PORT OF AUCKLAND [; WAIMARAMA ARRIVES The Shaw Savill and Albion motorship Waimarania arrived from Liverpool, via Panama, 011 lier maiden voyage yesterday afternoon and went . to the Motuihi anchorage to discharge ( explosives. She is expected to move to Prince's Wharf on Friday. The Port Line motor-ship Port Huon, which arrived at the Motuihi anchorage fioni London on Monday, will probably move to Prince's Wharf this evening, lhe Union Coinpuuv's transtasman Awatea left Auckland yesterday alternooti for Sydney with about , , I'*'"" mongers. Slid will rcjxch Jj'ridny morning. : YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Tuhoo (5.15 a.m.), froin Paeroa; Kiwitea : iwwia Km,ill "as W'" 1 " 1 tu " 1 " (i-j.55 p.m.), from Coromundel. T i„rnnfil' Waimarania (2.30 p.m.), /™"L jk ' 1 Ranginui CUS p.m.), from r i' l r 'L*ind Pukeko (8.5 p.m.), from lortianu. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES (U.t/o p.m.). for Wellingtonj Kapiti <10.30 u m.), for Whungarei. nMmai Arawa (10.30 P.m.). for Opua; Otimai (10.40 p.m.), for Whakatane; Margaret W. (U A« W Sydney. Pa* a° r &n. T Mr. T. H Andrews, Mr. B. C Addison, A. M. Adams, Balcon, Dr. r. ■k* U Mr .1 Miss E. V. Bates. Mr. C. B U e resford Barlow, Commander J. A. H. Berchiorc,, Mrs. Beresford. Mr. H. D. Brass. Mrb. Brass, Miss 1. M. Broun, Colonel Bulstraae, Airs. Bulstradc, Mr. Burnett, Miss C- Byrne E. F. Brown, Mr. C. h. Co 1 rick, Mr. u. Casey, Mr J. Cochran, Mr. 0. C. UMer, Miss M. F. Campbell. Miss M. A. CnrihUdn, Miss M. H. Carter. Miss M. Conno iy, M " I Crawley, Miss Calton Mf Con.elius Mr. kz. .v- ShSiSvon, Mr. E. A Faietta, Mrs. M. i'ltzgerald. Mr. E. T W. Fulton, Mrs. A. Francis, Mr. K. G?u,X a kr M R. W. Mrs- J- # Graham rS 'M«° SSSft | in V Gould, Professor T. Hytten. Mr. o. J- Bines, Mrs. M. Ilervert, Mrs. N- Hanna. P. Hanna. Mr. G. 1. Hanna, xiod tr eiW fir?' ffiji,' W' D l ' HolbrSS-Mr A V'C jScr, Mr- P. Jenner. Habbi b. Katz, Miss M. Kelly, Mr. A. D. Lockeair. A. W. Lanibell. Mr. H. M. LoWirea. Mr. b. K. Lloyd, Mr. H. E, MessenKcr Mrs. A. C. Montgomery and infant, Mastir -l. u. Montgomery, Mr F. Murray, /-obnel and Mrs. K. G. Maxwell. Mr. A D. Mouncey Mr. M. F. Murray. Mrs. M. Moin.cey Mss M. Martin, Mr. J. 'f. Mcekln, Mrs. G Maas, Mr. Mackay, Mrs. Mackay. Mr Vj y. Mnrrev Mr. A. S. MiicDontildi t * p McAlliiiii Miss A. L. McCullough, M^ s - Jp - K. V. McPhie, Mrs. David Nathan Mr I. M. O'Brien. Sliss A. O Brien. Mr. Pax Mrs. G l ".' Kosenfeldt "Vnd infant. Miss E^M. Miss ''I °"'Strat'to,l ' Miss i'. "ftephen, Mrs! A. Sinclair, Miss A Strempcl, M r -,A£' fn s fe E 'M S r ,< ""' l P \£»w" S Si li k T-uure Mr E J. Woodlev, Mrs. Wood ley, D. Wright, Mr. E. W.seman. Mr. B 11. Walker, Mrs. B. H. Walker. Tourist Class— Miss V. H. Bo\d, * rB. Burns, Mr. W. Mrs. Bought wood. Mrs P L. Barrington, Mr. R. Brown, Mr G St.V. Ballard, Constable Craig -Mrs. S cVaggs, Miss E. E Clement, V A. D. Curnow, Mr. J- Cothwn, Mir, t. K Clasruc, Mr. I{. Clements, Mr. H. Ij. ChisUlm 'Mr. L. F. Carter, r lv. L Dennis. Mrs Dennis. Mr. ,\V" n \ T q K. I{. Duncan, Mrs. J. De ir'itcli l. 1 Krrrhairn Mr. H. J. fitch. Mrs. I in", Mr 1-1 FarrcllV Mr. G. R. Graham. Mrs. Krs f \ J Harrison. Miss Hall, Mr. K. > • >l J r uie T,' Mrs JilSett, Miss W. Lovegrove. 3Lr. H. 0 Lumsdcn, Mr. H. D. Larsen. Mrs. 1. &n U SU P i. fa Pnllrtncrh Air A. W. ISeatC, AITS. >f • ' \liss T ' Nickel, Miss I. Niedermoyer Miss R Nicholson. Mr. C Miss J. Oxcnhum. Mr P. Ower. Mrs A. M.. P. Ower. Miss .T. M. Ower. Mr.. J. A- ri„ou. Mr T) Patterson. Mr. J. Prjor, jir. 1. S Pace. Mrs. Pace, Miss E. Borter. Mr. T. Pattinson. Mr. R. J. R^d. i ?vin Mr P D. Ryan. Mrs. Ryan. Mrs £)• r>' Qmifh Mrs F. M. Stevens. Miss Is.. ' Sot;th?ate SC Mi'ss tM R S&| Mr. R. G. Shannon, Mr. R ,^°' n w \vhitepoms, Mrs. M. V Lsnian M • Woolley, head, Mrs. C. Woojiej. » Wise. w'f X L - "\y in nail Mr. A. H. Webber, Miss E Wo'ollard. Mr. J. R. Whitehouse. Miss Wiss, Miss Wiss. Mr. R. Whitnej. