PORT OF AUCKLAND -• THE MOTOR-SHIP MATUA The departure of the Union Company's motor-ship .Matua, which has (been discharging Islands cargo at il'rince's Wharf, lias been postponed flint il noon tp-day. The Matun >\ill proitred to Rnrotonga, Aitutaki, At iu, Dlauke and .Mangaia. From Mangaia the will return to Rarotonga and AuckQancl, arriving here on May -i. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Knwiiu (2.M» a.m.). from Coroniandel; Here[kino (.">.lO a.m.i, from Portland. Kekeraiigu"> a.m.), from I'ort Kembla. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Wa iota hi i 12.". a.m.), for Opotiki; Toa .'(10 a.m.). for Whakatane. Loch Don ILL", p.m.). for Newcastle; Jvakapo "> p.m.). for Welliugton. Naiimburg (7.10 p.m.), for Wellington. Kartigi (!).."»(I p.m.). for Portland. Port Hunter (11.20 p.m.), for New Ply. niouth. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY "Weffmoreland. from Opua. ."> p.m. Kawau, from G,reat Barrier. 0 p.m. •Claymore, from Whangarei, morning. "J'uhoe, from l'aerua, morning, i'ono, from Kerepeehi, morning, VESSELS SAILING TO DAY for London. ji.m. .Port. Waikato. for Wellington, t p.m. .Knimiro. for Portland, evening. 'Tulioe. for Paeroa. 1 p.m. •Claymore, for Whangarei, I p.m. Pono, for Kerepeehi, 2 p.m. .Hauiti. for Coroniandel. ."> p.m. Jlatua, noon, for Rarctonga. yESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Coastal Omana, Melbourne, April ■ Margaret W., East Coast. April 2-1. 'Wanganelly, Sydney, April 27. OVEKSKA3 "Westmoreland, Opua. April 21, to load. Brisbane Maru, Osaka. April 2;!. City of Yokohama, Halifax, April 20. Port Denison,' New Plymouth, April 20, to load. Hertford, Wellington, April 20, to load. jFranconia. Wellington. April 20. Doric Star, London, A pro 20. Jvozan Maru, Napier. April -J7. to load. Tort Sydney, Gishorne, April 30, to load. Jordsdale, Liverpool, May 1. iAorangi, Vancouver, May 1. Coptic. Napier, May to load. .Antigone. Nova Scotia, May 8. Bort Hunter, Opua. May ,">, to load. Tlknaren, Imiiiingha:ii, May 5. Brisbane Maru. Napier, May to load. ■Clydebank, Los Angele... May >*. Singapore. May !). Cit.v of Mobil/, New York. May 11. Rotorua. London. May 11. Mnhia, Wellington, May 13, to load, llonterey, San Francisco. May aa. JNaniwn Maru. Miike;" May 11. Narbada. Calcutta. May 10. 31aimoa. Wellington, May 10, fo load. Cumberland, Liverpool, May 1!). Port Gisborne, Wellington, May 21, fo load. Empire Star, Napier, May 21, to load. Jori Montreal, Halifax. May 22. Mataroa, Wellington, May 23. Tort Wyndhant, New May 21). Niagara, Vancouver. May 30. Turakina, Liverpool. June 2. Brmuera, London, June I. Jtelbourne Maru, Moji. June o. Tolten. Vancouver, June JO Mariposa. San Francisco June 10. Port Hardv, Liverpool, June 1-1. >Akaroa. Southampton. June 10. Port Halifax. Montreal. June 21. "Esfex. Liverpool, June 22. "Trehata, New Yoik. June 21. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Overseas 3lamari, London, April 21. Brisbane Star, London. April 2(>. •B.M.S. Leith, Sydney, April 20. H.M.S. Wellington. Sydney, April 20. Kozan Maru. Japan. April 2.. Franconia, Suva. April 2s. IVanganella, Sydney, April _J. jvoranei. Sydney, May 2. IPort Sydney, London. May 3. Brisbane Maru, Japan, May o. Awatea. Sydney,, May 9. Coptic, London, May 10.
AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND "Wanzanella. left "Wellington April 14; arrived Sydney April IS; leaves_ Sydney April *23; due Auckland April 27. Awatta. left Wellington April ll>; due Sydney April 22; leaves Sydney April 23; due Wellington April 20. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE ' Niagara, left Sydney April 11; arrived Auckland April IS; left Auckland April li>; due Vancouver May 0. JAorangi, left Vancouver April 13; due Auckland May 1; leaves Auckland May 2; due Sydney May 0. Uonterey, leaves San Francisco April -0; arrives and leaves Auckland May !•>; due Sydney May 10. ... r Uariposa. leaves Sydney April 'JO; due Auckland May 12: leaves Auckland May 2; due San Francisco May 17. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS . 'Arawa. left Southampton March IS; due Wellington April 21. , Botorua. lef* Lpndon March 31; due Auck- * land May 11- , Mataroa. left Southampton April 15; due Wellington May 18. , Eemnera, leaves London April 2S; due Auckland June -1. 'Akaroa, leaves May 13; due ' Auckland June 16. UNION CARGO VESSELS Kaimiro, leaves Auckland April 21 for Portland. . ~ Kauri, loads Edithburg and Adelaide about April 22 for Auckland, Xapier, Wellington. Lyttelton and Dnnedin. 1 Omana. from Hohart, Adelaide, Edithburg - and Melbourne; left April l'i for Auckland and Tarakohe; due Auckland April Waiana. leaves Wellington April 21 for Auckland. , ... „ "Waipiata leaves Auckland April 22 for Wellington. Picton, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluft and Tima r u. iWairui. left Oamani April 20 for Timaru, Lyttelton. Wellington and Auckland. VESSELS IN PORT Devonport—H.jf.S. Philomel, 11.M.5. Wellington. H.M.S. Leitb. . Prince's Wharf—Waiotapu (1.5.5.), waipiata (U.S.S.), Kaimiro (U.S.S.). Qaecn's Wharf —Brisbane Star (8.5.L.), Rangitine (X.Z.S.), Kekeranga (U.b.S.). Northern Wharf—Port Waikato (.L.S.S.), King's Wharf—Olivebank (8.P.C.). Western Viaduct—Kaiwaka. Western Wharf —Kartigi (U.S.S.), Canopus (W.C.). Slipway Wharf—Seeleufel. Calliope Dork—Waimarino_,(U.S.S.). 2n Stream—Xucula (X.1).). OVERSEAS SHIPS INCOMING Brisbane Maru, left Osaka April 1 for Auckland (due April- 20), Wellington, Dunedin ana Lyttelton. Ara\ia r left Southampton 'March 18 for Well- _ ingtwi (due April 21) mid Lyttelton. Pakf.ha, left (ilasgow March <lll ha Hast), via Sydney, for Bluff (due April '—•»). City of Yokohama, left Halifax March 23 for Auckland (.due April 25). Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Doric Star, left London March 17 for Aucklaud (due April 20), Dunedin and Xew i _ l'ly'iiioiith. , , I Forilsilale. left Liverpool March 20 tor Auck- ; land (due May -1). Wellington, Lyttelton, , Dunedin and Xew Plymouth, fiordanger. left Oehan April Id for Welling- "" lon idue May ~ : ilahia, from Australia, for Oamaru (uue ; " May 2), Dunedin. Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland, due May I 3)• Leaves ; May 17 for London. , Antigone, left Liverpool, Xova Scotia. March , 22 for Auckland (due May 3), \Vhanga-: rci, Xew Plymouth, Wanganui, \\ell-| ington, Tininru and Dunedin i Eknaren. left Imminghani March 11 for ; Auckland (due May 5), Wellington and ! , Xew Plymouth. ~ I Maimoa. loft Glasgow March 21 On ballast), via Sydney, for Wanganui (due May | {■>). ' ' j Rotorua left London March 31 for Auck- >. „ land idue May II) and Wellington. Port .lackson, lefl London April S for Suva, j lyttelton (due May 17), Dnnedin and: Rin fr. I Jlatakana. left Xev.castle-on-T.vne April in I (in ballast! for Xew Zealand (due May V _ l*>. via Panama. Cumberland, left Liverpool April !i for Anck- j land (due May ID), Wellington, Lyttel- | ton and Dunedin. j Disciiaiioino Empire Star, from Liverpool at Xapier. tlienre | , Wellington, r.yttelton and Dunedin. Hauraki. from Pacific Coast, at Lyttelton. • - thence Dunedin. Leaves for Australia. ! kaipara, from Xew York, at i Wellington, j tticnce Lyttelton and Dunedin. from Xew Orleans, at Wellington, j thence Lyttelton and Dunedin. Olivebank, from Nauru, at Auckland. Otaio, from Liverpool, at Wellington, thence , Lyttelton, Dunedin nnd Bluff ■t °rt Denison, from Antwerp, at Xew' 1 lyt> mouth. * °rt Hunter, from Antwerp, at' Xew 1 lymouth. fcj Tort Saint John, from Halifax, at Welling- — lop, thence Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff and . t» -S pw PlvmouUi. from London, at Auckland. S Roniney. from Pacific Coast, at Dunedin ; W, Leavrs for Melbourne. Wnahine, from London, at Wellington. ,
Shnbonee, from San Francisco, at Wellinglon, lliencc Lyttelton. Wanaka, from Antwerp, at Wellington. Loading Brisbane Star, at Auckland. Leaves April 20 for London and West Coast. ( optir, from ftewcastle-on-Ty ne, at ftew Plvmouth, thence Nelson, Wellington, papier and Auckland (due Mav ;!). Sails .May jo for London, via Cape Horn. I. .madia 11 Challenger, at Auckland. Hence Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. Leaves Ma.v r_' for New York, Boston and Montreal. Hertford, at Wellington, thence Auckland 'due April 20), Xew Plymoutli and Walignnul. Leaves Mji.v 10 for SoutliHiiipton, Dunkirk and London. hozan Maru, at Wellington, thence Lyttelton, Aapler and Auckland (due April Leaves April '.'7 for Japan. Maniari, at Auckland. Leaves April 21 for London. Port Chalmers, at Wellington, thence Napier. Leaves April 27 for London and Hainburg. ort Dunedin at Nelson, thence Wanganui and \\ ellingfon. Leaves April :!n for London. Port Sydney, at Dunedin. thence Wellington. Gishorne and Auckland (due Mav .">). lamaroa, at Wellington. Leaves April for Southampton and London. \\ cstmoreland, from Liverpool, at Opua thence Auckland (due April 21). Tokomaru Bn.v, (j ishorne and Wellington, pails May l , for London and West Coast ports.
Ihe A\ atchlin Line motor-ship Port Waikato, at Northern Wharf, is scheduled to at I p.m. to-day for "Wellington
In the service of the Anchor Line the i... vessel Alexander is expected at'Oncliung'ii from Nelson on April 2!). BRISBANE MARU LATER i ' le Syosen Kaisyu motor-ship Bris<k!!l-.. , ."in S' 1 , 1 'l ut r, ' !U ' h . Auckland from v)s«ikii intil bat unlay morning. THE KEKERANGU i ! ,io ?, ( o/'Miany's steamer Kekerangu readied Auckland from Port Kembla venterui n, " r "'ng ami berthed at Western Wharf. She x\ill move this morning to Queen's Wharf. THE WESTMORELAND wi.TJtf l , l l ' ilu> • slc,l "»'' r Westmoreland, winch reached Opua from Liverpool on Tues!w.Vn V: i " Si ' ,0 (la - v for Auckland, f s . le ls PX I' CC,( ' II at about 5 She will berth