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FKANKTON VALUES FIRM DEMAND FOR CATTLE KEEN COMPETITION FOR PIGS [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT J HAMILTON, Tuesday 'J'here was a medium entl*y of fat sheep at the to-day, "with Rood quality mutton in short supply Values for prime wethers.and ewes were on a par with last week's rates, but unfinished, sheep were not in demand Late rates were maintained for export lambs, while a small offering of breed-, ins ewes and store lambs realised satisfactory prices. A smaller offering of ox beef came forward, the yarding comprising chiefly fat cows, with a small proportion of heifer beef. Competition. was firm and values remained on a par .jvith ■week's quotations. A small offering o£ good quality veal was entered, with values at late rates. Boner cows wei j slightly easier of sale, but a total clearance was effected. There was a good yarding of dairy 'cattle, with cornpetition for quality heifers brisk, and prices compared favourably with other centres. Store steers were keenly sought after and realised improved rates. A small yarding of fat pigs met with keen competition and prices -were well in advance of previous sales. A medium yarding of stoics met with a good demand and sold at values on a par with late rates.

The as follows: —. Farmers' Co-opera)ivc Auctioneering Compa'iy, Limited. —Sheep: Medium fat wethers, -.-2 34s<8d; unfinished, 32s 9d to 335; fat ewes. - 28s to 30s 3d;; unfinished ewes, 22s Od to 21s (id; fat Eomney woolly lambs, 31s (id; black '-i face lambs. 21s Od to 2t>s (id; lieht fat ;.t - lambs, 20s Gd to 23s (id; store lambs, ISs . j., yd to 225; aged breeding ewes, ios. Cattle: Medium prime steers, to £l2 10s; lighter, $ £ll 2s 6(1; medium prime cows and heifers, J £8 to £8 103; lighter cows, £0 Ss to £T 12s; heavy second quality cows, £5 7s Gd to £6 IGs-; heavy boners, .£3 5s -to £3 IGs; lighter, £2 oS to £3; gopd medium runners, to £5 10s; heavy vealers, to £4; -rough calves, to 20s; three-year forward conditioned Short- -• horn steers, to £9; three-year Friesian steers. to £7 14s; two-year Jersey springing heifers, - £9 5s to £lO ss,- others,' £7 lfls to £S 15s; small and backward, £5 10s to £6_los; twoyear Shorthorn heifers, to' £7 10s; Jersey-and Jersey-cross cows, close to profit,- £G Jss to £7 15s; backward, £4 to £5. Pigs: Best baconers, to £4 -Is; medium, £3 15s to £3 18s; light baconers and heavy porkers, £3 to £3 10S; medium porkers, £2 14s to £2 IGs; choppers, £2 10s to £3; large stores, 32s to 365; medium .stores,- '.JSs to 30s; slips, ISs to 26s Gd; best weancrs, 14s .to IDs; others,. 7s Gd to 10s. - G. W. Yercoe and Company, Limited.— Sheep: He'aVy prime, wethers, 38s to 41s Gd; prime lighter-weights, 3Gs to 37s Gd; mediumweights, 35s to 35s' Od; light and unfinished, 30s to 34fi' 6tt; heayy fat ewes, 26s to 28s « Gd; light, 23s to 203; unfinished,-ISs to 225; heavy fat lambs, 20s to 2Ss; medium-weights, 21s to 25s Gd;'light, .225. to 23s Gd. Cattle: .s Heavy prime cows, £9 .10s to . £lO 15s; „ medium prime, .