Two charges of theft, involving £27 19s ]]c) in money and clothing, were admitted bv a labourer, Edgar Lawrence Giggj aged 29, before Mr. F. H. .Levien, S.M., yesterday. Detective-Sergeant Thethewey said accused stole a suitcase and clothes Worth £9 19s lid from a room mate jntJ later took £lB from the bar of a hotel where he staved, getting out of bed after midnight and forcing his way into the bar. On the first charge accused was sentenced to nine months' reformative detention and on the second to six months' gaol .with hard labour, the sentences to . lip cumulative.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume 79, Issue 24166, 7 January 1942, Page 9
Word Count
102THEFT PUNISHED New Zealand Herald, Volume 79, Issue 24166, 7 January 1942, Page 9
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