at Central Wharf. LOCH DON DESPATCHED The British steamer Loch Don, which has Cen!r»r i w. rs:l r K / l ''' sit ;, slae from Antwerp Hi' 11!, , rf fo L ,lle three weeks, A yesterday afternoon for Newcastle \\iicre ijho will load coal for Singapore. ' TAMAROA and arawa The departure from Wellington of the Sll.iw, Savill and Albion liner 'lamaroa has been postponed from p.m. io-morrow until • » p.m. on Saturday, and the same' comp.inv's liner Arawa is now expected at Wellington from .Southampton at p.m. to-day. M ATI* A'S PASSENC. ER S Passengers on the Union Company's motorMiip Malua, which sails at noon to-dav for Karotonga. included the following:—Mrs \ Hayhss, Mr T. Henioni, Mr. and Mrs. j. 11. Boyes. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Breach and Masters Breach (•_•), Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bunting, Miss J. Bunting, Miss K. V Callander Mr. and Mrs. Cotton, Mr. E. Gold, Miss 1. Hill Mrs. L. A. Luckham, .Mr. A. Macdonald, Mr. |{. Mounsey, Mr. and Mrs M" Aorinnn, Miss K, Itatu, Mr. S. Roberts' h H 7 'V rs - D - lf - Smith, Mr. W. Smith. Mr. R. L.'Smith, Mr. W. R. Smith, Miss K. Smith, Mr. C. Staveley, Mrs. A. M. lepuretu, Miss G. M. Trounson. THE RO'I'ORUA '1 lie following are among the passengers on the New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Lotorua, which left London on March 31 for Auckland, where she is due on May 11 Messrs-. N. L. and J. T. Thorp, Master P. B and Miss /, H. Thorp, Rev. C. F. Webster, Mr. and Mrs I!. W. Williaiiis, the Misses H. A. Aitken, M. Allsopp, R. M. Cross. S. Crozier. K. H. Hyndman. I. H. Mackenzie, A. Marshall, M. C. Mathews, E. McCahon, \. C. Peel, K. Eraser, Messrs. E. F. Buicombe W. J. Bark ley, T. H. Crawford A. ( rowther I? H. Davies, J. P. James, L. F. Brown, S. M. Brown, J. Butler, A. M. B. Lenton. A. R. J, Morrison. F. W. Owens, R. C. Partington. P. J. ,\. Power. D. Seddik. E. Smith, E. V. Spencer. H. Loeffel, F. G. iurpin, W. T. Watt. Also members of the Waiata Maori Choir:— Ihe Rev. A. J. Seanier, Rev. Te Uria. the Misses H. Hikuroa,-M. Kaitaia, A. and H. Karenara, R. Moerua. M. Mnriwai, W. lahiwi. A. Tansraere. M. Waikare. M. Erihana, Messrs. T. Erihana. T. Keepa, T. Maruera. R. Matoe, T. Tikao, E. Tuau, H. Wikiriwlii.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Anderson, Mrs. A. IT. Baxter. Mrs. C. Brooks. Mrs. M. Chitderstone. Mr. and Mrs. A. De Castro, the Rev. C. Fisher, M.A., Mrs. B. G. Forbes Kilpatrick. Mrs. C'. B. Fox. Mrs. A. A. Cod by. Mr. 3!. G. R. Godhy. Mrs. A. Grindlay, Master W. and Miss M. Grindln.v, Mrs. A. Hammond, Mrs. M. Hickey, Mrs. M. M. Hogan, Master C. M. Hogan, Mrs. K. W. Howell, Mrs. C. Law lor, Mrs. I. Loner, Mrs. O. M. Mann, Miss ,T. E. Mann. Dr. and Mrs. E. Mayer. Mrs. I. C'. McLennan, Mrs. M. McSittrran, Mrs. H. M. Morton. Mrs. E. Xicol. Mrs. E. E. Osborne. Masters G. G. and B. .T. Osborne, the Rev. C. G. Palmer Mrs. 1, Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Potts. Mrs. E. Reifer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharpies. Master J. Sharpies, Mrs. S. Woodhouse, Mrs. H. G. C. Mortimer. Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. Moseley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coleman, Misses R. and L. Coleman, Mrs. A. Thorp.
