PRICES AT WESTFIELD BEEF VALUES MAINTAINED SCARCITY OF HEAVY SHEEP Choice beef was at a premium at tho Westficld fat stock sales yesterday, yet individual quotations were firm, and values up to 30s per 1001b. were maintained for the seventh successive week. In a slightly heavier yarding, there were many pens of plain Jersey cows, which butchers were compelled to accept. From the outset the demand was steady, improving as /the sale progressed. Equal to the top bid of last week, £ls 10s -was the best price of the day, although the highest average was £l4 18s Id, against £l4 9:i 8d a week ago. The principal cow figure was £l3 ss, representing a drop of £2 on the exceptional offer at the previous auction.
Only a moderate entry of sheep was traded, with a scarcity of heavy grades. Values generally were equal to those operating last week, although in some instances there was a declining tendency in the market. The best wethers realised to 38s 3d, whereas similar weights made over 40s a week ago, and prices for shorn varieties ranged to 33s 6d, which was 3d below the former quotation. Woolly ewes sold to 365, representing a depreciation of 6d on last week's best price, and shorn sheep were much easier at 25s 6d. One very choice pen of unshorn hoggets brought 41s. the best transaction of the day, others realising lato rates. Shorn hoggets were about 6s cheaper, 22s 9d being the top quotation. Calves and Pigs in Demand
Fewer spring lambs came forward, but the assortment suffered nothing in quality, which was quite up to the standard offered at former sales. Prices ranged from 15s to 33s 6d, representing an increase of 6d on the highest bid last week, but 4s 3d under the best price of the season. Heavy vealers were in demand in the smaller selection of calves, and the few available were readily purchased. Light and medium'quality was also up to standard, and particularly brisk bidding produced a rise of approximately 2s a head all round. An outstanding runner realised £7 14s, and vealers ranged to 116s, which was Is more than last week's price. With a full yarding of pigs, there was a very steady sale for all baconers, and a much stronger demand for porkers, due to the operation of farmers seeking pigs to be fed on buttermilk. Average quality was offered, and values were fairly firm. The best bacon sale was 83s, against 86s a week ago, and porkers made to 58s. which was an improvement of Is. ' Stores changed hands up to 425. which was an increase of 10s orer the past two sales. Averages were unchanged at 6d per lb. for baconers and 6id for porkers. Comparison ol Quotations
The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock" for the last two weeks at the "West-field fat stock sales:— i
wri) , This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b.) . Extra choice#-ox 30/. 30/. Choice and prime ox . . . . 30/- to 35/* 30/- to 35/Choice nnd prime cow and heifer 20/• to 35/. 30/- to 35/SIIEEP (per head)— I'riino Wethers:
Shorn .. 21/6 to 33/6 25/- to 33/9 Unshorn . . 30/- to 3S/3 30/- to 43/0 Unfinished Wethers: Shorn .. 25/- to 27/6 27/9 Unshorn .. 20/- to 30/0 25/- to 30/Priino liivcs:
Shorn . . 20/- to 25/0 24/- to 20/3 Unshorn . . 25/- to 30/- 22/- to 30/U Unfinished Ewes: ' Unshorn .. 10/- to 21/- 3/6 to 29/0 lionets: Shorn . . 21/9 to 22/9 22/- to 2S/Unshorn .. 24/6 to 41/- 24/0 to 30/-
Unfinished .. 19/- to 23/- 1)S/- to 22/6 Spring lambs . . 15/- to 33/0 lb/0 to 33/CALVES (per head)— Kunners .. 50/- to 154/- 00/- to 152/Yealers . . 0/- to 110/- 4/- to 115/l'lCi'S (per head) — Biiconers . • 521- to S3/• 50/- to 86/Porkers .. 20/- to 58/- 24/- to 57/Weanors .. 11/- to 20/- 10/- to 25/Slips . . 19/- to 30/- 10/- to 24/Large stores .. 24/- to 42/- 23/- to 35/Individual Consignments
