FRANKTON QUOTATIONS HEAVY YARDING OF SHEEP BEEF VALUES REMAIN FIRM [I'KOM OUII OWN COIUIKSPONDENT] HAMILTON, Tuesday All classes of sheep were in heavy supply at the Frankton saleyards today. Competition for both shorn and woolly wethers was not as keen as .'it recent sales and prices were lower. I"at owes were in brisk demand at recent quotations. Hoggets also sold at late ruling rates. There was a full yarding of ox beef, comprising mostly well-finished medium and light-weight cattle. Competition was good, with prices firm. Cow and heifer beef was oflered in smaller numbers, with good quality in short supply. The demand was again good and values firm. Second quality and boner cows showed no alteration. Competition at late rates was good for an extra heavy entry cf runners and vealers, comprising mostly calves. Buyers were offered a heavy yarding of both fat and store
pigs. Baeoncrs remained firm at last week s quotations, while porkers and buttermilk pigs wore keenly sought and maintained late rates. In spite of the heavy yarding of stores and weaners the demand was steady throughout, a successful sale resulting. The auctioneers report as follows: I'armors' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited.—Sheep: Trimo woolly wethers sold at 35s (o 37s Od; medium, 32s to 31s 3d; unfinished, 28s to 31s; prime shorn wethers, 27s Od to 28s Od; prime woolly ewes, 2!is SHI to 30s (id; medium, 2(is Od to 28s (id; kiliable, 22s to 255; prime shorn ewes, 21s Od to 25s (id; medium, 21s (id to 235; w.f. woolly hoggets, 21s (id to 27s Od; w.f. ewo hotrgets, woolly, 30s; small fat hoggets, 22s (Id to 21s; store shorn wethers, 21s (id; spring lambs, 25s (o 31s. Cattle: rrime medium fat steers, £l3 Ids to £ll 7s (id; lighter, .ill f»s to £l2 Ms; killable, £lO ss; prime fat medium cows and heifers, £8 His to £lO Is; lighter, £(> 5s to £7 ss; killable cows, £3 J(is to £5 Ids; heavy boner cows, £2 JOs to £3 3s; lighter, 25s to 30s; prime runners, £5 Is to £0 lis; smaller, £3.10s to £1 10s: good vealers, £2 Ids to £."> 3s; calves, 30s to £2 2s; smaller, Jls to 2Ms. Pigs: Best baeoncrs, £3 12s to £3 17s; medium, £3 •Is to £3 lis; light, £2 His to £3 3s; buttermilk pigs, £2 Ss to £2 lis; heavy porkers, £2 5s to £2 10s; medium, 38s to £2 4s; litfht, 31s to 375; large stores, "7s to £2 2s; sniiiller, 33s (id to 30s Od; slips, 27s Gd to 31s; best weaners, 18s (id to 21s (id; others, 13s to 17s; Tamwortheross sows, to, farrow, £3 to £3 7s (id; Tamwortlt-cross sows, with litters, £3 17s to £1 (is.