HOMEWARD LOADIXOS Ten sliijis to load at Dominion ports in Mav and June were allotted in AVellington yesterday as follows: The Blue Star Line steamer Doric Star will commence loading at Xew Plymouth on Mav 9 and continue at Wellington. Gisborne and Auckland (May 27 to June 1). sailing on June 1 for London. Hull and Xewcastle-on-Tyne via Cape Horn. The Port Line steamer Port C.isborne will begin loading at Bluff on May 11 and continue at Auckland (May 1R to 2-1), and Wellington. leaving on May 31 for London, via Cane Horn and Las Palnias. The Port Line vessel Port Jackson will commence loading at Bluff on May 31 and will continue at Tininru, Lyttelton. Wellington and Auckland (June IS to 22). sailing on June 22 for London, via Cape Horn and ! Las Palmas. ; The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Matakana will begin loading at Oamaru on May 17. continuing at Timaru, Wellington, New Plymouth and Auckland (May 30 to June •I), sailing on June \ for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Panama. The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Wrairangi will commence at Opua on May 14, proceeding to Auckland (May 18 to 21), Xapier. Lyttelton and Wellington, sailing on June 1 for London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas. The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Fordsdale will start loading at Xew Plymouth on May 20, continuing at Wanganui. Timaru. Lyttelton and Wellington, sailing on June 11 for London, via Panama. The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Mataroa will begin loading at Auckland (May 27 to 30). and will continue at Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Wellington, leaving on June 17 for Southampton arid London, via Panama. The Federal Line steamer Tekoa will commence at Bluff on May 25. continuing at Port Chalmers, Lyttelton. Wellington and Auckland (June 13 to •_'(>). sailing on June 'JO for Southampton. London, Avonmouth, Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester and Olasgow. The Federal Line steamer Surrey will begin loading at Xapier on June 2. proceeding to Gisborne, Auckland (June s to 11), Opua, Xew Plvmouth, Wanganui and Wellington, sailing on June 20 for Southampton, London. Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow. The Xew Zealand Shipping Company s steamer Potorui will begin loading at Xapier on Mav 20. continuing at Tokomaru Bay, \uckland (June I to s). and Wellington, sailing on June 10 for London, via Panama. WITHIX WIKELESS RAXGE The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless Kndeav.ur. M„j» ? S ,i sr ,^ l sriXs."a.S; Mamari. Xaumbiirg. Port Hunter. Heliancc. Wellington.—Rangatira, I amalnne Waliine, H.M.S. Achilles, H.M.S. Le.inder, Aorangi, Awatea, Hauraki, VV!" Mn'i'r'i' Monowai, Port Tauranga, Arawa, Athellaird. Cambridge. Kozan Miiru, Maetsuycker. Mataroa, Port Chalmers, Port Dunedin. Hangitata, Shabotiee, Tainui. Tairoa. Tamaroa. Awarua. —Karetu, Wanganella, Recorder, Triona, Edward F. Johnson. O. S. >\nldpn, Eclipse. Empress of Britain, I* ranconia, Frostv Moller, Hertford. Xordanger. Orama, Port Sydney, Romnev. Ruahine, Strathallan. Trienza, Vera Radcliffe.
BY TELEGRAPH WELLTXGTOX. —April 20: ' Arrived— Port Tauranga (5 a.m.). from Sydney; Waiana (11.15 a.m.). from Lyttelton; Breeze (I" io p.m.), from Lyttelton; Shabonee (!» p m.), from Auckland. Sailed —Karcpo (12.20 pm), for Westport; Maetsuycker (.3 p.m.). for Svdney; Hauraki (5 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Tolara (">.20 p.m.), for Westport; Awahou (5.50 p.m.). for Xapier. LYTTELTOX. —April 20: Arrived —Wall inn (0. to a.m.), from Wellington; Port W'ha-n"-arei (11.55 a.m.). from Wellington. Sailed —Port Whangarei (8.15 p.m.). for Dunedin; Tamaroa (0.15 p.m.), for Wellington; Wahine (H. 50 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. —April 20: Arrived —Waipahi (8.15, from Bluff; Karetu (2 p.m.). from Bluff. Sailed —Hertford (2.10 p.m.). for Wellington; Holinglen (0 p.m.), for Timaru. LONDON. —April 1!>: Arrived—Durham, from Wellington. CRISTOBAL. April 17: Arrived—Rotorua (London to Auckland). BALBOA.—ApriI 17: Arrived—Port Melbourne (Wellington to London).
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23018, 21 April 1938, Page 7
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2,614SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23018, 21 April 1938, Page 7
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