TAUKANGA FIXTUKE OUTSTANDING SUCCESS MANY VISITING ATHLETES [BY TELEGBAPH OWN COnHESPONDENT] TAURANUA, Tuesday The Tauranga Amateur Athletic Harder and Cycling Club's lirst sports meeting on Easter .Monday was an outstanding success. Tfie attendance was r record for u local sport* meeting, tho gatp takings amounting to £7l, A feature of tlie meeting was the large number Of outside athlete*, competitor* coming from Hamilton, Te Awumutu, Mulumitiu, Rotorua, Opotiki, 'lhames, Te Puke, Mump kau and I'almeratou North. These included A- J- iaayers and K. T. Taylor (representajived «t tlie Empire Games in Sydney), H. )>id(Jiugton. \\aikato cliampion cyclist. Airs. V WydfMon (piiuiirrsiuii Aprth), and Minn X," (Eastern Suburus, Auckland), who is only l" and ipu won nine ruces m Uiu past iuur months). The results were as follows: Half-mile Cycle Handicap.—tloys: F. Richn rU»oii W auranga), I; K, Uarraclough. <• Hartley, 3. Open: li. A. Moon (Alata,,,'ala), t: W- Norris (Tauranga). 2; S. W intertiur'n, 3. Time, Im l> •J-os. molds Maiden Handicap.—J, baulkner (Tapransa), 1; E. Simpson. J. Robiul.adie*' Handicap.—Mrs, HoHeston (Palmerston North), 1; Miss 11. Davis. ilihn he I reit, U. Time, * 1 •.">*. Throwing tlie Discus.' —-A. Vincent (Hamilton) -"ft ~i". Iliwil'ds Open Handicap.—P. limes (Te Tuke), 1; E. Faulkner, J. Whiting (Taurirtcal, 3. Time, 10 1 -Vs. Mile and a-half Cycle Handicap.—Junior, local- J- Stewart (Tauranga). 1; A. Lonj:, *>• F N'orris, 3. Time, •'sm Do -j-fjs. Senior, focal; W. Poiley (Tauranga), 1; J. Carleton, •> Time, 3m " Throning: the Javelin.—A. Vincent (Hamilton) -0.-ft !»in. 5. „ IOOYds Junior Handicap— 1. Lyons (Tanranja), 1; Robinson. R. Amos, a. Tauransra Wheel Race, 2 mile*. —* H, KeU gen (Tauranga), l; G. Keyworth, -J; N. Coker. 3. Time. ">m 1 4-os. uiOYds Ladies' Handicap.— Mrs. Holieslon, 1; Miss Hall, Miss Lc Cren. 3. Time It 3 -s. i •v>oVds Open Handicap.—K. Rowseli (Tanranca), 1: E. Faulkner (Tauranga). , j Tlowsell (Tauranea) and A. J. bayers, j dead-beat. 3. Time, Ul I-'*. Mile Cycle Handicap.—Junior: H. A. Mopn (Matamata), 1; V. Coles, J. Evans, S Time, -'in 2!> 4-.'»s. Open: 0. Keyworth i (Rotorua), 1; J. f Carleton, •_>; J. Wooller, j 5 Time, -m l!)sf i 150 Yds Ladies' Handicap.—Miss L. Hall (Eastern Suburbs), 1; Mrs. V. Rollcston, 2; Miss Dnvi», 3. 4-loYds Handicap.—.7. Whiting (Tauranea), | 1; A. J. Sayers, W. Hodgson, 3. Time, 60 l-"'8. Broad Jump.—K. Rowseli, 22ft 3in. 1. Mile and a-half Cycle Handicap, Junior.— J. Evans (Matamata), 1; H. A. Moon,- 2; V. Coles, 3. Time, tin 1 4-">s. SSOYds Handicap,—J. Wintle (Tauranga), 1; H. Francis, 'J; J. Jones, 3. Time, ltn 6 Hop, Step and Jump.—E. Faulkner (Tauranea), 4Mt, 1 • Broad Jump, Ladies.—Mrs. V. Rolleston, loft 9in, l. Mile and a-half Cycle Handicap. Open.— B. Lodcre (Tauraßjrn), 1; &. Webster, 2; H. Johanson. 3. Time, 3m 41 4-ss. Putting >br Shot.—J. Ferguson (Matamata), 31ft 6in, 1. One Mile Handicap.—D. Porter (Auckland), 1; H r Fox, 2; J. Wintle, 3. Time, 4 m 27 2-">S. Hlzh Jump, Ladies. —Misses M. and E. Harrison. -4ft 4/s'm. tip. J--440Yds Relay Race, Ladies.—Auckland (Misses L. Hall. J Hall, H. Davis and R. Landman), lj Tauranga A, 2; Tauranga B,
Pursuit Cycle Harp, One Mile.—ln the final Papatoetoe defeated Matamata. The winning tiam wa< G. Mudgway, S. Winterburn, A. Vost and R. T. Taylor. Men's Relay Race.—Tauranjra Senior* (K. Row»ell, L. Rowsell, E. Faulkner and J. WHting), 1; Tanranga .Tuniors, 2.
