MORRINSVILLE YARDINGS RECENT VALUES MAINTAINED GOOD ALL-ROUND COMPETITION [by t i-;leg ra r h—own cor respondent] MORRINSVILLE, Friday At "the Morrinsville stock sale hekl by the Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited,, to-day, there was again an exceptionally large yarding of all classes of stock. A medium entry of fat sheep was penned, coinprising chiefly fat ewes, for which competition was keen, and fully late rates were maintained. Store wethers changed hands at increased values. There was an average yarding of fat cattle and boners. The beef entry comprised a few pens of ox beef, with a fair proportion of cow and heifer beef of medium guality. Competition throughout was good and values showed a slight improvement.
Only a small yarding of dairy cattle jcame forward, prices being easier all r round, and dairy heifers close to profit [ realised £4 7s 6d to £4.17s 6d. There J was again a full yarding of store cattle, comprising fully 800 head. Competition * was keen throughout, and practically ■a total clearance was effected at prices a fully up to recent sales. Not quite so £ many female cattle , were offered this i week as at previous sales, but the de- l mand still remains goocl. There was h an extra heavy yarding of I'at pigs and J a full entry of stores and weaners. i Competition for good quality baconers 2 was steady, while porkers and < buttermilk pigs were easier. As at ® other centres, the demand for weaners \ (Was not so keen, but big stores are .still wanted, and a steady sale for this .class results. Quotations: — Sheep.—Prime fat ewes, from 20s to 225; fat shorn ewes, 17s 4d; hoggeta, 22a 7d; two and four-tooth wethers, in forward condition. 22s to 22s 9d; smaller. 18s 8d to 225; cull ewes, Bs. Cattle: Medium fat Hereford steers, £ll lGs; light- fat Shorthorn u steers, £9 3s to £lO 10s; fat cows .and v heifers,- - £5 9s to £6 8s; lighter, £3 16s c to £5 ss; forward and killable, £2 IGa n to £3 9s; young Shorthorn empty cows, i 38s to £2 12s; heavy boners, 24s to £2 3s- t light, 18s to 30s; potter bulls, £3 17s 6a 1 to £5 7s Gd. Store cattle; Dehorned Here- f ford steers, in forward condition, £9 16s; t four-year-old dehorned Hereford steers, £8: t 18s to £9 ss; four-year-old Polled Angus t steers, £9 4s to £9 9s; three-year-old Polled v Angus steers, £8 lis to £9; three-year-old Hereford steers, £7 13s to .£3 2»; back- c ward conditioned Polled Angus steers, £7 1 18a to £8 9s; two-year Polled Angus steers,; c £6 13s to £7 2s; two-year Hereford steers, > £5 12s to £6 2s ; smaller Hereford and t Polled Angus steers, £5; Polled Angus! i heifers, in calf, £4, 15s. to £5 lis; empty J Polled Angus heifers, three-year-old, £5 4 16s to £6 8s; Shorthorn c.nd Hereford f heifers, £5 lis; cows and calves, £4 10s c store cows. £2 to £i 2s. Pigs: Prime Quality i finished baconers, £2 18s to £3 2s; medium, c £2 14e to £2 17s; light, £2 liOs to £2 13a; buttermilk pigs, £2 2s to £2 10s; heavy porkers, £2 to £2 ss; medium, 3os to £2; light, 32s to 355; large stores, 25s 6d to; 30b; medium, 20s to 24a 6di; good slips,; 18s to 21s; others, 14s to 17s; best weaners, 14s to 17s Gd: u>ugh and smaller, 5g to 9s. ' The New Zealand Loan and* Mercantile < Agency, Company, Limited, Hamilton, re- < ports on the Morrinsville stock sale as fol- i lows The yarding of cattle was a normal 1 one and contained several pens of good fat 1 Polled Angus and Hereford cows, as well as the regular supply of fat Jertey_ cows \ i and stores. There was also a number of pens of yearling heifers yarded.' Competi- 1 tion was well maintained in all sections, and a total clearance was readily (.fleeted without any noticeable fluctuations. A few bulls sold satisfactorily, while the demand for dairies was keen but only a few of these were offering. The advertised 150 pigs came forward and were principally stores