€0 5s to £9 7s Gd; medium- J weights', £7 5s to £B-2s Gd; light, £6 to £7; * heavy fat heifers, £S 10s to £9 10s; light, „ - £7 5s to £S ss; light, £6 to £G 153; heavy fat Jersey cows,-''£o' to ,£7; -.lighter, £5 to ■* £5 15s; store conditioned Polled Angus cows, £5 ISs to £G Ss; forward conditioned Fne- * sian-Shorthorn cows. £5 to £6 os; others,; £4 to £4 .15s; empty two-year Jersey heifers, £3 s to £3 15s; heavy boners, £3 to £4; others, - £2 to £2 15s; potter bulls, to . £7. Pigs: 4 Medium baxoners, £3 7s to £3 14s; light, . £3 to £3 Gs; heavy porkers, £2 16s to £3; - medium, £2 10s to £2 15s; "light; 38s .to £2 f Ss; choppers, to £4 2s; good stores,\3ss to £2; others, 30s to 345; slips. 21s to 295; - best weaners, 20s to 24s - ,' others, to lfcs; sows in pig, to £6 ss. P . Dalgety and Company, Limited.—Sheep: - ■ Medium-weight fat wethers. 36s 6d to 3iS 3d; * light wat wethers, 32s Gd to 34s Gd; medium fat ewes, 2Gs (id to 2Ss Od; unfinished, 20s to ■ 23s fid;. heavy fat lambs,. 25s to 275; r medium fat lambs, 225.t0 23s Gd; good fresh . conditioned two and four-tooth wethers, 31s to 31s Gd; light, 2Gs 103; aged cres in lamb, •; 15s to 255. Cattle: Extra-prime fat steers. •335; medium fat cows, .£7 17s Gd to £S 15s; ; light fat cows, £5 10s to £G ss; light jat Polled Angus heifers, £6 3s to £GJ.7s Gd; fat. Jersey heifers, £5 2s Gd to £5 17s Gd; sore cows, £5 2s 6d to. £5 17s Gd; boner . cows, • heavy, £3 15s to £4 10s, others, £2 5s to £3; yearling Jersey heifers, small, £3 10s to £3 17s; runners, to £5 7s; vealcrs. i £1 6s to £2 iss; early-calving Jersey cows. £G 10s to £7 ss; later sorts, £5 5s to £5 - 15s; good Jersey heifers, close to profit, £7 < 5s to" £9 10s; smaller sorts, £-1 10s to £6 7s.Gd. Pigs: Light.baconers, £3 to £3 ss; ; heavy porkers, '£2 Gs to £2 15s; medium, £- v to £2 Gs; light,.3ss to £2; small, 30s to 3oS; . large store pigs, 32s to 375; medium, L 63 to 325; small, 20s to 2Gs; best slips,. 22s to 27s Gd; medium, 18s to 225; best weancrs. . ISs to 225; Devon sows to farrow to Berkshire boar, £4 10s to £5; Tamworth sows. Tamworth boar,-£4 to £4 10s. ... . New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency - Company, Limited.—Cattler'Medium Shorthorn - -- bullocks. £lO to .£10,17,s Od; prune. Polled Angus heifers", up to £lO 7s Gd. heavy Short--' horn fat cows, :£0 15s to £8; Is; medium Jer-sey-Shorthorn-cross fat cows, £4 12s Gd £(> 2s; good Jersey beef cows, £4 os to 7s Gd; lighter '£B IGs to >,£4 2s .Gd; .unfin-'® ished, £3 2s (id to £3 12s Gd; heavy £2 10s to £3 2s Gd; Silvers, up to £2 7s Gd. Sheep: Heavy fat ewes, 30s to 30s 3d; medium, 2Gs' to 30s;' light,. up tn 2531 un- % finished, up to 21s 3d; medium wethers. 32s to 355; light, 25s to 30s; others, 21s; fat lambs, 255. to-2Ss Gd; light, Up to 245; small ewe lambs, 255; s.m. ewes, 2Ss jld. Pigs: Light porkers, 36s to £2 3s; best stores. 31s to 355; slips, 24s to 20s; weancrs, ISs to 21sjothers, up to 17s Gd. - CAMBRIDGE QUOTATIONS Dalgety and Company, Limited, - reports ; that at the Cambridge sale a small yarding of sheep was offered and met' with a ready r;. sale at satisfactory prices. Fat and boner ■ „ cattle 'also were offered in small numbers. ~ Sheep: Good heavy prime fat hoggets, 31s Gd; t cull store, jambs, 15s Gd. Cattle: Fair quality . Shorthorn'fat cows, £6 to £0 10s; heavy fat I Jersey cows, £5 -5s to £o 15s; medium, £4 5s to £4 15s: heavy Holstein cows. £fi; • good store cows, Jersey-cross sorts, £3 5s to .