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SALES BY AUCTION jgUCKLAND & gONS. LTD., JJELENSVILLE QALEYARDS. rjUTESDAY, 9g AT 11.30 A.M. Qnn PIGS: PORKERS. BACONERS, OUU STORES AND WEANERS. •T A HEAD CATTLE. ' Entries Solicited. Also at 11 A.M. Sharp: At the Residence. Springs Road, in the Estate of the late Mrs. J. W. Wakelin, THE WHOLE OF THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. T t r U M EU. A PRIL 24, AT 12 NOON. ALFRED BUCK LAND AND SON'S. LTD., Ilavo received Instructions from Mil. \\. PETFORD. Kumeu. to sell as above. rjUIE OF THE AND gTOCK. 01 CHOICE JERSEY COWS, mostly —1 2nd and 3rd calvers, due to calve June and July. 2 JERSEY HEIFERS, due to cnlve Aug--1 REG? 1 FED. JERSEY BULL, Strathview Fox, pedigree nt sale. 5 PICKED HEIFER CALVES. 40 P.B. WHITE LEGHORN HENS. 3 STACKS HAY. „ , 1 9-stnr Drill and Cultivator. 48gal, AlfnLaval Separator, Vat and Buckets, Cor. Iron, Farm Tools, etc. Household Furniture and Sundries. Luncheon Provided. -yycUUKU. fpUESDAY, 30, 1 AT 12 NOON. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. LTD., Have received instructions from MK. d. D. THOMSON. Racecourse .Road, Waiuku, who is retiring from dairying owing to ill-1 iiealth. to sell as above, ' THE WHOLE OF THE LIVE AND DEAD i STOCK. „ I on CHOICE JERSEY COWS (10 Reg., OU Ped. Jerseys), duo to calve May | 5 IN-CALF"" JERSEY HEIFERS (3! Kcir Pfd.). 5 YEARLING JERSEY HEIFER; 1 3-yr.-old S ' reg. PED. JERSEY j 1 YEARUXG REG, PED. JERSEY | ? EiSSi whit! loabJ 1 1 MEDIUJI DRAUGHT GELDING, ill j 1 3-COW GANE MILKING MACHINE, Skim Milk Pump. H hp. Motor, An d er " son's Speed Reducing Gear, 90-gal. Alfa , Laval Ball-bearing Separator, Electric Hot . Water Heater, Milk Vat, 5 G-gal. Cream 1 Ca i nS 2-HORSE HORNSBY MOWER (new), Plough, Topdresser, Chain and Tripod Warrows, Dandy Sweep, Spring Cart, Sledge, Swingletrees, Chains, Horse Collars. 300 BALES HAY, 450 ft. fin. Gal. Piping, 30 Fowls, Sundries, etc NOTE.—This 50-acre farm produced over IO.OOOLb. butter-fat la3t season and also carried all young stock. The herd hasi a tirst-class record, is well constituted, in good condition and can be thoroughly recommended. Luncheon Provided. "yyESTFIELD g TORE g TOCK § ALE ' Owing to Ansae Day falling on Thursday, the 25th instant, the usual Weekly Store Stock Sale is Postponed to FRIDAY, -uth instant. A jgUCKLAND & S ONS ' L TD ' T>ALGETY <fc QOMPANY, J^IMITED. TN Z L OAN A:S ~ D M ,ERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY. LTD. JQ ALGETY AND 00., J^TD. NOTICE TO BUYERS.— Buyers are notified that delivery will only bu given for CASH unless arrangements have been made previously with the Management. rpUAKAU gTOCK gALE. rpUESDAY, (Please Note Alteration to Date of Sale.) -< AA HEAD OF CATTLE. J_UV7 Including: 15 P.A. AND HEREFORD COWS, r.w. P.A. Bull. 15 DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS. 20 HEAD BEEF. 30 HEAD MIXED CATTLE. AND C°.. L TD. (Incorporated in England.) EDUCATIONAL Your passport to prosperity. There is one passport—and one only—that will give you entry to the highlypaid classes in the business world. accountancy QUALIFICATION is of such vitr.l importance that you cannot afford to risk failure—to experiment with inefficient, unproved coaching. Enrol with Hemingway's, the school that guarantees to coach you until you pass (for the one eet fee) independent of the time taken. For over 37 years, Hemingway's have led the field in Accountancy tuition. Successful Hemingway's students outnumber all others. Free Book—'"ACCOUNTANCY." Write to-day for your copy to "P|" EMINGWAY'S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, P.O. Box 51G, Auckland. ASHCROFT, 17 Ladies' Mile. Remuera.— Coaching, Matriculation, Book-keeping, General Education: full time nr part; moderate A SHLEIGH Coaching College. N.Z. Insurance Bldgs. Established 1918.—Matriculation, General Education; moderate fees. —Ed. Ashby (Principal). CORRESPONDENCE Coaching College Kj (Principal, T U. Wells. M.A.).-All Examinations. Prospectus —Box 1414, Auckland. EXPRESSIVE English, German, French. Latin. Greek.—lndividual tuition by linguist; personal matriculation coaching.— j Druleish College. COMMERCIAL COLLEGES mm •HORTHAND-TYPISTS Certificated. THERE IS STILL A SHORTAGE. Join Our Speed Classes. BRAIN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Limited, N.Z. Insurance Bldg., Queen Street. DANCING (CHILDREN'S Tap Dancing Classes, Sat / urday Mornings. Is.—Ruby SlierrifT, H.R Bldgs.. Newton. EDNEY'S Modern Dance Studio.—Private Lessons Daily, Clasr.cs Weekly. Rumba. I Tango.—Studio, 5 Swanson St. Phone 41-615 VIOLET ROBERTSON Studio.—Modern Ballroom, Tap, Operatic. Old-time Dane- | ing. Lessons, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.. Is Rd i lesson. —Second Floor, Queen's Arcade. ALL Private Lessons, 2s Gd. Ballroom. jl\ Tap. Postal Course. ss.—Ruby SlierrifT n.B Bides. Karangahape Rd TEACHERS OF MUSIC Lillian braithwatte. 1.a.b.. Voice Production, Piano, Harmony.—233 JerJU Production, Piano, Harmony.—233 .Tervois Rd., Heme Bay. TEACHERS OF ELOCUTION JTLOCUTIONTSTSI Typed Recitals, Latest 1 Dramatic, HumoroUß. Child Poems, ob tainnble from Helen Griffiths. Teacher. Onstlebur Hotel PROFESSIONAL NOTICES JE. DOWNES. Reg. Masseur, Medical • Electro, Rheumatic. Nervous Troubles treated successfully; consultations free; evenings by appointment.—44-0(53. Lower Symonds St. MEULI. P.—Endocrinologist, Specialises Gland Treatment, Backward, Nervous, Weakly, 111-nourished Children; Mental, Nerve Gland Disorders.—Southern Cross Bldgs., Chancery St.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 4
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797Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 4
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.