FBANKTON QUOTATIONS IMPROVED PIG VALUES GOOD DEMAND FOR SHEEP [from our own corhf.spondent] HAMILTON, Tuesday A good yarding of all classes of sheep came forward at the Frankton sale today. Wethers declined in value by 2s to 2s Gd, but fat ewes met with a keen demand and maintained last week's rates. Fat lambs, although a shade poorer in quality, sold readily, but breeding ewes were not sought. Ox and cow beef was penned in good numbers, competition for cow beef being strong. Boner cows and calves sold at current rates. Pigs came forward in moderate quantity and sold to spirited competition, prices generally showing an improvement on those tor last -week. The auctioneers report as follows: Farmers' Auctioneering: Company, Limited. —Sheep: Prime fat wethers sold at 31s Gd to 30s :id; fat wethers, '_'!>s (id to 31s (id; prime fat owes, 21s to 255; fat ewes, 20s to 23s 3d; unfinished ewes, lis Gd to 38s Gd; fat woolly lambs, 2Gs 9d to 27s 3d; smaller, 21s Gd to 2ls 3d; shorn fat lambs, 21s 3d to 23s Od; store lambs, woolly, lGs Id to 19s Gd; cull woolly lambs, Gs Gd to 325; shorn store lambs, lis to 15s 2d; store shorn ewe lambs, 21s 3d; store cull lambs, lis to lis 3d; cull ewes, 6s 9d to 12s Gd. Cattle: Prime medium steers, £1:1 2s 6d to ill 1 ss; light prime steers, £9 2s Gd to £9 log; heavy fat cows, £7 15s to £8 9s; medium prime cows, £G 5s to £G 17s; light, £5 13s to ,CG 2s; heavy Jersey cows, £4 13s to £5 10s; prime young cows and heifers, £G (is to £G lGs; medium Jersey heifers, £4 to £1 1 Ss; medium Jersey cows, £3 15s to £1 !)s; light, £3 to £3 12s; boner cows, £2 5s to £2 ISs; medium potter bulls, £5 19s to £0 9s; light, £3 to £4 10s; medium runners, £2 ISs to £3 2s; heavy veaiers, £2 lis to £2 15s; smaller, 19s to 375; Jersey-cross heifer calves, £2 5s to £1 Ss. Pigs: Heavy baconers, £3 7s to £3 lis; medium, £3 2s to £3 Os; light baconers, £2 His to £3 Is; heavy porkers, £2 4s to £2 15s; medium, 3.Ss to £2 3s; light, 33s to 3Gs; unfinished porkers, 2Gs to 30s; large stores, 23s to 255; smaller, 20s to 21s; slips, 12s to 15s Gd; weaners, to 12s; smaller, (is to 7s Gd.
G. W. Vercoe and Company, Limited.— I Sheep: Heavy fat wethers sold from 35s to ! 3(is; light prime, 33s to 31s 6d; light fat ! wethers, 30s to 325; store wethers, to 295; maiden ewes, to 275; heavy prime ewes, 24s to 20s (id; heavy, 21s to 235; mediumweights, 18s to 20s; forward-conditioned ewes, to 17s; heavy fat lambs, 25s to 27s Gd; medium-weights, 23s to 21s (id; light, 20s to 22s Gd; forward conditioned, to 19s. Cattle: •Light runners, to £3 15s; heavy vealers, £2 10s to £3; meijium-weiehts, 35s to £2 ss; light, 20s to 30s; prime light-weight bullocks, to £10; others, to £9 10s; store conditioned,' to £'S 10s; heavy prime cows, £7 10s to £S ss; heavy, £6 5s to £7; medium-weights, £5 10s to £6; light, £5 