For tho ninth successive week, cattle from Mr. W. J. Ralph, of Maluita, topped tho ox beef average, yesterday's figuro being £l4 18s Id, eight steers being froyi £l4 7s Gd to £ls 10s, the same top price as last week. A truck of 10 from Mr. B. Reed, of Waerenga, brought between £l2 2s 6d and £ls, at an average of £l3 15s 3d. Stock yarded by Mr. H. L. Bayly, of Tirau, and Jfr. W. Ring's Estate, of Hinuora, realised to £l3 ss. and a lino of 33 from Paterson Brothers, of Motiti, mado to £l2 15s. Half a crown less was tho best price obtained by Mr. H. E. Potter, of Karaka, and Waiuku dealers, Messrs. J. McGowan and J. Walters, received to £ll 15s and £ll 10s respectively. An offering from Judd Brothers, of Maungaturoto, made to £lO 12s Gd, and another from Mr. E. P. Paul, of Mangere, ranged to £9 2s Gd. Cows and heifers from an East Coast vendor were auctioned to £l3 ss, tho highest bid in this section, tho next best being £ll 2s Gd obtained on behalf of Mr. W. C. Pilncr, of Gisborne, whose cattle averaged £0 18s lOd. Lots sold for Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi, and Mr. G. Cox, of Mangere, each rose to £ll, and £lO 2s Gd was top price brought by offerings from Mr. J. A. Hill, of Oliinowal, and an East Coast farmer. Cows offered by Mr. W. Massey, of Otahuhu, and Mr. Paul sold to £lO 2s Gd and £lO respectively, and £9 15s was paid for lines from Mr. It. I). Ingram, of Tanoatua, and Mr. E. M. Wright, of Mauku. Mr. .1. Henwood, of Mangere, Paterson Brothers and Mr. A. Bell's Estate, of Poktmo, entered cattle which made to £8 17s Gd, and £8 15s was obtained for cows sent in by Boll's Estate, of Helensville. Other quotable linos came from Mr. E. Woods, of East Tamaki, which mado to £7 los; and from_ Mr. H. Plumley, of l'apatoctoo, to £5 15s.
DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS LOAN AND MERCANTILE The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports oil the sulo as follows: — Boot.—Our yarding of beef was an average one. Competition was steady throughout, with little or no alteration on last week's sale. Extra choico ox sold to £1 10s per 1001b.; choice and iirime ox, £1 10s to £1 15s; ordinary and plain ox, £1 lis to £1 !)s; prime young cow and heifer beer, £1 i>s to £1 15s; ordinary cow beef, £1 2s to £1 Bs. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £ls to £ls 10s; heavy prime steers, £l3 10s to £l4 15s; lighter prime steers, £l2 to £l3 ss; light prime steers. £I) 10s to £ll 15s; plain and small, £8 to £0 ss; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £l3 ss; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £8 -to £0 15s; liglter, £(> 15s to £7 15s; light, £5 to £0 10s; aged and plain finished cows, £2 10s to £•! 15s. Prime steers from Mr. W. J. Ralph, of Mahuta, realised up to £ls 10s, tho truck of eight averaging £l4 18s Id. Sheep.—Wo had barely an average yarding of sheep. Competition was not so keen and values woro inclined to ease. No extra heavy prime wethers wero penned. Heavy prime wethers, woolly, £1 10s to £1 17s (3d; shorn, £1 12b 6d to £1 13b 6d; medium
