FBANKTON QUOTATIONS BACONERS MAKE TOj £3/14/OX BEEF REALISES £l4/12/[fkom ouit own con respondent] HAMILTON, Tuesday A heavy entry of fat sheep 'canu forward at the weekly stock sale held at-> Frankton to-day, competition throughout boincj. fairly keen. Prices for wethers and hoggets showed a slight decline, but fat ewe values were well maintained. Lambs, also, came forward in good numbers, selling under good competition at full late rates. A full • offering of ox beef sold at alighth firmer prices, om beast selling for £.14 12s Boner and store cattle came forward ir average numbers and sold on a level with late quotations. A heavy entry of calves sold at rates slightly under those of last week. Thero was. a good yarding of fat pigs prices for finished baconers showing a drot on last week's values. Porkers and butter' milk pigs remained steady. Choppers sold under keen competition, while stores and weaners, which were yarded in good numbers, also created fair interest. Auctidneers quote:— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited:—Fat ox were penned in average numbers and elicited keen competition, values advancing on last week's quotations. Fat cow and heifer beef was yarded in less than average numbers. Competition was fair and values were slightly easier on last week's Quotations. Store and boner cows also were yarded in less than average numbers. Values remained unchanged. A large yarding of runners and vealers were in good demand. An exceptionally choice sort on account of Mr. C. C. Parry sold for £7, being purchased by Shattocks, Limited. "Fat bullocks made £ll 10s to £l2 7s; medium fat bullocks. £lO 30s to £'ll ss: fat Jersey cows and heifers, £6 lOs to £7 12s; medium cows and heifers, £5 10s to £0 123 (id; killable cows and heifers, £1 10s to £5 os; heavy stores, £3 10s to £4 ss; stores, £2 10s to £3 7s Gd; boners, £1 to £2 ss; runners. £5 Is to £7; vealers, £3 to £3 10s; calves, 10s to £1 12s lid. Another lartre yarding of fat pigs came forward, values reflecting the farthing reduction in schedule. Competition was keen, however, with good clearances being effected. An average yarding of store pigs sold under keen demand with last week's rates being well maintained. Heavy baconers made £3 Us to £3 Os; medium, £3 2s to £3 ss; light and unfinished, £2 17s to £3; heavy porkers and buttermilk pigs, £2 13s to £2 16s; medium, £2 os to £2 10s; light and unfinished. £1 17s to £2 Is; good stores, 32s Gd to 3Gs: medium, 28s to 30s; slips, 23s to 265; good weaners, 17s to 20s; others, 10s to 14s. 'I he Fanners' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited:-—Sheep: Heavy fat wethers, 20s Gd fo 225; medium. 10s to 20s 3d; light, 17s Od to ISs Gd; young fat to 15s (id; fat ewe®, Us to 12s Od; canner ewes, 5s to 8s (id; light fat bljck-face hoggets, 14s Od to 16s »d; white-face ewe hoggets, 17s 3d to 17s Od; black-face ewe hoggets, to 14s Gd; white-face store hoggets. Ms Od to 13s Gd:. fat lambs, 20s 3d to 225. Cattle: Heavy prime steers, £l4 2s 6d to £l4 12s; medium-weight steers, £l2 7s Gd to £l3 Is; light prime steers, £lO Is to £l2 Is; heavy prime Shorthorn cows, £8 19s to £9 17s; prime Shorthorn heifers, to £9 17s Gd; heavy fat Jersey cows, £6 10s to £7 7s; medium. £5 5s to £G 2s Gd; light fat cows and heifers, £1 15s to £5 ss; heavy boners, £4 is to £4 12s; ■' medium-weight boners, £2 10s to £3 10s; canners. 