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Hauiti. from Waihcke, 0.30 p.m. Pono, from Thames, morninsr. Motu, from Awanui, morning. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Kawau, for Great Barrier, midnight. Pono, for Thames. 3 p.m. Hauiti. for Waihcke, 0.30 a.m. Pukcko, for Gisborne, afternoon. Ranginui, for Tauranga, -1 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND ISTERCOI.ONIAL AND COASTAt Fiona Suva, November 21. Korou'ai, Wellington. November 20. Poolta, Westport, November 20. Waiana, Wellington November JSNiagara, Sydney, November -S* Awatea. Wellington, Isovember 30 Westralia, Sydney, December (>• Overskas Beduin. Los Angeles. November 24. Kaiuara, Montreal, November -o. Mariposa. San Francisco. Isovember -5 Trojan Star, Opua. 20. to load. Port Townsville, Gisbornc, November 20, to Kopara,^'Wellington. November 20. Glenbank, Javit November 2S. Kaimata Wellington, November 28, to load. Naumburg, Port Pirie, Isovember 29, to load. Akaroa. Southampton. December 1. Skotaas, Balik Papan December 2. Port Auckland. New York. December 1 Fordsdale, Wellington, December 4, to load. Ora. San Francisco, December 5. Port Huon, Wellington. December 8. to load. Kangitata, Wellington. December 10, to load. \orangi. Vancouver. December 11. Limerick, Los Angeles. December 12. Taxman, Saigon. December 13. Huntingdon. Liverpool. December IB Kangitane, Wellington, December —l. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Overseas Mariposa, Sydney, November 25 Kotormi, London, November 2t> Korowai, Sydney, November _S. Xigara. Vancouver. November 2U. Kaimata, New \'ork, November 2U Awnlen .Svilnev \ovember .^O Port Whangarei, Suva. December 2. Port Townsville, London. December 3. Westralia. Sydney. December S. Mariposa, San Francisco. Decembor 12. Aorungi, Sydney, December 12. Rangitata, London, December lb. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Awatea, left Auckland November 22; due Sydney November -5; leaves Sydney Noveniber -5; duo Wellington November o§ . Westralia. left Sydney November 19: due Wellington November 23; leaves Wellington November 04: due Sydney November 28. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, leaves Sydney November 21; due Auckland November 2S; leaves Auckland November 2H; dua Vancouver Decemlier Aorangi. leaves Vancouver November 30; due Auckland December 11; leaves Auckland December 12; due Sydney December 10. Monterey, left Sydney November 11; arrived and loft Auckland November 14: due Ban Francisco November 2i>. Mariposa, left San Francisco November 8; arrives and leaves Auckland November 25j due Sydney November 28 BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Akaroa. left Southampton October 28: duo Auckland December 1. Hangitane, left London November 10: due Wellington December 14. Talnili leaves Southampton November 25; due Auckland January 2. „ . Rimutaka - leaves London December 8: clue Auckland January 12 Tamnroa, leaves Southampton December 23; due Wellington January 25. UNION CARGO VESSELS Gabriella, from Grafton, Colt's Harbour Port Stephens and Newcastle, at Auckland. Kalnuro, loads Greymouth November 21 for Auckland and Portland. Kairauga, leaves Auckland end week for Newcastle, Port Stephens and Sydney. Kauri, loads Uobart early December tor AucKlind. .... „ , Korowai, from Edithburg, Adelaide, Geelong and Melbourne, leaves Wellington November 23 for Auckland. Omana. loads Edithburg and Adelaide first half December, thence Melbourne, for New Plymouth. Auckland and Wellington.
