDRESSER, Junior or Improver; urgent.—Ph. 10-757. XI ANDYMAN, house and outside jobs; 11 handy tools.—RLl3 Herald. EIAULER Driver, with Ist ticket; house L available.—Ellis and Burnand. Ltd., Mangapeehi. HEAD Dairy Man and 2 Youths or Girls for experimental work in dairy cow num. tion.—Ruakura Animal Research Station. Ph. 4701. Hamilton HOUSEKEEPER, nursing experience, care elderly Couple, City; good home and wages.—KA7ss JElkrald HOUSEM A ID-Waitress - Apply Matron. People's Palace HOUSEMAID, capable and clean live in 5 good wages.—Ph 61-898 TJOUSEM \TD, 30/- to C2; essential work. Ii —Dr. King, Ph. 40, Morrinsville. HOUSE-Pantrymaid for convalescent Jiome; Hve in; easv position; salary f?2'7'6. — I'll l' ! ■ _ T RON WORKER.—W A 1 tiomrson St Co., I j!6 Wak"field SI. ~(Wanted Advertisements Continued on Page 2)
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24869, 15 April 1944, Page 1
Word Count
1,302Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24869, 15 April 1944, Page 1
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