PORT OP AUCKLAND SHIP FOR NEW YORK The Port Line steamer Port Hunter, taking four passengers for London, will leave Auckland at seven o'clock this morning for New York, Halifax, London and Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Matson liner Mariposa arrived from San Francisco, via ports, yesterday morning and sailed late last night for Sydney, taking about 170 passengers from Auckland. The Melanesian Mission vessel Southern Cross, which received overhaul at Auckland, sailed yesterday for Vila, New Hebrides. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Port Tauranga (1.15 a.m.),,, from Coff's Harbour; Tuhoe (1.45 a.m.), lrom Russell; Waipiata (6.45 a.m.), from Portland; Miena (10.40 a.m.), from Whangarei. Hauiti (3.30 p.m.). from Coromandel; Pono (7.40 p.m.), from Thames. Mariposa (7.5 a.m.). from San Francisco. Passengers:— $ First Class.—Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Anderson, Miss S. Anderson, Mr. G. F. Annesley, Mr. J. H. Blakeney, Dr. A. G. Butchers, Mr. and Mrs. *A. R. Byars. Mr. B Colly, Mrs. A. Corry, Dr. H. Coverdale, Mr. C. L. Childs, jun., Mr. J. D. Daniclson, Mrs. P. T. Davies, Mrs. S. H. Dykes, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Mr. G. Fowler, jun., Mr. and Mrs., Cr. Francis, Miss E. rascr, Mrs. M. uorringe, Mr. A. G. Harper. Mr. J. C. Hcwson, Airs. G. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jannss, Mr. H. D. James, Mrs. H. D. and Miss M. James, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kieiy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lambie, Mrs. Lightfoot-Walker. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowry, Misses K. and D. Maclean, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mair, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Manning, Mrs. M. McGregor, Miss H. McKinstry. Mr and Mrs. P. A. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mourant, Mr A. A. Olsson, Mr. W. M. Paterson Miss A. Paull, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Pethbndge, Mrs. J. W. Poynton, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pyle, Dr. J. L. Rubidge, Mr .V. J. Sanders, Miss E. M. Scott, Mrs. A. R. Selby-Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith, Miss E. S. Smith, Mr. G. V. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Sommer Miss 1.1. Stennett, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stein, Mrs. J. R. Sutton, Mr. H. Syme, Mr. B. L. Tapley, Miss P. Urquhart, Mr. and MrsA. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Wallath, Mr. T. Waugh, Mrs. A. A., and Master A. G. Weymouth, Miss R. Winiata, Mrs. J. E. Wright, Mr. A. Wyness. Mr. H. Zuberano. Cabin Class.—Mrs A. Aitken. Mrs. T and Miss B. Amadio Miss R. Bain, Miss M.A. Bain, Mrs. L. M. and Jliss L. Ball, Elder M. iiaumgartncr, Mr. F. W. Beckett, Mr. T. W. Booth. Mrs. T. W. Booth, Elder W. Brown, Mr. D. Buchanan, Mr. R. F. Buica, Miss 1. Cameron, Mr. J. M. Carmody, Mr. R. Chilcott, Mr. L. Mrs. A. Craddock, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dagger, Miss a. Downs, Messrs. A. C. and M. L. Driiper, Mrs. A. C. Draper, Miss H. Gibson Miss P. Gilboy, Mesdames 0. and M. A. Ooldie, Mr G. N. Gray, Mrs. M. Hagger, M:ss B. Hamilton Mr. C. Harlow, Mr. It.. K. Harold, Mr. R. C. Harris, Miss t>. I! ay ward. Misses E. and F. Hight Mr. J. Hunter. Elder C. Jones, Miss C. Keller, Mrs %. Knyvett, Miss E. Laurenson, Mrs. E. A. Lloyd, Mrs. R and Miss P. Macfarlane, Mrs. M. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McCrohan. M. R. McKinnon, Miss I. McMurtrie, Mr. E. D. McNiell, Miss V. C. Mitchell, Miss A. Montgomery, Mrs. M. A. Morrison. Mr. C. Pegler, Messrs. D. and C. A. Proctor, Mr. W. J. Rainbow. Mr. J- F v ßa £ H H. Rennie. Miss P. Rone, Mr. C. Rosom Mrs S E Rutter. Miss C. Selwood, R. Steele. Mrs. G. J. and Miss I. J. Symoiis, Mrs. M. Totoios, Mr. F. Walker, Mrs. B. K. Walsh. Miss J Ward. Mrs. R. Watkins, Mr D Waugli. Mr. and Mrs. G. Weeber, Mr'. R. L. Weeber- Elder T. Wheelwright. Mrs. K. Windross, Mr. and Mrs, T. E. wilt shire. Mrs. E. A. Wiltshire. Miss DWoodward, Miss E. Wulf, and Mr. G. Frjatt.
YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Southern Cross (12.50 p.m.), for Vila; Kawau (1.45 p.m.), for Thames. Mariposa (11.15 p.m.), for Sydney.
VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Port Waikato, from Lyttelton,_ afternoon Margaret W., from Gisborne, <> a.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, morning. Otiinai, from Paeroa, morning. Pono, from Thames, morning. . Clansman, from Russell, morning. Kawau, from Thames. 3 p.m.
VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Port Hunter, for New York, 7 a.m. James Cook, for Wellington, noon. Waipiata, for Wellington, noon. Tiri, for Awanui, 11 a.m. Tuhoe. for Paero.i, noon. Otimai, for Whangarei, noon. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Coastal ® Port Waikato, Lyttelton. October 1. Niagara. Sydney, October 3. Waimanno, Wellington, October 3. Canopus, Westport, October 3. Xiwitea, Greyinouth, October 4. Port Whangarei. Lyttelton. October 4. Matua, Suva, October 4. Wanganella, Sydney. October 12. Omana, Melbourne, October 13. Overseas Temple Moat, New York. October 3. Kozan Maru, "Wellington. October 3. City of Glasgow. Montreal, October 3. Naumburg, New Orleans. October 5. Remuera, Wellington, October 8. Wairangi, Wellington, October 6, to load. Matarca, Southampton. October 6. Triona, Nauru. October Q. Tamaroa, New Plymouth, October 7. to load. Rotoroa, Liverpool, October 7. Nederlaud, Bahrein, October 11. Tasman, Saigon, October 11. "Dalfram, Vancouver. October 14. Mahia, New Plymouth. October 14. to load. Port Townsville, Liverpool. October 16. Aorangi, Vancouver, October 16. Rangitiki, London, October 19. Port Jackson, Waikokopu, October 20. to load. Tolten, Los 'Angeles. October 20. Remuera, Napier, October 22, to load. Kaiinata, Montreal. October 26. Ombilin, Java, October 26. Armadale, New York. October 27. Monterey, San Francisco, October 28. Orcades, Brisbane, October 28. Mataroa, New Plymouth. October 30, to load. City of Glasgow, Dunedin, O.ctobor 31. to load. Tekoa, Liverpool, November 3. Gera, New Orleans, November ft. Middlesox, New Plymouth, November 5, to load. Rangitiki, Wellington, November 7, to load. Doric Star, Gisborne. November 9. to load. City of Lyons, New York. November 10. Arawa, Wellington, November 10. Sydney Maru, Wellington, NovembeT 10. Sneybank, Los Angeles. November 11. Mactsuycker, Saigon, November 12. Niagara, Vancouver. November 14. Cumberland, 'Liverpool, November 16. Strathmore, Brisbane, November 18. Naniwa Marti, Kobo, November 19. Port Huon, London, November 20. Kaipara, Montreal, Novembor 23. Waimarama, Liverpool. Novembor 23. Mariposa, San Francisco. November 25. ■ Port Wellington. Now York, November 30. Akaroa, Southampton, December 1. Limorick, Los Angeles, December 4. Aorangi, Vancouver, December 12. Huntingdon, Liverpool, December 15. Melbourne Maru, Kobe, December 15. Durham, Liverpool, December 21. Rangitane, Wellington, December 22. Monterey. San Francisco, December 23. Orford, Sydney, December 23. Port Saint John, Halifax, December 24.
EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Ovkti6eaß Port Hunter, New York, October 1. Lindcnbank, Nauru, October 3. Kozan Maru, Japan, October 4. Niagara, Vancouver, October 4. River Lugar, Suva, October 5. Matua, Rarotonga, October 11. Tamaroa, Southampton, October 14. Wanganella, Sydney, October 14. Wairangi, London, October 15. Mariposa, San Francisco. October 17. Aorangi, Sydney, October 17. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella, left Wellington September 29; duo Sydney October 3; leaves Sydney Octobor 8; due Auckland October 30. Maunpanui, left Sydney September 30; due Wellington October 4. Awatea, leaves Wellington October 5; duo Sydney October 8; leaves Sydney Octobor 10; duo Wellington October 13. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, left Sydney, September 29; due Auckland October 3: leaves Auckland Octooer 4. Aorangi, left Vancouver September 28; due Auckland October 16; leaves Auckland October 17; duo Sydnoy October 21. Monterey, left Sydney September 16; arrived and left Auckland September 19; due San Francisco October 4. Mariposa, left San Francisco September 13; arrived and loft Auckland September 30; duo Sydney October 3. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Mataroa, left Southampton September 2; due Auckland October 6. Rotorua, left Liverpool August 28; due Auckland October 7, Rangitiki, left London September 15; due Auckland October 19. Aruwa, loft Southampton September 30; due Wellington November 3. VESSELS IN PORT Queen's Wharf —Port Taurancra (N.S.S.). Central Wharf —Waipiata (U.S.S.). King!a Wharf —James Cook (N.S.S.), Lindenbank (8.P.C.), Pukeko (W. and W.), Margaret W. (F.C.A.). Western Viaduct —Kaimiro (U.S.S.). Chelsea —River Lugar (A.G.F.).
OVERSEAS SHIPS Tncomino Temple Moat, left New York August 22 for Auckland (due October 3). Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. qi f'itv nf 'Glasgow, left Montreal Au&usfc 31 Ci y tor Auckland (due October 3), Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Naumburg. left New Orleans AuSu? t 31 for Auckland (due October 5), Wellington. Lyttelton and Duncdin. Mataroa, left Southampton September .2 for Auckland (due October 6) and Duncdin. Triona, from Nauru, for Auckland (due O eft' Liverpool August,2B; for Auckland (due October 7), Wellington, .uyi telton, Dunedin and Bluff. Mahia, fiom Australia for Pljmoutb (due October 10), to load. Ncderland left Bahrein September 5 for Auckland (due October 11), Wellington, Lyttelton and Duncdin. Tasman, left Saigon September lo for Auckland (due October 11) and Wellington. DISCHARGING Clydebank, from Los Angeles, at Wellington, thence Lyttelton and Dunedin. , Eclipse, from Palembang, at Wellington Fiscus from Nauru, at Dunedin. -Di-fr thence Auckland (duo October 3). t Lindenbank. from Nauru, at Auckland. Middlesex, from Liverpool, at Wellington, thence Lyttelton and Dunedin. Remuera, from London, at Wellington, thence Auckland (due October 0). • River Lugar. from Java, at Auckland. LotDING Port Jackson, at Bluff, thence Timaru Lyttelton, Wellington, Waikokopu and Anck land (due October 20). Leaves October Port "Melbourne, at Lyttelton, Leaves October 4 lor Montevideo. Tamaroa, at Wellington thence New g Ply mnuth and Auckland (due uctouer n Leaves October 14 for Southampton an Wairang?,° n at Wellington, thence Auckland (due October 6). Leaves October 15 for London and West Coast The Westport Coal Company's steamer Canopus is expected here on Monday from Westport. The Anchor Line motor-vessel Alexander will leave Onehunga at seven o clock morning for Nelson. Bringing genefbl southmi cargo, e Union Company's steamer Wairaanno wih arrive from Wellington on Monday and at Central Wharf. The departure for Wellington and the 58.4 c™fWvSTffi MttXZ until noon to-day. Thp Sleigh Line steamer James Cook, disrharirinsr general Australian cargo at Kings Whwf? w?U now leave for Wellington and Greymouth to-day. . The Watchlin Line motor-ship Port Waitrjtn is exuected from Lyttelton this afternoon She wHI berth at Central Wharf and sail for Wellington and the south on Tuesday. The motor-vessel Margaret W., from Gisborne will arrive at Orakei early this moirning and berth later" at King's Wharf, sailing on Tuesday for Gisborne and East Coast bays. THE CITY OF GLASGOW The M.A.N.Z. Line steamer CiU-ofCMas-gow will reach Auckland from Montreal at midnight on Monday. TRIONA FROM NAURU Bringing 6350 tons of phosphate from Nauru Island, the British Phosphate Commission's motor-ship Triona will arrive at Auckland on