Dalgely ami Company, Limited. —Fat sheep: Fat woolly wethers sold at !51s fid to 3.35; shorn fat wethers, 2(is to '27s fid; woolly fat owes, 'J Is to '-'(is (id; shorn fat ewes, 22s to 25s (id. Fat lambs: Spring lamhs, 3-1 s Gd to 375; extra heavy prime hoggets, 30s (Jd to 38s; ordinary fat hoggets, 22s to 27s Od; small black faced hoggets, 20s to '_'ls (id. Fat cattle: Trime young cows and heifers, £8 12s (id to £lO 312s (id; fat .Jersey cows, Co to £5 Os; moderate quality fat Jersey cows, £3 7s 0(1 to £3 17s (3d. Store cattle: Forward young cows, £ I 5s to £-1 12s; boner cows, £'2 (is to £2 lis; light, 31s to 38s; potter buils, £1 Os; yearling Jersey heifers, £3 15s to £t os. Store sheep: Full-mouth ewes in the wool with lambs at foot, Kis all counted; ewes in lamb, 10s (id; cull backfaced hoggets, 13s od to 20s. Figs: Heavy baconers: £3 12s to £3 13s; medium prime, £3 os to £3 10s; medium, £2 ISs to £3 3s; light, £2 10s to £2 15s; heavy porkers to buttermilk, £2 -Is to £2 12s; prime heavy porkers, £2 to £2 ss; medium, 35s to £2; light, 30s to 31s'; choppers, 35s to £2 ss; large stores, 2Ss to 30s; medium, 21s to 27s (Jd; best slips, 21s to 27s (Jd; small, 20s to 21s; best weancrs, ISs to 225; small, 12s to 10s; sows to farrow, £3 10s to £-1 os. (i. W. Vercoe and Company, Limited. — Heavy fat woolly wethers sold at £1 ISs to £ 1 10s 3d; medium-weights, £1 T(3s to £1 17s Od; light, £1 14s to £1 15s. (id; fat shorn wethers, £1 7s to £1 8s Od; heavy fat woolly ewes, £1 10s to £1 12s; fat shorn ewes, £1 2s to £1 4s Od; heavy fat hoggets, £1 Ss to £1 10s; mediumweights, £1 Os to £1 7s Od; light, £1 2s to £t Os; spring lambs, £1 15s to £1 17s. Cattle: Runners, £1 to £5 10s; good vealers, £2 to £2 15s; others, £1 10s t() £1 ISs; heavy prime bullocks, to £JG; medium-weight fat bullocks, to £l3 15s; light fat bullocks, £ll 15s to £l2; medium-weight fat cows, £S 10s to £!) 12s (id; light fat cows, £0 15s to £8 ss; medium-weight fat heifers, £8 to £9 10s; light fat heifers, £G to £7 15s; heavy fat Jersey cows, £7 to £3 ss; medium-weights, £5 15s to £0 12s Gd; light, £ t to £5 10s; heavy fat Jersey heifers, £7 os to £8 2s Gd; medium-weights, X'G to £7; light fat heifers, to £5 10s; forwariT-conditioned Shorthorn and Friesian cows, £1 10s to £5 ss; heavy boners, £2 5s to £2 15s; others, £1 10s to £2; empty two-year Jersey heifers, £3 to £1 2s (id; yearling crossbred heifers, £2 los to £3 12s (id. Pigs: Prime heavy baconers, £3 1 Is to £3 17s; medium, £3 5s to £3 12s; light, £2 18s to £3 3s; kravy porkers, £2 ■ls to £2 10s; medium, £1 ISs to £2 2s; light, i'L 12s to £2; good stores, £1 15s to £2 Is; others, £1 8s to £1 12?; slips, £1 2s to £1 (is; best weaners, ISs to £1 2s (ill; others. 12b to 15s; plain sows, in pig, to 03 17s Gd. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited.—Cattle: Five Shorthorn and Friesian primo heifers, £10; prime Shorthorn fat cows, £7 15s to £lO 'is; heavy Shorthorn fat heifers, £8 to £10; medium quality Shorthorn cows and heifers. £G to £7 10s; heavy quality Jersey cows, £1 15s to £0 10s; medium quality fat Jersey cows, £3 to £4 10s; liglvt unfinished, £2 l'is Gd to £3; unfinished Shorthorn fat bullocks, £lO to £lO 17s (id; sound young empty cows, £3 5s to £3 lis: young Jersey hold-over cows, £'i los to £3 ss; medium store cows, £2 os to £2 14s; heavy boners, £1 IGs to £2 4s; rough quality, to £l. 15s; medium-conditioned springing dairy heifers, £7 to £B. Sheep.Medium quality shorn wetliers, £1" 7s to £i i)s 3d; plain fat shorn wethers, £t 3s (id to £1 (is Gd; heavy shorn ewes, £1 5s to £1 (Is Gd; good quality shorn fat ewes, £1 2s Gd to £1 4s (id; light, to £1 4s; heavy hoggets, £1 Gs to £1 8s Od; medium, £1 5s to £1 (is. Tigs: Heavy baconers, £3 lis to £3 Kis; medium baconers, £3 os to £3 10s; light baconers and heavy porkers, £2 I ts (o £3 2s; medium porkers, £2 5s to £2 12s (id; light porkers, £1 18s