PRICES AT WESTFIELD BEEF AND SHEEP IN DEMAND BACON PIGS QUOTED DEARER Firm values for .ill classes of stock except calves ruled nt the Westfield fat stock sales yesterday. Heavy supplies enmo forward in most lines, although there was again a comparative dearth of heavy steers, The beef market was keener than last week, when values dropped. Sheep sold steadily, and lambs wero inclined to be dearer. Baconers improved slightly on recent rates. Strong bidding characterised the cattle sale. The limited draft of bullocks showed fair quality, and sold readily up to £ls 5s a Jicad. as against £l6 10s for heavier sorts a week ago. Cows were penned in plentiful numbers, and quality was patchy, only odd pens including choice beasts, which ranged in price to £ll 12s 6d, compared with bids of over £1.2 at the former sale. Values were quoted firm, from 23s to 40s per 1001b. Lambs Generally Dearer Vendors delivered a largo assortment of sheep, wethers and ewes being offered in about the same numbers. Wethers were in keenest demand, to 32s 6d, which was only fractionally lower than the top price of last sale. Generally, the market for this class of sheep was fully firm, although, if anything, ewes were slightly cheaper all round, in spite of an improved top bid of 245. Medium-weights formed the bulk of the entry. Few prime heavy lambs were auctioned, as is shown by the best transaction of 27s 9d, as against 30s last week. Over the whole sale, however, prices were inclined to be dearer, light and poorly-finished sorts ranging from 10s to 17b a head. Call Values Depreciate Good quality heavy and medium calves predominated in an extra large delivery of calves. Bidding was stcadj throughout the sale, but values depreciated generally about 2s to 3s a head. In some instances the decrease was considerably more. One prime runner realised £6 16s, which was 16s above last week's prices, but the best vealer made only £4 7s, compared with £5 7s a week ago. An extra heavy supply of pigs met with keen inquiry from buyers. Baconers sold best, and firmed in value by Is a head all round. A particularly choi.-e bnconer brought £4 13s. thp primest last week selling for £4 7s. Heavy and medium porkers were at late quotations, light and unfinished being slightly lower in price. Large stoivs were firm, and smaller sorts cheaper. The average for baconevs improved to 6Jd and 6ijd per lb., anc porkers remained unaltered to 6Jd pei lb. Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of th< prices realised for fat stock for the las two weeks at the Westfield fat stocl sale 3 This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b) Extra choice ox 40/- 40/Choice and prime 0>: . . . . 30/- to 30/- 37/- to 30/ Choice and prime cow and heifer 35/- to 3S/- 35/• to 38/ i Boner and rough '23/- to 31/- '23/- to 31/ SHEEP (per head) — I Prime wethers . 25/- to 32/0 21/0 to 32/ I Unfin. wethers 17/- to 21/9 21/- to 21/ Prime ewes .. 1 •"»/• to 21/- 10/O to 23/ Unfiii, - ewes -».••. *>/- to 1-1/9 7/6 to 1 (»/ Prime lambs . IS/- to 27/9 10/- to 30/ XJnfin. lambs . . 10/- to 17/- 7/- to 18/ CALVES (per head)— Runners . . -10/- to 130/- 52/- to 120 Veaters .. 4/- to 87/- 5/-to 107 PIGS (per head) — Baconers . . 70/- to 03/- 69/- to 87/ Porkers .. 30/• to <ll/- 29/- to (it/ Weaners .. 7/• to 10/- 8/- to 10/ Slip:! . • 13/- to 24/- 15/- to 24/ Larire stores .. 