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WAR FEARS IN EUROPE The reappearance of the notorious General Boulanger in French political life 50 years ago with a policy which had sharply divided opinion in the country, and the mobilisation of Russian troops at the same time grin? rise to tears in Europe that the two nations might bring 011 a general conflagration. The following extract from the New Zkaj.and H hit a 1.11 of April 20, ISSS, gives an indication of the state of affairs:— "The Moscow Gazette says that it will greatly interest Russia to know that France is in a strong position, no matter from whom that strength may come. The Boulanger agitation in Trance is increasing and the executive have become so alarmed at the aspect of affairs that they have deemed it prudent to take precautionary measures against a popular outbreak

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23017, 20 April 1938, Page 8

Word Count

FIFTY YEARS AGO New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23017, 20 April 1938, Page 8

FIFTY YEARS AGO New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23017, 20 April 1938, Page 8


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