to £2 45.; medium butter-milk pigs, £1 13s to £1 17s; good quality store pigs, £l Gs to £1 12s; medium, £1 2s (id to £1 os; slips, ISs tb £ 1 Is; good weancrs, 14s to 17s; inferior, to 13s. YARDING AT CAMBRIDGE The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, held its Cambridge stock sale on Monday, when there was a good yarding of all classes of cattle. Cow and heifer beef was in average supply, the entry comprising light fat cows. Competition was steady, with values showing a slight easing tendency. A good yarding of boner cows sold at slightly easier rates. ■ A largo number of Jersey yearling heifers were offered and evoked brisk inquiry. top prices in this section being £5 ISs, for a jien of good quality heifers offered on account of Mr. 13. 13. Wallace. There was a small entry of sheep, comprising mostly fat hoggets. Competition was brisk, with a total clearance at late rates. A medium entry of dairy cattle was offered, with few good quality animals. Competition was not as keen as at previous sales and prices eased accordingly. A good yarding of both fat and storo pigs was sold. Competition was good throughout, and prices realised fully up to late quotations. Cattle: fat cows made £S 15s to £0; lighler cows and heifers, £."> to £7; forward and killablo cows, £3 10s to £4 15s; sound empty Jersey cows, £2 10s to £3 ss; heavy boners, £'2 to £2 15s; lighter, 25s to 30s; good quality Jersey and Jersey-cross yearling heifers, to £5 18s; others, £4 to £4 ss; potter bulls, £3 15s to £4 Bs. Sheep: Fat woolly hoggets, 21s 3d to 25s Od; fat shorn hoggets, to 21s; light fat ewes, to 'its. Dairy cattle: Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers, close to profit, £7 to £8; more backward, £5 10s to £G 10s; smaller heifers, £4 to £5; cows c.loso to profit, £0 10s to £.B; more backward, £5 to £0; inferior, £3 10s to £4 15s. Pigs: Medium baconers, £2 ISs to £3 3s; heavy porkers, £2 4s to £2 10s; medium, 3Ss (o £2 2s; light, 33s to 375; largo stores, 30s, to 3Gs; medium, 2Gs to 20s; slips, 2ls to 28s Gd: best weancrs, 18s to 225; others, 10s to los. _ { QUALITY BULLS IN DEMAND 0. W. Vercoe and Company, Limited, reports having held its pedigree and grade bull sale at Frankton on Monday, when tho advertised entry came forward. There was a large attendance of buyers, and practically a total clearance was effected at late rates. Bulls showing quality were eagerly sought, but a number came forward in low condition and with a few exceptions tho quality of the entries was not high. Good yearling and two-year-old Jersey bulls wero in good demand, and yearling Shorthorns sold well. The fop price of tho sale, 27gns, was received .for a pedigree two-year-obi Jersey bull, Rahiri Karaka Jack, sold on account of Mr. A. J. Edwards, of Ohaupo, the buyer being Mr. N. F. Andrews, of Aotca. Good pedigree two-year-old Jersey bulls made 15gns to 27gns; older Jersey bulls, to lGVigns; pedigree yearling Jersey bulls, to 13V 2 gns; grade two-year-old Jersey bulls, £8 to £ll 10s; older bulls, £0 to £0; grade yearling Jersey bulls, £8 ,
to £lO 10s; inferior Jersey bulls, £3 to £6; pedigree Shorthorn bulls, two-year-olds, to 'JUgns; pedigree Shorthorn yearling bulls, I3cns to 3Turns; grade Shorthorn yearling hulls, to £S; three-year-old pedigree Ayrshire bulls, to 12gns. Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports a full yarding of all classes. The demand for serviceable sorts was good, but a number were low in condition, and lacked competition. On account of Mr. W. McDell, a yearling pedigree Jersey bull made IHgns; grade two-year-old Jersey bulls, £7 to £8; low conditioned Red Polled bulls, £0 10s to £7; yearling Shorthorn bulls, £!