Three Miles Cycle Handicap. Open.—F. Postimisbt • Rofnriia), 1; V. Coles, 2| G. Key worth, 3. Time. 6m 445. High Jump.—Vincent '.Hamilton), toft TVjia, 1. Five Mile* Cycle Handicap. Open.--B. Lodge (Tanransa), 1: R, Sutherland, 2; G. Kevvorth, 3. Time, 13m As. Pole Vault.—An exhibition was given by J. Fercuson (Matamata), who cleared the bar at lift (IVaiu, and was attempting 12ft when the pole Knapped and he coijld not contin at as another pofa was not available.
MILE CHAMPIONSHIP [FROM OUB OWN COIWESrOXDEXT] . WHANGAREI, Tuesday The twenty-sixth annual sports meeting of the Athletic Club was held on Easter Monday, and attracted a record attendance of spectators to see record fields in the various events. The chief flat race on the programme was the New Zealand open mile championship, and this was won by W. J. Wells, of Taranakl. The cup for the event was-donated by Mr. W. Preston, Ken., of Wliangarei, and wag presented to the winner by llrs. Preston. Results were;— ATHLETIC EVENTS Maiden Pace.—C. Norris, X; E. Osborne, 2; W. Mooney, 3. WOYds Handicap.—C. H Pattison, 10yds, 3; P. W. Wellington, 10yds, 2; D. M. Gordon, 2yds. and \V. Flinn, u'/aj'ds, equal, 3. Time, 10s. Half-mile Handicap.—J. Harding, 26yds, 1; W. Preston, 12yds, il; J. Bale, 65yds, 3. Time, 2ni IsMaingatapero Cup Handicap, 150 Yds,—C. H. PattUon, 14yds, I; N. H. Boyd, 14yds, 2; 1). M. Gordon, 3yds, a. Time, 14 3-ss. One Mile New Zealand • Open Championship.—W J. Wells (Taranaki), 1; R. King (Mangawai), 2; W, Preston (Whangarci). 3. Time, tin 3"is. Th ee quarter Mile Handicap,—W. Preston, 12>ds, 1; J. Bale, 100 yds, 2; S. G. Austin, TOyils, 3. Time, 3in 20s. 44uYds Handicap.—J. Harding, 24yds, lj C. 11. I'attison, 3«jyds, Q; P. W. Wellington, SSyds. 3. Time, 5O 4-5s l'-tlYds Consolation (Handicap.—D. M. Gordon, Her, 1; N. H. Boyd, Wyds, 2; P. W. Wellington, syds, B, Time, 12s. High Jump.—L. Gurne.v. iter, sft Oln, 1; D, ltobiuson. Tin, 2; D. Holmes, scr, 3. Boys.—looyds, under 15: D. Leese, li B. J>ei<e, 2; N. I loss, U. 440 yds, undfr 1(1: I. I'crguson. l; N. Ross, 2; J. Litt, 3. Halfmile. under 16; G. Edge, li K. Rusk, 2; N. Ross, -'J. Under lp: K. Rusk, 1; W. Going, 2; Tiiomasson, 3. Under 14: M. Petti, 1; 11. Going, 2; N. Husk, 3 Relay racei Poroti school. 1; Matarau school, 2. Girls.—Cnder 10: Hether Thorburn, 1; Coral Thorburn, 2;'/Mary Smith, 3. Under 12: Mavis Walker, 1; Fay Thorburn, 2; Joan £ash, 3. Under 14: Moyra Frooil, lj Glory Thorburn, 2; Edna Beazley. 