12s Gd to 395; service bulls, £5 5s to £0 Is; heavy vealers, £2 os to £2 lGs; Bm'aller, 21s to 30s; rough vealers, 7s to lGs. Piers: Choppers, £2 12s to £3 3s; heavy baconers. £3 lis to £3 14s; medium, £3 5s to £3 10s; light, £3 Is; heavy porkers and buttermilk pigs, £2 14s to £3; medium porkers. £2 7s to £2 32sp light, £2 2s to £2 6s; unfinished porkers and large stores. 37s to £2 Is; large stores, 35s- to 395; medium. 27s Gd to 325; slips, 21s to 26s 6d: best weaners, 20s to 255; medium, 15s to 18s; others, 6s to lis. Dalgety and Company, Limited.—Sheep: Heavy fat wethers, 19s 6d to 21s Gd: medium, 18s to. ISs (id; light. 17s to 17s 6d; fat hoggets, 16s Gd to 17s 9d; heavy fat ewes, 15s Gd to lGs 3d; medium. 13s to lis 3d; light, lis to 12s 3d; heavy fat lambs, 23s fo 25s 9d; medium, 22s to 23s Gd; light, 18s to 20s; store hoggets.lss to 16s Gd; small, 12s Gd to 13s 9d. Cattle: Heavy fat bullocks, £l4 to £l4 0s: medium, £l2 to £l3 10s; light, £lO 5s to £lO 17s 6d; heavy fat cows,. £8 5h to £9 7s 6d; medium, £6 os to £7 12s 6d; light. £5 to £5 1 Os; fleshy cows, £4 5s to £4 9s; heavy boner cows, £3 10s to £4; boner and cull cows, 30s to £2 17s; store cows. £4 10s to £5 2s Gd; Jersey heifers, £3 5s to £3 15s; vealers, medium-weight, £3 5s to £3 7s 6d; light, £2 to £2 10s; small. 20s to 275. Pigs: Prime top-weight baconers. £3 14s; prime heavy baconers, £3 12s to £3 13s; heavy, £3 8s to £3 10s; medium. £3 4s to £3 8s; prime light baconers. £3 3s to £3 ss; light, £3 to £3 3s; heavy buttermilk pigs. £2 15s to £3; buttermilk pigs. £2 10s to £2 15s; prime heavy porkers. £2 8s to £2 12s; heavy porkers, £2 6s to £2 8s; prime medium porkers, £2 2s to £2 6s; medium, £2 to £2 2§; prime light porkers, 36s to £2; light, 32s to 365; choppers, medium, £3 to £3 10s; light. £2 10s io £3; best store pigs, 30s to 355; medium, 2.5s to 30s;. small. 20s to 2(55; best slips. 24s to 265; medium, 20s to 245: best weaners, 20s to 225; medium, lGs to 20s: small, 12s to 16s. G. W.. Vercoe and Company, Limited.— Sheep: Heavy prime wethers. 21s to 225; well-finished medium-weights, 20s to 20s yd; well-Dnished light-weight, 18s to 10s Gd; light and unfinished, 15s to 17s 6d; heavy prime ewes, lGs to 17s; prime mediumweights. 15S to 15s Od: well-finished lightweights, 13s to 14s Gd; light and unfinished, to 12s; medium-weight woolly hoggets, 18s to 20s; light woolly hoggets. 15s to 17s; medium-weight shorn hoggets, 15s to 16s 6d; store hoggets, to lis Gd; heavy spring lambs, 25s to 20swell-finished medium-weights, 24s to 24s Od; prime light-weights, 22s to 23s Gd; light. 19s to 21s. Cattle: Well-finished lightweight runners, from £4 to £4 18s; others, to £3 15s; heavy vealers, £3 5s to £3 12s; medium-weights, £2 5s to £3; small calves, 15s to 355. Ox beef: A prime two-year-old Shorthorn bullock from Hinuera Farm sold at £l4 7s Gd; good quality Shorthorn buU locks from Messrs. Willouguby Brothers, of Tuhikaramea, to £l4 2s Gd lGs); good quality bullocks from Mr. T. M. Hall, of Hamilton, sold at an average of £l4; a draft of well-finished Polled Angus bullocks from Mr. J. Hannon, of Cambridge, averaged £l3 4s; small light-weighl cattle from Mr. H. Cleland, of Gordonton. up to £lO 15s; prime