• and £K 1 ."is; Ayrshire hull, £11; yearling grade Jersey bulls, £■'> 10s; aged bulls, £<; to £7 10s. HAMILTON BULL VALUES The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports having held a bull sale at Hamilton on Monday, when a heavy yarding came forward, with good quality animals in short supply. Competition for quality lots in the early part of the sale was good, but eased considerably in the concluding stages. Poorer sorts showed no variation on late rates. Two-year pedigree Jersey bulls made I'.'gns to ir>gns; small, 7gns to lOgns; yearling pedigree Jersey bulls, lOgns to r.'gns; smaller, ,">gns to Sgns; best grade Jersey bulls, two and three years, £l."> to £2O; others, £<> to lOgns; best yearling gra'dc Jersey bulls, £<! Ids to £K; smaller, £:{ l.">s lo medium quality two-year Polled Angus bulls, lOgns to £ls 10s; two and three-year Shorthorn bulls, £7 to Ogns; three-year Red Polled bulls, £8 10s (o £ll. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report that at its Hamilton annual grade bull fair on Monday the class of the bulls generally was only plain. The inquiry for good conditioned and quality yearling and two-year Jerseys was brisk, and keen prices were ruling. A few medium sorts of Shorthorn and Ayrshires grade bulls were briskly sought and prices were satisfactory. Throughout the sale the inquiry was maintained, and little remained unsold. Good sons, two-year grade Jersey bulls realised £l2 10s to £ls; plain conditioned two-year Jerseys, £9 to £11; good quality yearling Jersey bulls, £7 10s to X'H'lOs; medium grown yearlings, £■"> to £7 ss; inferior, to £1 10s; best two-year Ayrshire grade bulls, £lO to £l3 10s; plain two-year Shorthorn bulls, £7 to £S 10s; medium yearling Shorthorn bulls, up to £5 10s.
CLEARANCE AT TE TEKO [bv telegraph—OWN' correspondent] WHAKATAXE, Tuesday Tho Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report having held their fortnightly sale at Te Teko. A good yarding of dairy cows and heifers rame forward and a total clearance was effected at ruling rates. Trices realised were as follows: — Springing Jersey heifers, £5 10s to £9 10s; backward heifers, £3 10s to ft 10s; yearling heifers, 20s to £2; fat cows, to £<} 2s; medium, £3 to £.'s 18s; store cows, 3.1s to £2 ")S; grade Jersey bulls, Ggns to llgns; fat hoggets, to 2'Js; medium, to 2.55. STUD RED POLL CATTLE [by TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION'] FEILDIXG, Tuesday Buyers' representatives from all parts of Xew Zealand were present at the sixth annual sale of stud Red Toll cattle at Feilding today, when 28 males and 33 females were offered. The demand for bulls was rather disappointing, but having regard to their condition was quite satisfactory. The demand for females was very strong, heifers especially being selected. The best type of cows and heifers made better prices than bulls, but want of condition spoiled the general entry. Bulls- sold from 10 to 20 guineas; cows, from T/ s to 'IK guineas; select heifers, 20 guineas; others from 7 to 16 guineas. QUOTATIONS FOR WHEAT LONDON AND LIVERPOOL FUTURES IN CHICAGO LOXD.OX, Oct. 5 Wheat. —Cargoes are steadier and dearer and parcels are quiet. Futures: London, October, 37s a quarter; January, 38s 9d. Liverpool: October, 8s ljd a cental; December, 8s Id; March, 7s 7gd. CHICAGO, Oct. 5 Wheat. —December, 1 dollar 13* cents a bushel; May, 1 dollar 12fc cents; July, 97| cents. THE CITY MARKETS KEENER DEMAND FOT FRUIT BANANA PRICES LOWER - Most lines of fruit met with a keener demand at the City Markets yesterday, there being a strong inquiry for good quality apples and pears. Values for hothouse tomatoes were slightly easier in view of a small increase in supply, but tree tomatoes and passion fruit were again very scarce. There was a fair demand for good quality grapefruit and lemons, but inferior lines sold slowly. Californian grapes, which arrived by the Mariposa last week, opened in good condition and sold to a fair demand. Prices for bananas were lower in expectation of the arrival of 7000 cases of Sainoan. bananas by the Waipahi to-morrow.