22/- to 34/- 22/- to 33/ Individual Consignments Top price for ox beef was £ls 5s which was received by Mr. W. Allison of Kirikopuni. Steers from Mr. F. G Parker, of Wuiuku, Vcre traded t £l4 15s. A consignment from Mr. H V. Kay, of Motutau, .was traded t £l4 7s 6d, and a line from Mr. R Harkness, of Karaka. realised to £1: 17s Gd. Cattle forwarded by Mr: R. G Ellett, of Karaka, made to £l3 12s 6d and a draft from Jlr. H. G. Hooper of Pukeluiia. changed hnnds to £l2 12 Gd. Mr. A. Orr, of Hpteo, sold bullock to £l2 2s 6d, and a beast from Mr E. G. Ellett, of Mangere, brought £1 2s <sd. Cows and heifers entered by Mr Allison sold to £ll 12s 6d, and stocl from Mr. J. H. Bradley, of Whare papa, made to £ll 7s Gd. Prices to £li 17s Gd were obtained for an entry fron Mr. Harkness. and Mr. .T. A. Hill, o Ohinewni, obtained to £lO 15s. Cattl from Mr. Kay was cleared to £lO 12 Gd and drafts from Otupae. Limited of' Tokoroa. Mr. J. S. Moore, o Mangere. and Mr. A. S. Carpenter, o Karaka. were auctioned to £lO 10s Other quotable transactions were com pleted on behalf of Mr. R. Lrquhart of Karaka, and Mr. H. Plmnley, o Pnpatoetoe. to £lO 7s Gd; Mr. It. b Ellett, to £10; Mr. I. Gill, of l'aku ranga. to £9 10s; Mr. A\. McLnuiih lin. of Papatoetoe. and Mr. A. Orr. t< £9 2s Gd; Mr. E. F. Roberts, of Paku ranga and Mr. F. C. Bull, of Mangere to £9. DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantil< Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: — B;oef.—Oar yardinar of beef was an aver ax,- one cow and heifer beef predominating There was a steady demand, with no altera tion in quotations. Extra choice, ox sold tc i"_! per iOOlb.; choice and prime ox, £ 1 1 to" £t His; ordinary and plain ox, ,tl 12: to i'l 15s; prime young cow and heifei beef X'l K>s to CI I>s ; ordinary cow beef i'l 3s to £ 1 12s; heavy prime steers, £U : to tKt 12s (id: ;ighkr tirime siters I'll 15s to Xl2 17s (id; light prime steers CIO to fit 10s; plain and small, £7 Ills to CO 1 ~»s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £9 15s to £lO 10s; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £8 to £9 10s lighter, (.0 15s to £7 17s (id; lirfht. C 5 5s to to 12s (id; aged and plain finished cows, £3 to £5. Sheep.—A law market of sheep met a ready t-ale, with wethers selling at late rates, prime ewes, if anything, being slightlj easier. Heavy prime wethers, .CI 9s (id tc £1 10s (id; medium prime wethers, £1 7s (id to £ 1 9s 3d; light prime wethers. ,C 1 5s tr £1 7s 3d; smali and unfinished wethers. £1 to £ 1 Is Od; others, 17s to 19s !Hi; heavj prime ewes, 19s to £1 os ltd; medium prime ewes, 17s (id to 18s ltd; light prime ewes, l(is to 17s 3d; just killable ewes, 13s to 15s Oil; interiorly fatted ewes, 5s to 12s. Lambs in average numbers sold readilv at late quotations. Extra heavy prime, £1 (is to £1 7s; heavy prime, £1 5s to £1 5s l)d; mediiini prime, £1 3s to £1 is (Id; light prime, €1 to £1 2s Od; smaller, IPs to 19s ltd; unfinished, best, lis to 17s; others, 10s to 13s. Pigs.—We had a large yarding of pigs. Competition was steady' and values were firm for baconers, while values for porkers eased. Choppers sold from £2 10s to £4 17s; heavy and medium baconers from £3 Ids to ft Ss' light baconers and heavy porkers, froiri £3 to £3 1 'ls: medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 (Is to £2 His; small, £t 1-ls to £2 Is; unfinished, .61 10s to £1 12s. Store pigs sold at late quotations. Large stores, ,£l (is to'i'l 12s; slips, 17s to £1 Is; weaners, 7s to His. Clalvos. —Our entry of calves \uis a heavy one the supplv being in excess of demand. Values were considerably easier on last week's quotations, liunners, £2 to £4 l6s; heavy