to £5 7s (3d; heavy prime heifers, to £8 12s; light prime, to £7; heavy fat Jersey cows, to £O, light fat,, to £5; forward-conditioned Shorthorn and Friesian, to £5 ss; others, to £4 10s; heavy boners, to £1; others, £2 15s to £3 ss. Pigs: Heavy baconers, prime, £3 10s to £3 12s; heavy, £3 (is to £3 tfs; medium-weights, £3 to £3 ss; light, £2 14s to £2 18s; heavy porkers, £2 (is to £2 12s; medium, 38s to £2 ss; light, 33s to 375; choppers, to £2 l()s; good stores, 22s to 255; others, 18s to 21s; slips, 13s to 17s; best weaners, Ss to 12s; others, 5s to 7s. Dalgety and Company, Limitrd.—Sheep: Prime heavy fat aethers, 34s to 30s; mediumweight wethers, 30s to 325; light and unfinished, 27s Gd to 295; heavy fat ewes. 22s (id to 25s 3d; medium quality ewes, 17s to 19s (id; woolly lambs, 20s to 30s 3d; mediumweight woolly lambs, 26s 3d to 27s 9d; light lambs, 18s 9d to 2 p ls; heavy shorn lambs, t0,25s 3d; medium-weight, 22s to 23s Gd. Cattle: Prime medium-weight bullocks made from £lO to £lO 10s; light fat steers, £9 10s to £9 17s Gd; fat heifers, £6 14s to £8 Is; fat cows, £5 5s to £0 7s fid; heavy runners, up to £4; others, £2 10s to £3 Is; vealers, 31s to 365. Store sheep: Shorn Downcross lambs, 14s; store owes (empty), low condition. Gs 4d to 7s; cull lambs, 9s to lis (id. Store cattle: Good fleshy cows, £3 12s to £4 10s; light boners, £2 14s to £3 Is. Pigs: Prime top-weight baconers, £3 11s to £3 12s; prime heavy baconers, £3 8s to £3 lis; prime baconers, £3 3s to £3 8s; medium, £2 18s to £3 3s; light, £2 10s to £2 18s; butter-milk pigs, £2 5s to £2 10s; heavy porkers, 38s to £2 2s; medium, 33s to 38s; light, 28s to 335; small, 22s to 265; choppers, £2 5s to £2 355; medium store pigs, 18s to 21s; best slips, 12s to lis; best weaners, 12s to 14s; others, 8s to 10s.
The New Zealand Loan- and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited.—Cattle: Medium mixed coloured bullocks, £8 15s to £0 14s; forward quality store bullocks, £7 10s to £P; rough store bullocks, £5 12s Gd to £7; heavy Shorthorn fat cows, £5 17s Gd to £0 15s; medium, £4 ISs to £o 10s; heavy Jersey cows. £5 to £5 7s (id; medium. £4 7s fid to £5; ex dairy store cows, £3 10s to £4 ss; heaw boners. £2 2s to £2 12s (3d; others, to £2; vealers, up to 3gns; bulls, heavy, up to £6 15s. Sheep: Heavy fat wethers, £1 12s (id to £1 15s; medium, £1 Ss to £1 lis; light. £1 7s (id; heavy fat ewes, £1 to £1 2s Gd; medium, 17s (id to £1; liKht, up to IGs; shorn medium lambs, ISs to £1 is fid. Pips: Heavy baconcrs, £3 7s (id to £3 12s; medium, £3 2s fid to £3 6s; light, £2 14s to £2 17s (id; heavv porkers, £2 9s to £2 335; medium, £2 2s to £2 7s (id; litrht. up to £2; best store pigs, £1 Is to £1 3s; light, 15s "to 20s; slips. J3s to 15s fid; weaners, up to 9s; sow and litter. £1 10s; breeding sows, up to £3 7s.
