Sir, —In your issue of May 2 Mr. Swinnock states that he was amused by my contention that white flour was in use in the Biblical days, and that before the roller system of grinding, only wholemeal was used. Apparently Mr. Swinnock does not realise t'fat white flour, equal to that in use to-day, was made before present system of grinding came into use. The present pr.ocess has been in use for less than 50 years. I am 81 years of age, and white flour has always-been used in my household and in my father's house. The mills in Auckland before the roller mills were Partington's Windmill in Symonds Street, Thornton Smith and Firth, Queen Street (about where Winstone's Building is situated), John Lamb's mill at Riverhead, Motion's mill near Western Springs, and Thomas' mill at Avondale. All these mills produced both wholemeal and white flour, and white flour equal to that of to-day.
Allan O'Neill
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22102, 7 May 1935, Page 15
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22102, 7 May 1935, Page 15
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