Green peas, beans and new potatoes were available in heavier supplies, with prices easier than last week, while large quantities of cabbages and cauliflowers also were marketed. Celery and swedes were again a glut on the market, but carrots and pumpkins were keenly sought. Asparagus was in verv heavy supply with values still much lower than is usually the case at this time of the year. An easing tendency was evident in the prices paid for poultry, which again came forward in medium supplies. With the exception of prime cockerels, the demand ior most lines, however, was only fair. Values were:— , " FRUIT Apples, Delicious, local, 2s to -Is 6d a case: Hawke s Bay, 7s Od to 10s; Ballarut, 5s to < s; Dougherty, 4s to 7s; Granny Smith, •>s to Os Cd; Borne Beauty, 7s to 9s (id; Statesman, Os to Os; Winesap, 5s to i>s: sturmer, Os lo 8s; pears, Peter Barry, 7s (id to Us (id; Winter Coles and Winter Nelis. (is (id to His (id; tomatoes, hothouse, is yd to Js I'd per lb; tree tomatoes, yellow, )>s 0 !>s (id; oranges, Cook Islands, 22s (id to 2,s (id; grapefruit, New Zealand, extra choice, Ss to Os; others, -Is to 7s; Califorman, ;j."is; lemons, choice, cured, !>s to lis; others, Is to 7s; bananas, ripe, lis to 'Jos; pines, Queensland, 12s (id to l(is; grapes, Californian, Bed Emperor, 255; white, 'Jos; black, 30s; passion fruit, :12s to ISs; mushrooms, Is (id to 2s (id per lb. FIELD PRODUCE Asparagus, fid to lOd a bundle; beet, (3d to Is a dozen; celery, cooking, 2d to fid a bundle; dessert, Sd to Js -Id; carrots, Is to 2s a dozen; cauliflowers, 2s (id to -ts (id a sack; on benches, (id to 2s a dozen; cabbages, is <>d to 7s <>( l a sack; on benches, Is to 2s a dozen; cucumbers, hothouse, -Is (id to 7s a dozen; French beans, hothouse, Nl to Is per lb; green peas, <ld to lOil per lb; Rumania. Tauranga, (is to 8s a bag; leeks, (i(' to Is 3d a dozen; lettuce, Is to 7s a case; onions, local, Is to 4s a bag; Canadian, los to lis a cental; potatoes, new, No. I, 2*4(1 to 4(1 per lb; No. 2, Id to 2d per lb; pumpkins, choice Triumble, 20s to 3(>s a cwt; parsnips, (id to ;>d a dozen; radish, Od to Is 3d a dozen; rhubarb, Is to 3s a dozen; spinach, Sd to Is -Id a dozen; spring onions, Od to lOd a bundle; swedes, Is to Is Od a bag; turnips, 3d to od a dozen. POULTRY Cockerels, heavy breeds, prime, 4s to fis each; not prime, 2s (Id up; light breeds, prime, 3s to fis; not. prime, 2s up; fat roosters, heavy breeds, prime, 2s to 3s; light breeds, I.* 3d to Is Od; fat hens, heavy breeds, 2s (id to 3s (id; light breeds, 2s to 2s (id; pullets, heavy breeds, best, 3s (id to ss; smaller. Is (id up; light breeds, best, 3s to 4s (id; smaller, Is (id up; drakes, young, prime, 2s (id to 3s Ocl; smaller. Is (id up; old, Is Od to 2s Od; ducks, young, 2s (id to 3s Od; old, Is (id to 2s (id; cockerel chicks, heavy breeds, 3d to Is; light breeds, Id to (id; day-old chicks, Black Orpington, fid to 7d; Leghorn, 3d to 4d; ducklings, Od to 7d; Guinea fowls, 4s to os. FARMERS BUTTER EGGS Eggs, hen, firs' grade, Is oy 5 d a dozen; B grade, liy 3 d; C grade, SVid; duck, first grade, Is o'/ a d a dozen; B grade, llVid; C grade, OVad; farmers' butter, lOd to Is per lb.
BRADFORD MARKET TOPS FIRM, YARNS QUIET LONDON, Oct. 5 On the Bradford market tops are very firm, but yarns are quiet, contracts being already well covered.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22543, 7 October 1936, Page 9
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3,200STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22543, 7 October 1936, Page 9
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