Poolta, left Westport November 22 for AuckWaiana? left Dutiedin ove ,??P' l H 22 ' or ttluff Wellington and Auckland. , Waimarin'o, leaves Duncdin "bo ut 05 for Oamaru, liniaru, liytieiion. v>eu rnxtou and Auckland. VESSELS IN PORT £ Dovonport—H.M.S. Achilles. H.M.S. Phllo- ] rnel, 11.M.5. Endeavour. i Prince's Wharf—C-iura til. and .«.). Cum berland (N.Z.b ). . Queen's Wharf—Hotorua ft.Z.SJ.- PllkeUo ? Central Wharf —Kiaranga (U.fa.fe.), PuKeno t (W. and W.). . I King's Wharf—Gabnella (L.S.S. . r > , Motuihi Anchorage—Port Huon (t .0.A.). Waimarama (A.S.P.). 1 A The Anchor Line motor-vessel Taupata Is > now due at Onehunga from Onekaka on J Friday. _ ( The Union Company's steamer Gabnella t moved yesterday from Queen s Wharf to \ King's Wharf. 1 Expected to leave Wcstport late last night f for Auckland, the Union Company's steamer f Poolta is due on I-riday night. , ThA Admiralty survey ship Endeavour will sail from the Devonport Naval Base to-mor- « row morning for the northern coast. 1 The Northern Company's motor-vessel TTn 11 turn is expected to leave Onehunga. at < seTfcn o'clock this morning for New Plymouth 1 and Wansranui. - ] The Richardson Line motor-sliip Pukeko arrived last night from the East Coast, via Portland, and berthed at Central Wharf. She will sail to-day for Gisborne. FI6NA FROM SUVA The Colonial Sugar Company's steamer Fiona will arrive to-morrow from Suva and berth at Chelsea to discharge sugar and molasses. DURHAM LEAVES LIVERPOOL The Federal Line motor-ship Durham left Liverpool on Saturday for Auckland, where she is due 011 December 22. NORFOLK IN BALLAST Cabled advice has been received that the Federal Line steamer Norfolk left Falmouth last Wednesday 'in ballast for New Zealand. She is due on the coast on January 2 to begin loading homeward. GLENBANK FROM JAVA The Bank Line motor-ship Glen bank is expected to arrive here from Java, on Monday with a full cargo of raw sugar for discharge at Chelsea. CERA FOR WELLINGTON The Hamburg-Amerika steamer Gera is expected to leave Auckland to-morrow for Wellington to continue, discharging cargo from New Orleans. She is at-i rlnce s harf. ARAWA'S MOVEMENTS The Shaw Bavill and Albion liner Arawa, which left Auckland-last night for Opua to continue loading, will now clear Napier finally on December y for Southampton arid London, vin Panama. BEDUIN TO-MOR RO W With petrol for Associated Motorists Petrol Company, the Norwegian motor-tanker Bcduin will reach Auckland to-morrow from Los Angeles. She will discharge at Western Wharf. MARIPOSA ON FRIDAY En route from San Francisco, the Matson liner Mariposa left Suva yesterday for Auckland where she will arrive at seven o clock on 'Friday morning, berthing at Queen s Wharf. She will sail for faydnej at 10 o'clock the same night. ROTORUA IN PORT The New Zealand Shipping, Company's liner Rotorua arrived from Tokomaru Bay yesterday morning and berthed at Queens Wharf to complete loading. She is scheduled to sail on Saturday for London and West Coast ports of Britain, via Panjuma. PORT WHANGAttEI'S CHARTER Under charter to the Union Company, the Watchlin Line motor-ship Port \\hangarei will leave Auckland 011 December 2 for Suva to load the usual Christmas shipment of fruit for this port. She will return here about December IU. NAUMBURG ON TUESDAY Cabled advice has been received from Australia that the Hamburg-Amerika steamer Naumburg: will reach Auckland on Tuesday from Port Pirie to beffin loading for Dunkirk, if sufficient cargo is offering. Antwerp, Bremen and Hamburg. TROJAN STAR EARLIER Wireless advice received yefiterday from the Blue Star steamer Trojan Star states that she will now reach Opua at one o clock this afternoon from Lourenco Marques to begin loading homeward. She is expected here on Friday from Opua. AUSTRALIAN TRADE The Union Company's steamer Korowai will leave