CAMBRIDGE YARDING The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports that at Cambridge a full yarding of cattle came forward. An average yarding of-cow and heifer beef sold firmly at recent improved values, and a good yarding of boner cows also met with a ready sale at late rates. Sheep: A fair entry of fat sheep sold firmly, values being fully on a par with Frankton quotations. Pigs: An average yarding of fats and a medium entry of stores came forward. Fat pigs sold on a par with late rates while stores and weaners showed a slight improvement on la to rates. Quotations:—Medium fat cows and heifers, £5 lis to .CO 16sj lighter fat Jersey cows atf.l heifers, £3 its to £4 19s; heavy boners, £3 3s to £3 IGs; medium, £2 Us to £3; lighter, 35s to £2 Ss; extra heavy potter bulls, to £0 ss; medium potter bulls, £1 to £4 Ss; lighter, £2 7s Gd to £2 12s. Sheep: Medium fat wethers, to 31s 9d; medium fat lamb!.-, 25s Gd to 25s 9d; store lambs, 14s Id to 15s. Pigs: Heavy porkers, £2 3s to £2*7s; light, 29s to 31s; small and unfinished, 2Gs to 27s 6d; large stores, 21s to 235; slips, IGs to 17s Gd; good weaners, 30s Gd to 12s Gd; smaller, Gs to 9s; sows and young, to £5 is. • i
RUNtIMAN VALUES [from our own correspondent] nUXOIMAN, Tuesday Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, held a successful sale at the Runciman yards to-dav, when a good yarding of all classes of stock came forward, meeting with a ready sale Prices realised were:—Heavy fat cows, £(i to £7 7s (id; medium, £5 to £5 15s; others £4 2s Gd to £4 ios; heavy boners, £3 5s to £4; others, £2 5s to £3; potter bulls, £4. .108 to £7 lOs; cows with calf at foot, £5 5s to £G 15s the pair; others, £3 ISs to £5best dairy cows and heifers, close to profit', £(> 10s to £7 15s; others, £0 to £6 ss.
KEEN DEMAND AT CLEVEDON [FROM OCR OWN' CORRESPONDENT] CLEVEDON, Tuesday A keen demand for all classes of stock existed at the bi-monthly sale at Clevedon conducted by Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, yesterday, when a good yarding canto forward and sold at very satisfactory prices to the vendors. The advertised springing Friesian heifers of extra choice quality made from £{> 15s to £10; other good springing heifers, £0 5s to £7; pen of fat steers, to iiS) 12s Gd; heavy fat cows and heifers, £G 10s to £7 ]()s; medium, £5 to £i> ss; lesser quality, it to £3; good dairy cows, close up, £G to £7 ss; more backward, £3 10s to £5 6s; light potter bulls, £3 5s to £4 10s, according to weight; heavy boner cows, £3 to £3 .1 !)s; lighter, £1 10s to £2 15s; Shorthorn-cross yearling steers, to £-1 Us; Shorthorn ste>r calves, £2 17s to £3 lis; fat wethers, £1 7s !)d; fat and forward woolly lambs, £1 2s.
PUTARURU OFFERING [from our own correspondent] PUTARURU, Tuesday Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports a medium yarding of fat and store cattle at the sale at Putaruru yesterday. All classes met with go,od competition and were sold under the hammer. A medium yarding of store and fat pigs also came forward. Porkers maintained full late market quotations, and stores and weaners advanced and sold underspirited competition. The following is a range* of prices:—Heavy fat lambs, 24s to '26s; heavv Holstein and Short, cows, £G Is to £G 4s; medium, £1 10s to £5 15s; heavy JerseyShorthorn cross, £5 Is to £5 10s; mediumweight fat cows (dairy sorts), £1 5s to £4 17s <>d; lighter, £3 15s to £4 2s Gd; heavy boners, ±'3 to £3 12s Gd; others, according to weight, 30s to £2 17s (id; boner hulls, £4 to £(> Ss; weaner Jersey calves (good colours), £2 15s; mixed colours, £2. Pigs: Medium porkers, 30s to 355; heavy, 35s to, £2; light, 26s to 30s; best store pigs (good quality, but small), 20s to 22s 6d; weaners, medium, (5s (3d to 10s; slips, 12s 6d to 14s Gd.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22708, 21 April 1937, Page 9
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1,806COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22708, 21 April 1937, Page 9
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