and weaners. Fat pig values showed no appreciable variation, while there was a good tone to the bidding for' stores and weaners. and most were scld at current rates. Quotations: Good fat Polled Angus and Hereford cows, £7 5s to £8 11a; medium quality, £6 2s Gd to £7 2e 6d: light Jersey fat cows, £4 5s to £4 15s; killable quality. £3 10s to £4; store Hereford cows and heifers, plain, to £2 10s; young, £1 18s to £2 7s Gd; medium. £1 10s to £1- 17s 6d; boners, £i 8s to £1 10s! bulls. £3 to £4 18s; medium dairy heifers, £4 10s to £5 12s 6d: others, £3 5s to £4: light fat hoggets, to £1 Is'; medium ewes, to 17s 6d; medium store Holstein yearling heifers,, £2 2s to £2 5s- medium store Shorthorn heifers, up to £2 3s; plain yearling heifers, up to £2 ss; good porkers and light baconers. £2 7s to £2 15s; light porkers, £1 18s to £2 ss; medium store pigs, £1 2s to £1 Gs; smaller store pigs, 19s to £1 ,2s; large slips, 17s to 18s Gd; others, 15a to 17s; large weaners, up to 14s. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report on their sale at Morrinsville as follows:—There was a good yarding of cattlo and pigs and a small yarding of sheep. Full market rates were obtained for all classes, and a total clearance was effected. Light fat Jersey .heifers, to £5 12s: fat cows, medium quality. , £3 48 to £4 12s 6d; others. 30s to 455; ' two-year-old store heifers, £2 4s; small ditto, 30b 1o 355; potter bulls, £4 10s to £5 19s; ; smaller, £2 7s to £3 ss; good quality year- j ling- Jersey heifers, £3 Gs; medium qual- ; ity. - £2 88 to £2 *l3s; daivy heifers, close <o profit. £' 15s to £5 10s. On account of ' Mr. William Manning, who has sold his ( farm, his whole herd of 50 cows: Good cows in milk. £4 5s to £5 10s; medium ditto, £3 to £4 2s 6d; inferior cows. £2 to £2 17s Gd; springing cows, at up to £6 12s 6d; others. £4 to £5 ss: fat woolly ewes. 20s; fat woolly wethers. 275. Baconers, £2 12s to £2 18s for medium weights; heavy porkers, 37s to 455: light porkers. 24a to 28s; stores, good weaners, 15s to 18s; email ditto, 12s to 14s; eows, 35s to £3 15s. Cambridge roller, £ll 15s;' disc harrows, £9; D.F. plough. £2 Ss; sundries at late ratee.; draught geld-' ing (aged), £2B. f 11. * ' ———» TE AWAMUTU QUOTATIONS - The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports that at its Te Awamutu stock sale on Thursday a good yarding of all classes of sheep and cattle came forward. Competition for sheep was keen throughout and prices fully equal to late rates were realised. In the cattle section ox beef created keen inquiry and sold at rates on a par with late sales. There was a good inquiry for store cattlp. A good yarding of both dairy heifers and cow's sold well. A fairly heavy yarding of pigs, including many pens of go.od quality baconers. sold under keen competition at equal to and in some cases better than Frankton rates. Quotations.—Sheep: Heavy fat woolly hoggets, 2Gs'9d to 28s sd; fat woolly hoggets, 21s 3d; fat wethers, 24s to 25s 9d; fat ewes, 18s 2d; ewes and lambs', 10s 7d to 15s fid. Cattle-: Heavy fat steers, £ll Is; fat steers, £8 10s to £9; prime heifers, £7 19s; heavy fat cow's, £7 2s to £7 lis: fat cows,.'£fi 10» to £6 15s; medium. £5 10s to £0; fresh conditioned, £3 to £3 15S; stores. £2 'ss to £3; boners, to 38s; Jersey heifers, £2 12s to £2 17s; heavy potter hulls. £4 10s •to £5; lighter. £!} to £3 10s; dairy Jersey heifers, in milk, £5 to £5 17s 6d; others. £3 10s to £4 10s: springing Jersey hoifers. £5 5s to £5 17s Gd: others, £4 to £5; Jersey cows, in milk, £5 5s to £5 Ills; others, £4 to £5; springing Jersey cows, to £G ss. Pigs: Heavy baconers, £2 19s to £3 4s; medium. £2 14s to £2 18s; lighter, £2 9s to £2 18s: heavy porkers. £2 4s to £2 Ss; medium, 38s to £2 3s; light, 33s to 87s; good stores. 80s to Bss; smnller, 27s to 295; slips, 20s to 26s 6d;. weaners, 12s 6d to 19s Gd.