Wellington to-day or Auckland, where she should arrive 011 Friday night to complete discharge of Australian cargo. She is expected to leave here on Monday for Sydney. The same company s steamer Kairanga, at Central Wharf, will sail toward the end of the week for _ Newcastle. Port Stephens and Sydney to load for Auckland. WANGANELLA'S TIMETABLE As a result of her delay at Auckland, the itinerary of the Huddart-I arker motorliner Wanganella will be slightlj changed when she reconunlHsions after her overhaul. She was scheduled to resume on December 12, leaving Sydney for Melbourne, returning to Svdney and sailing from lhat port on December 17 for Wellington. Ihe Wanganella will now omit Melbourne and wilt leaxe Sydney on December 10 for Wellington. RANGITIKI'S PASSENGERS The Now Zealand Shipping Company's liner Rangitiki, which left Napier at the week-end for London, via Panama, took the following passengers:—First class: Miss A. S. E. Ballard. Mrs. J. B. MacEwan. Mr. I. A. MacEwan. Tourist A class: Mr. G. K. Alexander, Mr. H. G. F. Appleton. Mr. B. E. Bell, Mrs. I. G. Bennett, Miss B. W. Bennett, Mr. P. G. Brodie. M.iss J. Byers. Mrs. J. F. V. Carmichael. Dr. S. C. Chhoi. Mr. G. G. Crawford. Mrs v H. M. Dixon. Mr. V. G. EnKstrom. Rev. V. ,E. lord, Mrs. Ford, Miss V. L. Ford. Miss ; L M. Ford. Master V. Ford, Mr. J. Mr. D. J. Harkness. Mr. R. 3. K. Hogg. Mr. J. S. Humphreys, Mr. H. Isherwood. Mr. L. C. Kingsbury, Mr. J- A. Livingstone Mr. N. W. Maidens. Mr. N. J- Mpwat, Mr. A. C. Ollerenshaw, Mr. L. T. «l. K.N a T>D. B. Stark.v, Mr. P. V. Stowell. Mr. K. Talbot, Miss S: Tattersall. Mr. J. E. Tickers, Mrs. Vickers. Master A. Vickers. Mrs. L. Whineray. Miss N. WJnneray. Mr. A G Whitehead. Miss V. C. 'tVincfield. Mr. C." r' Wylie. and 15 tourist B class passengers. . WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are eicpectcd to be within range of the undermentioned wireless St 'Auckland—Awatca, Matun, Fiona, Done Star. Trojan Star, „ Arawa, Beduin. King Arthur. Middlesex, Naniwa Wellington.—Rangatira. lam ah le. Wnbine. H.M.S. Leander, Ixakapo,Kaikorai, Kopara. Maui Pomare. IVaitaM. .wesfralia. Forresbank, Maetsuycker Manposa. Mataroa, Monterey. Port Townsville, Rangitane, Rangitiki. Remuera, Strathmore. Awarna. —H.M.S. Wellington. TvPi-etu, Waikouaiti. Triadic. Triaster, Tnenza.lmna, G. S. Walden. Akaroa. Esperantoßn>. Largs Bay, Maloja, Mooltan, _^ ar^ ul \s!J■ Nieuw Holland, Nieuw Zeeland ° riu Arcades, Orford. Oronsoy, prontes. Otranto, Queen Marv, Rnngitata, Strathallan. Strath eilen, Stratiinaver, Tasman, Thcmistoclcs. PORT OF ONEHUNGA Yesterday's Departures.—Ronaki (7.30 a.m.), for Raglan and Kawhia. | BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.—November 22: Arrived I —Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton: Ivopara (1.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton; IvArtigi ('—■<]t) i p.m.), from West port; Maui Pomare (2.40 . p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Wahtne (<.50 ' p.m.). for Lyttelton; Waimarmo (S.lO p.m.). for Lyttelton; Maui Pomare (10 p.m.), for '■ Apia. LYTTELTON—November 22: Arrived— Rangatira (0.55 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed —Rangatira (8.35 p.m.), for Wellington. » DUNEDlN.—November 22: Arrived— Rangitata (10.15 a.m.), from Lyttelton. J Sailed—Waiana (10.30 p.m.), for Bluff; Wainui (11 p.m.), for Oamaru. ! NEWCASTLE.—November 21: Arrived—- » Ombilin, from Auckland. FREMANTLE.—November 22: Arrived—- '• Orama, from London. 3: SUVA.—November 22: Arrived—Mariposa (7.30 a.m.), from San Francisco. t
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23202, 23 November 1938, Page 8
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2,343SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23202, 23 November 1938, Page 8
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