vealers, £3 10s to £4 Ts; medium, £2 10s to £3 St; liprht, £2 to £2 8s; smaller, £1 10s to iL ISs; small, £1 to £1 Ss; rough calves, ins to .CI. DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—Our yarding: of beef totalled 158 head, comprising 24 .steers and Kit rows and heifers, against 130 head last week. The quality wan again first-class, and selling under a ready domand late rales were fully maintained. Ejitra choice ox sold to 10s per J001b.; choice and prime ox, 37s to 30s; just killable, 33s (o Wis; prime young cow and heifer beef, 35s to 3ns; just killable, 20s to 3-ls. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £ll l<>s to £)."> 5s for cattle from Mr. W. Allison, of Kirikopuni; heavy prime steers, £l3 •_'» (id to £lt ss; lighter prime stce:rs, £l2 to £l3; light prime steers, £lO 17s lid lo £ll 17s lid. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll 12s (id for a cow sold on account of Mr. W. Allison:, of Kirikopuni; heavy prime cows and heifer,), £8 JOs to £ll 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £7 to £8 ss; light cows, £.j 15s to CO 15s; other killable cows, £4 to £5 12s (id. Sheep.—Again a fairly full yarding of sheep was penned, for which competition was good, and we had a steady sale at late rates for wctheifs, while values for ewes were slightly easier. Extra heavy prime wethers, £L 10s to £1 12s (id for wethers from Mr. G. Bickerton Fisher, of Mangere; heavy prime, £ 1 8s to £1 Us (id; medium, £1 (is (id to £1 7s (id; light and unfinished, £1 3s (id to £L (is; heavy prime ewes, £1 to £1 3s Od; lighter, 17s to IDs (id; other ewes, 12s (id to 10s Od. Lambs.—We had an average entry of lambs, which sold under steady competition at rates fully equal to late rates. Heavy prime lambs, £1 5s to £1 (is 3d; medium, £1 3s to £1 Is; lighter, £1 3s to £1 2s Od; light, 18s to £1 Os Od. Calves.—A heavy yarding of calves came forward. A steady sale resulted, with values a little lower than last week's rates. Runners sold to j;5 Os; heavy vealers, £1 to £1 Os; medium, £3 3s to £3 lis; light, £2 < s to £2 13s; smaller, £1 10s to £2 2s; unfinished and bucket-fed, 10s to £1 7s; bobby and rough, calves. 5s to 14s. p jgSi —very heavy yarding of pigs was penned. Ilaconers were keenly sought after, values improving on lafft week's quotations. Porkers met with a ready sale at values er J' firm on late rates. Heavy baconers, £4 2s to £4 (is; medium, £3 l»s to £4 Is; light. £3 108 to £3 lis; heavy porkers, £2 l«a to £3 3s; medium, £2 8s to £'- l-S; light, £•_> -Js to £-J 7s; small and unfinished, £1 lJs to £J. IUS. ALFREE> BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, ports on the sale as follows: Beef. —Our total yarding ,of fat cattle numbered 200 head, as against 280 head last week, comprising 70 steersand-ljcow and heifers, 'lhe duality of °x be ef penne was first-class. Bidding was keen through out the sale, with little or "o a ierat on ro i last week. Cows and heifers also sold freelj at last week's quotations. Extra choice o> sold to £2 per loolb.; choice and prime ox, <•1 17s to £1 10s; secondary and plain ox i£l 13s lo £L 10s; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 15s to £1 18s; ord.na I cow beef, £1 5s to £1 IDs. Extra heavjpnmf I steers ranged in price from £l4 os to £1 I 17s Od; Heavy prime steers, £l3 to i. i- ! 15s; lighterF Fi e steers. £l2 to £l-1-- ! Od; light prime steers, £ll to £ll I :' h Ismail and unfinished steers, .1 < 10s to £l. 12s Od; extra heavy prime young cows and I heifers. £lO to £ll 7s Od; heavy pnmecow! ' and heifers, £ i 10s to £8 los, Jighter I>rn cows and heifers. £0 os to £i; other kill able cows, £4 10s to £5 los. Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the num ber of 8113. Wethers were yarded in smal numbers. The quality was not up to the standard, but values were firm. A large entr of ewes sold freely at fully late rates. extra heavy prime wethers were > )enn le(J 1 e( J Heavy prime wethers, £1 !>s Od to il l«i (id; medium to heavy prime wethers. £1 it (id to £1 8s Od; light to medium prim, wethers £1 Os to £1 7s; unfinished wethers £1 "s to £1 Is Od; extra heavy prime youn; ewesT £1 Is to £1 4s; heavy prime ewej. JOS <id to £1 os (id; lighter prime ewes. h Od to ISs (id; other killable ewes, los t< 10s (>d; other ewes, 7s to 13s (id. Lambs. —Our total yarding of lambs num bered 5'J2. Competition was keen, and lat rates were easily maintained. Extra heav prime lambs, £t Os to £1 <s Od; heav prime lambs. £1 3s to £1 os; liehter prim i iambs, £1 Is to £1 2s Od; lighter P""' ; lambs. 18s to £1; small and plain lamb: ' 10s Od to 10s Od. : Calves.—We had an increased yarding ( calves. There was a steady sale throughou although values were on a lower level. Kui ners made £2 15s to £0 10s; heavy vealer £•1 to ;C4 4s; medium, £3 5s to £3 10: light. £2 7s to £2 12s; smaller, £1 13s ' l-J; "unfinished and bucket-fed, 18s to £l.B bobby a ail rough calves, is to 10s; 250 calv i were sold. pies.—There was an extra heavy enti ■ i of pigs. Bidding for baconers was partic | larlv keen and prices show a further a 1 vance. Heavy and medium porkers realis !) late rates, while values for light-weigh ft eased slightly. Choppers made £2 10s to J a 10s; heavy prime baconers, £4 4s to I ■ 8s (one extra good pig made £4 13s); mediu baconers. £3 18s to £4 Is; light, £3 1 6 to £3 l-ls; heavy porkers, £2 18s to £3 4 I medium, £2 Os to £2 Us: light, £2 i , ! to £2 Os; small and unfinished, £1 10s f "l£l 17s; stores, £l. 2s to £1 14s;. slips. II "I to 10s; weaners, 7s to lis. Baconers ave 1 aged OVid to 0 3 id per lb., and porkers aboi . j o! s d pel lb. A total of 545 pigs was sold. ADDINGTON ENTRIES LARGE NUMBER OF SHEEP ' [by telegraph—PßESS association] j CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday About 2(1,000 fiheep were entered at t .' day's Addington sale, breeding ewes compri ing about 10,000 head, store lambs GOOi • and the remainder fat sheep and fat lamb 5 Store la.mbs: A smaller penning and weaker market. Good sold well at to 10i medium, 15s to 17s; inferior, down to 11 ' Store sheep: There was a very mixed lot hi ' it included some good lines of Romne s cross and Corriedale two-tooths. The latte S sold from 37s to 40s in several cases, thes being the outstanding sheep, but the mark< firmed to ewe fair parity. Fine wool tw< L tooths sold to 37s tjd, and the bulk of avei age sorts from 27s to 30s. Old sheep sol . soundly from Ms to 10s for failing-niouthe - and to -Jls for sound-mouthed. Fat lambi A rather slow sale for a small entry at e> "I port rates. Special pens made to 31s 10c J Fat sheerT: A total of 5500 were penned an l! there w;is a weaker sale, exporters not bein f so keen. All but the best wethers were dow by Is 0;d a head. Best wethers sold at fror ?i 20s to 335; good, 20s to 28s od; inferic s down to los; best ewes, 18s to 21s; a fei . tops, to 20s; good medium-weights. 