CATTLE AT WAINGARO The' Farmers' "Cooperative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports that at the Wain pun sale oh Thursday a medium yarninf of entile came forward, the entry comprising chiefly young cuttle.. A good attendance of Waiknto buyers was present, with keen competition throughout, and prices were fully equal to Wniitnto values. _ Two-year Hereford steers made £5 17s: mixed-colour steers, JCi 10s; yearling Red Poll steers, to £3 9s; yearling Red Poll heifers, £2 12s: yearling Polled Angus steers, £3 5s to £4 12s: yearling Hereford steers, £4 8s; yearling Hereford heifers. £2 14s to £3 Is; empty Polled Angus co\Vb, £4 8s 1o £5 12s; empty heifers. £5 to £5 2s; Polled Angus cows and heifers. £4 3s to £4 9s; mixed-colour heifers, 37s 6d to £2 17s 6d; Hereford bulls, £5 10s to £fi 7s Od: potter bulla, £2 1<» 6d to £4 7a 6d. WAINGARO SALES V [bt telegraph—OWM correspondent] HAMILTON, Friday G. W. Vercoe aid Company, Limited, report having held a stock sale at Waingaro yesterday, when the ndverliised entry came forward. Competition throughout was keen and a total clearance was effected'at rates fully equal to those which have been ruling at outside sales. Fair quality three-year-ola Hereford steors sold to £7 2s; three-year-old Rqd Polled steers, to £7; two-year-old Hereford steers, to £6: two-year-old mixed coloured steers, from £5 '6a to £0 ,7s; good quality . yearling Red Polled steers, to £4 14s; small, to £3 10a: yearling Red Polled heifers, to £3 6s; small yearling Polled Angus steers, to £3 ss; small yearling Polled Angus heifers, to £2 Gs; Polled Angus cows (in calf), to £5 foi:wnrd*conditiom?d Polled Angus cows, to £fi 4s; cows with calves (Red Polled), to £5 7s; potter bulls, to £5 2s lid. v " ... Dalgety and Company, Limited, report' luiving held their Waingairo stock Bale on Thursday, when there was u good yarding of
cattle and a small entry of sheep. There was a good attendance of buyers and practically all were sold at top market rate#. The following were the principal sales:— 175 four-tooth shorn wethers, 22s 6d; 275 two-tooth shorn wethers, 21s lid; good threeyear store conditioned steers, £6 5s to £6 15s;- 18-months steers, £4 14s; tnree-year-old Polled Angus empty heifers, £4 10s;. two-year-old Polled Angus steers, £5 13s; 15-months steers, £3 8s to £4 8s; potter bulls, £3 to £5 16s; boner cows, 37s 6d. FRANKTON DAIRY SALE [by telegraph OWN correspondent] HAMILTON, Friday G. \V. Vercoe and Company, Limited, report having held their dairy sale at J'rankton on Wednesday, when a large yarding came forward. Anything ehowing quality met with a keen demand and prntfically a total clearance was effected at rates considerably in advance of those of the previous sale. Good quality Jersey heifers, in milk, sold from £6 10s to £7 ss; others, from £5 to £G ss; poor quality, £3 10s to £4 Jss; Jersey-cross springing heifers, £4 10s to £5 15s; good quality Shorthorn cows in milk, £7 to £9 2s 6d; others, £5 10s tc £6 15s; good quality Friesian cows, in milk. £6 to £7 ss; otherr, £5 and Jersey-cross cows, in milk, £4 to £8 10s. CATTLE AND PIGS AT WAIHOU The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports that at its usual fortnightly sale at Waihou on Thursday ft good yarding of cattle came forward, the majority of the cattle pens being filled with plain, forward conditioned and store cows. Prices for these were on a par with late rates. A heavy yarding of bulls was penned, lioitcr bulls evoking keen competition. Practically no dairy cattle came forward. The yarding of fat pigs was the largest seen at Waihou this season. Competition for good Quality pigs was good and prices realised were in advance of those ruling at the last sale. Quotations;— Cattle: Medium fat cows. £5 to £G; light, £3 15s to £4 12s; plain and unfinished sorts, £3 to £3 lis; fresh conditioned store co\ys, £2 to £2 15s; boner cows, to 21s; heavy potter bulls, £5 Is to £0 18s; medium, £4 10s to £5 6s: light, £1 17s fid to £3 9s; Jersey springing dairy heifers, £4 to £6 ss; Jersey springing cows, to £5. Pigs: Prime quality baconers. £2 18s to £3 2s; medium, £2 14b to £2 17s: light. £2 10s to £2 13s; heavy porkers. £2 2s to £2 fin; medium, 3fis tq> £2; light.. 32s to 355; Urge stores, 25s fid to 28s; medium. 20s to 23s 6d; best slips, 186 to 23s 6d: poorer, 14s to 17s 6d: best weaners, 14» to 16s; Others, 7s 6d to lis. ' ' COMPETITION AT PIOPIO [by telegraph—ow?« correspondent] , TE KUITI, Friday Dalgety and Company, Limited, held its usual tri-weekly sale at Piopio yesterday, when a good yarding of sheep and cattle came forward. Sheep, particularly wethers, met with a keen demand and prices were in advance of late rates. Cattle again attracted interest. Quotations were:—Sheep: Heavy fat shorn wethers, 255; forward shorn four-tooth wethers, 23s 2d; forward .shorn two-tooth wethers, 20s lOd to 24s 9d; medium black-face two-tooths,.; 20s; good woolly twotooth wethers, 25s 3d; full-mouth ewes, with white-face lambs at foot. 30s; ewes with black-face lambs, pis. Cattle: Heavy fat cows, £5 17s 6d to £6 10s; medium, £5 to £5 7s Gd; light, £3 5s to £4 10s; forwardconditioned Jersey cows, 30s to £2; medium yearling Polled Angus steers. £4 Is; medium two-year Polled Angus and Shorthorn steers. £4'2s to £4 17s ; two-year Shorthorn steers,£4 7s; good yearling Hereford heifers. £3 4s to £3 15s; empty Polled Angus and Hereford cows, £3 16s; aged Hereford cows and calves, £4 7s: Shorthorn cows and calves, £4 ss; pood dairy heifers, £3 7s 6d; good dairy cows, £3. OTOROHANGA YARDING The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports having held its fortnightly sale at Otorohanga on Wednesday, when an average yarding of all classes of cattle came forward. The entry included . a fair proportion of fat cows, for which competition- was keen, values being fully-, on a par with late sales. Boner cows sold at slightly better than schedule rates. A medium yarding of dairy heifers and cows | was penned Competition was good for quality cattle, but poorer sorts were not keenly sought after, although thejr sold fully up to their value. A good quantity of pigs came forward, the majority being stores and weaners, which met with very spirited bidding, values being well in advance of last sale's quotations. Good stores sold exceptionally well. Quotations:—Fresh conditioned Hereford steers made £7; fat cows, £5 13s to £6; lighter, £3 10s to £4 12s; forward anu° killable cows. £2 Us to £3 8s; sound Jersey cows, 37s 6d to £2 lis; heavy boners, 35s to £2 4a; lighter, 25s to 31$; potter bulls, £4 2s 6d to £4 7e Gd; lighter, £2 Gs to £2 14s; -Jersey yearling, heifers, £2 to £2 sa. Dairy cattle: Jersey heifers in milk, £3 15s to £4 15s; others, £2 12s 6d to £3 ss; Jersey cows in milk, £3 10* to £5; poorer conditioned, £2 12s 6d to £3