prime wethers, woolly, £1 I'ls <o £1 15s Od; Bhorn, £1 JOs (id to £1 12s; light prime wethers, woolly, £1 lis to £1 13s Od; shorn, £1 8s to £ L 1 Us; small and unfinished wethers, woolly, £1 (is to £1 JOs (id; .shorn, £1 ."is to £L Vs Od; extra prime hoggets, to £•-! Is; medium to heavy prime hoggets, £1 iis to £1 Ms; light prime hoggets, £1 r>s to £1 Ss Od. Heavy prime ewes, £1 13s to £1 lis (id; medium prime ewes, £1 JOs (id lo £1 12s Od; light prime ewes, £1 5s to £1 1 Or; interiorly fatted ewes, JOs to £1 -Is; prime ewes, shorn, £1 to £J 5s Od. We penned spring lambs in numbers equal to last week, and sold at scarcely lato rates from £1 to £1 Ss. Pigs.—Wo had a large yarding of pigs. Competition was keen throughout for all classes, and we report values very firm on last week's quotations. Choppers sold from £1 10s to £2 JOs; heavy and medium baconers, £3 15s to £4 3s; light baconers and heavy porkers. £2 J2s to £3 13s; medium porkers and light porkers, £2 to £2 10s; small and unfinished. £1 Ks to £1 18s. There was an extra keen demand for store pigs anil values showed a sharp rise. Large stores, £1 J2s to £2 2s; slips. £1 to £1 10s; weaners, 12s to £1 (is. The advertised six-month-old Berkshire boars made from £3 •is to £5 15b Od; sows, £2 lOs to £0 Os. Calvcs.--Our entry of calves was an average one. There was keen competition, with values very firm on last week's quotations. Runners, £2 JOs to £5 10s; heavy vealers, £4 JOs to £5 Os; medium, £3 10s to £4 Ss; light. £3 5s to £3 J Is; smaller, £2 JOs to £3 3s; small. £1 15s to £2 Ss; rough calves, £1 5s to £1 15s; fresh dropped, 7s to JOs. DALCETY AND COMPANY Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—We sold 171 head of cows and heifers, against 170 head last week. The quality of the offering was fully up to the average, and, selling under a steady demand, we have to report a. clearance at last week's rates. Extra choice ox sold to 3(5s per 1001b; choice and prime. 32s to 355; secondary and plain, 28s fo 31s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 33s to 355; ordinary cow beef, 27s to 325. Extra heavy prime young cows and iieifers ranged in price from £lO 10s to £11; heavy prime, £8 17s Od to £lO ss; lighter prime! £7 10s to £8 15s; late prime cows, £5 to £7 ss; other killable cows. £2 to £4 10s.
Sheep.—An average entr,v of fat sheep drew steady competition, with values about on a par with last week's quotations. Prime heavy hoggets, woolly, 27s to 20s Od; prime medium hoggets, woolly, 25s to 20s Od; shorn, 21s Od to 22s Od; heavy prime wethers, woolly, £1 17s 3d to CI JBs 3d; shorn, £1 J2s Od; medium, woolly, £1 15s Od to £1 J7s; shorn, £1 Os to £1 8s Od; light and unfinished, £1 13s to £1 15s Od; heavy prime ewes, woolly, £1 13s to £1 Us 3d; lighter, 30s to £1 12s Od; other ewes, £1 ss' to £1 Os Od. A smaller yarding than last week raine forward, and values ruled higher than late rates. Heavy prime lambs. 28s 3d to 20s 3d; medium, 20s to 28s; light, 23s to 25s Od; small, 10s 3d to 22s Od. Calves.—Calves were penned in fewer than average numbers. The demand throughout was keen, and values for all classes ruled very firm on last week's quotations. Runners, £3 10s to £0 17s; heavy vealers, £5 to £5 15s; medium, £4 to £1 10s; light, £3 to £3 10s; smaller. £2 8s to £2 15s; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 8s to £2 -is; bobby and rough calves, Os to £1 7s. Pigs.—Pigs were yarded in smaller numbers than last week. Competition was keen, resulting in a firm sale, with values for porkers increased by 3s to 4s a head. Jiaconers remained on a par with late rates. Heavy baconers, £3 12s to £3 18s; medium, £3 5s to £3 JOs; light, £3 to £3 4s; heavy porkers, £2 13s to £2 lfcs; medium, £2 Os to £2 12s; light, £J Jss to £2 -Is; small and unfinished, £1 Os to £1 14s. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred JJuckland and Sons, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef. —Our yarding of fat cattle numbered 210 head, as against 200 head last week, comprising 70 steers and 17u cows and heifers. The demand was steady throughout the salo for ox beef, and values were firm at last week's quotations. Competition for cows and heifers was not so good as at recent sales, with the result that values eased slightly. Extra choice ox sold to £1 10s per JOOlb.; choice and prime ox, £1 12s to £1 lis; secondary and plain ox, £1 Os to £1 lis; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 12s to £1 l is; ordinary cow beef, | £1 Is to £1 Bs. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l3 10s to £ls. 10 steers from Mr. Ben Reed, of Waerenga, averaging £l3 15s 3d; heavy prime steers, £l2 10s to £l3; lighter prime steers, £ll 10s to £l2 ss; light prime steers, £lO to £lO 15s; small and unfinished steers, £7 10s to £0; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll 2s Od. 10 heifers from Mr. \\. P. Pilmer, of Gisborne, sold up to £ll 2s Od, the line averaging: £0 18s lOd; Heavy prime cows and heifers, £8 to £8 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £5 os to £0 15s; other killable cows, £3 to £4 10s. Sheep,—Sheep were penned to the number of 504. Wethers were in good supply, and sold freely at late rates. A small yarding of ewes advanced in values toward the end of the sale. Extra heavy prime wethers, shorn, £1 lis to £1 12s 3d; heavy prime wathers, woolly, £ 1 17s to £1 10s; heavy tirime wethers, shorn, £1 8s to £1 10s; medium to heavy prime wethers, shorn, £1 Os Od to £1 7s Od; medium to heavy prime wethers, woolly, £1 13s to £1 15s Od; light to medium primes wethers, woolly, £1 10s to £1 12s Od; light to medium primo wethers, shorn, £1 4s Od to £l, 5s Od; unfinished wethers, woolly, £1 7s to £1 8s Od; extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 14s Od lo £1 10s; heavy prime ewes, £1 13s to £1 lis; lighter prime ewes, £1 10s Od to £1 12s Od; other killable ewes, £1 5s to £1 8s; other ewes, 15s to £l. Hoggets were penned to the number of 210. Bidding was spirited, and late values ruled. Extra heavy . prime hoggets, £1 13s to £1 15s; heavy prime, £1 10s to £1 12s; lighter prime, £1 Os od to £1 8s Od; light prime, £1 4s Od to £1 (is; small and plain, 10s to £1 3s. Spring lambs were yarded to the number of 00, and sold freely at last week's prices. Heavy prime lambs, £1 10s to £1 13s Od; medium, £1 Os to £1 8s Od; light, £1 38 to £1 4s Od; small and plain, 15s to £1 Is.
Calves.—We had an average yarding: of calves. Bidding for all classes was brisk, anil values slightly better. Runners made £3 15s to £7 lis for a Polled Angus heifer from Mr. Geo. Booth's Tuakau farm; heavy vealcrs, £5 Sb to £5 lGs; medium, £4 4s to £1 IOs; light, £3 7s to £3 16s; smaller, £2 Ss to £2 lGs; unfinished and bucket-fed, £L l'ls to £2 ss; bobby and rough calves, Us to £1 10s; 252 calres were sold. Pigs.—l'igs wero in full supply. There was a steady sale for baconers. at prices equal to last week's. Porkers were in better request at improved rates, butlermilk buyers operating freely. Choppers made £1 13s to £3 (Is; heavy baconers, £3 10s to £4 Is; medium. £3 l()s to £3 13s; light, £3 '_'s to £3 7s; heavy porkers, £2 13s to £2 17s; medium, £2 Js to £"2 10s; light, £1 17s to £"-; gmall and unfinished, £1 10s to £.l Ms; best stores, £1 Ss to £1 12s; smaller, £1 -Is to £1 (is; slips, 10s to £1 2s; weaners. Us to His. Baconers sold ut on average of Gd per lb., and porkers realised fully tfVid per lb. A total of 557 pigs was sold.