medium-weight bullocks, £l3 10s to £l4 7s Gd; prime light-weights, £l2 15s to £l3 7s 6d; others, to £l2 10s; plain and unfinished, to £lO 15s; heavy fat cows, from £8 15s to £9 7s Gd; well-finished med-ium-weights, ""£8 to £S 10s; others, £7 5s to £7 15s; light-weights, £6 15s to £7 2s Gd; heavy fat Jersey cows, £7 10s to £S ss; medium-weights, up to £6 los; light, to £5 12s Gd; well-finished . light-weight Polled Angus and Hereford heifers, to £9; others, to £S 2s Gd; forward-conditioned Shorthorn and Friesian cows. £5 "is to £;> 16s; others-, to £4 15s; small yearling lieif.ers. to £3 10s; heavy boners, £4 to £4 15s; medium-weights, £3 5s to £3 15s; light, up to £3; potter bulls, to £9; good quality Jersev and Jersey-cross cows, early calverß, to £8 15s; others, to £7 10s; inferior, to £5 15s. Pigs; Heavy baconers sold from £3 10s to £3 lis; medium-weights. £3 5s to £3 9s; light, £2 19s to £3 4s; heavy porkers, £2 15s to „£2 ISs; medium-weights, £2 8s to £2 I ts; light, £2 to £2 7s; unfinished. 36s to 30s; large stores sold from 31s to 395: smaller. 30s to 335; good slips, 26s to 295; smaller, 20s to 255; best weaners. ISs to 21s; good, 15s to 17s; smaller, up to l is. COMPETITION AT TAUPIRI The New Zealand' Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports the yarding of fat. pigs submitted at Taupiri was slightly larger than usual and competition was keen, but in spite of this values depreciated slightly in comparison with late rates. The iop price was £3 Os for two good bnconers, sold on behalf of Mr. I?. V. J. rarriugton. In tlu- store section a smaller number than usual came forward and elicited keen competition. Late rates were we I maintained. Best baconers. £3 Os; lighter, £3 4s to £3 8s; inferior, £2 18s to £3 8s; heavy porkers and baconers, £2 10s to £2 17s;"medium, £2 4s to £2 10s; light, £1 18s to £2 3s; good stores. 30s to 83s; smaller, 26s fo 295; others. 22s to 255; beat- weaners, 18s to 21s; others, los to 17s Gd. An average yarding of cattle was submitted and met with good competition, values being approximately the same as those ruling at Frankton. Killable cows made £1 3s to £5; he-ivy boners, £3 3s to £3 15s; lighter. €2 5s to £3; two-year-old Jersey bulls, £lO, . WELLSFORD PIG ENTRY [fuom OUH own courkspondknt] WELLSFORD, Tuesday There was a very strong demand for young pigs at the fortnightly pig sale held at Wellsrord by Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, and the North Auckland Farmers' Cooperative, Limited. A number of buyers had lo go without their requirements. Owing to [he few stores yarded, porkers were taken by farmers for further fattening at prices from £2 8s to £2 10s. Values were:—Big unfinished porkers, £2 10s; medium to heavy porkers, £2 8s; big stores, 335; good slips 27s Gd; best weaners, 22s to 245; good rt-eaners, 19s fo 21s; poor weaners, 16s to 17s Gd; small choppers, 30$; oight-nion'h-old pedigree Berkshire boar. SVigus.; t hree-:nonth-old ' pedigree Berkshire sows, 2i-jgns. to 3 1 / a gna. ,
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23202, 23 November 1938, Page 9
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1,772COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23202, 23 November 1938, Page 9
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