3. Relay race; Matarau school, 1; Poroti school, 2. Women's Races. —Married women; Mrs. C. Jones, l; Mrs. 1. Pohe, 2: Mrs. W. Saul, 3. Sinarle women: Miss M. Frood, 1; Miss Z• Aash, 2; Miss E. Jones, 3. CYCLE EVENTS One Mile.—T. Jujnovitch (Herekino), JfiOyds, 1; D. J. O'C*llas-han (Tmsrowahine). 120 yds, 2) M. Placer (Whangirei), 100 yds, 3. Time, 2m 45 2-ss. Two Miles.—T. .Tujnovitch (Herekino), Ifayds, 1; F. Veza (Herekino), 60.vds, 2; I>. «■. O'C'allaghan (Tangowahine), 175 yds, a. lime. 5 m .Vis. Three Miles. —T. Jujnovitch (Herekino), J.iOyds, 1; F, Veza (Herekino), 100 yds, 2; T. loung (Whangarei), 100 yds, 3. Time, Om Ps. Roys" Race, three-quarters mile.—Bell, 1; *• Paul, 2; J. Gunson, 3. Time, 2m 30s. CHOPPING EVENTS , lain Block.—S. Alison. ISs, lj P. Morresey, 13,t , 2; W. Rika, Rs, 3. Time, 42 2-.Vs. l<ln Block.—R. Curry, 20s, 1; M. Griffin. "Mii W. Rudolph, 17s. 3. Time, lru 14 2-ss. Utjderhsnd Chop, 14in block. —J. Nathan, 0 m Curry. 14s. 2; M. Griffin, Ws, *• Time, lm 10s. DANCING EVENTS Open.—Highland fling: Claudia Warring- ; on i U Frtda Sutherland, 2; Joan Cochrane, «• Sword dance: Claudie Warrington, 1; J °an Cochrane, 2; Jo.vce Montgomery, 3. Competitors 18 Years and Under. —Higli'and (ling: Claudie Warrington, 1; Joan S-?chrane, 2; Joyce Montgomery, 3. Sean 'fiuhhais: Claudie Warrington, 1; Joan j-°chrinie, 2; Betty Barber, 3. Sailor's Bornpjpe: claudie Warrington, 1; Joan Cochra '!«. 2; Joyce Montgomery, 3. Competitors 14 Years and Under.—Highlan'J Dine: Isobel Nordlof, 1; Lois Montgomery, 2; Lisle Telfer, 3. Sword dance; iNibfl Nordlof, 1; John Primrose, 2; Tui ? r p*n. 3. Sern trlu,bhni»: Isobel Nordloff. 1; Montgomery, 2; John Primrose, 3. Irish V* : T'obel Nordlof. li Lois Montgomery, 2| Jonij Primrose, 3, Competitors 12 Years and Under.-—High-land flin K: Isr , be | Nordlof. 1; Lois Mont--s.°mery, 2; Tui Brown, 3. Sword dance; Isobel Sfilor'n hornpipe: Tsobel Nprdlof, 1; Lois 2; Tui Brown, 3. Sean triuhhain: Nordlof. ILois Montgomery, 2; E. 3. 1 Comoetitors 10 Years and Under. —Highfling; Tui Brown, 1; Marie Thompson, Owen New, 3 Sean trinbhnls: Tui Brown, ls-M'irie Thompson 2. Sword dance: nil «fOWO. i; Marie Thompson. 2; Moyra FinW?, 9. Irish jis: Tni Brown, lj AJvie 2; Marie Thompson, 3.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23017, 20 April 1938, Page 17
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1,347COUNTRY SPORTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23017, 20 April 1938, Page 17
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