RATES AT ADDINGTON FIRM MARKET FOR SHEEP FAT CATTLE VALUES DROP [BY TELEGRAPH —I'RKSS ASSOCIATION] CHRISTCHURCII, Wednesday There was a firm market for ail classes of sheep at to-day's Addington market, but a drop in fat cattle values. Store Sheep.:—There was a much smaller entry and a larger attendance of buyers. Wether hoggets moro than recovered last week's drop of Is (id a head, and ewes and lambs showed a further slight firming. The best sold to '22s (id; wether hoggets, to 20's 9d; ewe hoggets, to 33s Od. Spring Lambs.—An entry of 150 sold brightly at a 2s increase in value, recovering last week's drop. Fat Sheep —About -1000 were penned, and with the smaller entry there was u much improved sale, wethers being better by 2s and ewes by 2s tid. Best wethers made 3(>s to -10s; medium, 31s to 355; best owes, 30s to 375; medium, 25s to 20s. Fat Cattle.—There wero 500 penned, mostly of excellent quality. Over-supply caused an easing of 20s to 25s a head for steers, and less for cows and heifers. Best beef made from 3<>s to 3Ss; good, 3-ls to 35s (id; inferior, down to 30s. A show steer made £'2o 2s (id, but other heavy weights realised £ls to £l7 7s lid; good, £l2 10s to ill 10s; best heifers, £I I to £l3 10s; good, £0 to £lO 10s; best cows, £0 10s to £l2; good, £S to £'{) Cs. Fat Pigs.—Values wore scarcely up to those of last week. Porkers made from 3tis (id to 50s lid, an average per lb of lid to l>> 4 d. Baconers made 52s Gd to £1 13s Gd, an average per lb of to GVid. DEMAND AT WF.LLSFORD [l'ltOil OUR OWN COUKESFONDENT] WELLSFOKD, Wednesday A good demand for all classes of stock and for young pigs wau shown at the sale held at Wellsford on Tuesday by Alfred Auckland aud Sons, Limited. Almost tho whole yarding was disposed of. Good quality dairy cows and heifers sold well to local farmers, £8 12s Gd being paid for a good Shorthorn cow close to profit, while Shorthorn heifers realised up to £0 ss. Poorer dairy cows were in demand by graziers for breediug purposes Beef cattle and tillable cows sold well, the highest price being £0 for a medium-weight fat Shorthorn cow. All classes of store cattle sold well and empty Jersey heifers brought up to £3. Young pigs and butter-milk pigs met a keen demand. Big stores realised from £1 lis to £1 lis Gd and best weaners 225. A small line of fat shorn ewes brought 22s lid. A largo offering of bulls realised good prices, up to 12 guineas being paid for best yearling Shorthorns, while a Black Poll young bull brought 13 guineas. Good type Jersey bulls brought up to 8 guineas, but small ones were hard to sell.
Values were:—Medium-weight fat Shorthorn cows, £7 12s to £0; light-weight ditto cows, £0 3s to £0 10s; killable Short- . horn cows, £1 5s to £l 15s; fat Jersey cows, £3 Jss (o £4 ss; killable Jersey*. £2 Os to £3; fat heifers, £1 3s to £t 14s; big boners, to £2 JOs; cull cows, 15s to 235; best Shorthorn cows, due early, up to £S J2s Oil; good Shorthorn springing heifers, £5 7s Od lo £0 ss; crossbred heifers, £4 2s (3d to £4 15s; young Jersey cows, just calved or duo early, £1 to £5 2s fid; big Friesian cows, £5 ss; best Jersey springing heifers, £5; small and backward Jersey heifers, £2 2s Od to £3 15s; Jersey cows with big calves, £4 the pair; poor dairy cows, £3 5s to £3 15s; store cows with big calves, £2 os to £2 7s (id; big empty storo cows, £2 7h Od to £3 ss; good type empty Jersey heifers, £2 (is to £3; small ditto heifers, £1 l is; Shorthorn-cross heifers. £2 lis; best Shorthorn yearling bulls, 10% to 12 guineas; good yearling Shorthorn bulls, 5Vi guineas to 8% guineas; Black Poll bulls, 13 guineas; Red Polls, 5 guineas; best Jersey young bulls, 0% guineas to 8 guineas; poorer Jersey bulls, 3 guineas to 5 guineas; aged Jersey hulls, 5 guineas to G% guineas; small Jersey bulls, l'/ 2 guineas to 2 guineas: fat shorn ewes, 22s Od; butter-milk pigs, :i:i« (id; big stores. 20s: poor stores, 18s to 235; best weaners, 225; good weaners. 18s to 20s; poor weaners, 13s to 15s. VALUES AT STORTFORD LODGE [BY TF.LEGK.VPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION'] HASTINGS, Wednesday Fat cattle met with a bright market at Stortford Lodge to-day, when values for prime sorts improved on last week. Heavy bullocks were in demand, making to £l3 13s. Cows prevailed over a wide range of quality, bait prime sorts making to £!.)