Thursday. THE TEMPLE MOAT No wireless report has been received from the Port Line's chartered steamer Temple Moat, due at Auckland from hew York on Monday. THE LINDENBANK >" The Bank Line steamer Lindenbank, which is discharging phosphate from Nauru at King's Wharf, will enter Calliope Dock on Monday and sail the same day on her re turn to Nauru. REMUERA'S DISCHARGE The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera will leave Wellington on Tuesday for Auckland, where she is due on Thursday to complete discharge of cargo from London. , THE RIVER LUGAR The British steamer River Lugar, discharging sugar from Java at Chelsea, will move to Western Wharf early next week to . bunker and sail for Suva. She will load sugar in Fiji for the United Kingdom. THE PORT TAURANGA With a cargo of hardwoodpoles the Watchline Line motor-ship Port Tauranga arrived yesterday morning from Coff's Harbour, J*ew South Wales, and berthed at Queen's Wharf. She will sail on Tuesday for Wellington. NIAGARA ON MONDAY The Canadian Australasian liner Niagara will reach Auckland from Sydney _on Monday morning, berthing at Prince s Wharf about 7.30. She will sail at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning for Vancouver, via ports
DUCHESS UNDER REFIT The excursion steamer Duchess is receiving refit, on the Harbour Board slipway. Owing to delays in obtaining the slipway she will now begin running in the Waiheke. service on October 14, instead of next Friday. PORT HUNTER'S PASSENGERS The Port Line steamer Port Hunter, which will leave Auckland this morning, will take the following passengers for London: — Mrs. M. M. Wells, Dr. V. E. Galway, Mrs. E. T. Bishop, Miss M. E. Bishop. Dr. W. J. C. Wells is acting as ship's surgeon. KOZAN MARU DELAYED The Yamashita Risen Kaisha motor-ship Kozan Maru is now expected to leave Wellington for Auckland at noon to-day. She will arrive on Monday afternoon and berth at Queen's Wharf, sailing for Noumea and Japan late on Tuesday night. THE LINER AWATEA The Union Company's transtasman linoir Awatea left Sydney yesterday without passengers for Wellington after receiving overhaul. She will leave Wellington for Sydney on Wednesday after being recommissioned. The same company's passenger steamer Maunganui was expected to leave Sydney for Wellington last night. She will arrive on Tuesday to withdraw from the service. \ WITHIN WIRELESS .RANGE The following vessels are expected to bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.-—Matai, Matua s Niagara, City of Glasgow, Mariposa, Napier Star, Naumburg, Rotorua. Wellington.—Rangatira, Tamahinej Wahine, Awatea, Aorangi, Gabriella, Kalingo, Waiotapu, Wanganella, Eclipse, Clydebank, Kozan Maru, Mataroa, Monterey, Rangitane, Rangitiki, Ruahine, Tainui. Awarua. —Karetu, Kauri, Maunganui. Waikouaiti, Triadic, Truster, Trienza, Triona, lAnchises, Cathay. . Ceramic, City of Pittsburg, Comorin. Empire Star, Maetsuycker, Nieuw Holland, Nieuw Zeeland, Orcades, Oronsay, Orontes, Otranto, Queen Mary, Strathaird. Strathallen, Stratheden, Strathmore, Tasman, Jervis Bay. 'Largs Bay. PORT OF ONEHUNGA
Yesterday's Departures.—Hauturu (4.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth and Wanganui. BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.—September 30: Arrived —Rangatira (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton: Waipahi (11.15 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Wairnarino (12.30 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Eclipse (6.50 p.m.), from Auckland: Gabriella (8.50 p.m.), from Greymouth. Sailed—Rangatira (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON. —September 30: Arrived—. Wahine (6.40 a.m.). from Wellington; Waitaki (7.20 p.m.), from Dunedin. Sailed— Wainui (1.10 p.m.), for Wellington; Wahine (8.35 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. —September 30: Arrived—Fiscus (noon), from Lyttelton, BLUFF.—September 30: Arrived—Waiana (noon), from Dunedin; Imperial Monarch (12.45 p.m.), from Dunedin. SYDNEY. —September SO: Arrived—Maunganui (7.40 a.m.), from Auckland; Kairanga, from Auckland. Sailed —Awatea (2.30 p.m.), for Wellington. MELBOURNE.—September 30: Arrived— Huia, from Auckland. HONOLULU.—September 28: Arrived— Monterey (Auckland to San Francisco).
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23157, 1 October 1938, Page 10
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2,331SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23157, 1 October 1938, Page 10
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