Pigs: Heavy porkers, £2 3s to £2 Gsf lighter, 3Ss to £2; good stores, 30s to 375: smaller, 26s to 29s . Gd; slips, 20s to 255; Kood weaners, 15s Gd to 18s 6a; others. 12s 6d to 14s. J \ MATAWHERO VALUES [BY TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT] GISBORNE, |?riday There was an increase in the number bl stock yarded at the Matawhero ealeyards today. Practically all lota were sold under the hammer. The entry of fat sheep totalled 533. Competition was only fair. Woolly ewes made 15s to 18s 2d; shorn ewes, 12s lid to 14s lOd; light forward shorn wethers. 20s 9d. Good values were obtained for the small entry of store sheep. Woolly wether hoggets in good condition realised 19s 9d; shorn ewes good mouths and condition, breeders,; 17s 3d; shorn ewes (or fattening, 9s 7d*to lis; woolly ewes medium, lis 9d. and good. 16s 3d; shorn wethers heavy, 20s 9d;, light twotooths, 16s Id to 17s sd; shorn two-tooth ewes, good, 24s 4d; ewes with lambs, to 27s Id. . . y ■ HIGHER PRICES AT OPOTIKI [BY TELEGRAPH —OWN "CORRESPONDENTJ OPOTIKI. Friday Dalgety and Company, Limited, report having held their stock sale yesterday, when a full yarding of cattle and a moderate yarding of pigs came forward. Only two lines of shtep were penned. Practically the whole yarding was cleared at satisfactory prices, in advance of late rates. There was a full bench' of buyers and. bidding was brisk throughout. Quotations:—Fat cows, £4 to £4 7s 6d ;> good-condition cows. £2 6s to £3 12s; \ighter. 35s to £2; boner cows, to 235; three-year Holstein steers, to £5 19s; Jersey-cross springing heifers, £8 to £6; others, £2 10s to £3; pedigree Jersey bulls, sJgns to 9gnß; grade bulls, 2igns to signs; mixed sex hoggets in wool, to 25s 6d; weaner pigs, to 15s Gd; store pigs, to 25g; porkers, to £2 4s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports aa follows:—We offered a large entry of cattle and pigs, whioh met with good competition, fat cattle showing an improvement on prices ruling last month. Prices realised were:—Pigs: Weanerß,,l2s to 16s; slips, 18s to 225; light porkers, 23s Gd to. 27s 6d; sows, to £3. , Cattle: Dairy heifers, good Jersey sort? but backward, to £4 10s: others, 35s to £2 10s; dairy cows, 35s to £3; herd bulls, to £8; potters, 30s to £8; fat cows, £4 to £5 IBs; killablo cows, £3 to £8 '108; good forward cows, to £3; boners. 12s 6d to 30s; three-year Shorthorn steers, to £<! ss; yearling Shorthorn heifers, to 355.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22262, 9 November 1935, Page 11
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3,042COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22262, 9 November 1935, Page 11
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