> 12s; medium^'to heavy, £7 to £B. Light finished and iis?rior also were well traded. Good heifers "again were in short supply, best medium heavy making to £0 12s. A large yarding of store cattle caused a decline in values, many sorts dropping up to £1 a head. Passings were frequent in a dull, dragging sale, steers principally being affected. Yearlings in comparison did much better than two and three-year-old lots. Best grown bullocks were hard to quit up to £8 12s. Store sheep were again in good demand, with little change in values. Fat sheep fully maintained last week's recovered levels, exceptional wethers reaching the record level of 38s. Best heavy prime ewes made to 36s 2d; medium to heavy, 28s to 31s; prime shorn ewes, to 25s lod. The market was bright and keen for all sorts. PRICES AT SPRING FAIR [fboji qur own correspondent] HAMILTON, Wednesday A yarding of 1300 head of beef cattle was offered at the annual beef spring fair at the Frankton yards to-day, and met with an animated demand. There was a large attendance of buyers, and bidding was brisk. Most of the cattle was produced in the district and was in store condition. A pen of Polled Angus steers on account of Mr. J. E. Richardson, of Te Akau, brought £9 JOs a head. Two other pens on account of Mr. Richardson brought £9 15s, while realisations above £8 15s were frequent. The market was buoyant tnroughout the day, and most of the offering was sold. YARDING AT MERCURY BAY Good prices for most .classes ruled at the Mercury Bay monthly stock sale on Monday. There was a large yarding of cattle. An entry of dairy stock cows (inferior) brought from £5 to £7. Other values were:—Springing heifers, £1 10s to £0; Jersey bulls, good sorts, £S; inferior, £3; store cows, £1 to £3; fat bullocks, £8 to £0; two-year-old steers, £3 15s to £4 Os; yearling steers. £3; yearling heifers. £2 10s. DEMAND FOR BULLS AT KAMO [from our own correspondent] WHANGAREI, Wednesday Dalgetv and Company, Limited, reports having held a satisfactory special bull sale at Kamo yesterday, when fully the advertised number came forward. There was a large bench of buyers and practically the whole offering was sold under the hammer. Any bulls of outstanding quality met with Keen competition, prices being fully on a par wita late rates. The top price was 21 guineas paid by Mr. H. A. SHominen, of Te Karae. Broadwood, for u pedigree yearling Jersey, "Crystal Springs Tenor," sold by Mr. C. Stevens, 'Maungatapere. Other satisfactory sales on account of the same vendor were:—lo% guineas for a yearling Jersey, "Crystal Springs Laddie. 14Vi guineas for a yearling Jersey, "Crystal Springs Sage"; 15 guineas for a_ yearling Jersey, "(Jamboge Hero"; 13 guineas for "Crystal Springs Neptune," a yearline Jersey. On account of Mr. F. M. Tapley, Waipu, a six-year-old Jersey, "Pilot Legion, made lo guineas. Yearling Shorthorns on account of Mr. 1). Ilardie. of Glenbervie, sold as follows: —"Glenbervie "Buster," 15 guineas; "Glenbervie Pearl," 15 guineas. The North Auckland I'armers' Co-operative. Limited, reports having a good offering of bulls at the firm's special sale at Kamo yesterday. The entry comprised Jerseys and Shorthorns and a satisfactory sale resulted. * The top price was 20 guineas paid by Mr.JF. Yates, of Ruatancata, for a two-year-old Jersey on account of Mr. A. E. Phillips, Maungatapere. The top price Shorthorn was a two-year-old v-hich realised 25 guineas, this price being paid bv Mr. G. Rountree, Waikiekie, to Mr. B. P. Hawken, of Maunu. Two-year-old Jerseys, eood quality, made from 20 to 29 tiuineas; medium, 12 to IS guineas; best yearling Jerseys, 15 to IS guineas; medium, 10 to 15 guineas; Milking Shorthorn, best quality two-year-old. 20 to 25 guineas; medium, 12 to 10 guineas.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22544, 8 October 1936, Page 7
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4,123FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22544, 8 October 1936, Page 7
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