The fortnightly meeting of the Women's Luncheon Club was held .yesterday in the Mecca Cafe, the president, Mrs. K. O'lialloran, presiding over a good attendance of members. The speaker on this occasion was Mrs. J. Masson, whose subject was " Life in China." In a very interesting manner the speaker told of the widespread desire of the Chinese for education —the poorer seeking it in their own land, and the wealthier seeking it abroad, chiell.v in America. Life in Shanghai and in Hongkong was touched upon, and Mrs. Masson emphasised in her talk the more cordial relations that were springing up between the Chinese and the foreigners. 1 She also told of the development that was taking place of a common language in this great country and read some interesting poems _ dating back to the fourth century. Mrs. Magill thanked Mrs. Masson for her address.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 5
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 5
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