& £4 Is; light store cows, £2 to £2 19s; empty three-year-old heifers. £3 to £3 4s; DOtter bulls, light, £3 10s. Dairy cattle:- A full yarding of dairy cows and .heifers came for- - ward. Competition was not as'keen as at previ-- - ; - ous sales and, ■ consequently. - a decline in £ values resulted.- Choice quality young cows. £S 10s to £9 10s; good quality cows, £7 10s V to £8 10sr good quality, more backward, sorts. £6 10s to £7; good quality, lighter " conditioned 5 cows. £5 lis to £6 lis; good--?, quality springing'Jersey'heifers, £7" to "i calved heifers, £5 10s to £G 10s; calved cows, £6 to £6 10s. Pigs: A'medium yarding of ,J pigs came forward, and prices realised were on a par' with .previous-quotations. Large. -y store-pigs.; £2 to £2 4s; medium, 30s to 355: l best slips, JDs to '24s. " " - - iA _____ " ' 'V ' : ' '■ - .I,'/ NEWSTEAD CLEARING' JSALE ,v >t The Farmers' Co-operative Aactioneerinz *• Limited, reports having held a sue- a cessful clearing, salo; on account * of Mr. J 11. Marston. The herd sold well before a good bench of buyers at most satis '-i factory figures. Horses and pigs also met with a keen demand. The advertised herd, on ■. .- account of Mrl T. B. Gavin, of Piarere, .was f off high, hard country, and the majority were backward. Competition for these was not keen. and lhany-wero passed, Realisations were:—On ... account of Mr. J. H. Marston: Jersey and Jer-sey-cross cows, springing, £lO to £11; August and September culvers, £B'lo.s to £9 15s; in .j----milk, £9 to £ll ss; ascd,-.£o 15s to £S ss; unsound, £3 10s to £4 15s. On account of ? Mr. T. B; Gavin": Friesian cows, sprincine: - s £10; Jersey cows,. £7 15s\to-£9 os; Liter n, calvers, £5 to £7 ss. On account of Mr. J. H, Marston: Aged mare, trial, £3B 10s; " aged gelding, trial. £3S lOs; aged gelding. -L trial, £26. .. -1 PUTARURU OFFERING ; [from our own correspondent] PUTARURU, Tuesday The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Co,n pan.v. Limited, reports having held its monthly stock sale at. Putaruru, when a medium yarding of cattle came forward. Fat' and boner cows showed no alteration. A good entry of - _ dairv cattle was offered, these comprising a good proportion of close-up heifers, vvhich -p. found a ready sale. Backward and inferior - sorts lvet with little demand. A small entry " only of sheep came forward, and showed no a change. A small yarding of pigs wasi also nft'Vred stores and- waiters .selling a . j -,- j in*'lflvinro of late rates. Pofkers sold well '■*. at Jato Wtetions. 0 g\ 3 a tobs. «• Listht fat cows and heifers, £G to, fl* J-0» v ; K SS,. 1 '« vnirnst ch I vers, £7 10s -to £S,lte: more «s;, &% - to 225; smaller weancrs. to 13s Gdj .lamworti ,? breeding'sows close to arrowing. £4 1/S Gd- J more backward sows, £2 10s., t ,-. ... tr

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22792, 28 July 1937, Page 11

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STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22792, 28 July 1937, Page 11

STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22792, 28 July 1937, Page 11


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