15s t f 17s Od; light, down to 12s. Fat cattle: Ther c was a smaller entry of 433 head. It was a 1 all-round belter market by Ills to 15s a heai • except for inferior cows. Best steers mad - from £ll to £l7; good, £l2 to £l3 10s ' i light, clown to £0; good cows and heifers c £7 10s to £1) 10s, a few tops, to £l2; ligh j heifers, down to £5 10s; cows, to £5. Fa • i pigs: There was little change in values - j Porkers made 37s Od to 51s (id, with a average price per lb of G'id to G'ad. Baroner brought 57s Od to £4 Gs Od, with an avei 5 age price per lb of (3d to G/ad: Store pigs - Values were slightly easier. Weaners mad 7s (id to 10s; slips. 17s Od to 20s; stores ' 23s to 38s (ill. STORTFORD LODGE VALUES [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] HASTINGS. Wednesday There was a satisfactory clearance of al classes of stock at the Stortford Lodge sal to-day. Both fat and store cattle improve' on last week's prices, but store sheep agai were "utocky." Fat sheep sold satisfactory at prices above the export schedule. Ther were 15,000 store sheep entered and til quality was well below usual. The range o < prices was:—Old cull ewes. 7s to lis: one year ewes, 10s to 21s: four-year ewes, b 3 24s (id. There was a keen fat cattle sale values being 10s to 15s above last week' prices. Best ox beef and heifer beef mad 25s to 30s per cwt. There was an entry o 1080 in the store beef section and a keen • sustained sale resulted 'in a satisfactor: > clearance. Prices were firm at late rates. Onl; 5 .1000 ff;t sheep were entered. [ TUAKAU CATTLE FAIR J [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] TUAKAU, Wednesday s Closo on 800 head were yarded at Bucklant s and Sons' annual autumn cattle fair at Tuakni ft yesterday. Included were some exceptionall: ; well-bred station cattle. The demand for for s ward condition steers was very keen and gooi prices were realised. Younger cattle also me with a ready sale, and there was practically a total clearance of young stock. Fat cows i boner cows and bulls were quitted freely al p late raves. The principal sales were as fol f lows:—Three-year forward condition Pollec d Angus fleers from L. W. Keals, Onewhero. t'l 1 l(is to I'll 3s: three-year Red Polled steer." from L. W. Keals, £0 (is to £lO 2s Od l 2'i to three-year forward condition Shorthorn steers from H. Hamilton, Onewhero, £0 7s , (id to £lO I Os; 3Vj.yrar Shorthorn steers from O Lindberg, Pukekawa, £lO Ms; three ' to three and a-half year Shorthorn steers from s M. C. Colebaker, Onewhero, £8 12s Od tc £0 15s; two and a-half to threr-year Pollei i' Angus steers from M. I. Rutherfurd, One t whero, £0 3s; two to two and a-half yeai s Polled Angus steers from Mrs. M. Watson t Wairaniarama, £8 17s Od to £0 Os; two s year Polled Angus steers from E. Dufaur s Onewhero, £7 17s to £8 7s; two to two and a-half year Polled Angus steers from A Cobonrne, Port Waikato, £7 10s to £8 10s • The range of prices was as follows:—Forware 3 condition mature Polled Angus steers, £0 10s s to .€ll 3s; Shorthorn, £i) 7s (id to £lO Ms ; Red Polled. £0 2s Od to £lO 2s Od; twe ) to two and a-half year Polled Angus steers £8 10s to £!> Gs; Shorthorn, £7 5s to £8 1 two-year Polled Angus steers, £7 5s to .£" 17s; Shorthorn. £0 Is to £0 10s; yearlins j Polled Angus steers, £4 13s to £5 Is; Short horn weaner steer calves £3 lis to £4 7s , yearling Polled An<rus heifers, £3 13s ti fl Os; calves, mixed colours, £2 3s to l' - - 10s; run cows, running with Polled Angus bull, £ 1 1-Os to £5 10s; heavy fat cows . £8 7s Od to £'|o ss; lighter, £0 7s Oc: 5 to £0 l'<s Od; boner cows. £1 7s Gd tc / £3; polter bulls, £4 to £5 10».
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22983, 10 March 1938, Page 11
Word Count
3,355FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22983, 10 March 1938, Page 11
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